10/6/2016 3:33:03 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Austin, TX
83, joined Jul. 2014
Today a Hispanic guy hit my car. He had no insurance, no driver license. He took off before the police came.
Maybe trump has something. Some foreigners cause damage, get the owners in expense and they don't give a darn 
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10/6/2016 3:34:29 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Austin, TX
83, joined Jul. 2014
Posted to the wrong forum.
10/6/2016 4:23:50 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Bat Cave, NC
98, joined Jun. 2013
How do you know he had no license and insurance?
10/6/2016 5:02:52 PM |
Taking a look at trump |


Fort Payne, AL
62, joined Apr. 2011
Its a shame that living over 60 years didn't give you the wisdom and insight to see the writing on the wall, and that it took this experience to see beyond the finger pointing at the moon.
but...its better late than never.
But for the record, there are some Americans, just as irresponsible and uncaring about others.
I'll leave it at that, instead if writing a wall of text about the truth to all of this.
But I will say this...I've heard countless stories just as you described here.
[Edited 10/6/2016 5:03:36 PM ]
10/6/2016 6:16:04 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Austin, TX
83, joined Jul. 2014
How do you know he had no license and insurance?
He told me so. Police ran license plate and no license.
10/6/2016 6:26:20 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Bat Cave, NC
98, joined Jun. 2013
He told me so. Police ran license plate and no license.
You're lying. You cant run a license plate and determine if there is a license.
[Edited 10/6/2016 6:26:54 PM ]
10/6/2016 6:56:11 PM |
Taking a look at trump |


Fort Payne, AL
62, joined Apr. 2011
Sure you can...when you run the plate, its tied into a registration and title, with that you get their name, address, rank and serial number and all those other particulars.
With a computer this can be done very quickly too.
Besides common street sense says, that if he had a license and insurance...then there would be no reason to run...
[Edited 10/6/2016 6:57:27 PM ]
10/6/2016 8:18:07 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Austin, TX
83, joined Jul. 2014
How do you know he had no license and insurance?
He told me so. Police ran license plate and no license.
10/6/2016 8:23:43 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Austin, TX
83, joined Jul. 2014
Yeah turning my attention to trump. He talk about these stuff.
10/6/2016 8:32:07 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

New Port Richey, FL
82, joined Aug. 2013
You're lying. You cant run a license plate and determine if there is a license.
Where the hell are you from?
You certainly can!
Do I need to draw you a picture?
10/6/2016 9:05:32 PM |
Taking a look at trump |


Springfield, VA
64, joined Sep. 2009
Okay... and you are claiming that the police told you that this guy who "looked hispanic" was verified to be an illegal alien who would have surely stayed in Mexico, if only there had been a huge expensive wall of some kind along the American-Mexican border?
I call "latent prejudice, turned into vengeful excuse by misfortune" on this.
But good luck with the fantasy that this would never happen again if Trump is elected.
10/7/2016 5:09:02 AM |
Taking a look at trump |


Fort Payne, AL
62, joined Apr. 2011
Test...she has eyes...I think she could see if he was Hispanic or not.
and, running a make on plate gives the name and other particulars..
Meaning if the name was Roberto Dominguez Rodriguez...I think its safe to assume, he wasn't Chinese...
Maybe those strong work ethics and responsibility due to necessity and a little street wisdom, and not being a leave it to beaver whitey...really can make a difference after all.
I don't think she was implying Trump would solve it all...but that he is on the right track.
and I'm sure if millions of Mexicans were taking all the College Boy jobs...you'd be singing a different tune.
[Edited 10/7/2016 5:11:13 AM ]
10/7/2016 7:12:09 AM |
Taking a look at trump |

Beverly Hills, CA
47, joined Sep. 2016
Today a Hispanic guy hit my car. He had no insurance, no driver license. He took off before the police came.
Maybe trump has something. Some foreigners cause damage, get the owners in expense and they don't give a darn 
How do you know he was a foreigner? You do know plenty of Hispanics are actually born here...right?
[Edited 10/7/2016 7:12:55 AM ]
10/7/2016 7:14:35 AM |
Taking a look at trump |

Baltimore, MD
55, joined Apr. 2014
I have yet to hear exactly what jobs anyone "lost" to people who lacked legal documentation to work here.
I'll keep waiting. I brought snacks.
10/7/2016 7:33:46 AM |
Taking a look at trump |

Baltimore, MD
55, joined Apr. 2014

Are they hispanic or asian?
10/7/2016 7:43:13 AM |
Taking a look at trump |

Beverly Hills, CA
47, joined Sep. 2016
I have yet to hear exactly what jobs anyone "lost" to people who lacked legal documentation to work here.
I'll keep waiting. I brought snacks.
Well a couple of years ago we hired an illegal as an assembler...so there's one.
There was a woman on NPR this morning talking about how she'd hired a company to replace her roof and all the workers were suspected illegals as none of them could speak English and when she asked for foreman if they were he wouldn't answer.
There is a "day labor" site near where I live that is occupied by local illegals.
Presumably all this work would have been done by a legal had illegal labor not been available.
10/7/2016 8:00:01 AM |
Taking a look at trump |

Baltimore, MD
55, joined Apr. 2014
Well a couple of years ago we hired an illegal as an assembler...so there's one.
There was a woman on NPR this morning talking about how she'd hired a company to replace her roof and all the workers were suspected illegals as none of them could speak English and when she asked for foreman if they were he wouldn't answer.
typical story..if she is that concerned about the "imigrant" situation", why did she hire them? She forfeits her right to complain when she supports the problem
There is a "day labor" site near where I live that is occupied by local illegals.
not exactly the dream job that a blue collar worker is seeking. How is that keeping them from pursuing their career?
Presumably all this work would have been done by a legal had illegal labor not been available.
no doubt, and it would cost the consumer a lot more because they we won't do it so cheaply
There are many many many checks in place to help an employer avoid hiring undocumented workers. While some will slip through the cracks even if the employer is playing by the rules, the numbers are insufficient to support the number of unemployed claiming that is the reason why they are unable to find work.
[Edited 10/7/2016 8:03:41 AM ]
10/7/2016 10:02:46 AM |
Taking a look at trump |


Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
A WOMAN rear ended me the other day which shoved me into the car ahead of me. She had insurance, I'll find out today if it's any good. She cooperated. She got a TICKET for DISTRACTED DRIVING, will pay a $135 fine and have at least two claims against her insurance. (Don't know if Trump owns them) Her agent will take care of her at renewal time.
Question. Surely if Trump is elected then the USA will be no more!!!! Won't he have Congress change it to the UST? United States of Trump.
10/7/2016 10:13:44 AM |
Taking a look at trump |

Bat Cave, NC
98, joined Jun. 2013
Where the hell are you from?
You certainly can!
Do I need to draw you a picture?
No. You can't. The license of a driver has nothing to do with the license plate on the vehicle. DERP
10/7/2016 11:00:57 AM |
Taking a look at trump |

Lucerne, CA
64, joined Oct. 2010
U.S. CODE: Hillary R. Clinton is disqualified from holding any office in the United States
Sometimes the hard truth appears in the funniest places … like a Law Library.

Interesting read! Wonder how many people are aware. Word for word from the Cornell Law Library – RE: Hillary R. Clinton’s personal email and home-based server
Apparently, the FBI forgot to visit the Cornell Law Library. Word for word from the Cornell Law Library, Former United States Attorney General Michael Mukasey tells MSNBC that not only is Hillary Clinton’s private email server illegal, it “disqualifies” her from holding any federal office. Very specifically points to one federal law, Title 18. Section 2071.
For those of us who do not have United States Code[1] committed to memory, here’s exactly what it says:
“(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.”
Source: 18 U.S. Code § 2071 – Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally
Yes, it explicitly states “shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”
Shouldn’t voters know that? The media won’t tell them. So it’s up to us.
Can you help hold Hillary accountable?
Pass this on, please.
[1] U.S. Code: The Code of Laws of the United States of America[1] (variously abbreviated to Code of Laws of the United States, United States Code, U.S. Code, or U.S.C.) is the official compilation and codification of the general and permanent federal statutes of the United States.

10/7/2016 7:08:33 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Austin, TX
83, joined Jul. 2014
I have yet to hear exactly what jobs anyone "lost" to people who lacked legal documentation to work here.
I'll keep waiting. I brought snacks.
Hear are some known facts: Some employers advertise "English/Spanish" only applicants. I have seen two employees let go and these people were hired in their jobs. There were given training to do the job and later i found that the employer applied (sponsor) job permits for them to work in the USA.
These things are happening in the work place. It is not just the planters and harvesters wet backs but in the blue colour jobs. 
10/7/2016 9:00:33 PM |
Taking a look at trump |


Fort Payne, AL
62, joined Apr. 2011
I have yet to hear exactly what jobs anyone "lost" to people who lacked legal documentation to work here.
I'll keep waiting. I brought snacks.
That's simple...but I'll give you even more.
You have what's known as the job to worker ratio. If its relatively balanced there is work for everyone and at decent pay. If there are more jobs than people, the pay is even better, because companies have to compete to get workers, If its more people than jobs, then you can pay less, then raise the prices of things and make a heftier profit, plus your quarterly earnings go up, then investors pour more money into your stocks, giving you even more money.
So...If the powers that really be, tell their partners in crime to set it up to let millions from elsewhere in to join the work force, then the last example I gave becomes true...seen any prices going up? even though, that's not the only reason for that....Plus these partners in crime put up a safeguard to have any complainers seem like racist by those blind enough to not see what's going on...or don't care.
Next...if someone doesn't have documentation to work here, and has no other recourse, then they will do migrant type work, and yes, at below the minimum wage...even though that's suppose to be not legal....If it weren't for that...then it would pay at least minimum wage, and there are Americans where jobs are still scarce, especially in farming area's where they would do that work for that pay, because there is nothing else due to the economy....Americans have to do everything legally, so they can't live on 5 bucks an hour.
Moving on...Many politicians and the news claims they are taking jobs Americans won't do anymore as their themes. Politicians tell the truth? and the news can lie as much they want, and that's backed by the Constitution.
Here, when the nafta came to being, they came in and worked where the Americans had been working for years and still were.....so, so much for that theme huh???
I did hear of long term American workers who worked for years, decades at some of these plants being let go for Mexican replacements, but these Americans were excellent workers...
I'm not sure completely why...but these people had a common denominator of not being that far away from retiring with company benefits....Plus...If a person has the docs to work, but is not a legal U.S. citizen...they don't have Federal taxes taken out and yes, they take a lot more home, than the American getting the same pay per hour.
So...that's a lot less paperwork a company has to deal with, plus all the red tape from it...resulting in more profits.
I could go on and on....but that's a start anyway.
and keep this in mind, the American Indian, didn't have a problem, when a certain amount of settles came in....Their beef was when they came in by the millions....and we glorify them for trying to protect what was theirs.
Granted many from different lands came in way in the past by the millions too.... but that was then, this is now....we don't have that much room anymore....too many people as it is...the more that come in, the higher the prices of homes and etc....because of the obvious math...so is that what we are going to leave our grand children?
Plus, they are not just taking our jobs, but taking over some states already.
and no people from any country would be happy to see their country taken over by someone else...and few are stupid enough to pay for it, by not having more kids than they can afford, these days as in 2 kids on average, then subsidizing them to have 5 and 8 kids to or multiply us.
That's as dumb as it gets...and we are silenced to say anything or be called racist...and that sounds like what happens in a Dictatorship like ww11 Russia or Germany.
[Edited 10/7/2016 9:03:05 PM ]
10/7/2016 9:21:00 PM |
Taking a look at trump |


Fort Payne, AL
62, joined Apr. 2011
Another angle: jobs going over sea's.
After the Nafta was passed and the Mexicans rolled in here....those mills I referred to...Started moving to Central America....now, most of them are gone, and they were the mainstay of this area...enough so, that we got thru the little recession of the late 80's without a hitch, because those mill provided an entity within the area, not effected by the outside world...because it was a have to have product.
Plus, they paid well for the cost of living here, so that a non College person could make a pretty good living....and other places had to pay a little higher or lose their workers.
They are gone now...and mostly service jobs left....and only retired people moving in...and now those Mexican that worked there too...have mixed in with the crowd for what's left, making an even worse job to person ratio...meaning enough people here are making no more than they did in 1999, but paying prices for goods that have multiplied 10 times over in some cases...Many small independent places was gone under, not enough sales.,..resulting in even less jobs now.
And this is happening in many places in the country where manufacturing was the mainstay, but no more.
Now...why have many companies left? Because the Nafta was the final nail in the coffin to reduce enough cost for business to relocate and make the desired profit.
There's more: American workers not always being productive enough in some area's....Too many regulations put on Business's that don't have to be there. Too high of taxes put on Business's and all these lawsuits that don't have merit.
In other countries, business can still get great workers, and avoid all those useless, regulations and high taxes...and no lawsuits for a minor scratch..
[Edited 10/7/2016 9:22:18 PM ]
10/7/2016 9:41:48 PM |
Taking a look at trump |


Fort Payne, AL
62, joined Apr. 2011
now...Lets examine this: taken from the above:
""""There's more: American workers not always being productive enough in some area's....Too many regulations put on Business's that don't have to be there. Too high of taxes put on Business's and all these lawsuits that don't have merit."""
American workers not productive enough: I agree, it takes 3 people now, to do what we did back in the day with one worker .........What happened.?
The quota System for one thing. Back in 1973 when I was a leave it to beaver whitey, I asked my employer, ( in an accusing way) why didn't they hire blacks??? He responded with, We did, several times, but they didn't work good, and we weren't around, they hardly worked at all...and too many things came up missing...so we were forced to stop hiring them....now, I'm not suggesting this was always that where everywhere, all the time...but I could tell that man was telling the truth.
So...we have people hired, no only not qualified, but they know that system got them there, so its harder to get fired, because the G-man is watching...and they regulate your business taxes...some of these quota people get promoted to fill what the G-man wants.....and shouldn't have been, because they didn't earn it.
So...these other people who work there, who were lead to believe, you better do your job right or get fired...and the best worker gets that promotion.
Well..with this going on...are they going to continue to work that hard????....nope, and the kids see workers like this, and that's how they work when they get a job...and companies move to where people work like we use to.
Which party pressed this quota system??? The Liberal party.
Which party claims to be the environmental Guru's putting all these regulations and non needed safety over regulations on business ??????????
The Liberal Party.
Which party cries for higher taxes on Business???
the Liberal Party.
Which party instituted all this popularity in Lawsuits that cost not only what it cost to pay up, but a staff a lawyers keeping up with all of this, that effects their profits, to where in turn they raise their prices to compensate...further hurting the little guy.???
The Liberal Party.
Which party is selling out the American people to the highest bidder....
Mostly, the Liberal party.
Why is that one percent going after one of their own to make him look bad by financing the bad press....because he wants to reverse some of these problems of the American people....and THAT will cut into "their " Profits.
He's no Liberal
Is this totally up to enough information now????
[Edited 10/7/2016 9:43:22 PM ]
10/7/2016 9:45:05 PM |
Taking a look at trump |


Fort Payne, AL
62, joined Apr. 2011
I think I'm done for a while...I'm going to watch the game.
Go Cubs.!!!!
10/7/2016 10:04:08 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Baltimore, MD
55, joined Apr. 2014
Just wow...apparently the kool aid is a fav around here.
[Edited 10/7/2016 10:04:50 PM ]
10/8/2016 6:17:25 AM |
Taking a look at trump |


Fort Payne, AL
62, joined Apr. 2011
My info. is undisputable facts.
That didn't come from google, the news, isis, either party...anything like that.
Observation and research to the actual sources, like companies and etc.
Many Americans have observed the same things.
That's why what starting out what seemed like a joke or publicity stunt as far as Trump, caused him to defeat all the Reps and being neck to neck in the race.
Real Americans are tired of this shit.
10/8/2016 7:28:12 AM |
Taking a look at trump |

Baltimore, MD
55, joined Apr. 2014
You are entitled to your views and have the right to express them. Being right or wrong has nothing to do with being an American.
10/8/2016 8:05:07 AM |
Taking a look at trump |

Punxsutawney, PA
54, joined Oct. 2013
Surely no one actually believes Trump when he says that no one has more respect for women than he does.
10/8/2016 11:57:27 AM |
Taking a look at trump |


Springfield, VA
64, joined Sep. 2009
Test...she has eyes...I think she could see if he was Hispanic or not.
and, running a make on plate gives the name and other particulars..
Meaning if the name was Roberto Dominguez Rodriguez...I think its safe to assume, he wasn't Chinese...
Maybe those strong work ethics and responsibility due to necessity and a little street wisdom, and not being a leave it to beaver whitey...really can make a difference after all.
I don't think she was implying Trump would solve it all...but that he is on the right track.
and I'm sure if millions of Mexicans were taking all the College Boy jobs...you'd be singing a different tune.
Hey. I'm going by actual FACTS presented, not by ASSUMPTIONS. Looking Hispanic isn't enough to say he was. No evidence was presented to show that he was an illegal, THAT was assumed as well. Hence MY suggestion that some prejudice was involved, since prejudice is required, for people to decide something is a fact, when they have no evidence.
I also liked Trumps' first proposal way back at the beginning of his campaign, not for the wall (that's fantasy nonsense, especially his claim that he will force Mexico to build it or pay for it), but for the expansion of the INS and additional punishments of businesses who hire illegals, that he mentioned early on, and then dropped.
I support all LOGICAL solutions, and no ILLOGICAL ones. It is ILLOGICAL to assume that no one will hit your car and run away, because a wall is built between Mexico and the US, no matter who pays for it. I know, I've had to deal with many times having my car hit and then had the person leave, and so far (as chance would have it) the miscreant was not Mexican.
In addition, it is false to continue to support the right wing Republican propaganda, that all regulations of business are due to mindless catering to imaginary victims of white prejudice by "liberals." At least half or more, are due to CORPORATIONS and their supporters, calling for regulations to protect them from OTHER corporations.
The fact that a given regulation is badly written, does NOT prove that no regulation at all was needed, or that simply removing it will improve the world.
10/8/2016 8:24:16 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Grand Rapids, MI
45, joined Nov. 2012

Are they hispanic or asian?
Asian for sure .
10/8/2016 11:15:49 PM |
Taking a look at trump |


Mishawaka, IN
66, joined Dec. 2010
Okay... and you are claiming that the police told you that this guy who "looked hispanic" was verified to be an illegal alien who would have surely stayed in Mexico, if only there had been a huge expensive wall of some kind along the American-Mexican border?
I call "latent prejudice, turned into vengeful excuse by misfortune" on this.
But good luck with the fantasy that this would never happen again if Trump is elected.
Right. If Hilary is elected she'll have to pay to have his car repaired.
10/8/2016 11:52:24 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Surely no one actually believes Trump when he says that no one has more respect for women than he does.
Trump believes it. You lose. 
10/9/2016 1:37:58 AM |
Taking a look at trump |


Pinon Hills, CA
46, joined Sep. 2011
I like blueberry muffins.
10/9/2016 9:48:05 AM |
Taking a look at trump |

Lucerne, CA
64, joined Oct. 2010
(Op Ed: Hillary says she is RICH now and is one of the Rich Creepy Old People like Bush the Worst ... so she has a Public and Private Positon in Politics.
In Private she has lung cancer .. in Public she has an allergy and later pneumonia bug no big deal.
It is just Politics ... like sausage is being made is unsavory if the private was know to the public they would hate me.
So folks ... Dump McCain and Dump Speaker Ryan ... put in Congress who can help Trump get the country back on the right track.
Everyone hates Trump .. and really wants Bush the Worst in the Casablanca.
That can't be done cause the Republican Base won't have it ... so put in the Taco Sauce licker of the swartzn**ger.
Oh yeah .. Ah-Nold 'Taco Sauce' Swartzn**ger says he voting for Hillary along with the Bush family.
He burns people alive you know ...
sumbuddie wear blind sea
Published on Oct 7, 2016
TYT Politics Reporter Jordan Chariton (https://twitter.com/JordanChariton) did a Facebook Live report on WikiLeaks' latest dump of emails. Hillary Clinton's campaign chairmain, John Podesta, had his email account hacked, and the results revealed a variety of troubling things for the Clinton campaign. The leaks included her much anticipated and discussed Wall Street transcripts, as well as emails that shed a light on her attitudes towards progressivism.
For more, subscribe to TYT Politics: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuMo...
10/9/2016 11:02:55 AM |
Taking a look at trump |


Gwynn Oak, MD
50, joined Jun. 2014
Sure you can...when you run the plate, its tied into a registration and title, with that you get their name, address, rank and serial number and all those other particulars.
With a computer this can be done very quickly too.
Besides common street sense says, that if he had a license and insurance...then there would be no reason to run...
NOT true Bee. 
1. What if the car isn't registered to the driver?
2. What if the car isn't registered AT ALL?
And what other reasons would someone run if they had a license and insurance? Let's see there's....
1. Could a been driving drunk.
2. Could a been high or had drugs on him.
3. Could a had warrants.
4. Or maybe a firearm.
I watch "Cops" all the time. 
10/9/2016 11:12:32 AM |
Taking a look at trump |


Gwynn Oak, MD
50, joined Jun. 2014
Yeah turning my attention to trump. He talk about these stuff.
Are you serious? You're turning your attention towards trump bcuz he's racist against Hispanics and one of them hit your car?
So are you gonna start now licking coochie bcuz it was man and Hillary is all about empowering women?
Are you planning to vote for ANY candidates based on your bad experiences and how they match up with the candidates prejudices?
Trump also have no respect for women either so are you planning on turning your attention away from yourself as well? 
10/9/2016 11:27:03 AM |
Taking a look at trump |


Gwynn Oak, MD
50, joined Jun. 2014
How do you know he was a foreigner? You do know plenty of Hispanics are actually born here...right?
Who's to say he was an illegal? How could that be PROVEN by an accident?
Who's to say the car he was driving was even his and not a relatives, stolen or just not registered?
And who's to say if Trump is elected his primary mission in office will be to chase down Mexicans who have accident?
Or his being in office will make Mexicans better and more responsible drivers?
Do anybody else see the craziness in this?
10/9/2016 3:43:19 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Twin Falls, ID
50, joined Jul. 2012
Are you serious? You're turning your attention towards trump bcuz he's racist against Hispanics and one of them hit your car?
So are you gonna start now licking coochie bcuz it was man and Hillary is all about empowering women?
Are you planning to vote for ANY candidates based on your bad experiences and how they match up with the candidates prejudices?
Trump also have no respect for women either so are you planning on turning your attention away from yourself as well? 
That's funny shit you have no respect for women the way you post in the forums what woman next are you going to call a "stinky moose or a c*nt or a wh*re"
10/9/2016 4:00:24 PM |
Taking a look at trump |


Gwynn Oak, MD
50, joined Jun. 2014
Well a couple of years ago we hired an illegal as an assembler...so there's one.
There was a woman on NPR this morning talking about how she'd hired a company to replace her roof and all the workers were suspected illegals as none of them could speak English and when she asked for foreman if they were he wouldn't answer.
There is a "day labor" site near where I live that is occupied by local illegals.
Presumably all this work would have been done by a legal had illegal labor not been available.
This is the honest TRUTH!
I've had many ppl do contracting work for me in and around my house including Mexicans. Now I don't know if they're illegal or not bcuz I CARED NOTHING about their citizenship when I need sh*t done. I see them hanging out in front of Home Depot and Lowe's looking for work.
They did better work than everybody else. Beat everybody else's prices by 100's and 1000's. They do same day work, never take a break, get done QUICK and gone. Black guys procrastinate, take days to finish, wanna get money from you before finishing THEN BLAME YOU when they don't finish by saying it's your fault.
White guys try to get yellow pages prices out of you like they want you to pay for their yacht or something. So if I had to choose the Mexicans will win every time over other contractors. 
WTF does it matter if they're legal or not? If this country wasn't so F**KED UP toward its own citizens then Mexicans couldn't come here and take our jobs. 
10/9/2016 5:04:37 PM |
Taking a look at trump |


Gwynn Oak, MD
50, joined Jun. 2014
Surely no one actually believes Trump when he says that no one has more respect for women than he does.
To be perfectly honest with you.... I've heard his views on women in this country and I agree 100,000%
I don't do politics so I wouldn't give a rats a** about his political views, ambitions and aspirations. It's all bullshit anyway. The president has already been decided.
But this country has pretty much set the standard that women are to be worshipped as Goddesses the same way THEY worship gov't as THEIR God.
Trump and a handful of others said F**K THAT SHIT! They either "make themselves worthy" of my respect or F**K EM! And I agree totally. 
10/9/2016 7:55:18 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Baltimore, MD
55, joined Apr. 2014
Asian for sure .
Nope. All Mexican.
10/10/2016 7:22:22 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Twin Falls, ID
50, joined Jul. 2012
That's funny shit you have no respect for women the way you post in the forums   what woman next are you going to call a "stinky moose or a c*nt or a wh*re" 
You don't even see that your the same as Trump what a pathetic LOSER you are
10/10/2016 7:42:47 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
He had no license or insurance?
What did he hit your car with?
Was he driving a/the car?
Was it his car?
10/10/2016 7:48:15 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Austin, TX
83, joined Jul. 2014
I will keep you all posted.
I did my own detective work....the vehicle is still on the road and i know where it is park at night.
Yeah!!!!!sometimes you have to help the police if you want result from irresponsible people who hit and run.
I'll see how the police will handle this guy.
One already told me that the Law does not give them much power to do much. 
10/10/2016 11:15:44 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Lucerne, CA
64, joined Oct. 2010
I will keep you all posted.
I did my own detective work....the vehicle is still on the road and i know where it is park at night.
Yeah!!!!!sometimes you have to help the police if you want result from irresponsible people who hit and run.
I'll see how the police will handle this guy.
One already told me that the Law does not give them much power to do much. 
you need the video or the DNA evidence on the blue dress ... even then it is spin time.
Extreme Carelessness is not a crime ... to some people.
10/11/2016 2:46:13 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Fort Collins, CO
52, joined Aug. 2014
Today a Hispanic guy hit my car. He had no insurance, no driver license. He took off before the police came.
Maybe trump has something. Some foreigners cause damage, get the owners in expense and they don't give a darn 
Wanna bet??? he had Obama Care, tho.
[Edited 10/11/2016 2:46:32 PM ]
10/13/2016 10:04:19 AM |
Taking a look at trump |

Lucerne, CA
64, joined Oct. 2010
Yeah they gave the n**ger in the Casablanca a peace prize on his first day in office. Foreigner from Kenya overthrew the USA peacefully!
I just found out Trump has a Tongue as hard as a baseball bat ... forces it down throats .. no way to stop it.
No fighting it off .. no biting is down ... nothing to do except accept the baseball bat.
I understand such things .. I used to play base ball ...
only way to stop it is with a bigger base ball bat.
In the Castro Street they pull such things out of their ass.
It is a Catholic thing.
sumbuddie wear blind sea
10/15/2016 10:19:38 AM |
Taking a look at trump |


Fort Payne, AL
62, joined Apr. 2011
^^^^^^^Its funny...but Patton was the same way.
and look at what all he did for this country.
and like Trump, he stated a few things...he had to retract...and take a beating for.
but...I'll take men like that in charge any day of the week.
10/15/2016 11:31:31 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Chantilly, VA
46, joined Jan. 2014
Nope. All Mexican.
Who are you trying to fool?
Everybody can tell they are Asians.
And the picture looks doctored, it looks fixed to make fun of their eyes. I feel more safe around them than I would feel next to a group of 5 Hispanic kids, or 5 black kids. At least the Asian people won't be robbing you.
If you look at the picture you can see that the area around their eyes are cut & paste to intentionally make fun of them. The picture doesn't look natural, it looks like it was intentionally fixed to make fun of the Asian group.
I get scared if I am stuck inside the elevator with a Hispanic or black person even if it's only a 12 year old kid. I would be praying inside my head that they won't hurt me or try to snatch my purse. You can tell when someone is Hispanic from their facial features. Chula, nawty & Mizzangeleyez look like Hispanic because they have Hispanic features.
[Edited 10/15/2016 11:33:56 PM ]
10/15/2016 11:33:42 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Bat Cave, NC
98, joined Jun. 2013
Who are you trying to fool?
Everybody can tell they are Asians.
And the picture looks doctored, it looks fixed to make fun of their eyes. I feel more safe around them than I would feel next to a group of 5 Hispanic kids, or 5 black kids. At least the Asian people won't be robbing you.
If you look at the picture you can see that the area around their eyes are cut & paste to intentionally make fun of them. The picture doesn't look natural, it looks like it was intentionally fixed to make fun of the Asian group.
I get scared if I am stuck inside the elevator with a Hispanic or black person even if it's only a 12 year old kid. I would be praying inside my head that they won't hurt me or try to snatch my purse.

10/15/2016 11:49:07 PM |
Taking a look at trump |

Chantilly, VA
46, joined Jan. 2014
This is why I am scared of Hispanic people. They attacked me on the train trying to snatch my purse when I lived in New York City. Lots & lots of Hispanic that are illegal aliens live in New York City. They live in big city to find work.
Do you know the knock out game? A black or Hispanic guy would come up to you, pretending he is just passing by you, then he punch you really really hard with all of his might. Most of the victims would fall down & hit their heads on the ground. They would sucker punch when you least expect it, & you don't know it's coming. So you can't defend yourself. Most of the victims are white male ranging from 15 to 70 years old. The victims reported these incidents to the police. These kinds of incidents are still going on today. It happened to a lot of white men living in New York City & New Jersey.
When the victims reported these incidents, the police review the surveillance cameras & catch some of these guys. Sometimes the men abusing the victims would have their friends recording & videotaping it, then they put it on YouTube to make fun of their victims.
The victims would be waiting for the train or the bus to come, then suddenly they are punched in the face so hard that they would fall to the ground. In New York City they have a lot of cameras on the public streets to capture terrorists. But they also captured black & Hispanic people assaulting their victims too.
The black & Hispanic men assaulting their victims are not kids. They are black & Hispanic men in their 20's & 30's. It's not like you are dealing with a little teenage kid.
[Edited 10/15/2016 11:52:18 PM ]
10/16/2016 12:17:21 AM |
Taking a look at trump |

Chantilly, VA
46, joined Jan. 2014
One morning I was on my way to work. It was 7:30 a.m. in the morning. The train was jammed packed with people. 5 Hispanic guys were sitting next to me. When the train pulled into the next station, one guy pinched my arm really really hard so I would let go of my purse. The other guy was trying to snatch my purse. He pinched my arm (the part of my arm between my shoulder & my elbow) so hard, I thought he was gonna pull the flesh off from my arm. That's how hard he was pinching my arm. I cried but I would not let go of my purse. They were assaulting me in front of everybody as they were getting off the train. Then the doors on the train closed. They were all standing outside on the train station looking at me through the train's window, pointing the finger at me laughing at me because I was crying. They thought it was so funny that they had hurt me.
Everyone on the train asked me if I was alright & I said yeah. I was crying until I get to my train stop. I reported the incident to the police. I get off the train, one block away from the office, i wiped my tears & went to work. There are no cops or camera on the train in New York City. They have cameras on the public streets but not on the train.
I won't enter the elevator if everyone inside the elevator is Hispanic. I am afraid of them. I don't feel like getting assaulted today or getting mugged today.
[Edited 10/16/2016 12:19:36 AM ]
10/16/2016 12:20:11 AM |
Taking a look at trump |

Bat Cave, NC
98, joined Jun. 2013
One morning I was on my way to work. It was 7:30 a.m. in the morning. The train was jammed packed with people. 5 Hispanic guys were sitting next to me. When the train pulled into the next station, one guy pinched my arm really really hard so I would let go of my purse. The other guy was trying to snatch my purse. He pinched my arm (the part of my arm between my shoulder & my elbow) so hard, I thought he was gonna pull the flesh off from my arm. That's how hard he was pinching my arm. I cried but I would not let go of my purse. They were assaulting me in front of everybody as they were getting off the train. Then the doors on the train closed. They were all standing outside on the train station looking at me through the train's window, pointing the finger at me laughing at me because I was crying. They thought it was so funny that they had hurt me.
Everyone on the train asked me if I was alright & I said yeah. I was crying until I get to my train stop. I reported the incident to the police. I get off the train, one block away from the office, i wiped my tears & went to work. There are no cops or camera on the train in New York City. They have cameras on the public streets but not on the train.
I won't enter the elevator if everyone inside the elevator is Hispanic. I am afraid of them. I don't feel like getting assaulted today or getting mugged today.

10/17/2016 1:43:06 AM |
Taking a look at trump |

Lucerne, CA
64, joined Oct. 2010
Viva Cinco De Mayo Putah Pendajo Gringo Cavassa
Drink - Party - Rape and KIll White Women.
sumbuddie wear blind sea
This is why I am scared of Hispanic people. They attacked me on the train trying to snatch my purse when I lived in New York City. Lots & lots of Hispanic that are illegal aliens live in New York City. They live in big city to find work.
Do you know the knock out game? A black or Hispanic guy would come up to you, pretending he is just passing by you, then he punch you really really hard with all of his might. Most of the victims would fall down & hit their heads on the ground. They would sucker punch when you least expect it, & you don't know it's coming. So you can't defend yourself. Most of the victims are white male ranging from 15 to 70 years old. The victims reported these incidents to the police. These kinds of incidents are still going on today. It happened to a lot of white men living in New York City & New Jersey.
When the victims reported these incidents, the police review the surveillance cameras & catch some of these guys. Sometimes the men abusing the victims would have their friends recording & videotaping it, then they put it on YouTube to make fun of their victims.
The victims would be waiting for the train or the bus to come, then suddenly they are punched in the face so hard that they would fall to the ground. In New York City they have a lot of cameras on the public streets to capture terrorists. But they also captured black & Hispanic people assaulting their victims too.
The black & Hispanic men assaulting their victims are not kids. They are black & Hispanic men in their 20's & 30's. It's not like you are dealing with a little teenage kid.
10/17/2016 10:53:10 AM |
Taking a look at trump |

Chantilly, VA
46, joined Jan. 2014
Okay... and you are claiming that the police told you that this guy who "looked hispanic" was verified to be an illegal alien who would have surely stayed in Mexico, if only there had been a huge expensive wall of some kind along the American-Mexican border?
I call "latent prejudice, turned into vengeful excuse by misfortune" on this.
But good luck with the fantasy that this would never happen again if Trump is elected.
"How do you know he is Hispanic?"
From his facial features. Duh!!! Dunce!!!
You can tell if someone is Hispanic from his/her facial features. They look & act different from white people. Hispanic people act like black people.
You see the two Hispanic women in here, nawty & the 300 pound Mizzangeleyez?
They followed me to each of the thread I go, & posted underneath me to harass me. I told the room about them following me & stalking me, to shame them. That made them stop stalking me. They were both stalking me, so I told the room about it, that made them both stop stalking me. It's a Hispanic thing. They like stalking their victims. I am afraid of Hispanic people.
White people in the room attack each other, but they don't follow their victim to each thread to attack their victim. Hispanic people followed their victims to each thread to attack their victims. It must be a Hispanic thing. It's part of their culture to harass their victim. I wouldn't get into the elevator if it was full of Hispanic people. I am scared of them. They will probably try to assault you & steal your purse. No thanks, I don't feel like getting mugged today.