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1/28/2017 9:37:03 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (37,913)
Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Even old presidents have to go back to work in trumplandia...

Meet singles at, we're 100% free! Join now! - 100% Free Personals

1/28/2017 6:15:46 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,479)
North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

1/29/2017 7:02:18 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (37,913)
Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Thank GAWD for Federal judges!!!

NOW how 'bout blockin' donny dump's illegitimate precedency???

1/29/2017 12:49:57 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (13,147)
Portage, WI
67, joined Jul. 2010

I heard the wall will be built with the money set aside by Obama to build one. And he forgot to delete that fund.

1/29/2017 5:25:34 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,479)
North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

1/30/2017 3:59:52 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (10,691)
Irvine, KY
69, joined Dec. 2011

Quote from maggievalleymtn:

The picture reminds me of the cruise I was on with my husband in 1994. We went aboard the ship in FL and then traveled overnight to an island just off the Mexican coast. During my husbands earlier years he spent his time in the Air Force and when he came home he had no job. He knew this guy who was going to Mexico for pottery, etc. for the landscaping shops, so to fill his time he drove a truck to Mexico to get the stuff this guy sold to several counties in Central KY. Made several trips that year. He had been introduced to this beer and it triggered memories of way back when.

So, when we reached Mexico and left the ship for the 8 hours that we would be in port, he wanted to see if he could find a beer. We ended in walking and sight seeing on foot. Went a couple blocks in from the coast line before we found a small bar with a sign in the window advertising this beer, so we went in. The bar was decorated with T-shirts from all over and the bartender was very friendly as were a couple other locals. He ordered his beer and since I had always said that if I ever went to Mexico I wanted a real margurita. So I ordered one on ice. Bartender set it in front of me and it was hardly enough in the glass to get a smell let alone a taste. But, I didn't make waves about it and certainly didn't order the second one. I'm not a drinker but from time to time will enjoy a marqurita.

WELL, let me tell you that little drink came with a punch equal to a kick from a mule. I felt OK, but when I got off that bar stool my feel hardly touched the floor. Went out the door and it had about a 2 inch lip to reach the concrete. I stumbled, and I swear I ran a half block to catch up with myself. Took at least 2 hours for me to recover from that little drink. It was tasty though.

1/30/2017 5:37:03 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (37,913)
Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

bannon tells the press to, 'SHUT UP'!...

trump's press secretary tells diplomats to 'get with the program of get out'!!!

kellyanne says, those in the press who keep complaining about trump 'SHOULD BE FIRED'!!!

I say... SKREW YOU!!!



1/31/2017 4:39:55 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,479)
North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

1/31/2017 7:24:11 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (37,913)
Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Acting Attorney General, SALLY 'ROWDY' YATES is a National HERO!!!

Let's see if the guy who took her place has the balls to stand up to trump???

2/1/2017 8:51:18 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (37,913)
Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Obama is contemplating speaking out more...

I don't think that's such a good idea...

Thanks Mr. President for digging us out of the mess left by bush, but...

NOW it's time to drain the Congressional swamp...


Supreme Court Judge is a lifetime appointment, which is ridiculous!

We need to rid Congress of the squatters who think they are in it for life...

DRAIN THE DAMMM SWAMP donny... THAT was one of your campaign promises!!!

2/1/2017 5:31:48 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,479)
North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

QUOTE from a concerned citizen:

Trump continues to tweet insults and taunts to N.Korea and China. He must really be anxious to go to war. If war

becomes necessary, will we have any allies left? Certainly not Canada or Mexico. DANGEROUS TIMES FOR


2/2/2017 7:16:14 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (37,913)
Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Divide and concur...

paul ryan's objective...

Those of us on Social Security won't be affected by the cuts... So he says, but

Not true! We just wont get raises, 'til you boomers catch up to us...

Medicare??? A whole new can of worms...

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of a publican congress...

Either way... YOU'RE SKREWED!!!

How's that vote workin' for ya now???

2/3/2017 6:58:22 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,479)
North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

^^^ True...SS recipients won't get "real" cost of living raises and supplemental medicare will cost more because your actual Medicare will be doing less... providing fewer services. Easy peasy way for Ryan to steal money from seniors to continue to award even bigger tax breaks for his masters, the ultra rich who run this country. His philosophy is if you are poor and old, just die.

I want you people in the 60s who spent all of your time worrying about Hillary's email, or that she was a woman candidate, or that Bernie was a Democratic Socialist...(you do know Medicare and SS are social programs, right?) to enjoy what the Republicans are going to attempt to do to your beloved social programs over the next 4 years. If you don't turn off Fox and right wing hate radio, you won't see it coming until your paycheck

Paul Ryan talks with reporters during his weekly news conference at the US Capitol, in Washington, DC, on Jan. 12, 2017. Chip Somodevilla—Getty Images

AARP President: Paul Ryan’s Medicare Plan Could Hurt Seniors
Eric J. Schneidewind
Jan 30, 2017

Schneidewind is AARP’s President and a member of the AARP Board of Directors
Medicare is being targeted by key congressional leaders for a sweeping set of changes that would dramatically increase healthcare costs for seniors and ultimately leave them paying more for their healthcare while getting less.
Making improvements to Medicare is a laudable goal, but doing it in a way that will cost the average senior thousands of dollars at a time in their life when they can least afford it is not. Neither is shortchanging the hardworking Americans who have paid into the system throughout their working lives.
Perhaps the most visible plan to cut Medicare is the one endorsed by House Speaker Paul Ryan, which would eliminate the guaranteed level of coverage that Medicare currently provides — e.g., covering hospital care and 80 percent of the total cost of doctor visits — and replace it with “vouchers” with which seniors would be directed to buy their own health insurance from the private sector.

2/3/2017 9:47:07 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (37,913)
Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Time to turn on the TV to see what donny dump tweeted to start nuclear disaster...

Boomers losing Medicare and Social Security are the lease of our problems...

Truth of the matter, according to those who actually know, it's TOO LATE to stop global warming...

And unless Congress and Supreme Court does something soon, it'll be too late to stop donny from pushing the red button...

2/3/2017 2:34:06 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,479)
North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

Donnie and the red button terrifies me daily...thank goodness it terrifies most Republicans as much as Dems. Donnie Dump and The Republican lawmakers in Washington are counting on us getting distracted so they can slip in their bills. They, also, want us overwhelmed so that we throw up our hands and give up. (NC Republicans did this in NC for the last 4 years). We mustn't get distracted by one biggie and ignore everything else. I have a pension, but folks living on SS only need to keep harassing their representatives about SS, Medicare and prescription drugs. We all should. Remember how the Pubs tried to gut the ethics committee that helps to keep them in line? They received so many calls they pulled the plan. Same with trying to sell 3.3 million acres of public land...they got so many calls from hunters and environmentalists, they pulled it too. There is a lot going on, but try to keep up with it all and let your voices be heard. Jmho.

2/4/2017 7:48:30 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (10,691)
Irvine, KY
69, joined Dec. 2011

I see where you're coming from about the finger on the red button. What I can't get a handle on is the thoughts about what would be going on right now had Hillary won the office? With the emergency situation when she didn't answer her phone and soldiers lost their lives, makes me wonder if she would be doing a lot of things that we would not hear about or have a clue as to what was going on.

That's not to say or believe that Trump isn't operating under the same principals because it's only common sense to realize that no way will everything be disclosed and we as citizens aren't totaly informed about any situation. We don't really need to be in a lot of areas. Too deep in many areas to be disclosed. That's one thing we really need to understand and accept as citizens and voters.

The reason we hear what we have since the election and his taking office is because he is so verbal, but just how much of all that is hot air?

2/4/2017 7:49:32 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (37,913)
Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

NOW... donny dump claims to be more interesting than the Super Bowl...

he says more people are paying attention to him than the BIG game...

All together now...

Narcissistic, egomaniac, sociopath!!!

And he's ALL YOURS!!!!

You dum dums who voted for him...


2/4/2017 3:03:59 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,479)
North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

Bet Fox New wont tell you this...

Every one needs to understand what "privatize" means. When a government agency such as The VA, Social Security, Medicare. (or any agency that provides services to people,)is "privatized ", that agency becomes a FOR PROFIT agency, owned and operated by a company or corporation whose main concern is the PROFIT it generates. That drives up costs, imposes regulations that make it difficult to get services. When legislators rave about "creating competition and jobs " to promote this, do not be deceived about the long term effects it has in lives affected. When they promote it by praising smaller government with less regulations, that just means for the corporation, not for the consumer, because a private For Profit company is only concerned about their bottom line and their stock holders if they sell stock in their company, When the government provides services through an agency, it is NON PROFIT. They then have the ability to control costs to consumers and also afford protection to consumers, such as requiring insurance companies to NOT refusing for preexisting conditions or paying less for medications. MOST government agencies are needed to help people and should not be privatized. The Republican rhetoric about this is deceptive and false. More PROFIT for the already rich is their main goal.

2/5/2017 8:14:54 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (37,913)
Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Why Social Security and Medicare?

If ryan feels the need to monkey with something...

Privatize the United Stats Postal Service!!!

Screw with the rail system... (RR SS pension)

Both those are outmoded archaic and should be laid to rest...

[Edited 2/5/2017 8:15:45 AM ]

2/5/2017 12:37:09 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,479)
North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

By Paul Glader

excerpt from

Where do we most often find real truth, real facts in a new era of Internet hoaxes, fake news stories and new political administrations that tout their own "alternative facts"?

One key question for any publication is this: If a reporter gets facts in a story wrong, will the news outlet investigate a complaint and publish a correction? Does the publication have its own code of ethics? Or does it subscribe to and endorse the Society of Professional Journalist's code of ethics? And if a reporter or editor seriously violates ethical codes - such as being a blatant or serial plagiarizer, fabulist or exaggerator - will they be fired at a given news outlet? While some may criticize mainstream media outlets for a variety of sins, top outlets such as the Washington Post, the New York Times, NBC News and the New Republic have fired journalists for such ethics violations.

Realizing that millions more people are scratching their heads, wondering what to read and where to spend their subscription dollars, here are my top 10 large journalistic brands where I believe you can most often find real, reported facts:

1. The New York Times

This is the most influential newspaper in the U.S. in my view. Its editorial page and some of its news coverage take a left-leaning, progressive view of the world. But the NYT also hews to ethical standards of reporting and the classic elements of journalism in America. That's what helps the NYT remain, arguably, the agenda-setting news organization in America. It is a leader in business, politics and culture coverage. *

2. The Wall Street Journal

The largest circulation newspaper in the U.S., the WSJ made its bones as a business newspaper and pioneered new types of feature writing in American journalism (for example, its quirky middle-column feature called the "Ahed" and longer form, in-depth reports called "leders"). As the company was purchased by Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch in 2007, the WSJ pivoted to cover more general news in addition to business news. The WSJ is still brand X among daily business publications in the world. Its editorial page is a bastion of American free-market conservatism, using the motto, "free markets, free people." With former Republican speechwriters and strategists such as Karl Rove, Peggy Noonan and Bill McGurn writing columns, the WSJ editorial page is often a must-read for Republicans in Washington. And left-leaning readers should not dismiss the WSJ edit page just because they may disagree with its positions. It has won several Pulitzer Prizes for editorials and columns that feature a clear thesis, backed up by thorough fact-based reporting and bold arguments. *

3. The Washington Post

The newspaper that brought down President Richard Nixon with its reporting on the Watergate scandal in the early 1970s maintains its intellectually robust tradition under the new ownership of founder Jeff Bezos. The Post has, for decades, been part of the big three national papers - a peer of the NYT and WSJ - in terms of winning Pulitzer Prizes, hiring the best and brightest reporters and producing big scoops. Of the big three, the Post is arguably the most forward-thinking right now in trying new digital strategies that have boosted readership. And with Bezos' backing, the Post is on a hiring binge for talented reporters while the NYT and WSJ have been pruning their reporting staffs in recent months. Most people think the Post editorial page leans left but is often regarded as more center left than the NYT. *

4. BBC

The BBC is the global standard bearer for excellence in broadcast radio and TV journalism. If only U.S. cable news outlets could follow BBC's recipe. And while PBS produces some great entertainment, documentary and news programs, its news programs have often seemed to lack the creative energy of the BBC. While NPR produces some fantastic journalism, a bulk of its news coverage seem to come from re-reporting news from the New York Times and the Associated Press. And the American public perceives NPR to be more left-leaning than the BBC.

5. The Economist

Another British export, the Economist magazine is staffed with excellent economists and journalists who produce a tightly-edited, factually rigorous account of what's happening in the world each week. One oddity is that the Economist doesn't publish bylines of their writers so you never know who exactly wrote a given piece.

6. The New Yorker

This American treasure publishes sophisticated narrative non-fiction pieces from top writers and reporters each week in a print magazine and, increasingly, on other platforms. The New Yorker is smartly expanding its audience on the web, offering to the masses content that used to be open only to its print subscribers. The magazine itself runs a piece of fiction each week (identifies it as such). The long-form non-fiction reports on politics, culture, business and other topics often take months to report, write and fact check. The result is deep reporting and analysis each week that is hard to find elsewhere. And the narrative structures and techniques the writers use make for enjoyable reading. Similar to the Times, the New Yorker presents a progressive view of the world. Conservative readers should recognize that but not let it detract from them enjoying some of the best reporting and writing happening in the world. *

7. Wire Services: The Associated Press, Reuters, Bloomberg News

You can't exactly "subscribe" to these wire services. But you can trust reports from these organizations to be factual. They provide a backbone of news and information flows about politics and the economy. And their member organizations that surface their reports benefit from this reporting. You can follow these organizations on social media and can also follow certain reporters for these organizations who report on topics of interest to you. These wire services also do have web sites and mobile apps you can use to stay abreast the news. *

8. Foreign Affairs

This bi-monthly magazine is published by the Council on Foreign Relations. It's a serious magazine for people who want intelligence on global affairs. The magazine and its many digital platforms benefits from submissions, dialogue, differing views and analysis from the many top minds on international relations.

9. The Atlantic

This is another national treasure, a monthly magazine that presents a view of the nation and world from Washington D.C. It is informed by many top journalists who write long-form features and also write some analysis. The Atlantic web site sometimes hews to clickable headlines. But the magazine and its parent company also subscribe to American journalism principles of fact-based reporting.

10. Politico

Founded by reporters who left the Washington Post in 2006, Politico has built itself into a crucial player in politics reporting in the U.S. (and with expansions to Europe). It does publish some products in print, but Politico is easily accessible on the Internet and mobile devices. Keep an eye on Axios, a news startup launched this year by two founders of Politico.

Runners Up:

- National Public Radio

- TIME magazine

- The Los Angeles Times (and many other regional, metropolitan daily newspapers)

- USA Today


- NBC News

- CBS News

- ABC News

Business News Sources:

2/7/2017 8:34:38 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (37,913)
Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

During the bush administration, they robbed Social Security of 2.8 trillion dollars to pay for fake wars...

NOW, the ryan gang wants to steal the rest of the SS trust fund from you...

Did you work hard? Did you contribute to the SS fund, each payday?

Then why are you just sitting there like a lump?

Why don't you STOP these thieves???

Better hope you have enough, OTHER THAN Social Security, put away...

2/7/2017 12:17:00 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (13,147)
Portage, WI
67, joined Jul. 2010

I loathe Ryan. I hope he gets voted out some day! I get pissed at calling SS and entitlement. It is and isnt. It is our SAVINGS ACCOUNT for old age. We paid for it,and so did our employers. And the Gov couldnt stand to see the cash sitting so they stole it to balance the budget. When we rose up and screamed..fine! We cant use it. HA..but..we can BORROW it. So now we sit with a piggy bank full of IOUs from our dead beat Uncle Sam. And they have the gall to tell us WE need to tighten our belts cause the cash isnt there. Pay us our damn IOUS you bastards. Cut your fat salaries and perks we pay for. Balance OUR budget. Dont tell us too bad when we go to the piggy bank and find nothing but paper IOUs.
Oh, there are less workers per retired. The system was designed so it would grow with interest to the point that there would be enough to cover the boomers and more going in every day from workers. Except the bastards were pulling it out as fast as it went it..and then borrowed it and gave us interest on it..except no principal left nor interest paid.
Idea, put those huge retirement payouts to retired congress and past Presidents and re-fill OUR SS.

2/8/2017 8:33:10 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,479)
North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

A questionnaire for any Baby Boomers wondering if they are dumb or not...

Here’s a List Outlining How Delusional or Ignorant Someone Has to Be to Support Trump

February 7, 2017 By Allen Clifton

At this point, there’s really no other way to say this, so I’ll be blunt: To be someone who supports Donald Trump you have to be woefully naive to the point of brainwashed delusion, legitimately mentally unstable, certifiably insane, flat-out stupid, or you’re just a terrible person who agrees with his ignorance and isn’t bothered by supporting a wannabe dictator.

As I asked my friend the other day, “How many conspiracies does someone need to believe are real in order to be a Trump supporter?”

I’m not even going to get into every conspiracy or lie Trump’s said, I’m going to focus on a few things he said before the election, then the things he’s said since being sworn in.

So, to be a Trump supporter, you have to believe:

He always opposed the Iraq War like he says, despite the fact he’s on an audio recording right here saying he supported the war.

President Obama forged two different forms of his birth certificate and government agencies were part of an elaborate conspiracy to support an “illegitimate president.”

Him when he said removing Gaddafi in Libya was a “disaster,” even though he’s on a video that he recorded saying we needed to go into Libya and remove the dictator.

That he personally witnessed “thousands” of Muslims celebrating 9/11 in the streets of New Jersey, yet every media entity on the planet that was around during that time is part of an elaborate conspiracy to conceal the footage — including Fox News.

He never called climate change a hoax created by the Chinese (something he denied saying during a debate), even though the tweet of him saying that is right here.

The NFL personally sent him a letter complaining about the dates of the presidential debates, even though the league instantly denied ever doing so, and Trump never produced evidence of the letter.

The FBI was working to help get Hillary Clinton elected, until they weren’t, but then they were — but then they weren’t.

That he only lost the popular vote because “3-5 million” people voted illegally, even though he’s yet to produce a shred of evidence to support that claim. Furthermore, for that many people to have voted illegally would have taken cooperation among thousands of people, including both Democrats and Republicans, at all levels of government — and not a single person has come forward to support his claim.

That celebrities were fighting to get invited to his inauguration, but he didn’t want them there.

That his inauguration crowd was really the largest in history, but the media is lying about it — even though that claim was also debunked on Fox News.

That there’s a massive global conspiracy by media outlets in every single country to conceal terrorist attacks from being known publicly.

Any poll, news report, or really anything negative about him is “fake.”

Russia didn’t want him elected, even though he’s the only person who benefitted from their cyber attack.

He has absolutely nothing to hide in the tax returns that he still refuses to release and has repeatedly lied about why he won’t release them.

That a man who’s been sued several thousand times, including a $25 million settlement for fraud, won’t try to use the presidency to benefit his business interests he promised to divest from, but then didn’t.

He’s going to “drain the swamp” by surrounding himself with billionaires, top donors, and Wall Street executives.

Radical conspiracy website InfoWars, a website founded by Alex Jones (you know, the guy who said Barack

Obama and Hillary Clinton are literally demons who smell like death and sulfur), is a well-respected and credible source of information.

Unemployment is really 42 percent and there are up to 30 million illegal immigrants — most of whom are rapists and criminals.

And the sad part is, there are many… many more I could have listed here, but I think I’ve made my point.

To be a Donald Trump supporter means you have to believe these unfounded and ridiculous conspiracies exist and there are massive coverups taking place involving scientists, the U.S. media, the global media, Republicans, Democrats, the NFL, U.S. intelligence agencies, Howard Stern, and literally tens of thousands of people from all over the world — or you know he’s a pathological liar and fraud who fabricates all this ridiculous nonsense, and you simple don’t care.
It’s one or the other.

2/8/2017 8:43:44 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,479)
North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

Quote and I agree:

Seriously everyone who is unhappy with DJT let's do this. Spread the word!DIRECT ACTION:
On March 15th, each of us will mail Donald Trump a postcard that publicly expresses our opposition to him. And we, in vast numbers, from all corners of the world, will overwhelm the man with his unpopularity and failure. We will show the media and the politicians what standing with him — and against us — means. And most importantly, we will bury the White House post office in pink slips, all informing Donnie that he’s fired.
Each of us — every protester from every march, each congress calling citizen, every boycotter, volunteer, donor, and petition signer — if each of us writes even a single postcard and we put them all in the mail on the same day, March 15th, well: you do the math.
No alternative fact or Russian translation will explain away our record-breaking, officially-verifiable, warehouse-filling flood of fury. ASK HIM ABOUT HIS TAX RETURNS. Hank Aaron currently holds the record for fan mail, having received 900,000 pieces in a year. We’re setting a new record: Over a million pieces in a day, with not a single nice thing to say. So sharpen your wit, unsheathe your writing implements, and see if your sincerest ill-wishes can pierce Donald’s famously thin skin.
Prepare for March 15th, 2017, a day hereafter to be known as #TheIdesOfTrump
Write one postcard. Write a dozen! Take a picture and post it on social media tagged with #TheIdesOfTrump ! Spread the word! Everyone on Earth should let Donnie know how he’s doing. They can’t build a wall high enough to stop the mail.
Then, on March 15th, mail your messages to:
President (for now) Donald J. Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
It might just be enough to make him crack.
Not my original post but someone else's great idea!
Copy and repost

2/8/2017 8:49:14 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (11,746)
Onaway, MI
72, joined Dec. 2007

Cool the postal department can use the income lol lol

2/8/2017 8:55:41 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (42,168)
Nampa, ID
69, joined Jun. 2008

did your Momma never tell you that if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything?
and as for the post office losing things? really?? just this last Sept. they lost my new license plates for 5 weeks, and that was only 20 miles away..

[Edited 2/8/2017 8:57:56 PM ]

2/9/2017 7:09:11 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (10,691)
Irvine, KY
69, joined Dec. 2011

I've been extremely lucky lately. Seems everywhere I've gone there has been the nicest of people and it's been such a pleasant surprise. A couple of days I've felt on top of the world just because I ran into someone that I didn't know and they were so nice.

Took my son to the surgeon for his broken foot and he still had to stay in the cast for the broken ankle. We asked for a handicapped parking request and after leaving the office, went straight to the courthouse to get it. When we parked I told my son that I probably could do it and he wouldn't have to deal with getting in the courthouse with the crutches. It was also drizzling a little rain.

I went in and the next available clerk assisted me. I explained why I was doing this for my son and that he was in the car but crutches and rain I suggested that he allow me to do it. She advised that his signature on the application required a notary and she hadn't seen him sign the application. I told her I'd go get him to come in. She turned in her chair and picked up her coat. NO, she would go to him. WHAT??? How long had it been since I'd seen anyone interested in another, especially enough to go outside in the rain to help.

That was a very good day and my feet almost didn't touch the ground for the rest of the day. Nice people are still out there, but have to look hard to find one.

2/10/2017 9:41:45 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,479)
North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)

2/10/2017 6:44:43 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (37,913)
Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Quote from maggievalleymtn:

^^^ Re-post since it was flagged...

Flagged in your own thread? Didn't think the bad guys, as donny calls them, could do that...

2/11/2017 4:09:50 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,479)
North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

Quote from shaggyoledog:
^^^ Re-post since it was flagged...

Flagged in your own thread? Didn't think the bad guys, as donny calls them, could do that...

You're right...looks like I'll post it again as well... They can flag you if you don't have them blocked, I think. Somebody must be mighty bored...

2/12/2017 8:25:20 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (37,913)
Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Quote from maggievalleymtn:

Flagging something like this?


Because that there's some funny chit, I tell ya...

They must a seen some resemblefication...

2/12/2017 11:39:31 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 2,000 Posts (2,755)
Lima, OH
67, joined Mar. 2009

2/12/2017 7:58:09 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

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North Myrtle Beach, SC
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2/13/2017 8:16:10 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
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Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Difference between a businessman and a politician is...

The art of the deal... HIS WAY!!! Businessman says... in so many words...

Here's the deal... Take it or leave it! Because I have what you want... 'MONEY'...

Politician says... Before he/she's voted into office...

With words, oh so sweet... Using their best please and thank you diplomacy...

Let's make a deal... We can do this if we work together...

donny dump is learning on the job, at YOUR expense... he cannot mandate!!!

You better hope, he doesn't say the wrong thing to the wrong country!!!

But, you know as well as I do... he will...

Then what?


2/13/2017 10:49:28 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,479)
North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

God bless America! Real patriots, continue to resist and persist! Tip of the iceberg with Flynn's resignation...

2/15/2017 8:09:06 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (37,913)
Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

It's all smoke and mirrors... Wizard of OZ like...

You all watch intently, while donny dump is the fumbling, bumbling, inept, foobar, wizard, who doesn't know anything about anything and cannot make the bigly red choochoo of government go... BUT, you're mesmerized and can't stop watching!

Behind the curtain, just out of sight, is the publican congress... Manipulatively stealing your Medicare and Social Security... As well as many other necessities for your old age...

2/15/2017 5:08:22 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,479)
North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

Another interesting development....look at the headlines....

Another bombshell: US allies also intercepted contacts between Trump campaign and Russian operatives
15 FEB 2017 AT 16:06 ET

2/16/2017 8:58:07 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (37,913)
Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Stephen K. Bannon, the new CEO of the Donald Trump campaign, was charged with misdemeanor domestic violence, battery and dissuading a witness following an incident in early January 1996, though the case was ultimately dismissed, according to a police report and court documents.

The Santa Monica, Calif., police report says that Bannon’s then-wife claimed he pulled at her neck and wrist during an altercation over their finances, and an officer reported witnessing red marks on her neck and wrist to bolster her account. Bannon also reportedly smashed the phone when she tried to call the police.

Maybe you can get rid of this guy, same as puzder...

2/17/2017 7:37:43 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

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North Myrtle Beach, SC
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2/17/2017 8:53:57 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
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Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Here's a funny none for y'all...

delusional donny says he inherited a mess...

No donny. You didn't... Obama was the one who inherited the mess...

I know you don't read, but you should be able to get history books on tape...

2/18/2017 3:49:11 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

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North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

2/18/2017 7:40:17 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
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Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Here's one for you baby boomers...

Your nightmare won't end in four years...

Word is... inauguration day... donny dump signed up to run for precedent in 2020 too...

Might as well shoot yourselves now and get it over with...


2/19/2017 10:39:58 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (37,913)
Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

I bet THIS comes back on someone...

The FBI interviewed former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn about his conversations with the Russian ambassador on Jan. 24, and Chief of Staff Reince Priebus denied that the agency has spoken with anyone else in the administration about it.

pre-bus says he didn't hear about it till sometime AFTER Jan. 27th...

And here's where I'm confused...

Is that just one more, in a long line of donny dump administration lies...


Izzit an alternative fact...


Izzit a leak...

I can't know...

2/20/2017 7:05:49 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

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North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

2/20/2017 9:20:37 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
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Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Word on the street... That's where I get my trump briefings...

Word on the street says... A dossier is being prepared for putin...

That has information, as to whom for one, donny dump really is...

Hell, I could write that...

Delusionally thinks he inherited a mess... NO... donny 'IS' the mess...

Don't need no more information then THAT!!!

2/21/2017 6:17:42 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,479)
North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

2/22/2017 9:24:24 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (37,913)
Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Too bad you don't get to see the beginning of this...

The lady starts out by thanking him for his 30 odd years of service, to which he has a bigly smile...

But then her rant starts, smile goes away...

You can see him thin king...

Oh Oh, this is NOT gonna go well...

30+ years of that foobar??? TERM LIMITS!! DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!

2/23/2017 7:56:05 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,479)
North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

^^^ This is happening all over the country. I love all the newspaper ads and billboards for their missing Senators who won't show up..

2/23/2017 8:08:01 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,479)
North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

No show Toomey...the ralley proceeded anyway...

My favorite...

2/23/2017 1:55:11 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (37,913)
Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

Posted elsewhere, but warrants posting EVERYWHERE!!!

Here's a funny none for y'all...

THIS is prolly THEE funniest none ever in the history of the whole wide world of funny nones!!!

^^^^ CPAC's Organizer, Dan Schneider Claims The Alt-Right Is 'Nothing But Garden Variety Left Wing Fascists'...

But hold everything... Here's what the dictionary says...


noun: fascist; plural noun: fascists

An advocate or follower of the political philosophy or system of fascism.

synonyms: authoritarian, totalitarian, autocrat, extreme right-winger, rightist;

Nazi, blackshirt; nationalist, xenophobe, racist, anti-Semite, jingoist;

neofascist, neo-Nazi......

Is this the kinda kraap trump is calling... FAKE NEWS!!!

2/25/2017 8:33:46 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (37,913)
Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011


Whatta joke!

3/26/2017 7:53:32 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

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North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

4/5/2017 6:06:18 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

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North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

4/11/2017 1:45:59 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
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High Point, NC
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4/12/2017 12:25:14 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

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North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

^^^ Well stated, but I can't get behind a president who constantly lies and is looking out only for the billionaires. Donnie, the Koch brothers, and the Republican Lawmakers in general have all but destroyed the middle class. If I don't RESIST, I will look as stupid as the coal miners and steel workers for believing that Trump was going to bring back their jobs... or the idiots who don't believe in a livable minimum wage, or the uninformed who are more concerned about poor people receiving food stamps than corporations paying zero taxes, thus putting the tax burden on the working class..., ...not to mention the fools who actually vote Republican in this day and age. This is not your daddy's Republican Party, folks. Wake up and smell the coffee. Read and watch nonpartisan news...turn the hell off Fox and Rush. .

4/14/2017 5:42:02 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

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North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

4/14/2017 7:53:34 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

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Lexington, KY
62, joined May. 2011

Quote from maggievalleymtn:


4/15/2017 7:26:53 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,479)
North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Jun. 2013

^^^Yes she did!

4/21/2017 1:04:20 PM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  

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North Myrtle Beach, SC
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4/24/2017 9:01:20 AM News Flash Baby Boomers! | Page 2  
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Assumption, IL
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