3/13/2017 7:53:33 PM |
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Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
W6, you say: “Adam” = “first men” and “Adam was not his name.”
No, Adam was his name, and the name is singular, not plural, and the name means “Red”. He had red hair, which is a characteristic of some Caucasians.
And you don’t have to be a Christian, by the way, to know that there was a first man on Earth. The Earth is not eternal, it had a formation, a beginning, so there had to have been a first man on Earth.
Adam was a red headed Caucasian? Did I understand that correctly?
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3/13/2017 8:03:19 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Adam wasn't 'a proper name' but a 'THING'.
You're welcome.
3/13/2017 9:00:37 PM |
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Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
And you did yours by providing the nails and swinging the hammer. Then making a mockery out of it.
Great job calix.
It's satire. Im sure Jesus has a hell of a sense of humor.
3/13/2017 9:09:23 PM |
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Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
I know what it is , and it was tasteless.
3/13/2017 9:10:51 PM |
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Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
That would be your opinion now wouldnt it?
3/13/2017 9:16:20 PM |
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Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
Tasteless and motivated by what?
3/13/2017 9:21:39 PM |
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Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
As I said, Tasteless would be your opinion.
Tacky. Yes indeed.
Motivation. Because I can.
Best decision. Not so much.
3/13/2017 11:02:22 PM |
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Richmond, VA
39, joined May. 2014
W6, you say: “Adam” = “first men” and “Adam was not his name.”
No, Adam was his name, and the name is singular, not plural, and the name means “Red”. He had red hair, which is a characteristic of some Caucasians.
And you don’t have to be a Christian, by the way, to know that there was a first man on Earth. The Earth is not eternal, it had a formation, a beginning, so there had to have been a first man on Earth.
From evolution, Adam was the first branch of Homosapians.
3/13/2017 11:24:58 PM |
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Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
See. You guys can't even decide or agree on the bible.
3/14/2017 6:11:18 AM |
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Richmond, VA
39, joined May. 2014
See. You guys can't even decide or agree on the bible.
We can agree to disagree.
Not everyone has to have the same opinion to act civil.
Don't go out and riot cuz you don't think like me.
Besides, stated that I was not a Christian and my theory was based on Pagan ideas.
3/14/2017 3:00:46 PM |
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Falkville, AL
74, joined Nov. 2011
W6, the word "Adam" in the Hebrew originally meant "red". see the link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adamah
Adamah is a word translatable as "ground" or "Earth", and the world Adam, which occurs in the Biblical account of the Creation in the Book of Genesis. The etymological link between the word adamah and the word adam is used ... Adam (???) literally means "red". Adam is said in some accounts to have been formed by God from red clay.
Blake, you say: “PROPHECY = HISTORY told in advance. All prophecies have already OR WILL be fulfilled, because God keeps His Word. True evidence that God is who He says He is , and will do what He says He will do.”
This is a common misconception of the nature of Divine prophecy. Divine prophecy is generally not an actual view of the future, but rather God’s plan for the future. As the prophet Amos says: “The Lord God does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants, the prophets.” (Amos 3:7)--and, yes, the Lord God has done that from the beginning, and he still does that. And God, out of mercy, can modify his plan in response to the response of men to his warnings.
For example, God sent his prophet Jonah to walk through the streets of the mighty city of Nineveh announcing: “In forty days God will destroy this great city”. But the people of Nineveh believed God and took his warning seriously, and they repented, doing penance for their sins, wearing sackcloth and throwing ashes over their heads and begging God to forgive them. And God, seeing their sincerity, had mercy on them and repented of his intention to destroy the city, and the city was not destroyed in forty days as foretold. For God desires not the death of sinners but that they repent and be saved. If you hold to the misconception that prophecies of divine origin always come to pass as foretold and that prophecies that do not come to pass are not of divine origin, then you would have to conclude that Jonah was a false prophet, that is, not a true prophet of God or that God is a liar and that the Book of Jonah does not belong in the Bible, that is was a mistake to include it in the Bible.
There are examples of this in each of the three main categories of divine prophecy. Here’s an example from the Gospels in the NT. God had foretold Jesus Christ would rise from the dead AFTER three days. But, out of mercy for his dearly beloved mother Mary, who was grieving intensely for her beloved son, God shortened the time, and he rose ON the third day. If you hold to the misconception that if a prophecy does not come to pass as foretold, then it is not of divine origin, then you would have to hold that the prophecy that Christ would rise from the dead AFTER the third day was a false prophecy, that is, that it was not of divine origin and does not belong in the Bible.
Blake, you say that time had a beginning and will have an end. But I disagree with that. You see, the Universe, our gravitational space-time if you will, is four dimensional, having, by its nature, one temporal dimension (one dimension of time) and three spatial dimensions (three dimensions of space). And there is a mathematical and physical relationship between the four dimensions. If time were to end, as you say, then space-time would no longer be “space-time”, it would be a motionless world, a world in which no one could worship and praise God, for worship is an action, it requires motion, it requires time. God exists in space and in time, so do we, so does the place called Heaven, which is the place where God has his throne set up and where he has prepared a place for us.
Time does not end. The term “end of time”refers, not to the ending of time, but the ending of time for the trial of man upon the Earth: when the number of the elect of men equal the number of the fallen angles, then the time for the trial of man upon the Earth will end. Period of time end, time itself does not end. So I must disagree that “time has a beginning and an end”, as you suggest. Time is an integral part of the Universe, an integral part of gravitational space-time.
Amusic, you say that the work of creation is finished. But the work of creation is not finished, it continues even as I write. For example, the earth today is a garden of sorts in which the souls of men are being grown and tested and divided into two groups: the reprobate who will belong to Satan in the next world, and the elect who will belong to God in the next world. It is foretold that when the number of the elect of men equal the number of the fallen angels, then the time for the trial of man upon the Earth will end and the last judgment will come. So creation continues. In the beginning, the three persons of the Blessed Trinity divided their work up between them, the work of the Father was to create, the work of the Son (the Second Period) was to redeem, and the work of the Holy Spirit was to enlighten and sanctify. And men can help in their work. For example, men who bear and rear children are helping in the work of creation.
Creation is also ongoing in the Universe. For example, galaxies are forming and eventually dying. And stars within galaxies are forming from condensing hydrogen gas scattered throughout the galaxy, igniting, burning, and eventually exploding, spreading the heavy elements they created in the process to clouds of gas and vapor and dust that eventually condense into planets. It’s an ongoing process. Creation continues.
3/14/2017 3:01:38 PM |
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Oral, SD
51, joined Aug. 2013
 Adam was a red headed Caucasian? Did I understand that correctly?
3/15/2017 1:13:34 PM |
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Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008

3/15/2017 2:46:28 PM |
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Orleans, ON
47, joined May. 2008
online now!
W6, you say: “Adam” = “first men” and “Adam was not his name.”
No, Adam was his name, and the name is singular, not plural, and the name means “Red”. He had red hair, which is a characteristic of some Caucasians.
If he was "formed from red clay" as you indicated, then his skin would be red, not his hair.
Just sayin'... Pass the popcorn!

3/15/2017 4:20:51 PM |
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Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
3/15/2017 5:28:49 PM |
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Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
No they didn't.
3/15/2017 5:32:44 PM |
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Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
How so?
I couldnt answer in the other thread,
3/15/2017 6:02:50 PM |
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Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
online now!
How do they know it is 400,000 years old. Was there a Calendar there with it? 398,000 BC perhaps!
3/15/2017 6:05:00 PM |
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Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
Ask them. Not me.
3/15/2017 9:35:45 PM |
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Falkville, AL
74, joined Nov. 2011
A 400,000 year old skull cannot be radiocarbon dated, so that’s a good question, how did they date it? Sometimes dating is estimated by looking at the age of the things at the grave site, but that method has many ways for error to enter, it not reliable. In order to judge the authenticity of the date, you really have to have the details of how they estimated the date.
Concerning Adam, Genesis does not give a detailed description of Adam, but Catherine Emmerich describes Adam as having auburn colored hair. She says that Adam (the created Son of God the Father) and Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, the second Adam, had similar features, both were tall men, and both had auburn colored hair. So we have it from another category of divine prophecies that Adam had redish or auburn colored hair. (Auburn colored hair, by the way, is not a typical feature of Jews, but Jesus Christ was only half Jew, his Jewish inheritance was through his Mother, a full blooded Jew, his auburn colored hair was inherited from his Father in Heaven).
Did Adam and Even have bellybuttons? Although Adam and Eve, themselves, were never born, I assume they did, because their children, having been born from Eve, did, and their DNA, which they got from their parents, therefore had instructions in how to make them like their parents. That's just an assumption, but it's an informed assumption. If their parents did not have belly buttons,then they would not have belly buttons, but they had to have had them in order to be born.
Concerning the age of the Universe, if you try to make the age of the Universe the same as the age of Adam (6000 years), you end up have to change the laws of physics to fit that assumption. Even worse, you end up having to postulate that the laws of physics are not constant but change with time. But that violates the premise that the laws of physics apply to everywhere and every time. There is no place in the Universe that is exempt from the laws of physics and no time in the Universe that is exempt from the laws of physics. But there is no evidence that the laws of physics change with time. In fact, if they did change with time, it would introduce self inconsistencies and self contradictions into the world, which I won't get into here, except to say that a self contradicting world, by its very nature, cannot exist.
3/15/2017 9:40:49 PM |
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Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
The only moment that exists is now.
When you read this it will be in my past and your current moment, Reality.
Carbon dating is not bullshit.
Jesus and Adam are not white guys.
The first mans name is Adam. Really?
Jesus sounds spanish.
Moses sounds Jewish.

[Edited 3/15/2017 9:42:25 PM ]
3/16/2017 8:04:33 AM |
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New York, NY
29, joined Aug. 2015
Sky, sun, moon below the people
3/16/2017 11:48:11 AM |
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Kennesaw, GA
54, joined Mar. 2014
Did Adam and Even have bellybuttons? Although Adam and Eve, themselves, were never born, I assume they did, because their children, having been born from Eve, did, and their DNA, which they got from their parents, therefore had instructions in how to make them like their parents. That's just an assumption, but it's an informed assumption. If their parents did not have belly buttons,then they would not have belly buttons, but they had to have had them in order to be born.
Human reproduction results in a belly button...Adam and Eve were not born from human reproduction according to the scripture...so it is a valid question...one I certainly can not answer....
Concerning the age of the Universe, if you try to make the age of the Universe the same as the age of Adam (6000 years), you end up have to change the laws of physics to fit that assumption. Even worse, you end up having to postulate that the laws of physics are not constant but change with time. But that violates the premise that the laws of physics apply to everywhere and every time. There is no place in the Universe that is exempt from the laws of physics and no time in the Universe that is exempt from the laws of physics. But there is no evidence that the laws of physics change with time. In fact, if they did change with time, it would introduce self inconsistencies and self contradictions into the world, which I won't get into here, except to say that a self contradicting world, by its very nature, cannot exist.
I think whoever suggested change made a bad choice of words...We have discovered that the laws of physics here on earth do not follow the smae exact rules as the laws of physics in other parts of the universe...The mass of earth plays a tremendous role in physics...get away from the mass of earth we learn the rules start to vary...this does not mean physics changed , we just have more information to go on now...
Newtons laws are true here on earth...
Everything else is relative....lol
3/16/2017 7:08:25 PM |
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Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
I wonder what some of you people think of Stephen hawking
3/16/2017 7:21:53 PM |
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Sugar Land, TX
27, joined Jun. 2016
I never think about him. 
3/16/2017 7:22:38 PM |
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Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
I think he should be in the circus..
3/16/2017 7:25:28 PM |
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Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
I asked because he is a smart guy and has thoughts on the age of the universe as well.
Stellar, do you make it a habit to make fun of people that are handicapped?
[Edited 3/16/2017 7:25:53 PM ]
3/16/2017 7:27:15 PM |
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Cedar Grove, WV
40, joined Feb. 2017
all they have to do with hawking is necklace him.
end of story.
3/16/2017 7:27:47 PM |
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Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
I asked because he is a smart guy and has thoughts on the age of the universe as well.
Stellar, do you make it a habit to make fun of people that are handicapped?
Funny you should ask...

3/16/2017 7:28:51 PM |
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Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
That doesn't surprise me
3/16/2017 7:32:11 PM |
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Plymouth, MI
41, joined Dec. 2013
Then why did you ask?
3/16/2017 7:33:06 PM |
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Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012

3/16/2017 7:55:53 PM |
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Naperville, IL
26, joined Jul. 2013
billions and billions of years old, maybe trillions and trillions of years old. Physicists don't really know. They theorize until a new theory comes along.
When your mindset seeks to define everything that you think you know in terms of absolute limits, the concept of infinity is outside your grasp.
I do believe it was just a few hundred years ago the greatest physicists of the time theorized the world was flat.
3/16/2017 7:58:25 PM |
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Bryan, TX
33, joined Apr. 2013
That doesn't surprise me
Well stellar is a worthless piece of shit, so yeah, it isn't shocking.
3/16/2017 7:58:53 PM |
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Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
Jilly, you are a little late to the game.
I already got the results I wanted from making this thread.
I do believe billions of years as well.
3/16/2017 8:02:55 PM |
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Naperville, IL
26, joined Jul. 2013
oh, okay. I guess you know now. Good for you 
3/16/2017 8:04:22 PM |
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Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012
It's just what I believe.
3/16/2017 8:07:10 PM |
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Naperville, IL
26, joined Jul. 2013
That's cool, just giving another perspective.
3/16/2017 8:09:01 PM |
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Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012

3/16/2017 8:20:57 PM |
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Falkville, AL
74, joined Nov. 2011
Jillybodob, “you say: I do believe it was just a few hundred years ago the greatest physicists of the time theorized the world was flat.”
That’s false. Ironically, the flat earth myth has historically been used to demonize religion, but even in the Middle ages people didn’t think the Earth was flat. See the link: http://www.newsweek.com/even-middle-ages-people-didnt-think-earth-was-flat-420775
Also see the link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myth_of_the_flat_Earth
When did scientists believe the Earth was flat: answer NEVER since the word “scientists” was being used. Many ancient civilization has known that the Earth was round. See the link: https://www.quora.com/When-did-scientists-believe-the-Earth-was-flat-Why
Jillybodob, I don’t know why you have such a dim view of scientists and science, it shows that you don’t know much about the history of science.
3/16/2017 8:22:42 PM |
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Naperville, IL
26, joined Jul. 2013
I think you get my point Louie, doesn't have to be the flat earth thing.
3/16/2017 9:27:18 PM |
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Bunker Hill, WV
44, joined Jul. 2013
I disagree with his theories.
(My response about what I think of Stephen Hawking)
Certain calculations cannot be concluded by mere math.
That being said, I love math.
It is fascinating and a wonderful tool(at times ,a complicated one to use) in various aspects.
Calculating is deep.
Some of Hawkins writings stand out as "purposeful contradictions".
Displaying an egnamatic style and form of writing at the least , but at the same time ,running with a defined deceptive bias .
You cannot create a corrupt theory by design, and expect it to surpass the truth.
That is just the fact of the matter.
A theory is only as good as the source of substance obtained through discovery,observation,
assessment, unbiased application, and unbridled logic.
Possibly blossoming into a fact, and shedding the cloak of uncertainty, therefore no more theory.
3/17/2017 8:17:51 PM |
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Falkville, AL
74, joined Nov. 2011
Hawking, sadly, is an atheist. He is extremely presumptuous. Hopefully, he will have second thoughts about this before he passes. God says: “The fool says in his heart that there is no God”, so we are left with the thought that Hawking, despite his intelligence, may be a fool. We do have evidence for the existence of spirits and God, and that would be an opening to communicate with Hawking about these things, and somebody needs to, and it would be to his benefit, but I don’t think he is interested in pursuing this subject. His psychological frame of reference has no place for God, and it is doubtful he would want to shuffle things around to make room for God. It's sad.
Intelligence is not a criteria for salvation. Lucifer was highly intelligent, but he is in Hell. It was pride that led him to revolt against God. The angels have revealed that both men and angels are subject to pride. Men are also subject to presumption, angels, not so much. I don't think pride would be a personality trait for Hawking because of the shape he is in, but he is presumptuous.
3/17/2017 10:14:52 PM |
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Warren, MI
36, joined Sep. 2008
I think you get my point Louie, doesn't have to be the flat earth thing.
The Bible was also the first to inform us that we live in a finite universe that is expanding and will one day contract when it loses as gravity causes it to reverse.
3/17/2017 10:38:28 PM |
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Palm Bay, FL
44, joined Dec. 2012

3/17/2017 10:51:45 PM |
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Lancaster, CA
32, joined Dec. 2014
The Bible was also the first to inform us that we live in a finite universe that is expanding and will one day contract when it loses as gravity causes it to reverse.
Where is that written in the bible? I am one that believes oil IS NOT a finite resource on this earth..
3/17/2017 10:59:47 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

3/18/2017 7:40:32 AM |
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Warren, MI
36, joined Sep. 2008
Where is that written in the bible? I am one that believes oil IS NOT a finite resource on this earth..
You mean oil is a recurring resource. There is certainly a specific amount available.