6/14/2017 2:13:24 PM |
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Las Vegas, NV
61, joined Mar. 2011
What clueless people like you fail to realize, is I could care less.
Do gotta wonder though, if this might have been inspired by Trump himself when he once suggested: "Second Amendment People" could act against Hillary Clinton? Or maybe some other Republican rhetoric, such as... "if Obama went too far there could be a second amendment solution".
Ah, well, i'll let you decide.
Or more aptly you might reflect on Barack Obama's "If they bring a knife, we bring a gun".
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

6/14/2017 2:16:21 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |

Eaton Rapids, MI
45, joined Jul. 2014
I would NEVER hope for someone's death becuz of politics. U go far beyond accepting, what u believe, to be inevitable when u express disappointment that no one was killed.
Oh I forgot, u STUPID F**K.
Go hug a f**king tree you overly dramatic closet queen. 
6/14/2017 2:21:10 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |

Denton, TX
52, joined Jun. 2014
Killing someone because you lost an election is definately
A subhuman act murder in itself is a liberal idealoligy.
In this instance it will help the right wing agenda.
2018 will be strong for the
6/14/2017 2:22:45 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |

Wheat Ridge, CO
51, joined Jan. 2011
Go hug a f**king tree you overly dramatic closet queen. 
Grow a brain u ignorant piece a shit.

6/14/2017 2:27:15 PM |
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Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
Steven Scalise and others shot by a democrat having a tantrum while they were playing baseball.
Karma much?
She can be a real b*tch. 
6/14/2017 2:30:36 PM |
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Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
Sad to say,but politicians DO ask for bad things to be done upon them.
No,I am not saying violence is the way to accomplish your goals
Violence does solve most wars you know? 
6/14/2017 2:35:55 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Or more aptly you might reflect on Barack Obama's "If they bring a knife, we bring a gun".
Crazy makes you say things like "If they bring a knife you bring a gun" (aka B Hussein) or "Democrats Have to 'Fight in the Streets' Against Trump" (aka Sen Kaine) or "plea for more marching, blood and death on the streets... They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. We have done this before. We can do this again.” (aka Loretta Lynch)
Some have said that Bernie had no connection with this shooter today BUT.....
I say that if you have ideologies related to socialism, fascism, communism then you ARE responsible for spreading ideas and policies related to violence. It may be nut jobs carrying out your marching orders but it's the LIBS who are promoting death....rj
6/14/2017 2:44:19 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
The News-Democrat also cites a Facebook profile it says belonged to Hodgkinson, which featured a post from Monday: “I Want to Say Mr. President, for being an a** hole you are Truly the Biggest Ass Hole We Have Ever Had in the Oval Office.”
Other Facebook posts support Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). The Washington Post reported Wednesday that Hodgkinson campaigned for Sanders in Iowa.
The Facebook profile is linked to a number of left-wing, anti-Republican groups, including “Terminate The Republican Party,” among others:
I do not like Trump, Cruz, the TeaParty! or “Hate-Radio” Damn! Damn! Damn!
Expose Republican Fraud
Boycott The Republican Party
Liberal Democratic Socialist Party
Investigation of Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election
I Hate Donald Trump
Our Revolution Street Team
Boycott the Koch Brothers Industries and Products.
Healthcare & Education Berners United to Resist Trump
Hodgkinson reportedly maintained other social media accounts that authorities are probing.
6/14/2017 2:57:06 PM |
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Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
Or more aptly you might reflect on Barack Obama's "If they bring a knife, we bring a gun".
I'll grant you this, in my opinion, neither Trump nor Obama have my respect when it comes to inappropriate remarks. .. None the less, to suggest using our Second Amendment right as a defense against free speech, in my opinion, is a bit more extreme than having to use it in order to defend yourself from a knife.
6/14/2017 3:10:22 PM |
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Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
Obviously not if you think all atheists lack morals. Last I checked, there wasn't an atheist crusade in the past. There wasn't an atheist inquisition. No atheists flew planes into a building to make their point, no atheists chopped anyone's heads off, nor did they force women to cover up.
you enjoy 'poly' relationships? is your wifey a mutual willing participant?
It was her idea. She's bi.
6/14/2017 3:10:25 PM |
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Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
online now!
Just reported on CNN. The shooter was a white nationalist KKK member and a card carrying NRA member that was pissed off about his daughter marrying a black muslim from Africa!
Oy Vey!
6/14/2017 3:26:08 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Obviously not if you think all atheists lack morals. Last I checked, there wasn't an atheist crusade in the past. There wasn't an atheist inquisition. No atheists flew planes into a building to make their point, no atheists chopped anyone's heads off, nor did they force women to cover up. It was her idea. She's bi.
no??? the atheists are the ones on the sidelines rooting for the evil perversion that is
taking over this country as in the rest of the world. they are the ones who stand on the
sidelines when women and children are being violated and humiliated. they have no idea of
righteous, decent, moral behavior.
PRAISE GOD you have chosen not to procreate....
at least as far as you know.
6/14/2017 3:33:55 PM |
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Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
This proves you are absolutely brainwashed to hate Success and those that are successful.. Clearly indicates you are a struggle non professional white man wanting to be a victim. Get your azz out there and make money and quit blaming others that have..
Wrong.. Wrong. and Wrong. Three strikes just like that! Nice try with the feces-flinging though, monkey!

Do you also hate Bill Gates and Warren Buffett? They support many of globalism and a New Work Order? Do you support World Order?
Nope. There are very few people I hate. Mostly serial killers and beasts like Bin Ladin and Putin, and even then "hate" is an over-strong word.
"New Work (sic) Order" is a pretty meaningless term. "Globalism"? Yes, we live on a globe. It isn't flat (sorry), and cooperation is better than constant bickering. If you want to make profit by stealing from or otherwise exploiting others, too bad, I'm against you. From your perspective that probably makes me a "progressive globalist", but it's actually a Christ-ian thing. Or the "golden rule" that your mother may have tried to teach you back in the day, if you aren't Christian yourself.
6/14/2017 3:36:52 PM |
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Richmond, VA
38, joined Nov. 2015
online now!
You're wrong. Civilians are not prohibited owning full autos legally.
Also some semi auto platforms can be and are converted to full auto.
Hmm, it seems I was incorrect. Fully automatic weapons from prior to 1986 apparently are legal to possess.
She still proved my point that liberals would like to abolish gun rights.
Basically she thinks civilians should only be allowed to have single fire rifles and revolvers.
6/14/2017 3:40:05 PM |
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Richmond, VA
38, joined Nov. 2015
online now!
Since the shooting seemed to be politically motivated, shouldn't it be referred to as a terrorist attack, even if the shooter was killed?
Had he been a Muslim, it CERTAINLY would have been categorized as such.
6/14/2017 3:44:07 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |

Wheat Ridge, CO
51, joined Jan. 2011
Fort Hood wasn't called terrorism until 6 years later.

6/14/2017 3:47:06 PM |
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Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
online now!
Hmm, it seems I was incorrect. Fully automatic weapons from prior to 1986 apparently are legal to possess.
She still proved my point that liberals would like to abolish gun rights.
Basically she thinks civilians should only be allowed to have single fire rifles and revolvers.
They took all the guns, except for single fire rifles, in Australia. It hasn't turned out too well for the unarmed citizens!
6/14/2017 3:51:35 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |

Kansas City, MO
39, joined Jun. 2013
Firing an FBI director because he's investigating u and won't end an investigation into one of your former staff is also a "sub human" act! It shows guilt! And it doesn't bode well for the right!
[Edited 6/14/2017 3:52:13 PM ]
6/14/2017 3:55:28 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Since the shooting seemed to be politically motivated, shouldn't it be referred to as a terrorist attack, even if the shooter was killed?
Had he been a Muslim, it CERTAINLY would have been categorized as such.
totally agree!
homegrown, progressive/liberal/demonicrat influenced terrorist!
6/14/2017 4:00:11 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
Fort Hood wasn't called terrorism until 6 years later.

I recall differently. The shooter was referred to as a domestic terrorist immediately, here and in the "liberal media".
6/14/2017 4:03:01 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
Since the shooting seemed to be politically motivated, shouldn't it be referred to as a terrorist attack, even if the shooter was killed?
Had he been a Muslim, it CERTAINLY would have been categorized as such.
I think it depends on whether this shooting was for personal gain, revenge, or a more broader cause (including mental illness). In general though, criminals usually avoid the spotlight. Terrorists, on the other hand, seek a high level of publicity for their actions.
Depending on what unfolds, as of yet its too difficult to know exactly what the motivations were, much less deem it an act of terrorism.
6/14/2017 4:04:48 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

POWER OF PRAYER: Earlier today, Rep. Ruben J. Kihuen tweeted a photo of House Democrats coming together to pray for their Republican House and Senate baseball colleagues after hearing about the horrific shooting. http://fxn.ws/2srSVPu
Months and months of hatred spewed on our television screens by actors, actresses, comedians, commentators, reporters, newspapers and social media, inflaming hatred to the point of mental instability.
Hateful actions are not funny
Hateful pictures are not funny
Hateful words are not funny!
Hateful videos are not funny!
Laughing and sharing hateful things encourages hateful things. So stop!
Want to make a difference?
Inspire positive change and remove hate from your equation.
It is what it is ~ but, it will be what You make of it!...wr
then there are those who are determined........
Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) receives threatening email with the subject line “One down, 216 to go…"
6/14/2017 4:06:34 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |

Warren, IN
56, joined Dec. 2016
online now!
POWER OF PRAYER: Earlier today, Rep. Ruben J. Kihuen tweeted a photo of House Democrats coming together to pray for their Republican House and Senate baseball colleagues after hearing about the horrific shooting. http://fxn.ws/2srSVPu
Months and months of hatred spewed on our television screens by actors, actresses, comedians, commentators, reporters, newspapers and social media, inflaming hatred to the point of mental instability.
Hateful actions are not funny
Hateful pictures are not funny
Hateful words are not funny!
Hateful videos are not funny!
Laughing and sharing hateful things encourages hateful things. So stop!
Want to make a difference?
Inspire positive change and remove hate from your equation.
It is what it is ~ but, it will be what You make of it!...wr
then there are those who are determined........
Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) receives threatening email with the subject line “One down, 216 to go…"
Left wing Democrats must be labeled a terrorist organization!
6/14/2017 4:16:24 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


San Diego, CA
32, joined Nov. 2013
Firing an FBI director because he's investigating u and won't end an investigation into one of your former staff is also a "sub human" act! It shows guilt! And it doesn't bode well for the right!
Fortunately for the right - they have no shame left.
They figure that the mere fact that their base still supports Trump at all is a blank check to do whatever they want without being held politically accountable...and they're more or less right.
I don't think it bodes poorly for the right at all politically. It makes the voters look like a gaggle of mindless goons, but they kinda like that look these days. 
[Edited 6/14/2017 4:18:28 PM ]
6/14/2017 4:18:17 PM |
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Richmond, VA
38, joined Nov. 2015
online now!
I think it depends on whether this shooting was for personal gain, revenge, or a more broader cause (including mental illness). In general though, criminals usually avoid the spotlight. Terrorists, on the other hand, seek a high level of publicity for their actions.
Depending on what unfolds, as of yet its too difficult to know exactly what the motivations were, much less deem it an act of terrorism.
Would you honestly feel the same if EVERYTHING was the same, EXCEPT the shooter was found to be Muslim?
6/14/2017 4:22:25 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
Fortunately for the right - they have no shame left.
They figure that the mere fact that their base still supports Trump at all is a blank check to do whatever they want without being held politically accountable...and they're more or less right.
I don't think it bodes poorly for the right at all politically. It makes the voters look like a gaggle of mindless goons, but they kinda like that look these days. 
you need to read again then write it down of all of the things that MR. Comey has testafied that Trump was innocent of everything.
Now lets talk about the crimes of Hillary Clinton!
6/14/2017 4:24:30 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


San Diego, CA
32, joined Nov. 2013
If the shooter had been Muslim, we'd have declared war on everythingistan by now. 
6/14/2017 4:28:01 PM |
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Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
If the shooter had been Muslim, we'd have declared war on everythingistan by now. 
we are talking about violent members of the left, if Muslums are playing a role, then they deserved to get called out.
[Edited 6/14/2017 4:28:34 PM ]
6/14/2017 4:29:07 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


Richmond, VA
38, joined Nov. 2015
online now!
If the shooter had been Muslim, we'd have declared war on everythingistan by now. 

6/14/2017 4:30:07 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


San Diego, CA
32, joined Nov. 2013
you need to read again then write it down of all of the things that MR. Comey has testafied that Trump was innocent of everything.
Now lets talk about the crimes of Hillary Clinton!
1. Actually, that's closer to what he said about Clinton, and we're still having this asinine conversation for some reason. Hilarious how selectively we respect the words of the same exact man. 
2. No one reasonable thinks that Trump is smart enough to collude with Russia on purpose. More than likely, he was just manipulated by a smarter and more devious adversary in Putin, who figured that a divided America is better geographically for Russia, and rightly assumed that the most unpopular man to ever be elected President would give him that dissonance that his balance of power benefits from.
The Senate just sanctioned him for that, so there ya go. 
6/14/2017 4:32:23 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


San Diego, CA
32, joined Nov. 2013
we are talking about violent members of the left, if Muslums are playing a role, then they deserved to get called out.
His political leanings are completely irrelevant and only being used as a tool of division.
Most Islamic terrorists self-identify as conservatives in their own spectrums (as do most American terrorists actually), but that doesn't matter either.
The guy was an inhuman monster, period. 
[Edited 6/14/2017 4:33:58 PM ]
6/14/2017 4:36:26 PM |
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Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
Would you honestly feel the same if EVERYTHING was the same, EXCEPT the shooter was found to be Muslim?
I would be inclined to look deep as possible into what the shooters true motivations were, regardless of their religious conviction.
6/14/2017 4:40:09 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |

Wheat Ridge, CO
51, joined Jan. 2011
I recall differently. The shooter was referred to as a domestic terrorist immediately, here and in the "liberal media".
No, the official line from the administration was "work place violence", and u know the "liberal" (and I use that term extremely loosely) toed that line to the bitter end.

6/14/2017 4:41:44 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
no??? the atheists are the ones on the sidelines rooting for the evil perversion that is
taking over this country as in the rest of the world. they are the ones who stand on the
sidelines when women and children are being violated and humiliated. they have no idea of
righteous, decent, moral behavior.
Wow. So the atheists in the armed forces are simply sitting on the sidelines and don't care about human rights violations. Wow. You're actually so self righteous that you would bash the very people who fight to protect your right to practice your religion. Way to go. You're a shining example of what it means to be Christ-like.
PRAISE GOD you have chosen not to procreate....
at least as far as you know.
As far as I know? Well, I haven't accidentally dropped any sperm onto any vaginas, so I'm pretty sure I'm good.
6/14/2017 4:43:30 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
His political leanings are completely irrelevant and only being used as a tool of division.
Most Islamic terrorists self-identify as conservatives in their own spectrums (as do most American terrorists actually), but that doesn't matter either.
The guy was an inhuman monster, period. 
His political position irrrelevant???? That is bullshit and you know it!
Why did he ask who was on the field Republicans or Democrats?
6/14/2017 4:44:25 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
online now!
I think we're about to hear a bill being discussed about fitting all the house & senate members requesting bulletproof vests.
Scalise was one of the dipshits who wanted to yank background checks on gun buyers.
I guess he had to be shown first hand that maybe that wasn't such a great idea, hmmm?
You should read up a little about background checks before you speak.
The shooter was not eligible to buy a gun with his criminal history in my state.
So please tell me how a background check would have had effect on this shooter it sure didn't stop him from getting or using a gun.DC and VA have some of the strictest gun laws in the country. And that was a gun free zone 
The shooter had no respect for the law or anything else.
6/14/2017 4:46:56 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
The shooter was not eligible to buy a gun with his criminal history in my state.
Just curious, what part of his criminal history would have made him ineligible in your state?
6/14/2017 4:52:28 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
online now!
The battery and probably the resting arrest
6/14/2017 4:54:20 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
The battery and probably the resting arrest
You mean the case where the charges were dropped? As far as I know, dropped charges don't count when it comes to gun ownership.
6/14/2017 4:56:46 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Wow. So the atheists in the armed forces are simply sitting on the sidelines and don't care about human rights violations. Wow. You're actually so self righteous that you would bash the very people who fight to protect your right to practice your religion. Way to go. You're a shining example of what it means to be Christ-like.
As far as I know? Well, I haven't accidentally dropped any sperm onto any vaginas, so I'm pretty sure I'm good.
youre so cute ( ) how you turn and twist and manipulate the point
Well, I haven't accidentally dropped any sperm onto any vaginas, so I'm pretty sure I'm good.
lmao......like i said! as far as you know.
and again i stress........PRAISE GOD your screwed up gene pool stops with you.
6/14/2017 4:58:58 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Just curious, what part of his criminal history would have made him ineligible in your state?
its really simple to google his criminal history. i already did that hours ago and shared
the link somewhere in this forum. its good to read......js
6/14/2017 5:00:41 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |

Wheat Ridge, CO
51, joined Jan. 2011
I'm an atheist, and I don't consider myself immoral.
I'm far from perfect, but my morals are just fine.

6/14/2017 5:01:40 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
youre so cute () how you turn and twist and manipulate the point
You're the one who said atheists have no morals and stand on the sidelines. You should think before you speak, but I won't hold my breath.
lmao......like i said! as far as you know.
You suggesting someone stole my sperm?
and again i stress........PRAISE GOD your screwed up gene pool stops with you. 
Doesn't get any more Christ-like than that.
6/14/2017 5:03:49 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |

Estevan, SK
55, joined Feb. 2014
A crime committed due to political resentment/bitterness, a sad reality in the U.S.

6/14/2017 5:03:52 PM |
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Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
How the fuk is my 22, the size of my tiny Donald J. Trump hand considered an assault rifle???
I can't even get off an entire clip of 6 in less than a minute.
Xman must have never been near a gun.
I don't even like owning one. I'm on a freakin farm with coyotes, wolves & bears.
Mind you, I've never shot anything in my life, but some of you morons should be made to "dance" with your butt fuking stupid posts about this issue.
Keep passing out guns to the mentally ill & take away their health care.
The funeral homes will be making a killing......
6/14/2017 5:05:10 PM |
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Richmond, VA
39, joined May. 2014
MSM is saying it was not politically motivated.
If it was Democrats on field, he would have walked away or stayed to watch and had a good day at the park.
His desision to open fire was because they were Republican. 
When will people realize that left wing media is nothing but poison?
6/14/2017 5:10:27 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from thekinghasrisen:
His political leanings are completely irrelevant and only being used as a tool of division.
He was obviously a DNC operative.
SEIU would be my guess. Seeing as how it is now a matter of record SEIU was given the Seth Rich contract by Crooked Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.
What's that you say?
What is SEIU?
CNN hasn't mentioned SEIU, have they? 
Nor has MSNBC ... Gee, I wonder why?
6/14/2017 5:11:50 PM |
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Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
When will people realize that left wing media is nothing but poison?
So a bias media is good if it's right wing?
6/14/2017 5:20:30 PM |
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Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
I'm an atheist, and I don't consider myself immoral.
I'm far from perfect, but my morals are just fine.

Morals. People pick and choose which to adhere to.
6/14/2017 5:24:08 PM |
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Lawrence, MA
51, joined Mar. 2008
Another dirty, filthy, mentally ill liberal at it again. thank god hes dead. 
6/14/2017 5:27:23 PM |
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Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
online now!
You mean the case where the charges were dropped? As far as I know, dropped charges don't count when it comes to gun ownership.
I am trying right now to see for sure if he was convinced of them ? The news earlier today said that he was. Here in Florida if you are even charged with domestic violence even if it dropped or you beat it in court you will be denied.
I think that they said on CBS news coverage this morning that he had domestic violence &(battery) and resting with violence.
in fl. That is a felony. I guess IL has locked up his information. Because it is not letting me see anything on him. 
[Edited 6/14/2017 5:28:54 PM ]
6/14/2017 5:27:41 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
these looneyleftys are just despicable....
Facebook Group Congress Baseball Shooter Belonged to Celebrates Shooting
By Tribunist Staff on June 14, 2017

6/14/2017 5:30:50 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


Mount Arlington, NJ
33, joined Dec. 2012
I am trying right now to see for sure if he was convinced of them ? The news earlier today said that he was. Here in Florida if you are even charged with domestic violence even if it dropped or you beat it in court you will be denied.
I think that they said on CBS news coverage this morning that he had domestic violence &(battery) and resting with violence in fl. That is a felony.  I guess IL has locked up his information. Because it is not letting me see anything on him. 
Not sure. No one seems to know whether he was actually a legal gun owner either. I know CNN put in a request for information, so I'm sure eventually it will all come out. From what I saw, it doesn't seem like he did anything that would bar him from legally purchasing a gun, but it all depends on the state. I'm trying not to jump to any conclusions until some actual information comes out.
6/14/2017 5:33:29 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
Just a few days ago, a WOMAN associated with Antifa attacked a police horse, using a flagpole with nails extending out from it. At the same incident in Pennsylvania, other Antifa terrorists had sharpened bamboo poles and baseball bats.
Here is her pic and the tweet about it.

Yes: This is a Woman.

[Edited 6/14/2017 5:33:58 PM ]
6/14/2017 5:36:10 PM |
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Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
Son of a gun, you are one sick a** too. ...at least these shooter have reasons?
Well, at least these shooters are starting to have reasons behind their shootings instead of random innocent children at schools, people at shopping malls & movie theaters.
I think the public is starting to get a little pissed off at all the DC BS.
Does The Chief Thief wear a bulletproof vest that was specially made in an XXXXXXL?
Although that sure didn't save JFK....
Cat -
You really need to brush up on catching onto ironic statements.
Plenty of Dems are card carrying gun owners.
6/14/2017 5:37:32 PM |
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Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
A crime committed due to political resentment/bitterness, a sad reality in the U.S.

Another myopic observation!
6/14/2017 5:39:39 PM |
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Greenwood, FL
53, joined Jul. 2012
online now!
I find it kind of fishie/strange right now in looking for his record nothing can be found but this morning the news reports said he had a long criminal past/record
Even stranger I just came across a request from the FBI asking for anyone with any knowledge of his past please contact them if he as a criminal record it takes all of 2 min for the law enforcement to find out.
6/14/2017 5:40:45 PM |
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Lufkin, TX
56, joined Aug. 2010
I find it kind of fishie/strange right now in looking for his record nothing can be found  but this morning the news reports said he had a long criminal past/record
Even stranger I just came across a request from the FBI asking for anyone with any knowledge of his past please contact them  if he as a criminal record it takes all of 2 min for the law enforcement to find out.
DNC expunged his record, eh?
My guess is this guy is an SEIU hitman.
6/14/2017 5:40:58 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |

Estevan, SK
55, joined Feb. 2014
Another myopic observation!
A crime committed due to political resentment/bitterness, a sad reality in the U.S.
6/14/2017 5:42:55 PM |
Steven Scalise (R-La) shot | Page 4 |


Naperville, IL
27, joined Jul. 2013
Rite, it wreaks of communism, Berkeley.