7/12/2015 9:57:45 AM |
Why we Dream? |

Irvine, KY
69, joined Dec. 2011
OK, the suggestion to start a thread about dreams is very interesting. So here goes.
I lost a a brother-in-law at the young age of 32. The year was 1968. He left two little girls. One was six, the other four years old. The oldest remembers her father, the younger only with vague shadows of memory. My sister was 23 years old at the time, married very young, and went from being someone's child, to wife, to mother. Suddenly, she was free, very young, and with a $10K life insurance policy handed to her. Need I say more? She went wild. Dropped the kids off at Mom and Dad's house and didn't re-surface for a month. The next two years were in and out to say the least.
These were my babies and at 20 I basically became their mother. Sister always carried a grudge, because when she stepped back in to claim her responsibility, they clung to me. I realize it was only their security, but it didn't make for the best relationship between sister and I.
Over the years I had the same dream. No forwarning but brother-in-law was with me and we were in a very peaceful place. He only stayed a few minutes, then the dream was over. When the youngest child turned 18, the dream changed. Again without warning he showed up in my dream. Again, only there for a few minutes but he said to me "Thanks for keeping an eye on my girls. You did a good job". I haven't dreamed of him since.
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7/12/2015 1:46:56 PM |
Why we Dream? |

Gulfport, MS
72, joined Dec. 2008
Certain foods seem to make me dream crazy mixed up messy dreams. I call those my stress dreams. Yes cabbage boiled or Cole slaw always ends into a crazy dream.
I am puzzled how people dream in black and white. Why not in the color of natural things?
I seem to have dreams that enhances the color of my surroundings.
So many question and studies are done but little known facts have ever surfaced. Most only have a theory.
7/12/2015 2:22:49 PM |
Why we Dream? |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
Being italian american my deceased relatives have come into dreams telling us to play numbers such as birthdays or a collection of birthyears or days..my mom has got five of six lottery numbers twice...second one paid a few thousand but one of the numbers she picked incorrect was 16 and 17 came out...she said i just missed...mom i said 17 is the birthday of my ex spouse. .to defend herself she said this aunt in her dream of hers died before i had married my ex. My mom coulda been a big winner.. if i recall it was like a $40 million winner and like i said she won thousands for getting 5 of 6 numbers. The first win paid like $600 meer bag of change to her..lol
i posted this in the past..about relatives coming into dreams. .
[Edited 7/12/2015 2:23:23 PM ]
7/12/2015 2:24:23 PM |
Why we Dream? |


Marshfield, MO
78, joined Jun. 2010
Shot my neighbor in the gut a couple of weeks ago. Did it one handed too for I was trying to cover my naked body with the other hand.
OK...I know exactly where this dream comes from. When I lived in the Wretched Tin Hovel way out in the backwoods I quit sleeping in the nude for I figured I'd be at a disadvantage if I had to defend myself. Had discussed it with my daughter. And as for my neighbor I just plain 'ole dislike him.
Of course why I chose to shoot him that night I'm not sure. 
7/12/2015 2:28:00 PM |
Why we Dream? |


San Antonio, TX
73, joined Nov. 2007
..........I use to have WET DREAM's(XXX) it must of been the Whiskey I Drank.. 
7/12/2015 2:45:10 PM |
Why we Dream? |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
Shot my neighbor in the gut a couple of weeks ago. Did it one handed too for I was trying to cover my naked body with the other hand.
OK...I know exactly where this dream comes from. When I lived in the Wretched Tin Hovel way out in the backwoods I quit sleeping in the nude for I figured I'd be at a disadvantage if I had to defend myself. Had discussed it with my daughter. And as for my neighbor I just plain 'ole dislike him.
Of course why I chose to shoot him that night I'm not sure. 
Folks granny pants then became popular. ..lol
7/12/2015 4:00:16 PM |
Why we Dream? |


Marysville, MI
67, joined Jun. 2009
A old friend of mine told me
- Dreams are the brain on holiday.
- Although I believe reoccurring dreams have some kind of meaning
- A warning
- Or a path to follow
(I Find them interesting).
7/12/2015 4:30:02 PM |
Why we Dream? |

Irvine, KY
69, joined Dec. 2011
..........I use to have WET DREAM's(XXX) it must of been the Whiskey I Drank.. 
Did you just admit to Peeing the bed?
7/12/2015 6:28:48 PM |
Why we Dream? |


San Antonio, TX
63, joined Jul. 2013
Did you just admit to Peeing the bed?
I HATE those dreams !!!!!!!!!! 
Ok I don't actually wet the bed but I wake up from a dream where I'm looking for a restroom and can't find one and I'm in a panic and have to go really bad. I wake up and then go pee.

............. yeah, like it never happens to any of YOU !!! Liars ...
7/12/2015 7:13:11 PM |
Why we Dream? |


San Antonio, TX
73, joined Nov. 2007
Did you just admit to Peeing the bed?
I HATE those dreams !!!!!!!!!!
Ok I don't actually wet the bed but I wake up from a dream where I'm looking for a restroom and can't find one and I'm in a panic and have to go really bad. I wake up and then go pee.

............. yeah, like it never happens to any of YOU !!! Liars ... 
...............I will admit having to Pee ruin many good erections and dreams... Dam Whiskey..
[Edited 7/12/2015 7:16:09 PM ]
7/12/2015 7:26:51 PM |
Why we Dream? |


Easley, SC
65, joined Jan. 2010
Freud said dreams are just things we wish for, nothing more. Jung said that dreams are important message from the unconscious, but we can't understand them unless we learn the language of the unconscious. I think dreams are more than either Freud or Jung said. I kept a journal of my dreams for years, and analyzed them in the ways recommended by a well-known Jungian analyst. Eventually I stopped after my dreams turned precognitive - that means, my dreams started happening in the real world after the fact. And speaking of facts, no one really knows for sure what dreams are, or why we have them. There are unexplained mysteries about them, and the best physical science can offer is to claim without evidence that they don't mean anything, that they are "random brain activity." I think those scientists are evincing random brain activity, because anyone who ever examined dreams knows there is more to them than that. My '02 cents ....
7/12/2015 7:50:06 PM |
Why we Dream? |

Gulfport, MS
72, joined Dec. 2008
Bugbear, I agree with you there.
Once I was worried about a decision and sobbed on my pillow that since my husband's deaths felt so alone and was having a hard time making difficult decisions. Somewhere in the wee hours of the morning I heard his voice as clearly as if he were in the same room. His message to me was, " Baby, you are not alone. I love you and I will always be with you."
I was puzzled since that dream felt like it was real...I was calm and felt at peace and contented.
Regretfully, I have not had any other dreams about him.
Sorp...sorry your Mother missed the big one but happy she did win. I would get her to give me numbers to play often.
7/12/2015 8:33:20 PM |
Why we Dream? |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
Shar she's betta at astronomy. ..give her any two birthdays she knows if they're compatible or not...i lost more women that way. ..now i ask inadvance to save time and effort..lol...she's a libra which she considers the perfect sign...i tell her Fuhgeddabouit unless i met a libra myself and make sure she's not a clone of my mother 
7/12/2015 9:31:23 PM |
Why we Dream? |

Lake Alfred, FL
63, joined Aug. 2008
ok this is weird, for years as a teen I had a recurring night mare.. when I started working in schools they wanted our class to do a play so they could video tape it, was something new back then.
I wrote the play about my dream and had the kids act it out as best as they could.. never had that dream again after that.
I swear if I have that dream tonight I will NEVER post in here again! 
7/13/2015 10:16:39 AM |
Why we Dream? |

Gulfport, MS
72, joined Dec. 2008
Darn it....why didn't you share your dream Fish?
I am a curious soul.
Sorp...does your Mother tell fortunes?
7/13/2015 11:25:09 AM |
Why we Dream? |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
Darn it....why didn't you share your dream Fish?
I am a curious soul.
Sorp...does your Mother tell fortunes? 
My mom is a stay at home gypsy shar..yes but only using birth dates...lol
7/13/2015 11:47:10 AM |
Why we Dream? |


Marshfield, MO
78, joined Jun. 2010
When I was four or five after seeing tingling Brothers Circus I had a reoccurring dream .
that continued on a bit further every night. I can remember it as clear as a bell.
I was in the circus on a spinning machine and grew prettier and prettier as I spun up to a certain point when I started growing old and ugly then I got off and shot the Clown. I can still hear the voices calling "You've shot the Clown. You've shot your best friend"
Now while I'm not afraid of clowns as many people are I'd just as soon not be around them.
I've often wondered if this in some way was going to be the story of my life but I don't carry a gun or know any clowns.................
7/13/2015 6:02:03 PM |
Why we Dream? |

Lake Alfred, FL
63, joined Aug. 2008
Darn it....why didn't you share your dream Fish?
I am a curious soul.
Sorp...does your Mother tell fortunes? 
I was at a park of some kind and there were old ladies that looked like the one from Sleeping Beauty with the poison apple... they kept following me scaring me everywhere I went. didnt offer me any apples but I couldnt get out of that place, it was like there was no exit. just scary.
when I had kids do the play at the end, kid woke up and was telling the dream.. and we ended it as she told the story.. was pretty good play and others had fun scaring her 
7/14/2015 12:03:01 AM |
Why we Dream? |

Upton, MA
70, joined May. 2013
In answer to the question...in my opinion we dream because our minds are always at work, even while we're sleeping, The most vivid dreams are before we wake...during rapid eye movement and those are the ones we normally remember when we wake.
I've always enjoyed analysing dreams...I should say, my dreams. In my case, my dreams usually can be attributed to the thoughts that I've tucked away. The thoughts and concerns are there even though I tuck them back in my mind. They still exist in the depths of my mind, brain, head.
I've had three regularly occuring dreams. One of them for many, many years, the other two, just in recent years.
I go to dream websites to see what they reveal and nothing even comes close...as I've figured them out for myself.
7/14/2015 4:27:35 AM |
Why we Dream? |

Huntsville, AL
64, joined Apr. 2015
Dreamology. I studied dreams and dream symbolism pretty intensely. Not a pro, but can recognize meaning in dreams. Its a very interesting subject. I especially like recognizing and reading dreams that are giving a spiritual message. Dream on, Don't let a dream scare you. They are like ghosts. They may occur but they cannot harm you. Most of the dreams is your unconscious mind dealing with conscious thoughts, fears, worries, and such. They are actually of help dealing with real life issues.
7/14/2015 8:31:20 AM |
Why we Dream? |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
I remember dreaming i could see in my dreams and when i woke up i had my glasses on...honestly. ..lol...
7/14/2015 11:34:43 AM |
Why we Dream? |


San Antonio, TX
73, joined Nov. 2007
I thought I was going to have another WET Dream (XXX)last night...
......Woke up and had to go PEE
..........End of that Dream...
7/14/2015 1:10:37 PM |
Why we Dream? |


Easley, SC
65, joined Jan. 2010
I've often wondered if this in some way was going to be the story of my life but I don't carry a gun or know any clowns.................
Your dream clown likely represents either your inner child, or the "people-pleasing" part of your personality. Did you by any chance have to grow up too early? Many people reject their own "inner child" because they think it leaves them vulnerable to being hurt. It's an attitude kinda like, "Hurt me once, shame on you - hurt me twice, shame on me." Which is true, of course, but it also cuts you off from your own fun, free, & childlike side. BTW, I know that because my dreams took me there, more than once - been there, done that. Finally faced the fact that I *was* vulnerable to pain as a child, but now I am an adult & can do a much better job of protecting myself.
Thanks for posting. 
7/14/2015 1:12:54 PM |
Why we Dream? |


Easley, SC
65, joined Jan. 2010
Dreamology. I studied dreams and dream symbolism pretty intensely. Not a pro, but can recognize meaning in dreams. Its a very interesting subject. I especially like recognizing and reading dreams that are giving a spiritual message. Dream on, Don't let a dream scare you. They are like ghosts. They may occur but they cannot harm you. Most of the dreams is your unconscious mind dealing with conscious thoughts, fears, worries, and such. They are actually of help dealing with real life issues.
Hey Tom, I'd be happy if you would share a bit more on that, if you don't mind.
7/14/2015 1:16:39 PM |
Why we Dream? |


Easley, SC
65, joined Jan. 2010
When I was four or five after seeing tingling Brothers Circus I had a reoccurring dream .
Hey, I just noticed an interesting typo in your post. Instead of saying "Ringling Brothers Circus," you said "tingling Brothers Circus." Could your dream be in any way connected to something that makes you tingle?
BTW, I noticed quite some while ago that Freudian slips can be written. Fun stuff. 
7/14/2015 1:18:55 PM |
Why we Dream? |


Easley, SC
65, joined Jan. 2010
Very cool dream, Fish. You did something that Jung had his patients to do, which is "ritualize" the dream. That's the final step in bringing the dream into the conscious mind, and it generally resolves whatever issue our unconscious mind is working on. 
7/14/2015 1:46:43 PM |
Why we Dream? |

Lake Alfred, FL
63, joined Aug. 2008
it surely helped, not had that dream since. its probably what I needed to realize it was just a dream, interpret it. 
7/14/2015 3:01:32 PM |
Why we Dream? |


Easley, SC
65, joined Jan. 2010
It could be "just a dream," sure. It strikes me as being more than that, though, because it contains archetypal images and sequences. I can try to explain that if you like.
7/14/2015 3:22:05 PM |
Why we Dream? |

Lake Alfred, FL
63, joined Aug. 2008
Sure, go ahead.... being a teen girl it could mean anything.. I didnt have a wicked step mom, I lived with my biological parents.. but just something about seeing those old ladies at every turn blocking me from getting out got me.
maybe in reality it was telling me I was in a "stuck" mode and needed to find ways around obstacles in my path and not give up.
7/14/2015 8:54:53 PM |
Why we Dream? |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
Brian came home from the pub late one Friday evening stinking drunk, as he often did, and crept into bed beside his wife who was already asleep. He gave a peck on the cheek and fell asleep.
When he awoke he found a strange man standing at the end of his bed wearing a long flowing white robe. "Who the hell are you?" demanded Brian, "and what are you doing in my bedroom?".
The mysterious Man answered "This isn't your bedroom and I'm St Peter".
Brian was stunned "You mean I'm dead!! That can't be, I have so much to live for, I haven't said goodbye to my family..... You've got to send me back straight away."
St Peter replied "Yes, you can be reincarnated but there is a catch. We can only send you back as a dog or a hen."
Brian was devastated, but knowing there was a farm not far from his house, he asked to be sent back as a hen.
A flash of light later he was covered in feathers and clucking around pecking the ground. "This ain't so bad" he thought until he felt this strange feeling welling up inside him.
The farmyard rooster strolled over and said "So you're the new hen, how are you enjoying your first day here?"
"It's not so bad" replies Brian, "but I have this strange feeling inside like I'm about to explode."
"You're ovulating" explained the rooster, "don't tell me you've never laid an egg before."
"Never" replies Brian.
"Well just relax and let it happen" says the rooster.
And so he did and after a few uncomfortable seconds later, an egg pops out from under his tail. An immense feeling of relief swept over him and his emotions got the better of him as he experienced motherhood for the first time. When he laid his second egg, the feeling of happiness was overwhelming and he knew that being reincarnated as a hen was the best thing that ever happened to him.... Ever!!!
The joy kept coming and as he was just about to lay his third egg he felt an enormous smack on the back of his head and heard his wife shouting "Brian, wake up you drunken sod, you're shitting on the bed!!"
7/14/2015 8:59:46 PM |
Why we Dream? |

Huntsville, AL
64, joined Apr. 2015
Hey Tom, I'd be happy if you would share a bit more on that, if you don't mind.[/
More of what part? Bear.
7/14/2015 9:23:51 PM |
Why we Dream? |

Huntsville, AL
64, joined Apr. 2015
First we all dream, dreams occurs in the second phase of sleep called REM sleep. Which most people know about.It is the phase in between dozing and deep sleep. The mind at this point is barely conscience, but still active in all the systems such as the nerve system, thought system, etc. The dream state is right at the line of semi consciences and unconsciousness. Where deep emotional roots of the mind can be experienced by the mind. Those,thoughts and feelings we try to hide or bury.
The mind not knowing the language of this deeper form of consciencesness ironically labeled unconscience.lol. decipher the language into symbols that our conscience mind can understand. This is where the symbolism of dreams bear much weight in interpretation.
7/16/2015 1:54:18 PM |
Why we Dream? |


Easley, SC
65, joined Jan. 2010
Thanks for that solid information. Certain symbols are common experiences across the board with all people of all cultures, such as food, water, earth, air, fire, the wise elder, enemies, fighting, the alluring sexy one, a house, etc.
7/17/2015 3:03:27 AM |
Why we Dream? |

Huntsville, AL
64, joined Apr. 2015
Yep, that's true. A house for example can have several different meanings. By itself it is just a house but when tying it into another symbol like. New house or old house, then the house takes on two different symbolic meanings. Then when breaking down other details, like big or small house, what all the dreamer can remember gives more meaning to what the house represents in the dream. Like someone said in the thread. It is very important to write as
much about the dream as you can remember. Details can sway the meaning of a dream. When recalling a dream make sure you don't insert something your really not sure was in it. Most if theimportant symbols will stand out in the memory.
7/20/2015 6:13:18 PM |
Why we Dream? |

Irvine, KY
69, joined Dec. 2011
OK Tom, this is for you to pick apart and tell me it's meaning.
I dream that I awake in my bedroom of highschool years. I need to get dressed and am terribly late. To where I don't know but I'm just late and it's bothering me badly. None of the clothing hanging there is mine. Nothing I recogonize. I'm looking for a favorite dress, and can't find anything.
I wake and have no idea where the dream came from. Have dreamed this several times over the years.
7/20/2015 7:31:04 PM |
Why we Dream? |

Lake Alfred, FL
63, joined Aug. 2008
I always have dreams of my car being stolen.
I always lock it and take the keys but every time I come out of a store or wherever, its GONE.
and of course when I try to call the cops, my phone wont work. 
guess it means Im stuck in a dead zone 
8/4/2015 7:25:58 PM |
Why we Dream? |
Sandgap, KY
65, joined Jun. 2008
Several of my dreams have been premonitions of things to come.
An example: I dreamed of laying in front of a white wall with a light shining through it.
I was laying there studying the wall when I woke up, in my bedroom with the wall painted a light blue. I lay there thinking how strange the dream was and how could light shine through a solid wall.
Not long after the dream (maybe a week) I had a miscarriage and was placed in a room that had once been a baby viewing room. The glass had been painted over, the wall was white. My first thought when entering the room was, this is exactly what I saw in my dream. 
8/6/2015 6:21:02 AM |
Why we Dream? |


San Antonio, TX
63, joined Jul. 2013
ugh ... twice this week I've dreamed of a man physically hurting me or wanting to hurt me. Maybe I shouldn't watch 'Ghost Whispers' before going to bed. I remember thinking in one of the dreams 'as long as he's hurting me then he isn't hurting someone else' .. the someone else was another woman in the dream and I didn't want her hurt. 
9/11/2015 9:36:29 PM |
Why we Dream? |


Erie, PA
68, joined Dec. 2007
Up until about three weeks ago I would dream almost nightly.
My dreams would be about anything and everything from a to z.
About 98% of the time I would remember the dream after waking up.
I don't know why I stopped dreaming, maybe tonight I will. 
10/8/2015 11:56:39 PM |
Why we Dream? |


Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
Pretty cool dream! He noticed and he appreciated what you did and it's very hard work I am sure.
I dream because I have nothing else to do.
10/11/2015 1:58:55 PM |
Why we Dream? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
I don't remember dreaming until the last few weeks; my dreams have not been nice...In one I was looking for a very important phone number I had written on a piece of paper; I was in my 20s and later I discovered my mother had hidden said paper because she didn't like the person whose phone number I needed.
The next dream, last week, was about being hold under the water at the river that borders the city I was born in.
Any ideas?
10/11/2015 2:05:05 PM |
Why we Dream? |


Tehachapi, CA
61, joined Jan. 2013
we dream to release the pressures of the day. I don't have any pressures or problems that are outstanding. I would rather have 3 hours of good solid sleep, than sleep-in and wake up tired from battling nightmarish horror. No wonder i'm grumpy
10/11/2015 3:42:26 PM |
Why we Dream? |


Tehachapi, CA
61, joined Jan. 2013
Here are some interesting things to note, and we have been assuring our kids for years that:
--Nothing in Nightmares Can Hurt You
--Remember, YOU Create Your Dreams (The Complete Idiot's Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams, 154).
The book goes on to describe: When is a nightmare NOT a nightmare?
1. When you know you're dreaming
2. When you begin to turn the tables on the villain and it looks like maybe you'll scare him.
3. When it's a night terror (150).
The "Dream Dictionary": Night terrors are sleep disturbances during non-REM sleep that produce physical feelings of fear and anxiety; they're not dreams.
Nightmares occur during dreaming REM sleep and are characterized by frightening dream content, but dreamers do not exhibit the physiological arousal common during night terrors.
Note: if you are a Veteran, please ask your primary care to give a consult for the Sleep Clinic. If you don't suggest, they are not gonna send you to be tested. With out going into detail, I just don't want you to feel you are alone in this. Thanks OP for a great topic. After I read this book, I might add more.
10/12/2015 8:17:39 AM |
Why we Dream? |

Bent Mountain, VA
66, joined Jul. 2012
I retire to my bed perchance to sleep.
I fall asleep perchance to dream.
I dream perchance to get me some.
If i get me some, I don't have to shower and shave and dress and spend a coupla hundred doleros to take her to dinner and drinks and a friggin' Barry Manilow concert.
The End
10/12/2015 9:12:37 AM |
Why we Dream? |


Creighton, NE
69, joined Feb. 2007
It was the chilly 
10/12/2015 10:21:36 AM |
Why we Dream? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
I retire to my bed perchance to sleep.
I fall asleep perchance to dream.
I dream perchance to get me some.
If i get me some, I don't have to shower and shave and dress and spend a coupla hundred doleros to take her to dinner and drinks and a friggin' Barry Manilow concert.
The End
Is that your psychedelic masturbation?   
10/12/2015 11:32:09 AM |
Why we Dream? |

Bent Mountain, VA
66, joined Jul. 2012
Yes ma'am.......only hands free.....more better that way. 
10/12/2015 5:43:18 PM |
Why we Dream? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
Yes ma'am.......only hands free.....more better that way. 
Sure...no callous palm then