3/1/2016 12:32:30 PM |
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Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015
i finally spent a few minutes and drained some of the gas from my tiller and then fired it up and tilled a section of garden!
was hoping to get it done because the soil is right at a good tilling feel...
we are supposed to get more rain so it will be ready to take all it gets!!!
anybody else getting started?
March 1st!
If I had stuff to plant I would be planting already...
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

3/1/2016 12:32:51 PM |
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Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015

3/1/2016 12:55:00 PM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
Won't be long
The worst of winter is over
And it's looking like spring..
I'm gonna have to mow before long
Gotta get the little tractor fixed so I can get the garden ready before much longer..
Should be planting onions n taters,carrots n broccoli already
3/1/2016 1:19:37 PM |
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Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015
i mowed yesterday and have a ton more to do still...
i should have a ton of stuff already planted and coming up...
just noticed that i have purple iris plants in bloom along with all the various fruit trees...
3/1/2016 11:17:07 PM |
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Hendersonville, NC
55, joined Apr. 2013
Finally got my fall trimming and perennial planting done, and we should stay chilly for a while so I should be okay,
still dealing with serious water drainage issue problems, besides my lovely black walnut problem. no problems only solutions that's why I like this project house.
3/2/2016 6:18:24 AM |
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Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015

3/2/2016 7:33:18 AM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
That's how ya gotta look at it!
Solutions make problems more interesting
Yours is lookin good!
My place is still in its infancy
But I'll keep plowing ahead and making it prettier and productive 
First major issue of the new season is to get the new pond to hold water.
I dug too deep
Ran out of dirt and clay and into loose rock.the water drains like ya flushed the toilet 
3/2/2016 10:46:11 AM |
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Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015
my lower pond is like that!
the one up here leaks, but slowly, it has a lot higher clay content, along with some nasty harder than concrete parts too. even after being underwater for years, once dry, you can take a pick and chip pieces of it and less than half an inch down it's dry!
my well pump finally quit after 14 years so i am in the process of securing funding to replace it. $1600 to have it done.
i've been tinkering - mostly by myself - for 16 years on this place now...
3/2/2016 11:12:02 AM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
Gotta have good running water 
Looking into pond sealants..
Bentonite is a clay that expands up to 20 times it's original size when saturated.
So it may make a plug so to speak.
Turns out self clumping cat litter is bentonite
Cat litter for repairing ponds...
Interesting thought
But I think I'll just pack some red clay(got plenty of tgat) into the problem area and see what happens

Then it's time to work the garden
But first
Tractor repairs
I'll take it apart today and get whatever parts ordered
3/2/2016 11:59:06 AM |
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Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015
bentonite is something i used on a farm pond up in wa when i lived up there...
if i could afford to i would buy a couple of bags and do the lower pond...
just hasn't been anywhere close to high on my list of must do's!!!

3/2/2016 12:53:07 PM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
This pond sits in my front yard..
So it's kinda high on the list..
Not too mention all the fruit trees n flowers I planted around it
They sure would like to have water in the pond!
How did the bentonite work for ya?
Guesstimate on how much you used?

3/2/2016 1:21:18 PM |
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Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015
this was back in the late 70's...
got a truckload through a farmer buddy...
dumped it into the dry pond...
then spread it around with the tractor and blade as much as we could...
raked and shoveled until it was a couple of inches deep and tilled it with a troybuilt...
then drove around on it with a couple of 3 wheelers and 4 wheelers until it was packed...
then waited for the rain...
worked great!
in my pics - all of the garden area would have fit in that pond...
3/2/2016 1:32:04 PM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
This pond is about a 3rd acre
I think most of it will do OK..
Gotta spot about 10 by 10 I dug a foot or so further than the rest
It leaks like a sieve
But I gotta bunch of good red clay from where I dug in the septic field
I'm gonna put in a bout a foot deep in the trouble area and pack it in good
I think(and hope)that will do the job  
3/2/2016 1:47:13 PM |
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Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015
this place has clayish spots...

3/2/2016 2:07:12 PM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
Here in the Ozarks it's all rock and clay
Just enough topsoil to grow grass
The pond fills fast due to natural runoff
Not enough dirt to hold much water
Then it just slides over top the clay
One good hard rain fills it
Then it's empty the next morning 
Spring rains will be coming soon and we don't get alot during the summer
So I really wanna get it to hold fairly soon

3/2/2016 4:07:32 PM |
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Hendersonville, NC
55, joined Apr. 2013
I've had this place 6 months in 2 weeks, and since it came with no sheetrock or wiring winter has been inside work. just really getting started on the outside, Footers this weekend at the end of the deck is a greenhouse, previous owners had a security light on a power pole in the middle of the yard,, I got the light out of here but left the pole, I'll drop that and no need to buy 6×6s,
security light in the middle of the backyard, definitely not necessary here and talk about ruining the ambience of researching the herb garden
3/2/2016 5:14:58 PM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
Don't blame ya at all koz..
No lights other than stars n sky
No worries about the ambiance of the herb garden..
I'm back in the woods and the neighbors are way way over there
I can walk around with no britches on and nobody can see to point n laugh! 
3/2/2016 5:57:22 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
PM Freck and give me your address. I'll sit out in the woods make sure nobody sneaks around behind you.  
3/2/2016 6:24:17 PM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014

3/5/2016 7:51:53 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
OP... When is the best time to plant potatoes?
3/5/2016 10:01:59 PM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
When it stops freezing most nights
3/6/2016 2:01:43 PM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
Just got a good deal on 3 peach trees and 2 plum trees 
Gonna start seeds indoors
Tomatoes,cukes,green beans,baby watermelon, cantelope and squash and zucchini
Seems spring has sprung!! 
3/6/2016 3:03:14 PM |
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Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015
I haven't been able to afford new stuff this year...
OLD stuff is kicking my butt moneywise...
But I do have about 9 more pomegranate starts to transplant!
When I get them moved I will have 20 on the place!
Someday they will be $$$ 
3/6/2016 3:26:06 PM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014

Mines all about myself now...
Maybe one day I'll get far enough to sell something
But for now..
It's me me me! 
3/7/2016 5:37:43 AM |
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Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015
I have over 70 different fruit, nut and citrus trees growing here right now.
Eventually, this place should be able to pay for itself plus I should be able to feed my family and friends even more than I do already.
My daughter and her husband stopped by yesterday and they left with over 50 pounds of oranges and the last of my lemons and limes...which are all starting to blossom now too.

3/7/2016 7:19:50 AM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
That's awesome
I don't have anything near that
10 fruit trees some blueberry bushes and I'll plant some Strawberry's this morning
Blackberry and raspberry grow wild all over my place
That helps a little

3/7/2016 12:54:03 PM |
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Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015
i have those planted also - the blueberries and other brambles haven't done so well though. My soil is lacking where I have them and I have been unable to amend them so far. Plus trying to grow stuff like that in a semi-arid environment is also a pain in the butt.
My strawberries do okay as long as I remember to weed them - otherwise they disappear under the overgrowth!
3/7/2016 8:00:31 PM |
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Hendersonville, NC
55, joined Apr. 2013
The previous rocket scientist, anti gravity, non-water speaking owner of this place was taking all the water from the front of the house wrapping it around and dumping it on top of the septic field. Nice drain lines 16 inches deep good contour, well now they are french drains, main thing is I put one in where it will actually work.
New floor system and joists in a house then they make sure all the ground water runs to it!
3/8/2016 8:19:09 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Did you do all that plumbing by yourself, Koz, or did you hire a big machine operator to do the groundwork?
Just wonderino -- did you damage any other service lines by digging too deep or did you have the resource companies check the dig areas beforehand?
Perhaps you are so far out from the mains that pre-checks didn't matter?
3/8/2016 10:56:12 PM |
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Hendersonville, NC
55, joined Apr. 2013
Remember my dear, I do this for a living, hitting a gas line with a backhoe is not exactly good for my advertisement division there is a Nationwide program,, underground utility locators. Comma using it is the best free insurance policy you ever got ,, even if they screw up and miss a line they are responsible for the cost of repair.
sometimes I have to rent a backhoe for my jobs so I bring it home use it as long as I can and again at sunrise till I have to take it back, drain lines were dug from the old guy who was here(the ' Non Water Speaking guy) so I just used the tiller to even out the soil from his soil discharge from the ditch, tiller is the perfect tool for a lot of what I have going on, it's not like I'm doing open area, and it looks like I will have to run a backhoe for 2 weeks on an upcoming job so boom. I'll be plugging in the halogen lamps in the trees
3/9/2016 8:21:05 AM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
Is a French drain just a fancy word for slit trench?
Open top drainage?
I'm holding my breath today..
Got a foot or two of water in the problem area of the new pond
Will it hold? 
3/9/2016 11:08:58 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Is a French drain just a fancy word for slit trench?
Open top drainage?
I'm holding my breath today..
Got a foot or two of water in the problem area of the new pond
Will it hold? 
Oh oh.... You do have a problem, freak. Isn't there a major rain event getting ready to hit the south, southeast by this weekend?
3/9/2016 1:49:15 PM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
Unfortunately most of the rain is a couple miles south of here
But we should get more tonight I hope 
3/9/2016 1:58:19 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
That's the prediction for now. It looks like it is going to be nasty in some places. 
3/9/2016 2:34:55 PM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
I think Arkansas is taking a pounding
I'm hoping g we get the 5 inches of rain they're calling for tonight
The pond will be full in the morning
Just hoping it holds now
3/9/2016 3:11:03 PM |
And away we go... |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Did you style berms to offset erosion should Old Man River Keep Rolling Along? 
I saw some type of irrigation ditches from the big muddy to the paddies.
Is your pond above or below sea level in your area?
Good luck. Hope the storms miss you but if they don't, hold 'er Newt the creeks a'risin. 
3/9/2016 5:13:22 PM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
Yep..solid berms and drain off..
As long as the kitty litter holds
It should be in good shape
Fruit trees are planted all around it so the roots will feinfoce the banks..
If we get a couple three inches of rain tonight
It will be full by morning and I'll know for sure if the dam is gonna hold
3/9/2016 6:30:10 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Wishing you the best.
Flood damage can be devastating.
3/9/2016 9:03:05 PM |
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Hendersonville, NC
55, joined Apr. 2013
Your dam will hold Freck,
I have faith in you, but if Mother Nature does not want to cooperate with the plan, I'll send a den of beaver your way!
French drains,~, I would submit that term as more of a category. this project is 6 inches of three-quarter gravel with 8 to 10 inches of ground on top. we have a good proportion of red clay here so if you make the bottom of the ditch properly , super smooth virgin, bottom soil, you can control your soils stagnant water,moisture level.
As a rule¿? I only use piping for gutter downspouts , a 4-inch pipe keeps a whole lot of ground water out of the drainage canal.
I'll post pictures of what I did on my FB page, you can find me on the DH~FB page,,
3/10/2016 9:59:54 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
3/10/2016 12:35:57 PM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
We didn't get squat for rain last night night
Our 3-5 inches turned out to be 3-5 drops
Now they're saying off n on rain through Saturday or Sunday
I sure hope I can get some rain here
3/10/2016 2:41:21 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
The weather channel is still predicting a drenching from the looks of the coverage.
3/10/2016 3:34:24 PM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
Unfortunately it's just south and to the east..missing be by mere miles
Just wandered through last year's garden
Picked some fresh carrots n a couple cabbages 
That tells me a green house will work really well for extending my growing season 
3/10/2016 8:25:26 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

3/10/2016 10:58:00 PM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
Without water in the pond it looks like a big ol ugly meteor hit directly in the front yard
Maybe can charge for tours?
Mickeys meteor hole $5
Parking $25 refreshments$7.50
Tent camping $15 night
RV $30
Open may 31 at 9 am closes 9:45 am may first
Make your reservation now!
3/11/2016 4:39:15 PM |
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Bremen, GA
45, joined Sep. 2014
My broccoli survived the winter. Its producing pretty well. Im going to begin getting my soil ready also but cant plant here until April.
3/11/2016 5:19:28 PM |
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Hendersonville, NC
55, joined Apr. 2013
Well heck Frek,,, if you're going to have some volunteer cabbage and carrot salad it's well worth the admission price
[Edited 3/11/2016 5:21:00 PM ]
3/11/2016 7:48:21 PM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014

3/12/2016 8:51:48 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Yer both vegans 
3/12/2016 7:13:35 PM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
The bunnies I planted just aren't blooming yet 
3/13/2016 2:36:23 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

3/13/2016 4:27:02 PM |
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Hendersonville, NC
55, joined Apr. 2013
Yer both vegans  
Are you kidding this is a self-supporting Homestead ,
The cat keeps my belly full with Chipmunks
3/13/2016 8:10:16 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Juicy Fruit..... Ever tried it?
3/13/2016 11:00:55 PM |
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Hendersonville, NC
55, joined Apr. 2013
Alice (the cat) has informed me she does not like Chipmunks with minty breath,
3/13/2016 11:25:11 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
3/14/2016 3:51:23 PM |
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Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015
2 days ago...

this morning...

my keep the deer and the antelope out of here crew...

3/14/2016 4:33:32 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Great shots! 
Garden Humor
(woman returning home from floral gardening event)
(best friend) Well!?! What happened?
(woman) I won first place in the 'Dried Arrangement'division. 
3/14/2016 5:15:30 PM |
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Hendersonville, NC
55, joined Apr. 2013
I'll take those extra flower pots in the pic. I got a bunch of flowering perennial bushes over the winter at super sale prices. since this is a new project I'm not exactly sure where they're going to go so I'm just pot gardening this year besides the black walnut problem.
this week's catch
a big old Maple fell down at Pop's house guess what my deck is going to be decked in probably enough for about 12 x 12 with trim. that should give a five-foot-wide working, walkway area in front of the grills just came out with a new description for the concept of the Koz house.
Formal Funkadelic
3/14/2016 6:21:01 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

3/14/2016 8:29:09 PM |
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Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
Everything is in bloom,or beginning to
Another week or two and I'll really be able to see what I've got to work with..my house sits backwards
So my front yard is well on its way to being an arboretum
I'm slow
But I'm being very picky on the place.instead of a traditional vegetable garden,I'm spreading the fruits n veggies in among the flowers and bushes
For a more fung shei kinda thing