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10/6/2008 9:13:41 AM |
Why do many women seem to be put off by intelligent men? |


Huntington, NY
age: 54
You definitely are not a member of MENSA... you are a member of MENSO which is Spanish, Portuguese and Italian for "dumbass".
I rest my case!
I peed my pants with that one! 
10/6/2008 9:28:33 AM |
Why do many women seem to be put off by intelligent men? |


Huntington, NY
age: 54
You rest your case? Who says that? What are you, 90?
You Mister, are a sad caricature of some knuckle dragging, loud mouth, neanderthal. I've met men like you before, all bark, with no substance behind their words. People don't listen to what you have to say, they just pity you. I simply love intelligent men, but you obviously don't fit into that category. (And before you put me down for my "advanced" age, , ask me if I even care! I'm proud to be the age I am. I have a lot more life experience than you, not to mention intelligence.)
For the record, in your wildest dreams, you could never possess even a scintilla of the intelligence that Gab has!
Now do us all a favor, and crawl back to your cave.
10/6/2008 11:22:12 AM |
Why do many women seem to be put off by intelligent men? |

Overton, TX
age: 48
krathnami, you have succeeded in making it abundantly clear that your supposed profusion of … hem, hem… “intelligence” is not your problem.

10/6/2008 11:34:05 AM |
Why do many women seem to be put off by intelligent men? |

Glenwood, IA
age: 47
Hi, Lucas! As you say in your profile about 'starting in the middle', I too will start in the middle. Please understand what I am about to share with you is what I am 'seeing' about you. I am not claiming to be 'all wise', I am not even claiming to be RIGHT. I will share with you what I understand you to be showing me. So, that being said, let's hop to the middle...
"How many mathematical theorums does a guy have to write on the chalkboard to receive attention around here?" ~ The answer is easy. None. You want attention, you are certainly receiving that, correct?
"While on the other hand, I have little to no interest in topics such as the history of their personal relationships and their self interests. Is love even possible given such friction?" ~ Then you have, by your own will, sent out the "help" sign. ~ In answer to the friction question, I would answer, NO. Love is harmonious. Fear is friction. IMO, a person's interests are very important to a relationship. Some relationships dissolve because one person's interests have changed. I also like to hear a little bit about past relationships as well. Greater insight into who that person IS can be gained from that conversation. Now, if they go on and on about an ex, that is a different thing all together. I most definitely want to know what interests a potential partner has. The whole point of a relationship is doing things TOGETHER, right? If you have no common interests, how exactly is that union going to be sustained?
Now, back to your profile... I am just going to go with some key phrases that popped out at me. "I will be sensitive to your needs." What if one of her 'needs' is to pursue an interest that she has? You've mentioned your dream, wouldn't you expect her to have a dream of her own?
These next few quotes are like red flags to me.. "not sure where to start", "not fully content with my life", "extend MY happiness to HER life".
Then, also, is the comment, "I am open to friendship." Your posts tell me that you are not open to friendship and you are not sensitive to her needs. So which is correct? Your words in your posts or the words in your profile? Do you see what I'm getting at? Many females watch for those subtle contradictions in character according to YOUR words AND how you choose to use them.
Please, understand my heart in sharing this with you. I am not intending to bash or criticize you. My intention is for you to pay attention to what you are putting out there. If it's contradictory, you will get that coming back to you. When we are not really sure 'where to start', we don't seem to get very far. I wish you all the very best. ~RB
10/6/2008 12:40:52 PM |
Why do many women seem to be put off by intelligent men? |
Columbus, OH
age: 89
Now, I'm not saying I'm MENSA level genius or anything, however, I have noticed a tendency in some, not all, but a good handful of women will not give me the time of day upon the realization that my intelligence surpasses their own in some areas people of a certain pedigree would consider to be elite discussion.
Science, Philosophy, Politics, and Theology all seem to strike a negative chord with the women I've been seeing recently. While, on the other hand, I have little to no interest in topics such as the history of their personal relationships and their self interests.
Is love even possible given such friction?

Maybe the problem lies within the equation. Or more simply said try to remember nobody likes to feel stupid!
10/6/2008 1:00:54 PM |
Why do many women seem to be put off by intelligent men? |

Concord, NC
age: 46
If you have no interest in their personal interest; how do you expect them to appreciate your intelligence?
Move on and find someone whose personal interests interest you enough to talk about something other than politics, philosophy, or science. I was a physics nerd in school, but I know how to leave that stuff in the books and take interest into the person I am spending time with.
10/6/2008 3:11:07 PM |
Why do many women seem to be put off by intelligent men? |

Salem, AR
age: 47
it seems people insecure of their own intelligence are the ones who cant abide someone that is smarter than themselves, especially if they are obviously more intelligent. I wouldn't worry too much unless of course you are trying to MAKE yourself appear to be on a much higher level than them. That would be a dumb think for a smart person to do. No one likes someone who constantly tries to flaunt themselves as better or on a higher plane than others if it be mental physical or any other way. All I can say is appreciate your blessings but have common courtesy and respect toward others too. We are ALL ignorant of SOMETHING.
10/6/2008 3:40:13 PM |
Why do many women seem to be put off by intelligent men? |

Oakland, CA
age: 38
Alright guys, you say you want a smart woman. What if I got into deep discussion about John Milton's Paradise Lost versus Plato's the Cave? What if I asked you how you guys feel about the way Milton characterized Satan versus the way Plato expressed human darkness? Would you guys be up on that discussion?
What if I wanted to discuss Shakespeare's influence on Hemingway or Faulkner?
Any takers?
10/6/2008 3:52:10 PM |
Why do many women seem to be put off by intelligent men? |


Irving, TX
age: 44
One of my college room-mates deliberately wanted to find a dumb woman to marry. I guess he wanted to be the "smart" one. As for me, I would love to be with a really smart woman . . . and BTW book smarts is not the end-all. Life smart, street smart, . . . oooh, and smart dressers . . . ok JK 
I may have the SAT scores and the GPA but there have been some men and women here who have shown a lot more "smarts" than me. 
Remember, a big brain is like a big penis . . . you did nothing to get it . . . it was a gift, a tealent from God. Everyone will figure out you have it . . . but try not to wave it in everyone's face at the library. Know what I mean? 
In my experience women love an intelligent, humble man.
10/6/2008 4:03:25 PM |
Why do many women seem to be put off by intelligent men? |


Norfolk, VA
age: 49
It's not the size of the spell-checker that's how you use it.
like he said
10/6/2008 4:33:45 PM |
Why do many women seem to be put off by intelligent men? |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 50
Remember, a big brain is like a big penis . . . you did nothing to get it . . . it was a gift, a tealent from God. Everyone will figure out you have it . . . but try not to wave it in everyone's face at the library. Know what I mean?
In my experience women love an intelligent, humble man.
No... waving your penis in the library at all is not very intelligent! 
10/6/2008 6:37:21 PM |
Why do many women seem to be put off by intelligent men? |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 41
I am a Devil's Advocate too, but so many do not understand how to debate points. They end up doing personal insults instead of rising to the level of discussion. Also, if you are good at it, they will call you "mean" for crafting your responses to their replies. A lot of people are in Plato's Cave and do not want to get out.
It's called lack of critical thinking skills and not being able to think multi-dimensionally.
10/6/2008 6:41:13 PM |
Why do many women seem to be put off by intelligent men? |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 41
Coming from me some will laugh, however before getting into the brainy power stuff, maybe just light conversation for starters.
There are a lot of brainy women here, a lot will keep up with you so i don't think that is it. Most i believe and this is just me, they love intelligent conversation, instead of f this and F that.
Karl in Sedona
Hey Karl.. hope all is going well for you and your lady. I crave intellectual stimulation a great amount, so I tend to find where all the intelligent/intellectual women are.
10/6/2008 7:22:54 PM |
Why do many women seem to be put off by intelligent men? |
Hanover, PA
age: 42
You don't get it do you?
It isn't about getting laid. Any troglodyte can do that. And any smart man can master the bullshit to get there if the initial attraction is present.
But, if that attracts someone with whom one can't even communicate, might as well settle for a blow-up doll.
Hint: any woman who would fall for the bullshit above isn't worth having!
I hate it when people make the claim that it is "easy to get laid". I happen to believe that trying to get laid is one of the things that most guys are least successful at. And the smarter a guy is, the less capable he is of mastering that bullshit. That's because it doesn't come natural to them, and it's not logical.
Women tend to equate sex with love and commitment, and are often afraid to give it up too quickly out of fear of being "too easy". Or they put you in the Friend Zone.
There are many other differences, but they all boil down to the fact that women are more reluctant than men to have casual sex. And as far as meaningful sex goes, they seem to want to wait longer for that as well.
10/6/2008 9:58:36 PM |
Why do many women seem to be put off by intelligent men? |

Mena, AR
age: 39
Like Bry said, women love an inteligent but humble man. I am a smart cookie (or over educated, some say) and if a man (or anyone) tries to talk down to me, or anyone, for that mattter, that just tells me they are insecure along with disrespectful. One has to be smart enough to treat someone right, to listen to their history, interests and dreams while sharing your own and not just bask i the glory of your intelligence.