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11/2/2007 7:45:54 AM Men that really dont mind kids  

Warrington, PA
age: 50

your not an ahole because you dont want to date a chick with kids. Your an ahole because of your comments about women with children that it is their problem they have kids. Kids were there choice not raising them with out a father. You make it sound as if they brought this problem on all themselves. No problem. Its a choice. And your entitled to yours. But dont put down these single mothers. Takes a special person to be able to handle two jobs one at work and one at home.

11/2/2007 7:48:04 AM Men that really dont mind kids  

Camp Pendleton, CA
age: 25 online now!

annie regardless of how you got there, it takes two to tango and you were part of that tango. while a man was involved you had at least 50 percent choice in the matter. you made your bed lay in it.

if you misjudged the permanence of your relationship thats a lack of wisdom on your part.

11/2/2007 7:56:02 AM Men that really dont mind kids  

Rutland, IA
age: 34 online now!

Photo, I am a single mother of two daughters with two different dads and I don't think that I am bitter what so ever. I love my girls enough that if a man doesn't want me because of them I am going to be okay. I am okay enough that a man doesn't make or break my life. It takes more than a man to do that. I wouldn't be mad at a man that didn't want kids. I state that in my profile. I have several male friends that are friends because they didn't want to step into a ready made family. I don't dog on them for that or think less of them just the same as I wouldn't want them to dog on me because I have children. It is the men that point blank say....I would not date a women with children and keep pushing that point that it becomes redundant. Fine you don't want to date someone that has kids we understand and I, (can't speak for anyone else) respect that, but why keep pounding the issue. Most single mothers and fathers, have a harder time dating. I have a harder time finding a man for me without putting my kids in the worring about if he likes kids is just another issue to over come in this big world of dating.

11/2/2007 7:56:10 AM Men that really dont mind kids  

Overland Park, KS
age: 41

Annie..arguing with Photo is pointless...he's right on everything he talks about..and the sooner we realize we arent on the same intelligence level he is the better. Just do your best to ignore his comments..while sometimes he has valid points..he has a way of making them appear demeaning.

for the OP.. there are plenty of men in the pool willing to accept kids that arent just have to expand your search. There are guys who fall into the category that can't have kids ,but still would be want to be a father figure.
I might be one of those..personally , I can't have kids..I don't have a uterus

I'm still a kid myself, but know when to turn on the 'grown-up' thinking cap..and am looking forward to a ready made family..

Just be patient...there is someone out there for all of us..or so they tell me..

11/2/2007 8:00:28 AM Men that really dont mind kids  

Overland Park, KS
age: 41

well I have to ask photo a question.. here's what you said a few boxes above

" if you misjudged the permanence of your relationship thats a lack of wisdom on your part."

What if the woman's spouse died, either of natural causes or was murdered or hit by a bus? are they still to be blamed ?

11/2/2007 8:02:08 AM Men that really dont mind kids  

Rosemount, MN
age: 29

As a single parent raising my son alone here is how I feel. If my sons biological father doesnt want to be a part of my sons life, how can I expect anyone else?

11/2/2007 8:02:13 AM Men that really dont mind kids  

Warrington, PA
age: 50

Hey photo I dont have children of my own. I choose to keep my 7yr old stepdaughter in my like

11/2/2007 8:05:34 AM Men that really dont mind kids  

Overland Park, KS
age: 41

But Repo...or is that butt...mmmmm like dat butt...

ok back on topic..Repo..if you met a guy who accepts kids not his own..would you let him into your world? or are you just resigned to the idea that no guy will ever accept your child , and so the child will never be in the picture?

[Edited 11/2/2007 8:06:23 AM]

11/2/2007 8:14:26 AM Men that really dont mind kids  

Rosemount, MN
age: 29

Turtle, if a man came along that was a good match for me and he accepted my son, of course I would give him a chance. Its my hang up so I generally tend to expect men to take off at the first meantion of my son.

11/2/2007 8:15:06 AM Men that really dont mind kids  

Edmonton, AB
age: 32

Gonna defend photographerny here because the guy has a point, while made a bit harsh.

The simple fact is, women will go out looking for the 'bad boy' type, get pregnant, have kids, ditch the loser, then look for a 'stable nice guy'

Why is it that the nice guys have to wait until you have basically {In BOTH your own words,and what people would use to describe you, don't attack me for this please) damaged/used goods. (I am NOT saying that women with kids are messed up or not worth a relationship, just throwing out this question.)

So, answer, not those of you who have had a good relationship turn bad, those who have lost someone dear to them, or those who had no control over the split between you and the dad, But this is for those who intentionally get into a relationship with someone you KNOW is just for 'fun'(IE: the 'bad boys), have kids, then ditch him looking for a nice guy? Why do the nice guys have to wait for you to 'have your fun' before they get a chance, why won't you give THOSE guys a chance to be the good fathers they can be? (IE: their own kids, because, face it, it is a strong biological need and desire to have your own blood continue after you die) Same question to the guys (who are fewer, but they DO exist) who have done the same, got their kids, and are in this same pool?

Hope i haven't offended anyone, but all I see is an argument bashing what someone believes, and who has actually DEFENDED his position well(and yea, has basically made himself the ass, but whatever, he has good points)

SO now that I have made the community my enemy, what is, without trying to attack me personally, is your answer?

11/2/2007 8:15:38 AM Men that really dont mind kids  

Wisconsin Rapids, WI
age: 43

HATS OFF to all the single parents raising children. Sorry but if someone can't accept your kids RUN as fast as you can. They are your life and both of you deserve more than that. Hang in there, the right one will come along

11/2/2007 8:16:39 AM Men that really dont mind kids  

Great Lakes, IL
age: 31

I have kids. why should i mind. I would like the kids to play.

11/2/2007 8:19:14 AM Men that really dont mind kids  

Wisconsin Rapids, WI
age: 43

11/2/2007 8:21:19 AM Men that really dont mind kids  

Wisconsin Rapids, WI
age: 43

It doesn't matter what the reason is that you have had children......REALITY CHECK HERE

11/2/2007 8:22:16 AM Men that really dont mind kids  

Great Lakes, IL
age: 31


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