12/9/2007 12:26:04 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Glendale, AZ
age: 36
and honestly photo, i feel very sorry for people like you. you who are unable to think for yourself, believe everything you are told, and take orders contrary to the oath you took to DEFEND your country. somewhere a McDonalds is missing a drive-thru attendant. its so sad people like you think there is a bogeyman lurking around every corner. you must be scared to death of your own shadow eh?
12/9/2007 12:27:16 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
from foriegn and domestic
12/9/2007 12:30:59 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Oklahoma City, OK
age: 34
allurs4now your the kinda of person that is a poser, a trash talker, a person who hides behind his computer, and mocks people what they say... worth less person but i hate no one. yes i made that choice to join and im not asking for simpathy from people, im just glad what im doing is protecting people and for wars.. they have to be fought i dont see u out there so intil then i think u have no more to say.
[Edited 12/9/2007 12:32:33 PM]
12/9/2007 12:32:30 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Lexington, KY
age: 48
foto: it is people like you that come HERE to proselytize. It is people like YOU that feel to need to spread your smug hate for the military institution.
SCW: Can you read or not.
The man clearly wrote "not military personnel."
foto: You can sit there and moan and whine about things, but if you really think that there is not a big bad world out there then you are f*cked in the head. plain and simple. If you really think that without a US military the rest of the world would be sitting in circle singing kumbaya then you need to lay off the hash.
SCW: When both the USSR and the US had "the weapon"...there was more security in the world.
Now with only one superpower...they start doing pre-emptive strikes.
The world today is much, much insecure due to the Bush administration....and what's more...we've lost a number of rights to boot.
Those who would give up a bit of their liberty for security...don't deserve either.
12/9/2007 12:33:42 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Glendale, AZ
age: 36
that is correct professor. and the domestic is only getting bete noire. as reflected in the opinions of some here.
12/9/2007 12:35:39 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
age: 48
Actually i said it b4 it is people that act like that they yell the loudest when someone dies and want someone to fight back as long as no lives are lost a hypocrite They want protected but don't like the results of people dying
hypocrite = a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings
12/9/2007 12:36:26 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
Thats true all, but, if their suspensions and doubt
lead to one of these secret terror cells,
then we all win,
I let people speak their minds,
its the quiet ones I really worry about
12/9/2007 12:39:32 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Delphos, OH
age: 43
All: just a little note that there are more college graduates in the military as a percentage then the general public. That includes the enlisted men.
Krupa: Nice little story, but you forgot one thing. Israel hunts down Nazi's like dogs and they never give up. They are still hunting them yet even though they are all old men.
They are still trying to get the old former auto plant worker from Cleveland deported to give him a trial and then if found guilty the death penalty. He is accused of being a S.S. guard at one of the Consecration camps. However I am sure they would have let Adolph go because I am sure there were bigger fish to fry then him.
12/9/2007 12:40:26 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Glendale, AZ
age: 36
soldier you make me laugh! read your statement! i'm the poser/trashtalker? but i am worthless?...oh man, you really know how to expose yourself dont you?
12/9/2007 12:44:11 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Glendale, AZ
age: 36
and who posted the jingoistic poem here, but who is looking for no ones sympathy? let me ask you something soldier and photo...what is the difference between liberty and license?
[Edited 12/9/2007 12:44:38 PM]
12/9/2007 1:07:11 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

age: 53
hmmmm well we do stem cell research and have the benefit of euthanasia ...plus condoned access to soft drugs
and prostitution...best of both worlds...hahhahahahahahhahahahaaaa
and we are not silenced by the threat of a patriots act, initiating marshall law against anyone who speaks out in protest of the existing government....i could go on ...
so now everyone !!!
sit by and watch him unleash a spew of insult...c'mon !!.... he's hilarious!!! watch!!    
12/9/2007 1:08:58 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
12/9/2007 1:23:16 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Glendale, AZ
age: 36
by not answering my question photo, you answered a larger question. you are completely ignorant of the difference.
12/9/2007 1:42:25 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Delphos, OH
age: 43
bl8ant: I think you are uninformed. We do stem cell research. We even have use embryonic stem cells. Private companies with private money can do the research on embryonic stem cells. The research done over a period of time has shown that all of the advances have come from adult or umbilical cord stem cells. Embryonic stem cells have caused cancer in all of the studies. The percentage rate is the only differences in the studies. The range in these studies goes any where from 60 to 90%. People are giving millions of dollars for stem cell research. The private money has not been going into embryonic stem cell research because they want a return on their money. People who invest want to make money why would you put money into a loser you don't and that is why the put their money in adult and umbilical stem cell research.
Euthanasia is not some thing to be proud of. Killing some one because you don't think they are useful to society is nothing to brag about. When you start to decide when it is time for some one to die you can easily go down a slippery slop.
Drug use once again is nothing to be proud of either. We know from decades of drug use that when your body starts to get use to it you have to keep increasing the dosages to get the high. Thus if you do not get off of them you can over dose. If you looking at grass and if you do that in a couple of years you will not be on here because you won't be able to remember how to get on the site. 
One more thing with Freedom comes responsibility and "100% total freedom" as what people think they want is anarchy.
Prostitution oh yeah that is some thing to be proud of with AIDS in the world and does not show up right away even with testing. 
The last but not least is our patriot act. Not one person has been able to come forward here and file a law suit showing how their liberties had been affected. Don't listen to the hype about it. Look at the reality of it. What actually has gone on with it.
[Edited 12/9/2007 1:46:43 PM]
12/9/2007 1:44:09 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
I will be in Amsterdam next year,Jay,
I will inform her of a few things