12/5/2007 1:22:39 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Renton, WA
age: 38
Soldier, I do appreciate and thank you for the sacrifices my fellow military people make. I might not be in the service anylonger, but I will always consider myself to be a brother to other service members.
That being said, I don't support this war, nor do I support the current commander in chief, never have, and never will.
And no, I don't vote democrat either. I just feel that if you're the President, and you're going to send our boys and girls into harms way, it should be for a better reason than to line the pockets of you and your cronies.
Anybody with any sense at all can see just how much money companies like Haliburton is making off this. If they truly cared about you, me or anybody else that's placed themselves in harms way while in uniform, then they would make sure that returning soldiers have the services they need to get back into life here in the States. War profiteering is wrong no matter how you spin it.
I will always have the utmost respect for those that honestly want to serve their country and protect us though.
12/5/2007 1:28:09 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Westbank, BC
age: 42
You are not protecting your people......you are fighting in a different country. Now wasnt that war declared over a few years ago???? WTF is this peacekeeping????
Protect your own borders and go home!!! PEACE!!! NOT WAR!!!!!   
12/5/2007 1:45:31 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

age: 53
there is no reason for this war.
there never was.
i don't support the troops and i don't support the war.
the men and women that signed up were brainwashed from the get go, prolly had military families as well furthering the tendency to enlist.
Each man and woman made a choice to enlist in this corruption and many were seriously bribed.
I am a mother and a doctor , how can i support this madness!!??
and all the mothers that sent their children off to war, with a proud pat on the back, ought to be ashamed.
fortunately i am not an american any more.....i fled the tyranny and oppression....and live in a free country now.
by the way .... i am not protected by any american soldiers nor do i believe they have made this world...my world any safer at all.and i am not thankful for the service the soldiers provide...i wish them all a safe journey home.
12/5/2007 2:01:46 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Fort Worth, TX
age: 41
18 second video on War
Oh this is a clip from "Why We Fight"
[Edited 12/5/2007 2:19:28 AM]
12/5/2007 7:05:33 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Spring, TX
age: 55
wow, kent state.. how neat that you remember that. lemme see if i do the math. 2007-1970=37. for a guy who is 35, that's dayum good.
the protesters were always the innocent back then. when pushed, the police and guardsmen were pushing back. someone throws a rock or hits them, they have to right to fight back? you have thousands of protesters against a hundred or so cops. they are scared chitless. and they are supposed to keep a level head when the protesters start pushing, throwing rocks or bricks? Those same guardsmen who shoot back are considered killers? well, self defense is a defense in this case.
i cannot imagine the world you guys wish to live in, where there is no militant activist, no defense against threats, no military, no police... oh yeah.. then you have to wake up.
peace..don't be hatin'
12/5/2007 9:06:05 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Bellevue, WA
age: 45
I fully support the troops. I pray for them to make it home safe and sound, we are doing food and toy drives for the families of the service people in the area (nope, they aren't living high on the hog either) and am already doing what I can for those who are injured and disabled when they return, working on getting them prioritized for any assistance they need when they get back. Sickens me to see the way some have been treated. Just one more reason I resent the hell out of all the illegal invaders draining our systems. All that should be going to our vets, not a bunch of criminals! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
12/5/2007 10:44:40 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
So soldier....I for one served my stint years back and I truely admire and appreciate what all the military does individually. You have your orders and they get done...a job is a job. I am totally against the politics of this war but, got nothing but pride and respect for our armed forces. Peace.
12/5/2007 2:40:58 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Delphos, OH
age: 43
I heard Robert B. Reich the former Labor Secretary under Clinton talk about Iran and the war in Iraq. He said this if nothing else since the latest intelligence tell us that Iran stopped it's Nuclear Bomb program in 2003 after we invaded Iraq. This means it looks because of our invasion of Iraq they stopped. He goes on to say if this is all that comes out of the Iraq war it was worth it. Interesting coming from a liberal who is way to the left if you look at his Labor stances.
12/5/2007 2:53:55 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
paul: Yeah, "knight" - the big bad bullying peace activists must've scared those poor soldiers, that MUST'VE been it. (genius).
Hilarious I couldn't have said it better. There are some real obedient slaves eating the pablem out of the hands of their master handlers. As the story twists and turns so do the minds who are defending their keepers agenda and probably will, to their death.
[Edited 12/5/2007 3:01:47 PM]
12/5/2007 3:27:02 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19
i dont think there is anybody here who has ever said or wanted to see our soldiers killed, crippled, hurt or tortured. the idea that if u want an end to the war means u are against the soldiers is ridiculous. most of us who are not rich have friends, relatives or neighbors who are in or have been in the military. and people around my age group will have a very high number of their friends and classmates who have signed up; more than older people who are not going themselves or comparing this war to a past situation when everyone was drafted somewhat equally. i saw a girl who looked around 23 at the mall last nite, who had been in the military. she had one leg and was on crutches. its a shame that young mothers who can't find employment have to join the military to provide for their kids (like lori piestewa the native american girl in her early 20's killed in iraq leaving two babies behind.)
and what is the number of civilians, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandparents and babies killed in iraq? someone said its near a million. it was 250,000 kids and babies dead years ago when madeline albright (i think thats her name) said their deaths were acceptable collatoral damage.
like paul said, demonstrators get beaten, jailed, defamed in the press, in order to bring the truth to light so at least our troops can know what they're really fighting for. if it wasn't for our demands for the truth and keeping things in the publics eye; we'd still have people thinking they were joining to find WMDs and Bin Laden. we're fighting so vets can get healthcare and housing and counseling when they come back, and we also help ur families who are still here.
photog ur right about some of the trouble u saw at the demos. i went to the republican nat. convention demo when i was about 14 i think. there is a group called the "black bloc" or something they wear black and sometimes have bandanas around the bottom of their faces. they r very provocative cursing at police and creating trouble. i also saw one guy create incidents while we were marching causing police to swarm on people and later i saw him slip over to police on a friendly basis. what im saying is the police or SOMEONE puts plants in the peaceful marches, my dad says they're agents provacatures. (spelling) there were also cases of police tampering with videotape to frame people.
there r all kinds of people who fight and die so that there will be freedom right here in the united states, not just soldiers. martin luther king, the abolutionists, leaders of labor unions, student activists. fighting with principle is what brings freedom.
12/5/2007 4:48:45 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Oklahoma City, OK
age: 34
wow another big hit lol well in response to some people who dont support is why, i understand the war is over, but evry day is a war going on here in our own state, and we protect those who can not defend there self here,so why hate us for what we are doing in iraq? i do this becouse its some thing i always wanted to do, and im 34 yrs old the challenge in life then now im being deployed over to a country that needs to be rebuilt and train there people to defend them self with out our help, so whats the bif deal about everything, its a job, a dangerous job at that, i see no one eles picking up a weapon and defending us and posting up on a wall.... so at the begining of the start of this forum (for all the free people that protest) you dont impress me intil you have seen war,
12/5/2007 4:53:21 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 52
Keep up the good work Soldier.
12/5/2007 4:56:13 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Middlesboro, KY
age: 50
soldier4life2k... I want to thank you for all that you do and the sacrificies you make so that I can sit here and read shit from some posters that I see. God bless you and always keep you safe!
ooops did I say the "S" word???
12/5/2007 6:49:03 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Tampa, FL
age: 55
Hi soldier, I'm a vet from the Viet Nam era and I Support you guys 1000%, people are not protesting against you and the military, it's the abuse of the military by politicans that they are protesting.
I have seen so many of you guys coming back from the middle east at the VA hospital and you guys are getting substandard medical health care.
This is what I'm protesting, not all protest are bad.
12/5/2007 6:59:28 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
age: 48
The problem is that they believe that most of the Guys over fighting oppose the war and that the Left wing media is always right....
Well I salute All the members of the military and say Keep up the fight because without you and everyone over there we would have More Americans Dead here....
The Thing is if one of there family members would die due to a terrorist they would cry the loudest to fight back...
ya can't be free if ya can't fight to be free