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12/8/2007 1:39:22 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
Who was George Scherff?
Who was George Scherff? Better yet, who was George H. Scherff, Sr.? There exists no legitimate record of a George H. Scherff being born in the U.S. from the late-1800s through 1925, yet, George Scherff was Nikola Tesla’s assistant/accountant. If he was born in Germany, could his birthplace shed some light on this mystery? Probably—if they exist (it has become apparent that individuals associated with the Nazi Party commonly have all or parts of their genealogical records expunged—we will explore this further in the section of this article dealing with the “Bush” family tree).
Worth a thousand words: But this was not the only bombshell Otto Skorzeny delivered that day in late-1999. Skorzeny, producing a shoe box full of 60-years worth of his personal photographs, showed them to Berman, describing each one in great detail. The collection featured a photo of a young, majestic Skorzeny in full S.S. Nazi military dress, next to his Führer, Adolph Hitler. Then there were photos of Reinhard Gehlen (S.S. spy and assassin) Dr. Joseph Mengele (the “Angel of Death”) Martin Bormann (Hitler aide and S.S. assassin) and Adolph Hitler (photographed in 1997 at age 107).
The Hitler photo was taken during a “reunion” at the Lake McDonald Lodge in Glacier National Park, Montana, on August 27, 1997. According to Skorzeny, Adolph Hitler was alive and well in the U.S. in 1997!
Skorzeny did not stop there. He produced a photo of a young Skorzeny, Mengele, Bormann, and the family of George H. Scherff, Sr.. Seated in the midst of those in the photo was a young George H. Scherff, Jr., who, Skorzeny explained, was trained as a spy and sent to America to work for Adolph Hitler. “He was given false identification and adopted by Prescott Sheldon Bush as his “son,” George Herbert Walker Bush,” Skorzeny went on. “He forged a birth certificate in order to enter the military before he turned 18. He was 16 at the time.”
In the family photo, a young Scherff and Bormann both sported a German Navy uniform. Scherff later enlisted in the U.S. Navy as “George H.W. Bush.”
In even greater detail, Otto Skorzeny described how (“contrary to the CIA-written history books”) he helped Hitler escape to Austria in a plane flown by a female pilot, Hanna Reitsch. “Hitler did not commit suicide,” Skorzeny recounted. “His double was shot between the eyes, and the dental records proved he was not Hitler. The Americans kept it a secret, worried the truth might anger the Russians.”
Eric “Orion” (Berman), in a live radio interview on Republic Broadcasting Network, January 17, 2006, [14] detailed how “Skorzeny died on December 31, 1999. His body was cremated, I have a copy of his death certificate, and I saw his ashes. After the war, he helped George Bush found the CIA through Operation Paperclip and ODESSA.”
Berman recounted how Skorzeny was found “not guilty” at the Nuremburg trials, and then ushered into the CIA. “Some 50,000+ S.S. Nazi war criminals, not just rocket scientists, were brought to America after the war.”
In 1942, less than a year prior to Tesla’s untimely death, it was already known that principles at New York’s Union Banking Corporation had been caught “Trading with the Enemy,” Nazi Germany. Among the principals was George Herbert Walker, Prescott Sheldon Bush, “son” of industrialist Samuel Prescott Bush, who was president of Buckeye Steel Castings in Columbus, Ohio and the director of the Facilities Division of the War Industries Board. The WIB gave Samuel P. Bush unprecedented ties to the Eastern elite families through its association with one of the largest weapons manufacturers, Remington Arms. Buckeye Steel Castings supplied the railroad industry, controlled by the Rockefellers, the Harrimans, and J.P. Morgan with coupling parts and chassis for their tankers and railcars.
Behind the scenes, Archbishop Francis Cardinal Spellman secretly influenced (or controlled) the activities of key intelligence agencies in the U.S., thus, affording the Vatican the opportunity to suppress potentially damaging information from reaching the public. Spellman and Hoover served the same “master,” though it was not the U.S. government. Upon the revelations of the New York / Nazi money laundering and war profiteering, records in the National Archives, in particular those related to Samuel P. Bush, were destroyed “in order to save space.” Most likely, those records exposed multiple, covert relationships in a conspiracy of monumental proportions.
Look at the Bush and Walker families' lineage the story of why America is ailing, how she became ill and who poisoned her. The relationships are intentionally complex and difficult to decipher, you are not going to get it or feel comfortable about it in a few sittings. When and if you come out the other side given you have any brain cells, you should have no question in your mind as to which “families” have been most influential in the preplanned destruction of America and her once-free people.
12/8/2007 1:49:33 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
hey lulu 
12/8/2007 1:51:02 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Conway, AR
age: 33
12/8/2007 2:31:36 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Spring, TX
age: 55
oh boy, i have lunch with martians every couple weeks. one day the rest of you will see them too... haha.
everyone wants to sell a book, or get a movie deal. if you look at the front page of the weeklies at the grocery store checkout, you'll see what i mean.
peace... don't be hatin'
12/8/2007 3:26:03 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Conway, AR
age: 33
what? you CAN'T mean...
those aren't real?
12/8/2007 7:41:10 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
The ruling powers decided that one means of funding the alien connected and other black market projects was to corner the illegal drug market. A young ambitious member of the Council on Foreign Relations was approached. His name is George Bush who at the time was president and C.E.O. of Zapata Oil based in Texas. Zapata Oil was experimenting with the new technology of offshore drilling.
It was correctly thought that the drugs could be shipped from South America to the offshore platforms by fishing boat where it would be taken to shore by the normal transportation used for supplies and personnel. By this method no customs or law enforcement agency would subject the cargo to search.
George Bush agreed to help and organised the operation in conjunction with the CIA. The plan worked better than anyone had thought and since expanded world wide and there are now many other methods of bringing the illegal drugs into the country. It must always be remembered though that George Bush began sale of drugs to our children. The CIA now controls all the world's illegal drug markets.
12/8/2007 7:55:18 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Bartlett, IL
age: 42
them little guys are always breaking
into my condo at night, then I have to
chase then out,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
sometimes they drop there ray-guns,,,,,,,,,
here's what I have so far,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

12/8/2007 8:23:01 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Spring, TX
age: 55
skip.. i might need to borrow one of those soon. sometimes our lunches get rowdy..
peace... don't be hatin'
12/8/2007 8:26:13 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Glendale, AZ
age: 36
awesome ray gun collection! lets have a shoot 'em up!
i get the one that says atomic on it! 
[Edited 12/8/2007 8:27:57 PM]
12/8/2007 10:51:05 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19
good posts, rome.
12/9/2007 1:23:09 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Aston, PA
age: 59
Thanks for the help. When dealing with crazies like Jewelz, I need all the help I can get. 
12/9/2007 6:55:02 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Bellevue, WA
age: 45 online now!
Funny post skip! But leah, be careful, even dare to agree with me and china and her helpers will start up with you next LOL
12/9/2007 10:38:42 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Oklahoma City, OK
age: 34
here you go jewelez... what do u have to say about this?
Who said my life was easy?
Who said I was suppose to go to college?
But instead I'm in denial
Wishing upon a starless night
I know It's out there some we're
Will this life get easier!?
Or will I lose everything
Everything I ever worked for!
Things never change
I'm still hiding
Working hard and getting nothing in return
A uniform, a patch, and people who hate me?
People who can't stand me?
People who don't even know me?
This is my life
A United states soldier....
A creeper of the night
A bearer of your freedom
A reason you have the Stars and stripes
Stop burning my colors
and Spiriting on my Flag!
I fight for that…
You just voice your duncical opinion
Which I understand!
I'll take this stand
And listen to what you have to say anyway
But before you make any rationalized comments
Would you dare walk in my shoes, For just one day!?
See what I see!
Hear what I hear!
And Bear what I bear!
before you comment on my Life!
Would you change your life??
Like I did mine
And fight for This Country's Liberty!
12/9/2007 11:14:52 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Glendale, AZ
age: 36
get off your soap box soldier you chose your path. no one here hates you or the other military personal, its the people who give you your orders that we have a problem with. the fact you try and cloud the issue with your sentimentality is so typical of the war mongering crowd. you should be grateful that there are those of us that are fighting to bring our people home from this impasse. and how dare you claim you bring liberty! only God can grant liberty, with which we are Born with. man can only grant license.
12/9/2007 12:14:14 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Glendale, AZ
age: 36
get off your soapbox photo. whos whining here?
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