12/5/2007 7:30:21 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
age: 48 online now!
well so by you own admission we cause all of the people to get killed read this pinhead
The bad news is that anti-American people will use the new intel to mock the USA and diminish the threat from radical Islam. You have to understand that there are Americans who despise heir own country, feel the USA is the cause of terrorism in the world. This crew was epitomized by people like Jane Fonda. Some months ago, we ran into her at a peace rally and asked this question.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you think about what happened to the three million Vietnamese and Cambodians who died after the U.S. troops left Vietnam?.
JANE FONDA, ACTRESS: It's too bad that we caused it to happen by going in there in the first place.
So even when we leave people die so i guess they did not matter either
12/5/2007 7:31:03 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
age: 48 online now!
So according to Ms. Fonda, it was really America's fault that the communists in southeast Asia slaughtered millions of people after the USA pulled out of Vietnam. Believe me, far-left people in America love the fact that U.S. intel has now contradicted the president on Iran — they live for that. And even though the president says he learned about the new intel only last week, it was confirmed only last week. Senator Joseph Biden immediately called him a liar.
12/5/2007 7:32:18 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
age: 48 online now!
SEN. JOE BIDEN (D), DELAWARE: For this president to knowingly disregard, or once again misrepresent intelligence about the issue of war and peace I find outrageous.
Well, we called Senator Biden to back up his assertion. His spokesperson Elizabeth Alexander says national security advisor Stephen Hadley confirms what Biden says.
But Mr. Hadley says that's not true. He confirms President Bush learned about the new intelligence last Wednesday. Now, we've called Senator Biden and asked him to come on "The Factor" tomorrow. We'll see if he shows up.
Because of the new intel, it will be more difficult to hold Iran and other nations accountable for their murderous activities in the future. There's no question about it. Doesn't seem to bother the loony left that Iran is killing American military people in Iraq and Afghanistan right now by shipping deadly weapons to terrorists. After all, according to these Fonda wanna-bes, it's America's fault for being there. It's interesting to know like WMDs in Iraq, the U.N. couldn't define nukes in Iran. We'll talk with foreign U.N. ambassador John Bolton about that in a few moments.
Knowing what totalitarian nations are doing, though, it is very tough work to find any intel. The USA recently made a nuke deal with North Korea, for example. But is that country really getting out of the nuke business? They lied to President Clinton about it. They could be lying now. It's almost impossible to know.
But what we do know is that Iran is enriching uranium. And it doesn't have to. It has plenty of local energy without going nuclear. And enriching uranium is a primary step toward developing a nuclear weapon.
But "Talking Points" is glad tonight that new intel says Iran is pulling back. We hope that's true. Stratfor believes this even may lead to detente with Iran. Hope is always a good thing, but so is being realistic.
Islamic terrorism is a real threat. Those who reject that truism put us all in danger.
And that's the Memo.
12/5/2007 8:11:13 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
age: 48 online now!
Speaking of half wit and statements that you have made don't make me go back to the threads and pull out every time you said that the US did this and that and that it was wrong that and you hate this and that about the country Because i will unless you delete them all
12/5/2007 8:24:25 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
age: 48 online now!
not so simplistic when you look at all the post together and again when confronted you change your tune.. So what is it either you do or don't
12/5/2007 8:27:00 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Delphos, OH
age: 43
You have to use judgement on what the government tells you! Yes they lie at times and you need to look through the crap and see what is really up. They also tell the truth at times, because if they lie all of the time it would be noticed. The problem is not looking at things rationally and thinking that every single thing is a conspiracy theory. That is a delusional line of thought. Just like no just war ever. Thinking that every scrape we have gotten into over the last 200 years was all set ups. My question is has there ever been a just war in all of the history of mankind? If the answer is no then you point out exactly that you have problems, because just by the shear numbers it would be almost impossible for that to be.
Do I think all wars by the U.S. were just no. The war we had with most of the Indians for one. WWI is maybe questionable do to the sinking of the Lusitania and her carrying explosives. The thing is you can not fool the majority of the people all of the time about every war. The odds are just to large to make it fit.
12/5/2007 8:38:25 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Delphos, OH
age: 43
so in the history of the world there has never ever been a just war Paul?
12/5/2007 8:39:05 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Pasco, WA
age: 36
Thank you and all the soldiers that fight for the freedom of the human race.(no matter what country they live in.) I pray all of our soldiers to come home safe.
12/5/2007 8:39:18 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
age: 48 online now!
OK b4 the US was around was there a just war Come on paul we know you hate America what about China and Greece and the romans and so on and on and on I suppose you will blame them on people for profit as well YES people profit from an war Gee someone has to make the guns and tanks and planes and so on and on and on So i suppose they started the war for a profit and Indirectly most business have made money from it on one way or another
12/5/2007 8:49:14 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
age: 48 online now!
It is in your words not mine
and read the bible He died because they did not like him getting attention and JUDAS turned on him I guess you did not read that part
Why did Jesus have to die?
Jesus had an amazingly productive ministry, teaching and healing thousands. He attracted large crowds and had potential for much more. He could have healed thousands more by traveling to the Jews and gentiles who lived in other areas.
But Jesus allowed this work to come to a sudden end. He could have avoided arrest, but he chose to die instead of expanding his ministry. Although his teachings were important, he had come not just to teach, but also to die — and he accomplished more in his death than in his life.
Death was Jesus’ most important ministry. This is the way we remember him, through the cross as a symbol of Christianity or through the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper. Our Savior is a Savior who died.
PS the leaders at the time did not like the fact that His popularity was getting to big they figured if they did not stop Jesus they people would no longer Listen to them and only to Jesus...
Had nothing to do with money just power but B4 he was arrested he said it was going to happen to paul
[Edited 12/5/2007 9:18:40 PM]
12/5/2007 10:55:45 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53 online now!
No never jay, what about the word "never" don't you understand? why do you have to repeat what he said? You obviously think there are such things as "just" wars. You are a long way from understanding how you could justify a war. The other side gives you updates on how they are doing, it's called the movies.
We must know why it is that in a mere 200 years over 160 million people have suffered violent deaths at the hands of other human beings.
Evil does not come into being due to the flawed mechanics of nature. Nature is in perfect harmony from the largest neutron star to the smallest quantum particle. Nature would therefore, not be likely to so blunder as to create a proclivity in her highest species so lethal, as to undermine her own sublime order.
Man differs from the animal by the fact that he is a killer; he the only primate that kills and tortures members of his own species without any reason, either biological or economic, and who feels satisfaction in doing so. It is this biologically non-adaptive and non-phylogenetically programmed “malignant” aggression that constitutes the real problem and the danger to man’s existence as a species...The most ample – and horrifying – documentation for seemingly spontaneous forms of destructiveness are on the record of civilized history.
The history of war is a report of ruthless and indiscriminate killing and torture, whose victims were men, women, and children. Many of these occurrences give the impression of orgies of destruction, in which neither conventional nor genuinely moral factors had any inhibitory effect. There is hardly a destructive act human imagination could think of that has not been acted out again and again - Erich Fromm (Anatomy of Human Destructiveness)
12/6/2007 12:29:50 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
Jewelz i beg to differ on one point. The chimpanzees also kill each other without reason and I have seen dogs kill other animals for no reason. They did not eat them, they just killed them. Check out Animal Planet.
12/6/2007 3:38:16 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Oklahoma City, OK
age: 34
wow!!!!!!!!!im kind of disapointed with some of the responses from people about war, if it wasnt for war, we wouldnt be were we are today, and some people wonder why people go to jail when they riot.... thank about that question? hmm ok ill answer that for you the reason why is the protester get to crazy and do dumb things such as charge the riot patrol and throw rocks, and little stuff like that and couse injury to other people well thats unamerican to do so remember as soldiers or any profesion we value life we are not the ones that step foot into another country with out couse...there has to be a reason for war, and the term used in war is kill or be killed lol i will kill because i have alot to live for and its my job and duty to defend my country and do what im told, we all follow orders, we all have a boss, and we do our job... so protest away make your self look bad and make america look bad cause we are the ones who have to clean your mess and turn things around. and make america the best.
12/6/2007 3:54:24 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Eureka, CA
age: 19
i agree with you. i have raised hell in my town about the protestors who are out their. it pisses me off when i see them. actually got in a fight with a couple ladies about it.
12/6/2007 6:36:48 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Delphos, OH
age: 43
Queen is right about the Chimpanzee. Oh torture? The Chimpanzee even will eat the one they kill! Once again Krupa you listen to the liberal far left about only man does such.
That is such a crock. You can talk all you want about just wars or not, but their have been some like our own Revolutionary War. Why it was the only way to gain FREEDOM and if you look up History the colonist tried the peaceful route but the king would not budge and the only thing left was war.