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12/9/2007 11:48:57 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Glendale, AZ
age: 36
i dont have to beg and i do have choices. another weak attempt by photo to what?...embarrass me, or more likely yourself.
soulcity is right photo, get some rest and come back tomorrow. your crew aint here to back you up with their blather now.
[Edited 12/9/2007 11:50:38 PM]
12/9/2007 11:55:19 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Glendale, AZ
age: 36
 funny dude! what happened to staying on topic that you insisted on a few moments ago?
12/10/2007 12:22:30 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Lexington, KY
age: 48
foto: oh! i forgot you guys all coordinate your online times. btw guys way to stick on topic.
SCW: I knew that was what you, jcsx, QoH, and wildgypsy were doing...klanning.
With all the new blood coming on, it looks like the days of the klan are numbered!!!!
[Edited 12/10/2007 12:24:11 AM]
12/10/2007 12:26:16 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Lexington, KY
age: 48
Looks like ol' foto has been run down into the ground...head first.
He's out of here.
12/10/2007 12:29:37 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
throw away yer crack pipe. conspirecy need some tin foil?
12/10/2007 12:30:16 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
look out! there under your
12/10/2007 3:46:45 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Aston, PA
age: 59
jewelz5...... I cut/pasted part of your post.
"It is this spirit, after all, that is exemplified by the great saviors of the world. All of them, from Tonatiuh, to Odin, to Christ, to Socrates, were rebels, iconoclasts and outcasts. And yet, each was sent to the world by the higher power to execute the will of the so-called “Holy Spirit."
As usual, your post is a muddled mass of confused clutter. An example is your lumping Tonatiuh, Odin, Christ, and Socrates together, stating that they were sent to execute the will of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, in most instances, applies to the Catholic/Christian religion. Tonatiuh is the Aztec Sun God. Odin is Chief God in Norse mythology. Christ is the Christian Saviour. Socrates is the Greek philosopher credited for laying the foundation for Western philosophy.
Additionally, I am well read and I know of no instance where Socrates has ever been called a great savior. Also, there are no cited references to Christ being an iconoclast. Actually, it is the opposite. When an attempt was made to draw Christ into being an iconoclast so he could be arrested, Christ said "Render to God the things that are God's and to Caesar the things that are Caesar's." You also claim that all of the above were outcasts. Are you really that stupid to believe that Odin, the Chief of the Gods in Norse Mythology was an outcast, and that Tonatiuh, the Aztec Sun God was the same?
Never mind. do not even answer my questions. I cannot deal with you and the rest of your crazy post, which is nothing but a maze of cloggish chaos.
After dealing with you I feel 
give some thought to your posts and quit all this crazy talk.
[Edited 12/10/2007 4:04:17 AM]
12/10/2007 8:32:29 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Bellevue, WA
age: 45 online now!
All yours “go to Baghdad with leah and while she is polling people”
And whom should they poll? The ones who asked us to come, and begged us to stay, or the ones that have never wanted us there in the first place? There are two sides to it even over there, and if these people had been so ready to agree with each other over the past decades, there wouldn’t be all the hostilities between the sunnis and shiites in the first place.
Oleta “As far as politicians go, I don't trust any of them.”
From any country no less, as far as I am concerned. Hard to believe, but a lot are even worse than Bush.
Cabby “So be it lets have a free society no money that way no one can say anything about the rich”
Many times I have wished that this country worked on the barter system. Seems to me, that way those who actually did work would prosper, and the deadwoods would get what they deserve.
Jay “Not only can you pray because of "separation of church and state" but you can't even do it as freedom of speech! Read the constitution no where does it say the separation of church and state.”
I have only seen Christians denied their freedoms. The rest are catered to. When any mention of Christmas was banned in the schools, they were still teaching the kids jewish holiday songs. The muslims are even allowed to contradict dress codes.
Queen “Thats right they can take the life of the innocent when they were careless enough to get pregnant but want to tell others how they can have sex. Makes sense to me.NOT”
And your narrow mindedness on this makes no sense to me either. Had a lot of issues with other things you posted, but this was just the limit. Guess it would be fine to have that same innocent child abused or put into foster care because the mother couldn’t stand to see the face of her rapist every day, or died trying to have this kid. More than just tramps getting knocked up by illegals involved in this issue. You sound like you prefer to further victimize mothers.
I also don’t think that anyone not able to bear children should be allowed to vote. Too much like outsiders telling one group what they can and can’t do with their own bodies, and that isn’t right. As bad as telling another govt how to run their country. And, along those lines, at your age, I would bet that leaves you out of the whole thing LOL What real stake do you have in this issue? Sure, when it comes to protesting this sexual slavery, I will be on the front lines defending these women, but since I am not able to have kids any more, wouldn’t expect the right to vote and tell them what to do.
Jay “Now we all can not vote in idiots”
I wasn’t even in the country when the idiots voted Bush in, but felt the shame of the whole country when I heard the results.
Blatant “but that is because of religion ....oh hell”
Which just goes to show that not all “gods” have an interest in the same rights as the one referred to the most in this country I suppose.
”i grew up in one of these muslim countries...i don't think you want my point of view's not as bad in some of them as you would like to believe...”
And your experience is just a contrast to so many others who complain about how horrid it was there, and how they would be killed if they even dared to return.
”it's the dogmas and attachments to belief systems, that (in my opinion) strip a person of their freedoms and authenticity...but we are conditioned and born into these structures and systems with hardly any opportunity to get out unless we revolt.”
LOL I don’t think it is even rare for kids to revolt against what their parents teach them, so I would hardly think anyone is really stripped of anything LOL Well, yeah, except coward too afraid of speaking their mind, and what can anyone really say about them?
”i was scandalous for my “
LOL Try seeing the look on the face of a nun when you are asking her just how anyone KNOWS if the bible was accurately translated, or the look on your brother’s face when you teach this same nun how to say “Bite Me” with the proper emphasis LOL
”i revolted...rebelled “
In my family, just asking questions was enough to be a rebel so I was unquestionably the biggest rebel in generations.
“you seriously need to get laid...or some excruciatingly slow head might mellow you out a bit”
LOL Didn’t have to jump in and prove you were a fake so fast did ya?! As if any real dr of any kind would come off with that. I think maybe you just see a shrink so often you have picked up a lot of the jargon. And no, have never believe all your self serving posts about supposedly doing all that charity work. Your posts would have more realism to them if you had.
Deserted “Can't believe someone missed out on "slow head"
Consider the source, maybe didn’t want one of those STDs. If you had read her stuff for a while you would know that this wasn’t exactly a “rare offer”. Wonder why she doesn’t use all these “talents” she claims to have to protest the lack of safe sex in the country she resides in. It is a major health issue, and one that would HELP people.
12/10/2007 8:44:49 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Lexington, KY
age: 48
LostAsUsual: throw away yer crack pipe. conspirecy need some tin foil?
SCW: Guess you should know...especially in regards to the high rate of illegal drug use in your city of Evanston and the entire state: meth, crack cocaine, etc.
Did a little research last night after one of your idiotic comments.
12/10/2007 8:50:39 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Lexington, KY
age: 48
wildgip: I wasn’t even in the country when the idiots voted Bush in, but felt the shame of the whole country when I heard the results.
SCW: Did you drive across the border from your state of Washington to Canada to refill your manic-depressive and severe delusions prescriptions?! 
12/10/2007 9:35:05 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Aston, PA
age: 59
gypsy...... I cut/pasted part of your post.
"I have only seen Christians denied their freedoms. The rest are catered to. When any mention of Christmas was banned in the schools, they were still teaching the kids jewish holiday songs. The muslims are even allowed to contradict dress codes."
You are so right!
Gypsy. I want to add that in certain areas of America, foot baths are being installed for Muslims as part of their religious ritual. Oh, and of course in those same areas, mentioning Christmas is banned, as you noted.

[Edited 12/10/2007 10:02:50 AM]
12/10/2007 10:29:12 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

age: 53
we share some 'attitude' is clear, and i enjoyed your response to my post, heh heh , even questioning my authenticity... it's ok, i can laugh....
see, as i am pretty sure you can relate to, we all have our level, it's an internal process of growth and we carve into the depths of ourselves....
i have a dark side just as you do :o)
i appreciate her shocking irreverence and unconventional attitude...i'm sorry you didn't appreciate that humour,
i thought it was banal enough to fit right in, oh well , can't blame me for tryin ahaahahahahhahahaaaa*( do i need to say i am being sarcastic?)..heh heh
as for where i grew up, well even that is kinda relative i guess
every country has it's dark side as well....i am not going to sing praises for what is happening in my country,
any more than you want to about yours,
so we do have a lot in common eh?
but like you i can also boast that my country was general consensus.
it's extremely personal as well , and i am sure you can appreciate the personal prices we pay for what we lose
and if someone is interested enough , as you apparently were, they will read between the lines...some things are better left unsaid.
at the end of the day..i come here to get some comic relief and banter, i come here to be someplace
so radically different from what i am immersed in... i know i don't fill in the details that's why i called myself bl8ant
consider that it's a compliment to your intelligence, that i don't have to go into all the drama
because i am not invested in proving something and if you are curious i have given links and am free to email.
who can prove anything about anyone? a few people here i have known some years now...we've no reason to imagine we are anyone other than who we say we are.
so all in fun....
stay scandalous!
asalaam aleikum
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