12/6/2007 7:01:44 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Inglewood, CA
age: 36
Excuse me sir but are you saying that it is American military willingness to invade other countries that makes America great?
12/6/2007 7:17:21 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Delphos, OH
age: 43
No never said that any where. I was trying to get the answer if any war at any time was justified. Paul who was on here said no we never had one. The questioned I asked did mankind ever have one.
No I don't think going to war makes us who we are, however we would not be were we are with out them, but at least Revolutionary war and the Civil War which where very large impact on our country of where we are today.
What I think makes us great is our strong individualism which makes us want to do things for ourselves to make us better and our generosity.
12/6/2007 7:23:22 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Delphos, OH
age: 43
I think your right Photo, but is not this guy being to seville to be Paul?
12/6/2007 7:29:39 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
lol i will kill because i have alot to live for and its my job and duty to defend my country and do what im told, we all follow orders, we all have a boss, and we do our job...
So soldier, if your boss gave you orders to kill one of your friends or family members, would you follow orders and do what you are told because it's your job, and kill them in this example?
12/6/2007 7:34:35 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Delphos, OH
age: 43
jewelz not the same they have not been asked to kill civilians. I know that is what you are getting at and yes some do die, but not because they are out there trying to kill them. The U.S. is known for and is why you have those who try to put things in civilians areas on purpose to keep us from bombing those things. We have the guided bombs that hit the target only with little collateral damage to help to try to keep it down.
12/6/2007 9:26:03 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Pasco, WA
age: 36
Not only are we fighting to protect the people of other countries we are fighting to protect our own. Has everyone forgot about 9-11 we lost 1000's of our brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents and our children is that ok? No I don't think so, if we don't do something now about it how much worse will it be 10 years from now? Personally I don't want to find out.
12/6/2007 9:50:00 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Inglewood, CA
age: 36
Excuse me jay but "some" civilians is a gross understatement, I'm sorry to say.
In addition, those "guided" bombs wiegh thousands of pounds. They are not all that accurate, in many instances. They are dropped on civilian cities. The U.S. Military has destroyed Iraq and poisoned it for 4 billion years with depleted uranium, which is a highly mis-leading name; it's quite poisonous and the tremendous cancer rate and birth defect spike illustrates this.
I truly believe this war had nothing to do with 911.
12/6/2007 10:52:16 PM |
for all the free people that protest |

Elkhart, IN
age: 48
WB Paul
12/7/2007 12:49:39 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
The enforcement arm for the One World Government are the police, the national guard, and the military.
Members of the police and military have been heavily indoctrinated with the “us against them” mentally.
They have been granted massive new powers and are told to expect dangerous civil insurrections and are being encouraged to treat those who resist tyranny, as “criminals of the state.”
America’s one million police and national guard members may unwittingly “just follow orders” and enforce the globalists’ agenda for depopulation and kill one of your friends or family members, they were just following orders doing their job.
Get a clue jay...with all due respect...wake the hell up...you can do it...snap out of it...its all around you...in your face. Like the mafia says jay...its nothing personal, its just business! You mean nothing to them, you are considered a "useless feeder". Run for your life or they are going to barbeque your ass and have you for lunch.
[Edited 12/7/2007 12:55:57 AM]
12/7/2007 1:11:05 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Aston, PA
age: 59
that_wd_b_me ..... I copied and pasted your post so everyone could read it again, particularly jewelz
Thank you and thank GOD for you and all our service people. Defending freedom takes guts,protesting in the safety of freedom does not.
Here's to all our men and women in uniform who defend freedom at the risk of their own lives. They deserve 
12/7/2007 3:24:08 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Gilbert, AZ
age: 25
Thank you and thank GOD for you and all our service people. Defending freedom takes guts,protesting in the safety of freedom does not.
If protesting doesn't take guts I guess your saying all the blacks and non blacks that
protested for civil rights are a bunch of pussies?
12/7/2007 4:49:22 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
So evidently you think standing up for your rights is a f*cking game as if the people are not as sophisticated to know they are getting screwed over now as they were back in the 60's and 70's and have nothing better to do. Your rulers loves protestors because they know when you're out protesting, you sure as hell aren't home figuring this shit out.
12/7/2007 5:58:18 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Spring, TX
age: 55
i'm surprised many of you missed that haley's comet ride.
peace.... don't be hatin'
12/7/2007 7:51:01 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Eureka, CA
age: 19
i think you need to rethink things you say jewlz. cause i am taking you for a real jack@$$. maybe i am taking what you say wrong. But i really dont think i am. Have you ever served in the military before?
[Edited 12/7/2007 7:51:17 AM]
12/7/2007 7:51:31 AM |
for all the free people that protest |

Delphos, OH
age: 43
Well Jewelz from your thinking they all ready have. My uncle died in Korea on Old Bald peak 1st Lt. Allemeier God Rest His Soul.
This was my mothers favorite sibling and was a Chemical Engineer who was in charge of a company. He and his radio man died while calling in Artillery support to stop the enemy from over running their position.
I do not believe every thing the government does or says. It usually does more wrong then good. They attempt to do good but they are so inefficient that they can not do very good. Just plain good is a high mark for them.
I also know that some would like a one world government, but we are far from that do to differences in the different parts of the world. The middle east is a good example of that.