8/12/2008 8:32:36 PM |
dont any men out there like a BBW? |

Brooklyn, NY
age: 41
People like who they like but there are plenty of men out there. Just make sure you are in a position to see and be seen by them and don't worry about who doesn't like whom. Everyone faces that problem.
8/13/2008 2:40:23 PM |
dont any men out there like a BBW? |

Titusville, FL
age: 29
sorry to say it but i love barbie dolls i have nothing against bbws but everbody has something that they want in someone else. I know lots of men that like bbws but the problem is that WE ALL WANT WHAT WE CANT HAVE AND WHAT WE CAN HAVE WE DONT WANT If you would like to find someone to date i recommand lowering your standards i hope this didnt get anyone upset good luck dating 
8/13/2008 2:55:36 PM |
dont any men out there like a BBW? |

Huntsville, AL
age: 37
I love my thick girls...I love women of all shapes and sizes, but my personal favorites, and my preference, tends toward the beautiful thick women. All of you BBWs who feel like you are overlooked, please feel free to drop me a line. I promise there are more guys like me out there, you are just looking in the wrong places. But that's ok More for me 
8/13/2008 10:50:42 PM |
dont any men out there like a BBW? |

Columbus, IN
age: 36
ithink it depends on the lady in witch we are talkin about i think she is a hotty but some ladys need to where bras not let them sag everywhere ya know sometimes there are gross
8/13/2008 10:51:42 PM |
dont any men out there like a BBW? |

Columbus, IN
age: 36
well i think your very attractive! 
8/15/2008 1:40:47 AM |
dont any men out there like a BBW? |
Florence, AL
age: 28
you ladies are not the only ones. us bhm (big handsome men) don't attract alot of attention either. I'm a fun guy too. but i'm not a bad boy, who treats women like crap, so that also makes me less attracive. I believe in respect and you have to give to recieve. My match is out there somewhere.
if u wasnt so far ur good looking!
8/15/2008 9:58:13 AM |
dont any men out there like a BBW? |

Titusville, FL
age: 29
I dont get it. All you men are looking for a barbie doll. And most of those Barbies have bad attitudes! Just because I am heavy I cant find a decent man. You guys are missing out bigtime cause I am the nicest person you would ever meet inside and out!!!

First off let me start off by saying that what i have to say is not meant to get anyone upset or hurt there feelings I have read what most people have to say on this thread and i have to say i am sad, sad to see just how mean and low people really are there is a double standrad going on here i cant belieave the mean things people are saying about thinner women noonies have you really meet most of the thinner women in the world to be able to say they have bad attitudes? how would you feel if i said most bbw have bad attitudes just wondering? What you need to realize is that no body is perfect i am only 5-7 short for a man and women tell me that all the time and reject me just because i am not tall but you know what i dont do i dont get upset and say mean things about women i am happy with who i am and i know that there is sombody out there for me i hope that other people in this world who are not perfect will see things the same way i do .
8/17/2008 6:41:42 PM |
dont any men out there like a BBW? |

Baltimore, MD
age: 32
I DO....being a big man myself, I tent to run into the same issue. Not saying anything is wrong with a skinny lady. I've always been afraid I'd break her. See I have big hands and I would rather a lady that can handle that. Durability means alot when your 6 foot 3 260.
8/18/2008 12:31:07 PM |
dont any men out there like a BBW? |

Ogden, UT
age: 37
I am a BBW as well and I have alot of friends that are more like Barbie dolls and alot in between as well, I have found the the first one that gets the eye of someone out there is the one making themselves seen. I tend to hang in the back ground most of the time just because I am more afraid of being teased or rejected by the women around me then the men I am trying to attract.
there is someone out there for everyone, you just have to not be afraid to go out and be proactive about finding them. Don't look down on yourself and just make sure what you are doing is for YOU and You alone then you will have fun no matter what and everyhting else will fall in line.
8/18/2008 2:06:37 PM |
dont any men out there like a BBW? |
Kokomo, IN
age: 39
I dont have no problems finding men and I am not a barbie doll
8/18/2008 6:42:51 PM |
dont any men out there like a BBW? |

Sun City, CA
age: 37
My 2 best friends are what you call barbie dolls and they tend to get the attention first, however I also tend to hang back when with them because i don't want to be rejected. That being said it is time for me to find someone to love. There has to be some men out there that want a bigger girl Come on my ex can't be right
8/19/2008 12:26:38 PM |
dont any men out there like a BBW? |

Fontana, CA
age: 38
I dont get it. All you men are looking for a barbie doll. And most of those Barbies have bad attitudes! Just because I am heavy I cant find a decent man. You guys are missing out bigtime cause I am the nicest person you would ever meet inside and out!!!

I agree with you noonies. i am on the heavy side also.
8/19/2008 1:01:50 PM |
dont any men out there like a BBW? |

Charlotte, NC
age: 33
Some men are just scared...they scared of what ppl might think of them ..that is their insecurity...I dont have time for phony men...for the ones the do appreciate the full figured women ...Kudos..to you....I once was a plus size woman and some men ddnt give me the time day or hour...but now ..they want to holla...No thanks...I know where their mind at...so go head big gurls get ur groove on ....Skinny B*tches are still evil...  
8/20/2008 9:24:04 AM |
dont any men out there like a BBW? |

Fontana, CA
age: 38
I dont like barbie dolls, I feel like they would break if anything happened. I like a little meat on my woman's bones.  
I am glad that you feel that way Ryanmb, i rather have a guy that would want a little meat on a woman's bones. I feel the same way about a guy he has to have a little meat on his bones cause, i dated a couple of skinny (toothpicks) in my days. No more Skinny guys for me.   
8/20/2008 9:48:31 AM |
dont any men out there like a BBW? |

Charlotte, NC
age: 33
I DO....being a big man myself, I tent to run into the same issue. Not saying anything is wrong with a skinny lady. I've always been afraid I'd break her. See I have big hands and I would rather a lady that can handle that. Durability means alot when your 6 foot 3 260.
Well I know u wont break me...I be rite there wit ya....