4/11/2008 7:43:00 PM |
Do you ever feel that it is "too late". Will you be single forever? |

International Falls, MN
age: 53
Will it ever be to late,? what qualifies as to late? loseing your physical appearence as we all do bit by bit as we age? That is a marketing tool,And in a sense thats what we do we search here and what ever we see read,influences our choicses.your question is valid of course.I think about that very question myself.you mentioned someone who really let you down on one of these sight,he wasn,t interested ect.......the worst senerio is to get a{and it happens to us all}a whats wrong with me attitude..that will take you down and its most likely a false judgement you are a very talented lady {the picture you did in the background of one of your pics speaks for it self}don,t let the downers cloud your uniqueness, you are not only talented your pretty as well:,stateing the facts: no one likes to be alone..................later good luck bill
4/12/2008 8:34:19 AM |
Do you ever feel that it is "too late". Will you be single forever? |

North Liberty, IA
age: 27
Sometimes (ok so a lot of the time) I do feel like I'll be single forever. Especially because I am a single mother that is insanely busy.
But then I write down all the things I can do because I am unattached, everything I am working on before I start looking again, what my priorities are in life and how much fun I am having teaching my daughter what I want her to learn.
Then I pop in a sad love movie, maybe try to squeeze a few tears out (not really a cryer) and get lonely. Its a vicious cycle! 
Don't give up hope. I look at my mom. My parents got divorced when I was 5. For 10 years she struggled and did what she had to do to raise her girls properly, leaving dating behind. Then she met a man and they got married. He is the best man I have ever met and its amazing what my moms patience and perserverance accomplished. They've been married almost 13 years this month THIS GIVES ME HOPE!!
4/12/2008 1:39:10 PM |
Do you ever feel that it is "too late". Will you be single forever? |

Mesquite, TX
age: 51
GSB...I'm definitely hot for the teacher
4/12/2008 2:22:23 PM |
Do you ever feel that it is "too late". Will you be single forever? |

Annapolis, MD
age: 38
Absolutely not!
Bry and Wiley - well said.
A couple of years back I worked in a nursing home for a time while looking for a job... And I have to say, one of the most beautiful things I ever saw was "a couple" who fell in love there. They were both confined to a wheelchair - and they had a "claimed spot" in the community Room.... Their days were spent next to each other, holding hands, gazing into each other's eyes, talking, kidding, laughing, complaining about the ailment "dejour", and occasionally driving each other crazy to the point of arguements - just to make up with a kiss.... They came together to get each other through their last years and days...
It's never too late.
It's only too late if you stop opening your heart and choose to spend the rest fo your life alone. "Try, Try, Try again!" Choose to take the risk - and enjoy the journey!
May everyone on here find their !

[Edited 4/12/2008 2:23:19 PM]
4/12/2008 3:40:21 PM |
Do you ever feel that it is "too late". Will you be single forever? |

South Park, PA
age: 53
Ya never know what's around the corner 
4/12/2008 3:41:18 PM |
Do you ever feel that it is "too late". Will you be single forever? |

South Park, PA
age: 53
LOL Gonesailing but not today aey sailing
4/12/2008 3:54:52 PM |
Do you ever feel that it is "too late". Will you be single forever? |

Georgetown, FL
age: 52
Honestly, no ....I don't think like that. I might be late for dinner...but I don't think I will be single forever....and if I am....I am sure I will still be happy. 
4/12/2008 6:28:45 PM |
Do you ever feel that it is "too late". Will you be single forever? |

Cleveland, OH
age: 28
i'm 27 and think its way too late just bad luck with women i guess
4/12/2008 6:46:30 PM |
Do you ever feel that it is "too late". Will you be single forever? |

Calgary, AB
age: 55
Like one of the men said, just don't get an attitude like its got anything to do with you.
For me, I hope there is still someone for me. I am very affectionate, love constant companionship (well, lots - not constant lol), and while I am fine alone, friends and family don't keep me warm at night!
4/12/2008 6:53:33 PM |
Do you ever feel that it is "too late". Will you be single forever? |

Everett, MA
age: 47
No I don't think it's to late.I know I won't be single forever.   
4/13/2008 6:08:37 AM |
Do you ever feel that it is "too late". Will you be single forever? |

Woodbury, NJ
age: 56
do you only own 1 shirt?
good luck
thank you
4/13/2008 6:22:08 AM |
Do you ever feel that it is "too late". Will you be single forever? |

Juneau, AK
age: 88
I would like to think there is someone for me, but it is ok if there is not. A friend once said I will be one of those old ladies sitting on the front porch drinkin lemonaid and sharing it and laughter with friends because I am too pickey. Oddly enough, I am ok with that, though it would be nice to share life with another, too. I don't really see that happening.
4/13/2008 6:42:38 AM |
Do you ever feel that it is "too late". Will you be single forever? |

Buellton, CA
age: 43
AboutTime Bill . . . that looks like a solid piece of wood you're pickin at (Bass player myself) . . . Cool post and cool profile . . .
GoneSailBabe . . . I refuse to lose HOPE . . . single now, damaged, mortal, flawed . . . but worthy and looking for just 1. Just 1. 
Time for church . . . and I'm not really a churchy dude . . . but fellowship isn't a bad thing. And I need to honor some of my . . . um ... fallen brothers today (Bry sheds tears) 
The price of Freedom IS paid for in blood . . . don't take it for granted my brothers & sisters. Blessings.
Crap, pass the Kleenex . . . 
PIC: Daino house on the lake Oniad where I am blessed to be staying . . . see the amrican flag on the left. I LOVE this country. And I have been everywhere . . . we are truly blessed.

4/13/2008 6:58:09 AM |
Do you ever feel that it is "too late". Will you be single forever? |

St Catharines, ON
age: 42
I think it's never to late ...don't lose hope ever ...someone is looking 4 u ...stand ur ground and get what u want don't settle ..someone is looking for ur positive qualities and all that u have to offer mentally,physically,emotionally and of course sexually !
4/13/2008 7:11:23 AM |
Do you ever feel that it is "too late". Will you be single forever? |

Wyandotte, MI
age: 46
Too late as in age factor, no, never too late,,, too late as in i've gotten very comfortable being single or living alone, yes, i've often thought i've reached that point already, as if i might be one who has a realtionship with someone, but never wanting to become married, seems the longer us single people remain single we lose our want and need to compromise even the littlest things to have another actually live with us 24/7? I'm not so sure i really ever want to get married, my last relationship went on (along with a couple break ups in between) for 15 years, tried living together a few times, Hell no, lol,,we just weren't suited for living together, we did very well playing house over the weekend and seeing each other a few times during the week, but always going back to our own digs. I have gotten very comfortable living totally alone, not sure i'd ever fall in love deep enough to actually live with another human being.