1/22/2016 3:42:16 PM |
I told her I love her |

Rochester, NY
31, joined Aug. 2015
So me and this girl have been talking on and off for a year, finally this past Christmas she came to see me .. Only for 20 mins but we were pressed on time. She was my first and only kiss of 2016 we kissed at midnight.. I fell hard for her when we first started talking btw.. Anyways we planned Monday's on hanging out going on adventures ( driving around getting lost ) .. We havnt had sex nor do I even think about it .. She's that awesome ... Long story short I got drunk and texted her I love her and now she's pissed .. She hasn't deleted me off of fb and this is day two of not texting her .. I was told by a friend give her space .. So Iam.. I suck at damage control and well her last message to me was "your really irritating me right now ".. What am I suppose to do .. I don't want to lose her but I don't want to push her away ... 
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1/22/2016 3:53:29 PM |
I told her I love her |
Chester, VT
58, joined Feb. 2012
Give her space and see what happens. If you continue to text her she probably will block you. But by giving her time she may come back to you.
1/22/2016 4:23:05 PM |
I told her I love her |

Winchester, OH
52, joined Oct. 2013
Slow down and invest some time in getting to know her first! I prefer men myself to not be in a hurry. Kick back in letting things just flow...Good luck! 
1/22/2016 4:33:12 PM |
I told her I love her |

Rochester, NY
31, joined Aug. 2015
Thanks .. And I should add I haven't texted her since .. I'm just hoping it can be fixed
1/22/2016 4:36:21 PM |
I told her I love her |

Punxsutawney, PA
53, joined Oct. 2013
Consider yourself f**ked.
1/22/2016 5:35:39 PM |
I told her I love her |


Somerset, NJ
52, joined Jun. 2013
Sometimes you gotta say it to get sex and BJ's, it's not like you have to mean it or anything
1/22/2016 5:37:19 PM |
I told her I love her |

Paris, VA
30, joined Aug. 2014
Sometimes you gotta say it to get sex and BJ's, it's not like you have to mean it or anything
1/22/2016 5:40:28 PM |
I told her I love her |

Rochester, NY
31, joined Aug. 2015
No I want her love , I'm done with all that bs ...
1/22/2016 5:48:43 PM |
I told her I love her |


Green Bay, WI
51, joined Jul. 2013
online now!
See u irritating me, and I'm not your girl telling her u love her, moving just alittle to fast, be easy and do not call or tex her just let her come to u, and hope u haven't ruin it
1/22/2016 5:52:27 PM |
I told her I love her |


Green Bay, WI
51, joined Jul. 2013
online now!
No I want her love , I'm done with all that bs ...
Wanting her to love u, not gone go any faster, u can't get her to love u she has to do it on her own not u trying to push it
1/22/2016 6:06:00 PM |
I told her I love her |


Somerset, NJ
52, joined Jun. 2013
I love Badpudi like a fat kid loves ice cream
1/22/2016 6:17:41 PM |
I told her I love her |

Lancaster, PA
51, joined May. 2012
Oh boy...her response pretty much says it all. You're in for a heap of hurt if you have any expectations of reciprocity from her. Sorry OP. Let this one go. Maybe she will come back but at this point, I'd give her plenty of space and move on.
1/22/2016 6:48:05 PM |
I told her I love her |


Fort Payne, AL
61, joined Apr. 2011
Dude....if you fell in love by just chatting, and fell head over heals by being together for just 20 minutes.
Your really needy....and that's how its hitting her. She's not ready for that and your all over her, and its bugging her...and she probably couldn't take you seriously.
Personally, I'd say you took this whole thing from the beginning a lot more seriously than she did.....No offence but to get this intrigued with really no time together at 30 years old....to me it spells needy.
Why did it take over a year to meet?
Do you really want to be with someone who tells you "your really starting to irritate me" ???...and do you know where that will lead if you got with someone who told you that this early?....you on a leash as a door mat. Untill she gets tired of it and moves on.
and, you never had her....you chatted for a year on and off and had a short meet.
Anyway....its up to you....but I'd figure its dead in the water, and nothing more may come of it.
Work on being more secure.
1/22/2016 7:09:11 PM |
I told her I love her |

Rochester, NY
31, joined Aug. 2015
We've hung out for more then 20 mins... I was f**king drunk .. I wouldn't of said that shit sober !!
1/22/2016 7:12:52 PM |
I told her I love her |

Toronto, ON
46, joined Dec. 2015
Oh man, you really pooched screwed it big time.
You got drunk and now she saw your drunk side and now she is pissed.
vtlaydi is correct, give her space and see what happens, I know you're probably hurting but I would leave her alone and see what she does next, she may come back or worse she might say " f**k it and split"
1/22/2016 7:32:19 PM |
I told her I love her |

Rochester, NY
31, joined Aug. 2015
Worst part was she didn't know I was drunk I sent it in the middle of the night and she read it in the morning and so did I .. I was like f**king f**k x 4
1/22/2016 8:15:33 PM |
I told her I love her |


Lake Waccamaw, NC
48, joined Jun. 2014
1/22/2016 8:15:54 PM |
I told her I love her |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
I must say, OP, for you to have suffered so severely you certainly photograph well. Was that profile pic taken before the accident or since?
1/22/2016 8:54:03 PM |
I told her I love her |

Manassas, VA
24, joined Apr. 2014
How f**king old are we? Sounds like some high school shit d*ckweed
1/22/2016 9:27:47 PM |
I told her I love her |


Pewaukee, WI
49, joined Jun. 2013
Oh boy...her response pretty much says it all. You're in for a heap of hurt if you have any expectations of reciprocity from her.
I think that most people are secretly flattered when someone says that they loves them, but nobody wants to deal with the pressure of *reciprocation* IF the feelings aren't mutual. It sounds as though she hasn't warmed up to you yet... or you did something to turn her off and... well... it's an uphill battle.
I would give it a month and just say "Hi... how are things going" as though nothing happened and if she wants to talk about it... let her be the one to bring things up. If she brings it up let her know that you were giving her space because you don't want to irritate her.
Also... consider dating someone else, because you deserve someone who can love you back!
1/22/2016 10:16:48 PM |
I told her I love her |


Lucerne, CA
63, joined Oct. 2010
online now!
ahhhhh ... put some cocaine, wh*res and chinese peckerwood medicine .. with that whiskey ... maybe ???
1/22/2016 10:24:19 PM |
I told her I love her |

Danville, AL
52, joined Mar. 2014
I think that most people are secretly flattered when someone says that they loves them, but nobody wants to deal with the pressure of *reciprocation* IF the feelings aren't mutual. It sounds as though she hasn't warmed up to you yet... or you did something to turn her off and... well... it's an uphill battle.
I would give it a month and just say "Hi... how are things going" as though nothing happened and if she wants to talk about it... let her be the one to bring things up. If she brings it up let her know that you were giving her space because you don't want to irritate her.
 very well said.
Also... consider dating someone else, because you deserve someone who can love you back!
I don't think the op has the maturity or mentality to be dating. 
1/22/2016 11:51:06 PM |
I told her I love her |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
OP - You have already lost her...if you ever had her to begin with. You are acting like a jr high kid...falling in love with just one kiss. That is BS, and she knows it. You are either being very stupid, or being very dishonest and treating her like you think that she is very stupid. Either way she is upset, and rightly so. The fact that you had to get drunk before you had balls enough to tell her just makes it all the worse. You read too many romance novellas, and watch too many soap operas, and troll too many 'Teen Beat' like web pages. Get a life, and learn to live it in The Real World. To top it all off, you come to a public site to WHINE about it all, where the whole world can tune in.
Are you TRYING to win the "I Embarrassed My loved One In The Whiniest, C*ntiest, Manner Possible" trophy?
The trick is NOT to excel at 'Damage Control'. It is to excel at 'Self Control'...so you DO NOT DO the damage in the first place.
When you grow the f**k up, and trade in your Binky on a set of Nads, you MAY have better luck with women. Until then, give up.
1/22/2016 11:58:43 PM |
I told her I love her |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
We've hung out for more then 20 mins... I was f**king drunk .. I wouldn't of said that shit sober !!
THAT is ANOTHER reason for her to be upset, Moron. What you say, and do, and think, when drunk is what your really are...under the mask you wear when sober. The gentle sober guy who beats his wife when he is drunk is really a wife beater, who hides it as long as he can, until he explodes under the stress of the hiding of it. He is NOT a nice, gentle, guy who the booze made momentarily bad. Booze CAN'T make you: bad, or mad, or violent, or a cheater, or a liar, or stupid, or anything else. All booze can do is to lower your inhibitions-letting your mask slip-so that THE REAL YOU can peek out, and be noticed.
Being drunk is NEVER an excuse for ANYTHING. Anyone who thinks otherwise is too stupid, and immature, to be in a relationship with anyone / anything but his own hand. Grow the f**k up.
BTW - it is "wouldn't HAVE". I suppose you were trying for "wouldn't've"...which would have also been incorrect. Get an education.
[Edited 1/23/2016 12:00:06 AM ]
1/23/2016 12:05:00 AM |
I told her I love her |


Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
welcome to the normal mean weird side of a woman,some.... not all,but so typical,you like em an they run, spank her ass,an make her cook you a hamburglar,an she,ll go crazy for you,go figure...a weird creature,stop drinkin.period,its just a no brainer,most of us know and have learned things thru the years......now whered i put my papers,and pill bottle....    
1/23/2016 1:37:44 AM |
I told her I love her |

AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Nov. 2015
No offense but she sounds like a

1/23/2016 5:15:51 AM |
I told her I love her |


Grand Rapids, MI
44, joined Nov. 2012
Consider yourself f**ked.
Yea and she is f**king someone else.
1/23/2016 5:23:04 AM |
I told her I love her |


Grand Rapids, MI
44, joined Nov. 2012
BTW - it is "wouldn't HAVE". I suppose you were trying for "wouldn't've"...which would have also been incorrect. Get an education.
There is always a teacher up in here . Why don't you go to a school get hired as a English teacher get paid for it . But first I suggest you go to college and get some type of degree on how to treat and talk to people because that attitude wont get you far .
1/23/2016 4:15:48 PM |
I told her I love her |


Alabaster, AL
44, joined Sep. 2014
There's no doubt he moved too fast but I'm wondering why she would be pissed.
When someone says I love you too fast it's awkward, you can be creeped out, leary of it, put off by it, embarrassed by it, end a friendship or relationship because of it etc...
Wonder why that would piss off someone, why they would be mad about it...interesting.
I would think he loves the idea of her more than actually being in love with her because he really doesn't even know her and telling her he loves her after only 20 or so mins of meeting her in real life, that's way too heavy.
I would say tho-if pissed is the emotion she was left with, she is not the girl for him, even if she does get over being pissed about it.
I wouldn't want someone who was pissed off by me telling them I loved them.
1/23/2016 4:48:50 PM |
I told her I love her |

Grove City, OH
39, joined Feb. 2012
Give her time. She'll either come around or not.
Best of luck.
1/23/2016 6:18:02 PM |
I told her I love her |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
There is always a teacher up in here . Why don't you go to a school get hired as a English teacher get paid for it . But first I suggest you go to college and get some type of degree on how to treat and talk to people because that attitude wont get you far .
I've been to college. Talking / posting like a retarded third grader won't get OP very far, either. Smart women tend to like smart men. Things like "should of" for "should have"; "going two be" instead of "going to be"; "to much" rather than "too much"; etc, can turn off many women who graduated from the third grade and do not wish to return to there by dating a guy who didn't.
1/23/2016 6:26:40 PM |
I told her I love her |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
There's no doubt he moved too fast but I'm wondering why she would be pissed.
When someone says I love you too fast it's awkward, you can be creeped out, leary of it, put off by it, embarrassed by it, end a friendship or relationship because of it etc...
Wonder why that would piss off someone, why they would be mad about it...interesting.
He insulted her intelligence by trying that stupid "I fell in love with you after just one kiss" BS. That crap sounds nice in Country song lyrics, but is nothing to base a REAL life on. The line says that:
A - He thinks she is stupid enough to fall for a stupid line like that.
B - He is so: stupid, unimaginative, inexperienced, dishonest, and un-feeling, that he has to get his romantic inspiration from some stupid online source of "Great Pick-Up Lines" authored by someone who is even dumber, more dishonest, less imaginative, etc, than he is.
Who wants to date a stupid liar who thinks that you are stupid, and that he can substitute a soap opera-sit com script synopsis for a real relationship? I'd be angry if I were her.
1/23/2016 7:23:23 PM |
I told her I love her |


Jeannette, PA
58, joined Dec. 2013
I told her I love her
That was your first mistake!
ALWAYS make her say it first!
The man should NEVER NEVER NEVER say that first! 
[Edited 1/23/2016 7:23:57 PM ]
1/23/2016 7:55:55 PM |
I told her I love her |


Pewaukee, WI
49, joined Jun. 2013
I wouldn't want someone who was pissed off by me telling them I loved them.
This is true!
1/23/2016 10:08:59 PM |
I told her I love her |


Barrow, AK
45, joined Sep. 2011
Dude you blew it. Move on. You just love the idea of her liking you. You just love that she was nice to you and u had a good time. Please do not throw that word around unless you truly know her and have grown to love all of her not just her lips and vagina (that you could of had).
1/23/2016 11:27:51 PM |
I told her I love her |

Atlanta, GA
40, joined Jun. 2014
So me and this girl have been talking on and off for a year, finally this past Christmas she came to see me .. Only for 20 mins but we were pressed on time. She was my first and only kiss of 2016 we kissed at midnight.. I fell hard for her when we first started talking btw.. Anyways we planned Monday's on hanging out going on adventures ( driving around getting lost ) .. We havnt had sex nor do I even think about it .. She's that awesome ... Long story short I got drunk and texted her I love her and now she's pissed .. She hasn't deleted me off of fb and this is day two of not texting her .. I was told by a friend give her space .. So Iam.. I suck at damage control and well her last message to me was "your really irritating me right now ".. What am I suppose to do .. I don't want to lose her but I don't want to push her away ... 
Repeat with me 100 times:
"Never text women while you're drunk"
"Never text women while you're drunk"
"Never text women while you're drunk"
"Never text women while you're drunk"
1/24/2016 12:02:24 PM |
I told her I love her |
AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Dec. 2015
Tell her you love her like you mean it!!!
1/24/2016 12:35:09 PM |
I told her I love her |


Benátky nad Jizerou
Czech Republic
65, joined Jun. 2014
Move on. .. You both seem to immature to be dating. . Heaven forbid you two have sex and have a child. .the gene pool ain't that deep .between you two.
1/25/2016 2:44:11 PM |
I told her I love her |


Grand Rapids, MI
44, joined Nov. 2012
I've been to college. Talking / posting like a retarded third grader won't get OP very far, either. Smart women tend to like smart men. Things like "should of" for "should have"; "going two be" instead of "going to be"; "to much" rather than "too much"; etc, can turn off many women who graduated from the third grade and do not wish to return to there by dating a guy who didn't.
What I find is disturbing you are right about that but women would give a guy who spent most of his life beyond bars a chance instead of guy who is free and speaks broken English.
1/25/2016 3:35:54 PM |
I told her I love her |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
What I find is disturbing you are right about that but women would give a guy who spent most of his life beyond bars a chance instead of guy who is free and speaks broken English. 
True. That is because the women grow up on fairy tales, believing that "love can change a beast into a hero". Stupid, ignorant, or lazy, can't be changed by the women, but they do think they can change bad into good, a cheater into faithful, a law breaker into a law abider, etc...if they just love him enough. That is stupid, but they get it brainwashed into them as children.
1/25/2016 4:57:47 PM |
I told her I love her |


101, joined Dec. 2014
Tell her you hate her.
1/25/2016 5:29:44 PM |
I told her I love her |


Conyers, GA
51, joined Jul. 2014
tell her you were drunk,then she may b*tch slap you,then leave and dont look back...stop drinkin,forever,now,,wheres my rollin papers....
1/25/2016 5:37:13 PM |
I told her I love her |


Lucerne, CA
63, joined Oct. 2010
online now!
He is an addict ... and addicts just look like a fool, or look nuts, or look insane.
So ... how smart .. or how sane is getting taco sauce on the swartzn**ger ...
or ... hummm ...
doing whiskey, cocaine, wh*res and chinese peckerwood medicine.
They are f**ked up people .. who want to stick something in some hole somewhere.
To THIS GUY .. he thinks his normal .. and not an addict ... so he looks at D*ck Chenny or Pat Robertson.
and think them normal and sane.
He is f**ked up ... and wants a God who is likewise f**ked up.
Once he gets clean and sober .. heals up his addictive personality .. he will even dump his God who is f**ked.
For a God that doesn;'t f**k around.
simple as that ...
His disease it total and global in everything he does.
Once he gets healthy .. then he would be healthy in a likewise total and global way in everything he does.
RIGHT NOW .. he is a sick and needy puppy .. and he wants sick and needy sex.
SHE WILL and has already DUMP HIS SORRY A** .. and will not have anything to do with him.
sumbuddie wear blind sea
1/25/2016 7:57:38 PM |
I told her I love her |


Port Saint Lucie, FL
52, joined Oct. 2011
This is good advice!:
Dude....if you fell in love by just chatting, and fell head over heals by being together for just 20 minutes.
Your really needy....and that's how its hitting her. She's not ready for that and your all over her, and its bugging her...and she probably couldn't take you seriously.
Personally, I'd say you took this whole thing from the beginning a lot more seriously than she did.....No offence but to get this intrigued with really no time together at 30 years old....to me it spells needy.
Why did it take over a year to meet?
Do you really want to be with someone who tells you "your really starting to irritate me" ???...and do you know where that will lead if you got with someone who told you that this early?....you on a leash as a door mat. Untill she gets tired of it and moves on.
and, you never had her....you chatted for a year on and off and had a short meet.
Anyway....its up to you....but I'd figure its dead in the water, and nothing more may come of it.
Work on being more secure.
1/25/2016 8:40:47 PM |
I told her I love her |


San Benito, TX
44, joined Jul. 2014
So me and this girl have been talking on and off for a year, finally this past Christmas she came to see me .. Only for 20 mins but we were pressed on time. She was my first and only kiss of 2016 we kissed at midnight.. I fell hard for her when we first started talking btw.. Anyways we planned Monday's on hanging out going on adventures ( driving around getting lost ) .. We havnt had sex nor do I even think about it .. She's that awesome ... Long story short I got drunk and texted her I love her and now she's pissed .. She hasn't deleted me off of fb and this is day two of not texting her .. I was told by a friend give her space .. So Iam.. I suck at damage control and well her last message to me was "your really irritating me right now ".. What am I suppose to do .. I don't want to lose her but I don't want to push her away ... 


1/25/2016 8:45:24 PM |
I told her I love her |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
When woman get caught up in THEIR feelings they expect us to be the apex of understanding, stroke their egos and give them what they want no matter how ridiculous or fairytale influenced it is. And when we don't we somehow end up "The Bad Guy" and get denied sex then dragged through the drama. Right? 
But in this case it's the opposite and you're irritating her? You know what's next? You have no balls, you're a puss¥, you're weak, you're soft and you ain't no man. You gonna be cut off between the legs (metaphorically) and bashed for having cared in the first.
But even if it was premature in her opinion for you to say it, her reaction shoulda been to simply talk to you and say you're moving too fast, to slow it down bcuz she feels uncomfortable at this rate. Not be childishly inconsiderate of your feelings when is a woman want you to respect her feelings.
So dump her a** now! Or you're gonna go through a lot worse later.  
1/25/2016 8:48:32 PM |
I told her I love her |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Slow down and invest some time in getting to know her first! I prefer men myself to not be in a hurry. Kick back in letting things just flow...Good luck! 
So is that why you stop taking my calls and not returning my txt, bcuz I was moving too fast?   
1/25/2016 8:54:18 PM |
I told her I love her |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
No I want her love , I'm done with all that bs ...
But you just wanting it IS NOT ENOUGH! She have to want yours equally as much and her reaction (how she's handling it) is a clear and decisive sign that it'll NEVER happen. Read the signs, don't ignore them.
1/25/2016 9:00:42 PM |
I told her I love her |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
Oh boy...her response pretty much says it all. You're in for a heap of hurt if you have any expectations of reciprocity from her. Sorry OP. Let this one go. Maybe she will come back but at this point, I'd give her plenty of space and move on.
Page!!! What's up baby!? 
You see the same thing I see. Only he shouldn't want her back even if she do come back on her own.
It sounds like she'd be happier if he treated her like dog sh¡t. But bcuz he was nice he got treated like sh¡t.
1/25/2016 9:06:40 PM |
I told her I love her |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
online now!
We've hung out for more then 20 mins... I was f**king drunk .. I wouldn't of said that shit sober !!
But she didn't know you were drunk now did she? Hmmm I wonder why she didn't know... I GOT IT NOW!
Bcuz her nasty ass, unladylike reaction prevented her from talking to you like a decent woman would. 
1/25/2016 10:39:17 PM |
I told her I love her |


Saint Paul, MN
64, joined Oct. 2009
Give her space and see what happens. If you continue to text her she probably will block you. But by giving her time she may come back to you.
Gotta choose between being shot and hung I guess. Either way you're toast. Say you love her and she's pissed, don't say you love her and she complains!
1/26/2016 12:22:32 PM |
I told her I love her |


San Benito, TX
44, joined Jul. 2014
Thanks .. And I should add I haven't texted her since .. I'm just hoping it can be fixed
a cn I hv her number
1/26/2016 2:27:31 PM |
I told her I love her |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
Thanks .. And I should add I haven't texted her since .. I'm just hoping it can be fixed
Yeah. THAT is smart. NOT talking about things ALWAYS fixes them. When TF are you going graduate from the fifth grade, for God's sake.
1/26/2016 2:30:39 PM |
I told her I love her |

Sanford, FL
41, joined Aug. 2012
Damage control: best way to fix a problem is not to create the problem in the first place. But of course, we are just human.
Learning from your mistakes can be a great gift.
At this time there is not much you can do. You apologized so give her space and see what happens. Good luck
1/26/2016 7:05:50 PM |
I told her I love her |
Norcross, GA
28, joined Mar. 2015
Consider yourself f**ked.
basically lol.
1/26/2016 8:36:48 PM |
I told her I love her |


Saint Paul, MN
64, joined Oct. 2009
Too late now, but good luck next time. No matter what you do in this situation she's going to be mad. Just like smoking around gasoline doused dynamite!

1/26/2016 9:52:16 PM |
I told her I love her |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
The quickest way to tell if they are sincere or not is tell them you love them. When they run like scalded dogs you can count your chicks before the eggs hatch. 
1/28/2016 10:54:28 PM |
I told her I love her |


Chelan, WA
72, joined Nov. 2008
I got drunk........ = STUPID !!!  
1/29/2016 3:05:29 AM |
I told her I love her |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
So me and this girl have been talking on and off for a year, finally this past Christmas she came to see me .. Only for 20 mins but we were pressed on time. She was my first and only kiss of 2016 we kissed at midnight.. I fell hard for her when we first started talking btw.. Anyways we planned Monday's on hanging out going on adventures ( driving around getting lost ) .. We havnt had sex nor do I even think about it .. She's that awesome ... Long story short I got drunk and texted her I love her and now she's pissed .. She hasn't deleted me off of fb and this is day two of not texting her .. I was told by a friend give her space .. So Iam.. I suck at damage control and well her last message to me was "your really irritating me right now ".. What am I suppose to do .. I don't want to lose her but I don't want to push her away ...  You f**ked up, and you're done. She is not going to come back. I have had this happen, more times than I can count. This is why I never tell women how I feel about them.
She was going to "friend zone" you, and just use and abuse your kindness, anyway, like women typically do.
Start dealing some drugs, commit and be convicted of a few felonies, beat her up a few times, and then she will want you back.
Women love any relationship, that allows them to play the victim cards.....
1/29/2016 11:29:08 PM |
I told her I love her |


Chandler, AZ
41, joined Jan. 2014
The quickest way to tell if they are sincere or not is tell them you love them. When they run like scalded dogs you can count your chicks before the eggs hatch. 
Or scratch your balls and have her lick it ...if she flinched you got your answer. .