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11/20/2016 3:18:30 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Violent attacks on Trump supporters reported across U.S.
Published: 58 mins ago

It’s not easy to be a Donald Trump supporter in the wake of last week’s monumental election. All across the country, reports of violent attacks against Trump supporters have been popping up.
On Wednesday, a teenage Trump supporter was knocked to the ground and suffered a head injury after a confrontation at an anti-Trump protest in Rockville, Maryland. The boy was a high-school sophomore wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.
In Meriden, Connecticut, two men allegedly attacked a man who was waving an American flag and holding a Trump sign. Police said the two attackers got out of their car and began punching and kicking the man, who was standing on a traffic island. A nearby police officer intervened to stop the attack.
A 21-year-old man was attacked outside a Boston bar last weekend because he supported Trump. As Cameron Massie, 21, and his friends discussed the election over drinks, a nearby group kept listening and butting in. Massie said that when he left the bar, one of the men who had overheard him started yelling at him, saying he was a racist. Massie said he was then punched in the back of the head and the face, and his jacket arm was almost torn off.
David Kupelian, an award-winning journalist and WND’s managing editor, believes Trump’s election is causing a mass meltdown of the leftist psyche in America.
“The left’s bubble of delusion – maintained and fed for the last eight years by a delusional president, Barack Obama – has been burst,” Kupelian declared. “Republicans won the White House, both houses of Congress, even more governorships and state houses. The far-left Democratic Party is freaking out, and the violent outbursts we now see are the predictable responses of angry, frustrated, desperate people.”
Kupelian, author of “The Snapping of the American Mind: Healing a Nation Broken By a Lawless Government and Godless Culture,” said it doesn’t help that the mainstream news media have been portraying Trump as a “genocidal maniac” in the mold of Hitler or Stalin.
“If Americans actually did elect Hitler as president, a monster who murdered millions of people, that would be something to be upset about,” he reasoned. “But we didn’t – we elected a well-known New York businessman who has spent his adult life accomplishing very big projects.”
Society has gone mad – and it’s not an accident. Find out why in David Kupelian’s “The Snapping of the American Mind,” available in the WND Superstore.
Carl Gallups, a nationally known Baptist pastor and radio host, noted the irony of the left losing its mind over Trump’s election.
“The hypocrisies of the ‘we hate Donald Trump and his supporters’ movement are astoundingly transparent,” he told WND. “The violence is coming from the left. But, wasn’t it the left who has lectured the rest of us about peace, anti-violence, tolerance and First Amendment freedom of speech? And weren’t they the ones who demanded of Donald Trump, all through the election process, that in the end he must graciously accept the outcome of the election? How soon we forget.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/11/left-freaking-out-as-bubble-of-delusion-bursts/#juxlBipQRTkjqmyU.99
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11/21/2016 10:04:09 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

Research is a form of self-education to me. It doesn't force you to believe something it let's you believe what makes sense, according to the facts that your research has given you, depending how far you dig for your facts. Unlike school, where if you go against what youre told youre either bad or stupid, and you are forced to learn something to be rewarded with A+ and false intelligence that really won't matter in the real world....sr
11/29/2016 10:54:37 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
“Forasmuch as it is the indispensable duty of all men to adore the superintending providence of Almighty God; to acknowledge with gratitude their obligation to Him for benefits received, together with penitent confession of their sins, whereby they had forfeited every favor; and their humble and earnest supplications that it may please God through the merits of Jesus Christ, mercifully to forgive and blot them out of remembrance, it is therefore recommended to set apart the day for solemn thanksgiving and praise, that with one heart and one voice the good people may express the grateful feeling of their hearts and consecrate themselves to the service of their Divine Benefactor.” ~Samuel Adams (First Thanksgiving Proclamation, November 1, 1777)
11/29/2016 10:52:41 PM |
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Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
Hope you're feeling better and making good progress!!!
11/29/2016 10:58:10 PM |
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Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
“Forasmuch as it is the indispensable duty of all men to adore the superintending providence of Almighty God; to acknowledge with gratitude their obligation to Him for benefits received, together with penitent confession of their sins, whereby they had forfeited every favor; and their humble and earnest supplications that it may please God through the merits of Jesus Christ, mercifully to forgive and blot them out of remembrance, it is therefore recommended to set apart the day for solemn thanksgiving and praise, that with one heart and one voice the good people may express the grateful feeling of their hearts and consecrate themselves to the service of their Divine Benefactor.” ~Samuel Adams (First Thanksgiving Proclamation, November 1, 1777)
Washington said he didn't feel any Country could be well run without dependence on God. He was an elder in his Church.
Polk never missed a service if his wife had her way.
Jackson built a chapel for his wife on the plantation.
Garfield was a preacher for awhile and Hayes was very devout, so was McKinley.
there IS a place for God in this Country and we should always give thanks for our many blessings! Those who see this Country as a hellhole really do not understand how blessed they really are to live here.
As I recall Sam Adams was in reality a failure as a brewer but served many one year terms as Gov of Massachusetts. He was related to John I think..... but I'm not swearing on that.
11/30/2016 12:20:19 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
“Forasmuch as it is the indispensable duty of all men to adore the superintending providence of Almighty God; to acknowledge with gratitude their obligation to Him for benefits received, together with penitent confession of their sins, whereby they had forfeited every favor; and their humble and earnest supplications that it may please God through the merits of Jesus Christ, mercifully to forgive and blot them out of remembrance, it is therefore recommended to set apart the day for solemn thanksgiving and praise, that with one heart and one voice the good people may express the grateful feeling of their hearts and consecrate themselves to the service of their Divine Benefactor.” ~Samuel Adams (First Thanksgiving Proclamation, November 1, 1777)
Without God and Jesus Teachings,we might just as well bag the whole thing.
Semper Fi !!!
12/14/2016 9:58:21 AM |
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Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
This whole thing can be laid at obama's feet,he hates the US Military and all it stands for.We all need to get in the middle of this and get this guy out of jail and clean his record.
Semper Fi !!!
From Allen West.com
We first wrote about the case of U.S. Army 1stLT Clint Lorance of Texas last year. His was what I termed a seriously gross miscarriage of justice. Those of us who have been stationed in Afghanistan know the tactics and actions of the enemy.
Any time two or more individuals are on a motorcycle approaching your convoy or position you can bet — if unarmed — they are scouts. And if they are scouts for a main attack, they are just as dangerous a threat.
Herein lies the problem of our methods of prosecuting combat operations — not overseas contingency operations. On the modern battlefield, the enemy doesn’t wear a uniform and they exploit our ridiculous rules of engagement — all to the detriment of our men and women deployed into these combat zones.
So 1LT Lorance understood this combat environment and the enemy tactics. He was not patrolling in some quiet zone — this was a hot bed of enemy activity, and the reason why he was there was because the previous platoon leader had been severely wounded.
It’s one thing to fight the enemy, but it’s quite another thing to fight against your own country. Just watch this emotional interview — and why is this mother not on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC? I know, that’s a rhetorical question for which we all know the answer.
Because the mainstream media won’t report this, “Fox News has followed the story of Army First Lt. Clint Lorance, who was sentenced to 20 years in prison last year for a deadly shooting in Afghanistan. Lorance was leading a platoon in 2012 when three men on a motorcycle suddenly came toward the troops. Lorance ordered his men to open fire, leaving two of the Afghan men dead. The Army later said the men were not enemy combatants at Lorance’s court martial at Fort Bragg, where he was charged with violating the rules of engagement.”
“Now, new evidence in the case is leading to calls for clemency for Lorance. Anna Lorance said the family has not heard anything from the Army since Nov. 30, when their lawyer submitted papers seeking to have the conviction overturned. Lorance said new evidence obtained by the family’s lawyer indicates the men who were shot may actually have had ties to terrorism.”
And Lorance’s mother accuses the Army of withholding that information.
What message are we sending to our men and women in uniform that we release terrorists for a vacay in Uruguay and we get all upset about treating terrorists not so nice — yet we’re throwing our troops into jail for killing the bad guys?
But even worse — purposefully hiding evidence?
If you recall, the exact same thing occurred in the case of Army 1LT Michael Behenna, when exculpatory evidence was withheld in his trial by the prosecution. Why?
Is this part of the new “empathy for the enemy’s perspective” that potential presidential candidate Hillary Clinton articulated? We abandon Americans to die at the Special Mission Compound in Benghazi and then top officials lie about it and we’re told nothing happened? Is this how we treat our warriors now? And will there come a day when they will say, “enough?”
Are we more concerned about political correctness and enemy propaganda that we will go to any lengths to sacrifice our own young men?
Clint Lorance enlisted in the Army after 9-11 as an 18-year-old. He then worked hard to earn a college education and a commission as an officer — is this the kind of American we sentence away to 20 years in jail?
But yet we’re supposed to have all this sympathy for the “gentle giant” Michael Brown — another 18-year-old? I just have to ask, what does this say about our society in general? What does it say when we have leadership that celebrates a deserter (Bergdahl) — and purposefully hides him — while sending a young man who stood and confronted the enemy to jail? This is totally upside down and should be upsetting to ALL Americans — regardless of political affiliation.
“Fox news legal analyst Peter Johnson Jr. explained that the decision now rests with Brig. Gen. Richard D. Clarke, the 82nd Airborne Division commander. Ms. Lorance pleaded with Clarke to “do the right thing.”
“We have the evidence, you have the evidence in your hands that the jury did not have. I know you to be a loyal man and a true man to your soldiers of the 82nd Airborne. My son too was a soldier in the 82nd Airborne. He’s your soldier,” she said, lamenting the fact that her son’s devotion to his country led to a 20-year prison sentence. “Clint is a young man that would have never seen the inside of a jail cell had he not chose to serve his country and that is sad.”
Johnson Jr. noted that after reading the papers, it seems like the Army “withheld an awful lot of evidence in terms of terror ties, the witnesses [and] intelligence.”
This is not how paratroopers should be treated by their commanders.
But here’s what you can do: join the 30,000+ who have signed a petition supporting Lt. Lorance’s freedom.
We can do this and get Clint Lorance out of Ft. Leavenworth — just as we did for Michael Behenna. And if you need greater motivation, just remember Clint Lorance is being held in the same facility with Nidal Hasan.
[Edited 12/14/2016 9:58:56 AM ]
12/18/2016 10:20:25 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
The shadow government (cryptocracy, secret government, or invisible government) is a family of conspiracy theories based on the notion that real and actual political power resides not with publicly elected representatives (for example, the United States Congress) but with private individuals who are exercising power behind the scenes, beyond the scrutiny of democratic institutions. According to this belief, the official elected government is in reality subservient to the shadow government who are the true executive power.
Shadow government theories often propose that the government is secretly controlled by foreign elements (such as aliens or the Vatican and Jesuits), internal minorities (such as the Jews, moneyed interests and central banks, or Freemasons), or globalist elites and supranational organizations, who seek to manipulate policy or conquer the world.
New FBI release on Clinton email probe refers to 'Shadow Government'
Everett Rosenfeld
Monday, 17 Oct 2016 | 12:19 PM ET
A new trove of interview summaries and notes from the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails lays out a series of allegations that could prove fodder for future attacks on the Democratic presidential nominee.
The 100 pages, released Monday morning, include claims that Clinton "blatantly" disregarded protocol. Other claims include that a group of powerful State Department employees attempted to coordinate a document release, and that a department official asked for a "quid pro quo" related to the former secretary of state's emails.
The documents, part four of four to be released by the FBI, include notes and interview summaries that may illuminate more about the bureau's decision not to recommend Clinton be prosecuted for her actions.
Many Republicans have criticized that decision, but FBI Director James Comey has repeatedly insisted the move was apolitical.
One revelation in the documents came from an interview with an unidentified person who suggested that Freedom of Information Act requests related to Clinton went through a group sometimes called "the Shadow Government."
"There was a powerful group of very high-ranking STATE officials that some referred to as 'The 7th Floor Group' or 'The Shadow Government.' This group met every Wednesday afternoon to discuss the FOIA process, Congressional records, and everything CLINTON-related to FOIA/Congressional inquiries," the FBI's interview summary said.
That group, according to the summary, argued for a Clinton document release to be conducted all at once "for coordination purposes" instead of on a rolling basis as would normally be the case. But the "Shadow Government" did not get its way, and the agency in charge decided for a rolling release, the FBI summary said.
Another claim from the documents is that one unidentified interviewee said Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy pressured the FBI to unclassify certain emails from Clinton's private server that were previously deemed classified.
The interviewee said Kennedy contacted the FBI to ask for the change in classification in "exchange for a 'quid pro quo.'"
A representative for the State Department categorically denied that claim.
About Shadow Government
Shadow Government is a blog about U.S. foreign policy under the Obama administration, written by experienced policy makers from the loyal opposition and curated by Peter D. Feaver and William Inboden.
America’s Shadow Government: Part One
11/06/2008 05:12 am ET | Updated May 25, 2011
John W. Whitehead
Attorney, President of The Rutherford Institute, and author of ‘Battlefield America’
“All men having power ought to be mistrusted.”—James Madison
America’s next president will inherit more than a financial catastrophe when he assumes office. He will also inherit a shadow government—one that is fully staffed by unelected officials, fully operational and ready to take over the running of the country at a moment’s notice.
This so-called shadow government is not a new development. It has been a long time in the making. Yet it has been so shrouded in secrecy, even from those elected to represent the American people in Congress, that it essentially exists and functions contrary to any concept of democratic government. The little that has leaked out merely serves to reinforce concerns that an authoritarian government waits in the wings. All it will take is the right event— another terrorist attack, for example— for such a regime to emerge from the shadows.
It might not even require an actual attack, as President Bush ensured when he stealthily issued National Security Presidential Directive 51 and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20 in May 2007. Comprising the country’s Continuity of Government (COG) plan, these directives, which do not need congressional approval, provide a skeletal outline of the actions the executive will take in the event of a “national emergency.” In fact, they go so far as to grant the president the power to unilaterally declare a national emergency, which is loosely defined as “any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions.”
THE PATHOCRACY (Plutocracy, Cryptocracy)1 back
"If the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts." ----George H.W. Bush
''Hell is empty and the devils are here." ~ William Shakespeare
Ron Paul Warns Of False Flags And A 'Shadow Government' | The ...
Nov 21, 2016 - 'We aren't going to get our program in until we have a Pearl Harbor event'
12/21/2016 9:39:23 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

i wonder what crime i could commit to gain imprisonment for the last years of my life???
its a sad and crazy and upside down world when criminals receive better treatment than most of our elderly. 
12/23/2016 11:06:05 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

12/24/2016 12:09:19 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

12/25/2016 5:15:31 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
very sad and disgraceful!!!
Santa Monica Synagogue Smeared with Feces in Attack on Chanukah
by JOEL B. POLLAK25 Dec 20161,376
SANTA MONICA, California — A local synagogue entrance was smeared with feces and food in an apparent antisemitic attack on the first night of Chanukah on Saturday night.
Congregants arriving for prayers on Sunday morning at the Living Torah Center, a synagogue affiliated with the Orthodox Chabad movement, were shocked by the vandalism, which one of the rabbis cleaned as best he could before services.
Some feces remained lodged in the upper corner of the building’s facade, and marred a window facing Wilshire Boulevard.
Rabbi Boruch Rabinowitz told Breitbart News that the attack was not random. Assistant Rabbi Dovid Tenenbaum, who serves as a chaplain with the local police department, called in a report.
The synagogue may have attracted additional attention because of the menorah lit in the window. Jewish law dictates that the Chanukah menorah be placed in a window facing the outside world in order to publicize the holiday.

The “Festival of Lights” celebrates the successful Jewish revolt against Seleucid rule in Israel in 165 B.C., and the discovery of oil in the Holy Temple that was only sufficient for one day but burned, miraculously, for eight instead.
The attack on the synagogue was the second antisemitic incident there in recent weeks. In November, a black man burst into services, gave the Hitler salute, shouted “Heil Hitler,” and made a machine-gun motion with his hands before fleeing on foot.
Santa Monica is a predominantly liberal, Democratic city, surrounded on three sides by Los Angeles, and takes pride in an image of tolerance.
just in case some doubt the authenticity of this post because its from BREITBART...
Santa Monica synagogue vandalized with feces during Hanukkah ...
Synagogue Smeared with Feces – Attack on Jewish Holiday of ...
Breaking News Blast | Breaking News From Around The Net
1 min ago - Santa Monica Synagogue Smeared with Feces in Attack on Chanukah ... antisemitic attack on the first night of Chanukah on Saturday night.
Drudge Report / CNN / Fox News / MSNBC
Santa Monica Synagogue Smeared with Feces in Attack on Chanukah.
your typical MSM does NOT like to report on true stories like this because it
is most generally NOT done by your 'angry white man'...
12/25/2016 5:26:17 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

12/28/2016 1:24:25 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

12/28/2016 3:58:23 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Somebody please remember gas prices, interest rates and inflation rates on November 7, 2016. Let's talk again a couple of years.
yeah, why dont you remind us mrtoefungus, cuz how quickly we forget the facts......
despite having polar opposite energy plans, Obama and Bush experienced virtually the same gas price problem, suggesting just how little control the most powerful man in the world has over this hot-button issue.
Consider that the average price of a regular gallon of gas at U.S. pumps was $1.85 when Bush was sworn in for his second term in January 2005 and $1.84 when Obama took office in January 2009 on the promise of change, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
Adjusting for inflation, prices rose to $2.52 (Bush) and $2.53 (Obama) seven months into their terms, $2.76 and $2.71, respectively, nearly two years in and $3.27 each three years in. This month, gas is $3.85, more than a dime cheaper than at this point during Bush’s second term when adjusted for inflation.
The average, through 45 months in office? Obama: $3.04; Bush’s second term: $2.98.
“The global price of oil pays no attention to whether the White House occupant is Democrat or Republican,” said Paul Bledsoe, a former White House energy aide to Bill Clinton. It’s just that “when you’re living paycheck to paycheck and gasoline is more expensive, you want to blame somebody.”
During Bush’s first term, gas prices climbed about 50 cents, about the same increase as Clinton saw during his eight-year run. Just before Bush left office at the end of 2008, gas prices were cut in half within a couple of months as the economy crashed.
Obama, meanwhile, campaigned in 2008 at a gas station to blame Bush for record gas prices; this year, he poked fun at other politicians for doing the same.
“They head down to the gas station, they make sure a few cameras are following them, and then they start acting like, ‘we’ve got a magic wand, and we will give you cheap gas forever if you just elect us,’ ” Obama said in March. “Every time; been the same script for 30 years. It’s like a bad rerun.”
In 2006, when asked if Bush could reasonably do something to bring down gas prices, 73 percent of Democrats and 47 percent of Republicans said he could, according to the Washington Post/ABC News poll. When asked the same question of Obama this year, the results reversed: 33 percent of Democrats and 65 percent of Republicans said the president had control of gas prices.
“So many Americans wrongly believe that gas prices are tied to a president,” said Patrick DeHaan, senior petroleum analyst for GasBuddy.com. “The economy drives gas prices more than any president.”
Democrats argue Obama inherited from Bush a devastated economy that spun gas prices into a free fall, leaving oil costs with nowhere to go but up as he took over. Republicans counter that 2012 has been the costliest year ever on average for gas, even though prices shot higher for a few months in 2008. U.S. inflation in August grew 0.6 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced Friday — the largest increase in more than three years, and about 80 percent of it was due to rising gas prices.
Gas prices nearly doubled in two years during the dot-com boom — under Democrat Bill Clinton and at the beginning of Bush’s first term — and then fell when the bubble burst. They began rising again as the economy bounced back in 2003 and continued until the recession hit in 2008.
“The bottom line is, there are these huge global forces that are the primary driver of the price of gasoline,” said Bledsoe, “and they are forces that the president under normal circumstances has very little control over.”
12/28/2016 5:31:01 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

12/29/2016 2:40:10 PM |
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Aurora, CO
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12/29/2016 4:57:48 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
These bastards are going to become pig feed.
Semper Fi !!!
12/31/2016 11:39:47 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

12/31/2016 4:25:17 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
Cow Farts?
Semper Fi !!!
Back in September we wrote about what we thought for sure would be the wackiest new state law passed in 2016. The law came from the state of California (of course) and demanded a 40% reduction in methane gas from cow flatulence by 2030. Here’s what we had to say about the bill:
In yet another attack on California businesses, yesterday Governor Jerry Brown signed into law a bill (SB 1383) that requires the state to cut methane emissions from dairy cows and other animals by 40% by 2030. The bill is yet another massive blow to the agricultural industry in the state of California that has already suffered from the Governor’s passage of a $15 minimum wage and a recent bill that makes California literally the only state in the entire country to provide overtime pay to seasonal agricultural workers after working 40 hours per week or 8 hours per day (see “California Just Passed A $1.7 Billion Tax On The Whole Country That No One Noticed”).
According to a statement from Western United Dairymen CEO, Anja Raudabaugh, California’s Air Resources Board wants to regulate animal methane emissions even though it admits there is no known method for achieving the the type of reduction sought by SB 1383.
“The California Air Resources Board wants to regulate cow emissions, even though its Short-Lived Climate Pollutant (SLCP) reduction strategy acknowledges that there’s no known way to achieve this reduction.”
This guy even invented a handy backpack for cows to store their farts…not such a dumb idea anymore, now is it?
But Californians aren’t the only ones that will be facing some wacky new laws in 2017. As The Hill points out, Illinois residents who prefer to spear catfish with a pitchfork will be in full compliance with state laws after Sunday, but Oregonians who want to release sky lanterns are shit out of luck.
Meanwhile, Illinois adopted a new State Artifact, the pirogue, while California passed a ton of other amazing bills including one that allows hair dressers to serve wine to their guests, provided they don’t charge for it, of course, a new requirement that autographed memorabilia being sold for more than $5 come with a “certificate of authenticity,” and one that allows you to break into a hot or cold car to save an animal, as long as you call authorities first.
When the new year rings in, Illinois will also have an official State Artifact — the pirogue, a long, narrow canoe used by Native Americans. The pirogue will take its place alongside the official state snack food (popcorn), the official state fossil (the Tully Monster), the official state dance (the square dance) and the official state insect (the monarch butterfly).
California’s most contentious legislative fights over the last year involved new measures on gun control and climate change. But members also found time to allow barbers and beauticians to serve their patrons beer and wine, provided they don’t charge for it.
Sacramento also decided to impose stricter rules on those who would sell autographed memorabilia. Any signed item being sold for more than $5 will have to come with a certificate of authenticity once January rolls around.
And California state employees will no longer be reimbursed for out-of-state travel to places that allow discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual orientation or gender identity. That law, passed after North Carolina and other states passed measures requiring transgender people to use the bathroom of their birth sex, is likely to impact everything from state employees who want to travel to a conference to the University of California system’s football schedule.
In New England, cider brewers in Maine will be able to increase the alcohol content of their batches to 8.5% from 7% while New Hampshire banned bestiality…and while we knew there wasn’t much to do in “The Hampshire” we had no idea this was actually a problem.
In Maine, brewers will be able to up the alcohol in their cider to 8.5 percent, from 7 percent. In Colorado, some grocery stores will be able to sell beer, wine and liquor. In Pennsylvania, a state with notoriously stringent alcohol laws passed in the wake of Prohibition, beer distributors will be able to sell six packs for the first time.
New Hampshire residents need to be much more careful with laser pointers. Beginning Sunday, it will be a crime to knowingly shine a laser at an aircraft or automobile. The Granite State is also outlawing bestiality, which has somehow remained officially legal in New Hampshire until Sunday morning.
Finally, here are the states where Doritos consumption is set to sky rocket in the new year.
Other states will liberalize marijuana laws on January 1. Revelers on the Las Vegas Strip will be able to legally possess marijuana for recreational purposes when the clock strikes midnight, and those with medical conditions will have access to marijuana in North Dakota, Florida, Arkansas and Montana. And in Michigan, medical marijuana dispensaries will finally gain legal status, years after the state approved medical sales.
Three other states — California, Massachusetts and Maine — passed marijuana legalization measures in November. The new laws have already been implemented in California and Massachusetts, and Maine will join them later in January.
And you thought politicians were useless…
1/1/2017 3:23:56 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
December 30, 2016, 2:53 PM
Mexican man charged with raping girl, 13, had 19 deportations

WICHITA, Kan. -- A Mexican man accused of raping a 13-year-old girl on a Greyhound bus that traveled through Kansas in September had been deported 10 times and voluntarily removed from the U.S. another nine times since 2003, records obtained by The Associated Press show.
Three U.S. Republican senators - including Kansas’ Jerry Moran and Pat Roberts - demanded this month that the Department of Homeland Security provide immigration records for 38-year-old Tomas Martinez-Maldonado, who is charged with a felony in the alleged Sept. 27 attack aboard a bus in Geary County. He is being held in the Geary County jail in Junction City, which is about 120 miles west of Kansas City.
U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley, from Iowa and chairman of the judiciary committee, co-signed a Dec. 9 letter with Moran and Roberts to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, calling it “an extremely disturbing case” and questioning how Martinez-Maldonado was able to re-enter and remain in the country.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said it has placed a detainer - a request to turn Martinez-Maldonado over to ICE custody before he is released - with Geary County. ICE declined to discuss his specific case beyond its October statement regarding the 10 deportations.
Court filings show Martinez-Maldonado has two misdemeanor convictions for entering without legal permission in cases prosecuted in 2013 and 2015 in U.S. District Court of Arizona, where he was sentenced to serve 60 days and 165 days respectively.
A status hearing in the rape case is scheduled for Jan. 10. Defense attorney Lisa Hamer declined to comment on the charge, but said, “criminal law and immigration definitely intersect and nowadays it should be the responsibility of every criminal defense attorney to know the possible ramifications in the immigration courts.”
Nationwide, 52 percent of all federal prosecutions in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30 were for entry or re-entry without legal permission and similar immigration violations, according to Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University.
It’s not unusual to see immigrants with multiple entries without legal permission, said David Trevino, a Topeka immigration attorney also representing Martinez-Maldonado. Most of Martinez-Maldonado’s family lives in Mexico, but he also has family in the United States, and the family is “devastated,” Trevino said.
“(President-elect Donald Trump) can build a wall 100 feet high and 50 feet deep, but it is not going to keep family members separated. So if someone is deported and they have family members here ... they will find a way back - whether it is through the air, under a wall, through the coast of the United States,” Trevino said.
He declined to comment on his client’s criminal history and pending charge.
Records obtained by AP show Martinez-Maldonado had eight voluntary removals before his first deportation in 2010, which was followed by another voluntary removal that same year. He was deported five more times between 2011 and 2013.
In 2013, Martinez-Maldonado was charged with entering without legal permission, a misdemeanor, and subsequently deported in early 2014 after serving his sentence. He was deported again a few months later, as well as twice in 2015 - including the last one in October 2015 after he had served his second sentence, the records show.
ICE said in an emailed statement when it encounters a person who’s been deported multiple times or has a significant criminal history and was removed, it routinely presents those cases to the U.S. attorney’s office for possible criminal charges.
Cosme Lopez, spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office for the District of Arizona, declined comment on why prosecutors twice dismissed felony re-entry after deportation charges against Martinez-Maldonado in 2013 and 2015 in exchange for guilty pleas on misdemeanor entry charges.
Arizona ranks third in the nation - behind only the Southern District of Texas and the Western District of Texas - for the number of immigration prosecutions among the nation’s 94 federal judicial districts for the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, TRAC records show.
Moran told the AP in an emailed statement that the immigration system is “broken.”
“There must be serious legislative efforts to address U.S. immigration policy, and we must have the ability to identify, prosecute and deport illegal aliens who display violent tendencies before they have an opportunity to perpetrate these crimes in the United States,” he said.
© 2016 The Associated Press
1/1/2017 5:50:05 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
Mr Wetback needs a bullet right between the eyes.I bet he don't come back after that!!
Semper Fi !!!
1/5/2017 12:06:23 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Special Needs White Male Teenager Kidnapped and Tortured in Chicago By Four Black Thugs

Published on Jan 5, 2017
On or around Tuesday, January 3rd 2017, an 18 year old white male with special needs was kidnapped and tortured by a gang of four black people, all of whom were right around the same age. The victim is a resident of a suburb outside of Chicago and when he was abducted, he was taken to an apartment on the Westside of Chicago, an area usually considered a ghetto. Chicago police have said that the victim was an acquaintance of one of his assailants. They also said he was targeted because of his fragile mental state. Which is probably one of the reasons but not the main reason. The main reason, of course, was because he is white. His captors kept him for at least 24 hours, but maybe as long as 48 hours.
The young man was tortured for much of this time and it was broadcast to Facebook live. Individuals in the background were shouting racial epithets at the young man. They talked about hating white people and also Donald Trump. At the threat of a knife or physical beating with fists, they forced the man to crawl on all fours like a dog. They made him drink toilet water directly from a dirty toilet. His hair was cut with the aforementioned knife in such a fashion that his scalp also sustained a deep laceration. They made him say that he hates white people and Donald Trump. During the broadcast, people in the background can be heard saying that they’re going to go viral.
Everything was done to the young mentally disabled man that could be done outside of ending his life. After enduring hours - possibly days - of torture, the victim was released from his captors’ custody. A distress call had been made to the police right around the same time, but the police did not rescue the young man from the captors. Police discovered him outside wearing shorts and no pants, which is a red flag Chicago during the winter month of January. And of course, he was distressed and in crisis. As someone would be after being tortured for an extended period of time. Especially as a person with special needs.
Chicago police have gone on record to say that since the people in question are all around 18 that their ages would be taken into question when the possibility of charging this case as a hate crime comes out. Which really sounds like an attempt to give them a slap on the wrist. Many civil rights violations happened during the course of the Facebook live video. Anything other than harsh prison time is simply a miscarriage of justice, something that would never be in question if the races of the victims and the perpetrators were to be reversed.
1/9/2017 1:07:38 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
If Black Lives Matter, Protest Planned Parenthood. It Kills More Blacks in One Day Than Police Do in a Year

Many of us can recall the names: Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Freddie Gray, Alton Sterling. Regardless of guilt or innocence, we know their names. But who can recall one single white person killed by police officers? Go ahead. Ask your friend, your co-worker, your FB followers, your #BlackLivesMatter activist. The answer will be the same. Silence.
Whites are killed by cops, according to a database created by the Washington Post twice as much as blacks. Out of a total of 990 killed, 494 (or 49.9%) were white and 258 (or 26%) were black. 782 of those killed, or 79%, were armed with a deadly weapon. But hey, let’s only report when unarmed black individuals are victims of police brutality. This is a deliberate and despicable attempt by mainstream media to color the issue.
Just to put things into perspective, Planned Parenthood kills more unarmed black lives in one day than police are accused of killing in one entire year. (These Planned Parenthood-caused deaths of black unarmed lives in the womb amount to 266 a day, which is 30%–the percentage of the nation’s abortions among blacks—of the 323,999 abortions that generates over $200 million annually for the abortion chain.) The hypocrisy of #BlackLivesMatter leaders screamed loudly as they recently announced solidarity with the pro-abortion movement. Apparently, black lives matter only some of the time.
So, armed with the one-sided reporting, #BlackLivesMatter leaders (who have no use for the facts) declare there is an epidemic of cops killing innocent black people. There are 45,672,250 black Americans (including those who are biracial); I’m one of them. The 258 police-caused African-American deaths in 2015 amount to 0.000006% of the black population. It’s tragic but not an epidemic. But if you tweet it a million times and mainstream media reports on it daily, how can you blame people for thinking this is widespread?
1/11/2017 11:49:52 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

1/13/2017 10:52:01 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
what does this tell ya???

John McCain — The Insane Traitor Who Masquerades as an American Hero
It looks like John McCain's remarks about Donald Trump supporters being crazies has backfired on him big time. Now McCain's life is being dissected piece by piece, beginning with his war record, outbursts of angry insanity, to his overall anti-American tenure as Senator of Arizona.
Seemingly, McCain has always been a traitor to his country, beginning with his stint in Viet Nam, where he was accused by many fellow soldiers of collaborating with the enemy while being held a POW in N. Viet Nam.
Colonel Ted Guy, McCain's commander during his time as a POW was preparing a case of treason against McCain shortly before President Richard M. Nixon signed a blanket pardon for all returning prisoners of war. Thus, McCain escaped all prospects of prosecution.
Presidential pardon from Nixon saves John McCain from treason and collaboration charges according to Rolling Thunder Founder and 3 war veteran, John Holland….
Why nothing in the news…
Why no reports…..
Why was the truth kept from Americans during the election?
Some of us have seen the reports about John McCain. I know what Ted Guy had to say about McCain and I know how angry POW activists have been at his betrayal of their cause. What I didn’t know and that few of us knew, is that John Holland, Rolling Thunder Founder, had called for the Republican Party to remove McCain from the ticket.
This isn’t a minor story and isn’t one that has gone away just because the election is over. Many of us who knew what McCain had done didn’t know how much power the money boys behind Palin and McCain could go to suppress this information during the campaign.
Rally after rally, fellow POW and controversial Medal of Honor holder, Bud Day, stood beside McCain, backing him up. With substantiated claims of hundreds of counts of treason, collaboration and aid and comfort to the enemy suppressed against McCain and a number of unnamed other POWs who were expecting to be prosecuted when returned, this entire act during the election seems sick.
Ted Sampley, Vietnam combat veteran, now deceased, wrote at length about McCain and Day. Sampley’s article on Day’s Medal of Honor is extremely revealing. (US Veterans Dispatch)
With McCain supporters continually touting his heroism and attacking Democrats that served honorably in Vietnam like John Kerry and Al Gore, the unavoidable embarrassment that their standard bearer may have been the biggest American traitor since Benedict Arnold, confidence in Conservative news sources has to disappear, at least with veterans.
A fair comparison to McCain would be Jane Fonda. Both spent time in North Vietnam.
Both are accused of helping North Vietnam, Fonda by being photographed and McCain by doing many propaganda broadcasts and helping the enemy plan attacks on American soldiers.
Fonda returned to be reviled and spit on while McCain returned to the Senate, spending years helping North Vietnam keep Americans prisoner and amassing a huge fortune trading on heroism and sacrifice we are now told never happened.
Of the two, Fonda was the more honest and by far had done the least harm to the United States.
According to sources, it was John McCain that fired the rocket that caused the Forrestal incident, the most serious disaster on an American ship.
Stories make him out to be a “hero” and an “unnamed” total idiot is blamed. McCain is said to be that idiot with his daddy running cover for him. Thus far, Jane Fonda has never attacked one of our ships. We will be taking a look at both McCain and Fonda and try to verify claims.
Perhaps they could have a contest to see who killed the most Americans. No tally as to how many pilots were shot down using intel McCain admits giving the North Vietnamese has been made. The Forrestal incident may be a huge cover up in itself.
McCain’s cover story, that the plane behind him fired a missile into his plane is at odds with other stories that blame exploding bombs on some other part of the ship. The investigation and all records involving his military records were under the direct supervision of his own father.
For the entire story open Veteranstoday.com link:
1/13/2017 11:28:15 AM |
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Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
This doesn't really surprise me.I have always had suspicions that McCain was a traitor.He has used his POW status to walk into the senate and "that" to get rich by sucking o f lobbyists.mccain is a walking pile of dog crap.He sure as hell isn't a republican just like the other pile of dog crap graham.
Semper Fi !!!
1/13/2017 12:15:51 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
This doesn't really surprise me.I have always had suspicions that McCain was a traitor.He has used his POW status to walk into the senate and "that" to get rich by sucking o f lobbyists.mccain is a walking pile of dog crap.He sure as hell isn't a republican just like the other pile of dog crap graham.
Semper Fi !!!

more looneylefty censorship.....
YouTube removes influential conservative website's channel
By James Rogers Published January 13, 2017 FoxNews.com
The YouTube channel of influential conservative politics and law website Legal Insurrection has been removed by the video sharing service, citing copyright infringement claims.
“This account has been terminated because we received multiple third-party claims of copyright infringement regarding material the user posted,” explains YouTube, in a notice posted to channel’s page.
Legal Insurrection founder and publisher and Cornell University Law Professor William Jacobson voiced his anger and astonishment at the channel’s removal. “It’s very frustrating, it’s very scary, to have 8 years of content removed without a chance to defend yourself,” he told FoxNews.com.
"Clearly this was a politically motivated move," he told FoxNews.com. "I never received any request or complaint from MLA. These were perfectly legitimate fair use excerpts with great news value."
"This is an attempt to silence our reporting on a matter of great public importance," added Jacobson, whose website reported on the vote. "We intend to pursue all available remedies, and call on YouTube to restore our account."
The Legal Insurrection website, which is widely cited in the conservative media, receives hundreds of thousands of visitors a month. Its YouTube channel contained a wealth of content, including original reporting, according to Jacobson.
“We take copyright issues very seriously both on YouTube and our website," he said.” We have a large readership, and the videos that disappeared included substantial original content that has been shared widely at other websites."
Owners of copyright-protected work that was posted on YouTube without their authorization can submit a copyright infringement notification to the video sharing site, according to YouTube's website. YouTube also has a counter-notification process in place if a user believes a content owner has misidentified their video, and will reinstate videos if a user succeeds in that process or if it receives a retraction from the content owner that submitted the original notification.
MLA has not yet responded to a request for comment on this story from FoxNews.com.
Founded in 2005, YouTube was bought by Google for $1.65 billion the following year. YouTube now has over a billion users, encompassing almost one third of all users on the Internet.
1/13/2017 12:38:26 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

1/13/2017 12:45:29 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

1/17/2017 10:14:04 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

1/17/2017 11:04:48 AM |
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Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
And if you don't like it LEAVE,go to the shithole country of your choice.......Hollywood!!
Semper Fi !!!
1/27/2017 9:13:48 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
How Politics works!
1/27/2017 10:06:02 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

Can we please organize a Men's March? We can march against unfair treatment in divorces, biased custody battles, false rape accusations and women aborting your own child without your consent. We can wear penis costumes and drink beer. Who's in?
1/27/2017 11:21:27 AM |
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Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
Can we please organize a Men's March? We can march against unfair treatment in divorces, biased custody battles, false rape accusations and women aborting your own child without your consent. We can wear penis costumes and drink beer. Who's in?
I would be there!!!!
2/1/2017 11:07:52 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

imo...as a parent it is our duty to TEACH our children how to study,
how to research, how to think....so that they can learn to
think for themselves.

whiney liberals crying until they get their way for 8 years finally getting told no and they don't know what to do with themselves.
2/1/2017 2:01:28 PM |
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Kalispell, MT
66, joined Nov. 2007
Here is a list of loosers who need to find new jobs after the next election.These people get overpaid to do a job NOT to play political games.
12 Senate Democrats are being targeted by Republicans in 2018:
Ten of these Democrats are from strong Trump Republican states:
Florida Bill Nelson (D)
Indiana Joe Donnelly (D)
Michigan Debbie Stabenow (D)
Missouri Claire McCaskill (D)
Montana Jon Tester (D)
New Jersey Bob Menendez (D)
North Dakota Heidi Heitkamp (D)
Ohio Sherrod Brown (D)
Pennsylvania Bob Casey (D)
Virginia Tim Kaine (D)
West Virginia Joe Manchin (D)
Wisconsin Tammy Baldwin (D)
These Democrats are sitting members on the Senate Finance Committee:
Ron Wyden, Oregon, Ranking Member
Debbie Stabenow, Michigan
Maria Cantwell, Washington
Bill Nelson, Florida
Bob Menendez, New Jersey
Tom Carper, Delaware
Ben Cardin, Maryland
Sherrod Brown, Ohio
Michael Bennet, Colorado
Bob Casey, Pennsylvania
Mark Warner, Virginia
Claire McCaskill, Missouri
On Tuesday Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee sought to stall the confirmations of Steven Mnuchin and Tom Price, President Trump’s picks for Treasury secretary and secretary of health and human services, by skipping the committee hearing.
They would rather play politics than show up to do the job they were paid to do.
2018 can’t get here fast enough!
2/2/2017 3:27:41 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
why do folks continue to fall for this BS???
The fakest of fake news. Shame on you, CNN.

2/3/2017 9:27:53 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

While everyone continues to talk about unimportant issues like Ukraine, mass shooters and Bilderberg (all distractions in my view) the greatest environmental catastrophe that our species has ever seen is unfolding right in front of us and barely a whimper of resistance is forming from libertarians and truth seekers.
Have you noticed that everyone around you is congested and coughing? I am calling this new syndrome “chemtrail cough.” My wife is coughing, I am coughing and now even our dogs are coughing. In just four years death by respiratory disease has skyrocketed from 8th in the world to 3rd and possibly even 2nd.
If someone in congress receives a letter with a little bit of white powder in it the capitol is evacuated and the media freaks out and starts screaming “terrorists.” However, right over their heads, hundreds of tons of nano aluminum and barium are being sprayed on them daily and yet nobody seems to care.
Yesterday I heard Alex Jones start his broadcast by saying his throat hurt and his voice was messed up because of something in the air but he didn’t know what it was.
Just one hour before his show started I heard the world’s leading expert on the subject of chemtrails and geoengineering (Dane Wiginton) conduct an interview and he sounded terrible too.
Alex often talks about what people will put up with. One of his ideas is to go door to door in Austin and ask homeowners if it would be ok to put cameras in their bedrooms and then record their responses. Of course no sane person would allow that yet they do allow the nsa and countless other agencies and private corporations to do exactly the same thing via their smart tv’s and smart phones.
Here’s my idea. How would anyone from Infowars or any other patriot radio show like it if I cornered your kid somewhere, opened a can of bug spray and emptied the entire can on their face? You probably wouldn’t like it too much and yet you tolerate the EXACT same thing to be done to your kids on a daily basis by Bill Gates and the rest of the geo-engineering fanatics.
How is this not the number one story in the world all day and every day? Has everyone in the alternative media lost their minds too? We know that nano sized particulate of aluminum is very harmful to the brain and is responsible for killing everything that lives and yet it is rarely discussed and very little effort is directed to exposing it and stopping it.
Don’t people understand that if we don’t stop this right now there will be nothing left to live and fight for?
They are turning the sky over the entire country white daily. I have saved these recent satellite images to illustrate just how much material they are dumping on us. The sprayers repeat the same pattern day after day with very few exceptions.
They typically spray heavily first thing in the morning and greet the sun as it rises. They then spray all day long following the sun as it crosses the sky. They then spray heavily in the west as the sun sets.
The aluminum and barium (blanketing us all day) dissipates and falls to the ground in the early evening. The planes then return to their bases to refuel, rearm and get ready for the next attack the next morning.
Unless all radio talk show hosts come together and put an end to this craziness called geo-engineering it is my opinion that all life on earth will die and the battle for the future of humanity will be lost.
Dane Wigington should be on every radio show at least once a week to cover the latest developments in the collapse of our ecosystem. It’s accelerating and nothing is being done to curtail these insane programs.
Quote from nuffan:
We are only two centuries old...and well they were not agencies on day one...
Air Quality in the US is better THANKS to the EPA...
If not for the EPA we would have REALLY serious environmental issues today...
It is far from PERFECT....but it does more good than harm.
i actually remember a time in the 50's and 60's and the skies were clear till the
real clouds would form and move over the mountains and we would lay on the grass and
watch them change shape. now all we see is stripes crisscrossing the sky all day.
my family is all wheezing, coughing, sore throats going on 4 weeks now