1/4/2013 2:06:16 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
Haiku? I've written hundreds. Twice a day ok?
old habits die hard
I can stop at any time
spare me and she, mean cannibal
pddh thanks for posting, ok, why not post some here before or after you post elsewhere...TGIF
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

1/4/2013 2:28:27 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |

Bloomington, IL
62, joined Apr. 2008
But you say you're Italian
It doesn't equate.
1/4/2013 2:50:31 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
But you say you're Italian
It doesn't equate. 
i was just playing as if i was one for haiku sense but eggplant is veggy Italian dish like eggplant parm or Pasta e f*gioli , anna and i make that very well
It doesn't equate
you scoring preferences???
wine ya and dine ya
1/4/2013 3:06:12 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |

Bloomington, IL
62, joined Apr. 2008
Wine ya and dine ya
Then I am taking you home
We can have dessert.

I do love dining
Especially Italian,
Because I am one (too).

1/4/2013 3:29:06 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
love chef lives on here
cupid taps you on shoulder
points to dinner check 
hey sorp that means here's the bill 
1/4/2013 6:23:40 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
thoughts of you longer.
something heavy on my heart
oh chubby wobby
hey heather are you in a picture wizard mood...check mood thread ...lol...
1/4/2013 6:46:22 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
fishing not too well
her back has been in much pain
declare cyber saint...
i hear you heather...
just want everyone to never forget your title...lol...
1/4/2013 11:04:28 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
the picture wizard
keeps this group in perfect line
ask her victims why...lol
yes this site needs some laughs again heather
1/5/2013 4:57:08 AM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |

Fort Collins, CO
61, joined Aug. 2012
I am what I am
What you see is what you get
Take it or leave it
1/5/2013 10:26:28 AM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |

Port Orange, FL
64, joined Jul. 2010
Take it or leave it
Good advice for this friends group
Too many ego's
Hey everyone...been a busy week, but I'm looking forward to being a couch potato today....of course that only happens after I comeplete my honey do list....so maybe tomorrow will be couch potato day. 
1/5/2013 12:13:51 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
Too many ego's
they're all thrilling smartasses
one through another
pddh thanks...hey copa give me a call will ya esp if you are couching it 
1/5/2013 12:58:03 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
who's this jelly bean
makes appearance at easter
liking all flavors
grace you talking to me 
1/5/2013 1:11:45 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
sorp's a jelly bean
only come in one flavor
get what you pay for...lol
thanks grace...
1/5/2013 1:56:28 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |

Bloomington, IL
62, joined Apr. 2008
Get what you pay for
Like margarine and butter
One will make it rise.

1/5/2013 2:52:31 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |

Lake Alfred, FL
63, joined Aug. 2008
fishing not too well
her back has been in much pain
declare cyber saint...
declare cyber saint?
I think you are mistaken
captain thick skin sorp
BTW, I did not have back surgery, I just happen to hurt it the night before surgery. 
1/5/2013 2:55:08 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |

Fort Collins, CO
61, joined Aug. 2012
One will make it rise.

"I've got a woodie"
the splendor of my manhood
1/5/2013 8:07:14 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Eldon, MO
65, joined Feb. 2009
I search for your smile
Softly in the moonlight moon
Always speaking love
Hello again
1/5/2013 11:07:49 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
a haiku a day
gives the mind one great workout
exercise scopes mind
thanks everyone, one a day great exercise
[Edited 1/5/2013 11:08:21 PM ]
1/6/2013 3:50:29 AM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |

Fort Collins, CO
61, joined Aug. 2012
you can't eat just one
do I look fat in this dress?
wardrobe malfunction
1/6/2013 7:00:01 AM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Rubbing sleep away
Dreams disspelled reluctantly
Wishing they lingered.

1/6/2013 7:24:33 AM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |

Fort Collins, CO
61, joined Aug. 2012
No, sir, I didn't
know this was a conference call.
I apologize.
1/6/2013 1:24:03 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |

Fort Collins, CO
61, joined Aug. 2012
fifty-six, sixty
yes, it's Howdy-Doody time
that's before my time
1/6/2013 2:10:26 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
our sunday`s finest
post one of a kind haiku
please applause yourself....
great job folks
pddh, grace, alicia, heather...happy sunday...fishing you getting stronger
1/6/2013 3:18:37 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
the picture wizard
she's at it again oh my
comeback of the year
yes one and only heather..ms picture wizard almost six years running... 
1/6/2013 7:29:01 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |

Fort Collins, CO
61, joined Aug. 2012
death comes to us all
I fought with Caesar in Gaul
it's just a flesh wound
1/7/2013 8:49:17 AM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
dad still thinks off you
happy birthday my daughter
enjoy special day
thanks for posting haiku friends...wow my daughter makes me a year older to...
1/7/2013 12:44:36 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
some people moody
judging book by its cover
but life still lives on
hello grace 
1/7/2013 4:30:57 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |

Fort Collins, CO
61, joined Aug. 2012
"I am your father!"
It's a small world after all.
There's no place like home.
1/7/2013 5:53:28 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
dinner dates make sense
allows couple to ask ?
eventually more
hello nite shift
1/7/2013 5:57:43 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |

Port Orange, FL
64, joined Jul. 2010
Dinner dates make sense
Yep, two consenting adults
Question is....who pays?
Sorry I didn't get back to you yesterdsay Sorp...it wound up being a busy day...Hardly watched football....so much for the couch potato thing. 
1/7/2013 6:03:10 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
couch potato shuffle
how do we really relax
eating calories
hey copa football was exciting...talk soon
1/7/2013 6:50:03 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |

Fort Collins, CO
61, joined Aug. 2012
sexual tension
some assembly required
consenting adults
1/7/2013 9:33:47 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
dancing to impress
stress levels to be released
walking with your date...
1/7/2013 10:14:24 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Alabama strong
Can the tide be changed Huh?
I have no idea.

1/7/2013 10:52:23 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
bama beats irish
irish eyes are not smiling
joe wears panty hose
remember those joe willy days wearing panty hose...remember joe, alicia
1/7/2013 10:54:29 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Oh yeah...I remember Joe...and the commercials. He was a brave man.. 
1/7/2013 11:01:02 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
story of the year 
what if sorp wore panty hose 
would that help this site
1/8/2013 4:01:42 AM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |

Fort Collins, CO
61, joined Aug. 2012
would that help this site 
Still nothing = answer?
Like sand through the hourglass ...
waiting for Godot.
1/8/2013 1:25:02 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
getaway island
place where two can get it on
three is just a crowd
hello thread and people
1/8/2013 3:13:14 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |

Fort Collins, CO
61, joined Aug. 2012
sex: I'm addicted
I can stop at any time
[Edited 1/8/2013 3:15:31 PM ]
1/8/2013 4:00:46 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
weather rained out vital plans
rained- in theather wins 
[Edited 1/8/2013 4:01:05 PM ]
1/8/2013 6:14:34 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
beat diabetes
before diabetes does
see a good doctor
good evening grace
1/8/2013 7:34:53 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Eldon, MO
65, joined Feb. 2009
Souls, they're so confused
What do we do about these
Questions of our hearts
1/8/2013 7:45:45 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
answers may come fast
questions hard to ask any
people too confused
hello danno and heather
1/8/2013 8:52:05 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Cumberland, MD
70, joined Nov. 2008
We all have good days and bad
Sunrise brings new hope...
 Peace, y,all
1/8/2013 9:04:29 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
sunrise brings new hope
sunset brings a true closure
tomorrow new dreams
happy new years pine
1/8/2013 9:13:52 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Cumberland, MD
70, joined Nov. 2008
Tomorrow new dreams
possibilities endless
Welcome the new day...
They are ALL good years and good days,
each to be savored, lived and enjoyed.
1/8/2013 9:17:32 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
No pantyhosed Sorp?
To my big disappointment
See tears in my eyes...
1/8/2013 9:52:32 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |

Fort Collins, CO
61, joined Aug. 2012
tomorrow new dreams
only time can tell.
where have you been all my life?
sitting in a tree.
1/9/2013 10:18:39 AM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
love comes in bunches
surprises you surprisingly
hello pd, alicia...for you i would impress...lol...hi one and others missing here
1/9/2013 10:32:25 AM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
love comes in bunches
surprises you surprisingly
hello pd, alicia...for you i would impress...lol...hi one and others missing here
1/9/2013 2:46:05 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
Love it not so cold...
noticed posted haiku twice
blame my Kindle fire
helloooooooooooooooooooooooo grace
1/9/2013 9:34:35 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
the site became tilt
as if pinball machine stopped
who shot the sheriff
kept getting an error message...what happened
1/9/2013 9:35:06 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |

Port Orange, FL
64, joined Jul. 2010
Another long day
Checking in before bedtime...
Goodnight everyone 
1/9/2013 9:54:51 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Awesome foggy night
A grey blanket of damp mist
Enveloping all.

1/9/2013 10:40:42 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |

Fort Collins, CO
61, joined Aug. 2012
what is the forecast?
what is the soup of the day?
look outside: pea soup.
1/9/2013 11:06:36 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Eldon, MO
65, joined Feb. 2009
Seek to find their worth
Shake that bush and see what falls
Then one finds the truth

1/10/2013 1:18:38 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
a day at racetrack
day on the site we all love
something really stinks
hello folks don't read into this ..lol...but i'm feeling great right now
hello pd, danno, copa, alicia, grace, pine, heather...and whomever i missed...hello lurkers 
1/10/2013 2:35:52 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
things happen daily
only the shadow knows why
lurkers know it all
hello grace
1/10/2013 5:10:03 PM |
People's Haiku 6th edition, maybe the final season. | Page 3 |


Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
ferry accident
NYC just continues
some crane failures too