10/21/2014 7:59:08 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
Dr Know...(alias...King....two black)
as if I didn't know this.
I hate to tell you this...but I'm not excited.
I just enjoy rattling your cage...and disproving your nonesense.
If I was that excited, you wouldn't be here....
and by the way...I was born in Massachusettes....and that is a terrible racist area.
Here, its funny, you'd think being an Alabama small town with mostly whites, it would be racist.
But, we don't have it here, in fact just the other day there was an older white grandfather pushing his mixed grandchild thru the grocery store, and no one thought anything of it.
But, explain to me, why I can go thru a black area...and even in the daytime...its better to drive as fast as you can..or you may not come out alive.
Seems to me...you've got everything backwards.
and King....Two black with the fake picture....why do you keep coming back to a site where anyone who knows who are, doesn't want you here.????????????????
you've got to be sick in the head to keep coming back.....
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10/21/2014 8:01:54 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


31, joined Jul. 2014
The biggest racist in here is the one that made this dumb thread.
10/21/2014 8:02:01 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
I guess you have a thing to enjoy humiliation......
So King, how many times has the site kicked you off....by the peoples demand.
10? 15?
do tell us!!!!
10/21/2014 8:02:39 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
The biggest racist in here is the one that made this dumb thread.
Its just king....two black....back again for the 20th time.
10/21/2014 8:04:27 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Washington, DC
32, joined Aug. 2014
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Because they don't make earplugs well enough to block out noise at that decibel
10/21/2014 8:06:28 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Washington, DC
32, joined Aug. 2014
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Their p*ssys stink when they start to sweat an its hella gross. I just know that because I slept with 10 different black chicks all at different times in my life and some of them were the sexiest most beautiful girls ive ever been with, really, no lie but every single one of them smelled the same an it was just nasty. not once did I ever catch an STD from any of them so I know it wasn't because they were "dirty" an these were some bad a** chicks they took care of themselves very nicely. It wasnt no hood rat b*tches an they still all smelled horrible during sex,don't get me wrong I'll sleep with a black chick night if she's bad but I would have to drink and I can't just drink for the rest of my life
10/21/2014 8:07:56 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
There's three things you can count on in this world.
1) death
2) taxes
3) King trying to sneak back on the site over and over again.
10/21/2014 8:08:23 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
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some do.
10/21/2014 8:08:36 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Fort Payne, AL
59, joined Apr. 2011
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I would  black women are most beautiful. I think js
10/21/2014 8:11:15 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Washington, DC
32, joined Aug. 2014
online now!
WTF is this dude going on about?
10/21/2014 11:37:45 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

New Port Richey, FL
29, joined Aug. 2013
We got ya b*tch!^^^
10/21/2014 12:05:28 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Anderson, SC
22, joined Jun. 2014
.........yes because blackmen are taught that by the black women in their families that long straight hair is beautiful so what better way to get that than by getting a woman with natural straight hair .....not just entertainment rich blackmen etc.but alot of rich blackmen in general rather they make money physical or with their minds ........black people have always done things to their hair with different hair styles before they knew a white person existed but somewhere along the way we started to lose ourselves n started to want to emulate our oppressors so we can feel like we are a part of the society they try so hard to keep us out 
You wanna crucify me and every other black woman that relies on chemicals, straightening irons, and things like that to keep our hair manageable, whatever. It is what it is. You have some sort of personal issue when it comes to black women and our hair care, go see a professional about it.
10/21/2014 12:20:21 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Washington, DC
32, joined Aug. 2014
online now!
Natural hair is manageable.
It was managed for millenias.
10/21/2014 12:28:31 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Anderson, SC
22, joined Jun. 2014
Nobody gives a f**k what happened millenniums ago. Welcome to the 21st century. Either get with the program or go be Amish.
10/21/2014 12:29:39 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Washington, DC
32, joined Aug. 2014
online now!
The program IS to be what God made you.
Brainwashing sellouts, think that straight hair is better than the unique hair blacks have.
10/21/2014 12:34:32 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Anderson, SC
22, joined Jun. 2014

Brainwashed sellout. Says the guy who's stuck on women who won't give him a chance in hell. Get over it and move on. Please for the sake of how ever much sanity you have, move on
10/21/2014 12:46:33 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


31, joined Jul. 2014
Sellout= definition the favorite word of racist blacks to use on others who are not as close minded as they are.
10/21/2014 2:27:15 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Clarksville, TN
27, joined Dec. 2013
When at Fort. Riley KS I had a white male coworker tell me he can't date black girls because his family would disown him and his children. I've also had a childhood asian and black mixed friend who said he's never spoken too or seen his Korean side of the family. When I asked why he said they disowned his mother when she married a black soldier.
Maybe they want a pure race/culture for their generations. Or it could be racism. 
10/21/2014 3:18:20 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |
Hagerstown, MD
56, joined May. 2012
maybe they are like me and just unattracted to them
10/21/2014 3:42:00 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Washington, DC
32, joined Aug. 2014
online now!
When at Fort. Riley KS I had a white male coworker tell me he can't date black girls because his family would disown him and his children. I've also had a childhood asian and black mixed friend who said he's never spoken too or seen his Korean side of the family. When I asked why he said they disowned his mother when she married a black soldier.
Maybe they want a pure race/culture for their generations. Or it could be racism. 
That's all I'm saying.
Most people know these things. So it looks bad for a woman to chase any man anyway. But it looks downright ridiculous for black women to be all over this site making topic after topic about how much they live white men...when you don't even see white men returning the favor!
Just be a lady. Speak to men who speak to you! Don't go out of your way to seek any man. Much less ones that think so lowly of you!
That's all I'm saying.
If a white man approaches you correctly, treats you correctly, and you like him...FINE!
But all this B.S. putting down black men, advertising yourself on the forum every chance you get, etc...for a white man is crazy.
You playing yourself.
I'm just a brother that kept it 100, and pulling your coattails.
Have a good day.

10/21/2014 3:58:21 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |
Saginaw, MI
58, joined Mar. 2014
every black woman ive known has a smelly p*ssy too
10/22/2014 2:04:06 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |
Lansing, MI
32, joined Feb. 2013
Status has much to do with why many White men won't marry Black women. Blacks have been historically (and continuously) disenfranchised and we have less access to recourses/wealth. White ppl benefit from the poor Black population. This is the reason why Blacks have the highest unemployment rate here in the U.S.
So, majority of society view Black women (ppl) as lower-class...under the umbrella of racism .
[Edited 10/22/2014 2:06:44 PM ]
10/22/2014 2:06:41 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Florence, OR
27, joined Jul. 2014
online now!
Status has much to do with why many White men won't marry Black women. Blacks have been historically (and continuously) disenfranchised and we have less access to recourses/wealth. White ppl benefit from the poor Black population. So, majority of society view Black women (ppl) as lower-class...under the umbrella of racism  .
Did you conduct a poll of all white people before making this false statement?
I'm not racist. There are no black people where I live. I am lower class where I come from. I work for everything I have.
10/22/2014 2:07:37 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |
Lansing, MI
32, joined Feb. 2013
Grizzly, I mean at a greater mass...
10/22/2014 2:37:44 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Roanoke, VA
27, joined Jun. 2013
They do and want to. The problem is with the one with cold feet (the man or the woman) mostly the woman
10/22/2014 2:37:46 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Tyler, TX
36, joined Jun. 2014
they are leaving them for you op
10/22/2014 2:59:23 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Washington, DC
32, joined Aug. 2014
online now!
Status has much to do with why many White men won't marry Black women. Blacks have been historically (and continuously) disenfranchised and we have less access to recourses/wealth. White ppl benefit from the poor Black population. This is the reason why Blacks have the highest unemployment rate here in the U.S.
So, majority of society view Black women (ppl) as lower-class...under the umbrella of racism  .
Excellent answer. Without putting down any segment of society, name calling, or attacking the OP in a childish emotional way.
I'm impressed.

10/22/2014 3:00:44 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Washington, DC
32, joined Aug. 2014
online now!
@ Justbetween, just because I didn't respond to your initial inbox messages, doesn't mean I'm gay.
I'm just not into fat, racist, hillbillies.
10/22/2014 3:07:09 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |
New Berlin, NY
44, joined Aug. 2014
10/22/2014 3:36:23 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Anderson, SC
22, joined Jun. 2014
I don't see how getting biased opinions from racists is gonna result in an educated answer to the question. That's almost like asking why invisible trolls seem to be the ones with the most to type but the least to say.
10/23/2014 12:28:23 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Summerville, SC
20, joined Feb. 2014
Thank God I'm one of the majority of black women who still love their men. Because some of these black females are just going to turn themselves crazy trying to spend their days looking for a white man I may be opened minded but at the end of the day I love my hot chocolate.
[Edited 10/23/2014 12:29:42 AM ]
10/23/2014 6:29:32 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Chesterfield, MO
26, joined Sep. 2013
breed da white folks out turn da world black again n dont b no sambo
10/23/2014 6:30:53 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Chesterfield, MO
26, joined Sep. 2013
Thank God I'm one of the majority of black women who still love their men. Because some of these black females are just going to turn themselves crazy trying to spend their days looking for a white man  I may be opened minded but at the end of the day I love my hot chocolate.
    black thumb up
10/23/2014 7:44:32 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |
Gwynn Oak, MD
48, joined Jun. 2014
Truth is, as men, there are woman we would f**k but not marry. Woman have a hard time separating sex from love where men can easily.
So in this case white men have fantasies about being with blk woman just like blk men do with white woman. But what the blk culture teach our woman doesn't make them good enough to meet a white mans standards.
They don't wanna come home to a loud mouth in their face, drama, fake hair, etc.
10/23/2014 8:20:17 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |
Saginaw, MI
58, joined Mar. 2014
Thank God I'm one of the majority of black women who still love their men. Because some of these black females are just going to turn themselves crazy trying to spend their days looking for a white man  I may be opened minded but at the end of the day I love my hot chocolate.
Only a black man can f**k something this fat and ugly.
10/23/2014 9:00:25 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Anderson, SC
22, joined Jun. 2014
I'm really sick and tired of people talking about this subject like we're a bunch of different species of animals. We're all humans. What is it with you people and this terrible excuse for loyalty you keep trying to shove down people's throats?
Let me ask you something. A billion bagillion fafillion years ago when slavery was going on in the us, would you be this angst with the black folks that escaped from the south and didn't return to help out other black folks?
Yet people are constantly coming up in here calling interracial only dating black chicks thirsty while immediately turning around falling on their knees to a portion of the mofos that have a problem with it.
Whatever happened to letting people live their lives and minding your own damn business? Let's try to do that. The world would be such a nice and sunny place with rainbows and unicorns. Or whatever makes people happy.
10/23/2014 9:49:50 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


95, joined Dec. 2012
online now!
Natural hair is manageable.
It was managed for millenias.
You're right, natural hair is manageable. Mine will stay natural for the rest of my life; no more harsh chemicals burning a hole into my scalp. My hair is in a tiny afro right now, about to get it in cornrows at the JCPenny Hair Salon.
10/23/2014 9:53:13 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Euless, TX
46, joined Oct. 2010
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Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women?
Let me think about this............
Study Finds 1 in 4 US Teens Has a STD/Nearly 1/2 of Black Girls Tested Had at Least one STD
CHICAGO — At least one in four teenage American girls has a sexually transmitted disease, suggests a first-of-its-kind federal study that startled some adolescent-health experts.
Some doctors said the numbers might be a reflection of both abstinence-only sex education and teens’ own sense of invulnerabilty. Because some sexually transmitted infections can cause infertility and cancer, U.S. health officials called for better screening, vaccination and prevention.
Only about half of the girls in the study acknowledged having sex. Some teens define sex as only intercourse, yet other types of intimate behavior including oral sex can spread some diseases.
Among those who admitted having sex, the rate was even more disturbing _ 40 percent had an STD.
“This is pretty shocking,” said Dr. Elizabeth Alderman, an adolescent medicine specialist at Montefiore Medical Center’s Children’s Hospital in New York.
“To talk about abstinence is not a bad thing,” but teen girls _ and boys too _ need to be informed about how to protect themselves if they do have sex, Alderman said.
The overall STD rate among the 838 girls in the study was 26 percent, which translates to more than 3 million girls nationwide, researchers with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found. They released the results Tuesday at an STD prevention conference in Chicago.
The teens were tested for four infections: human papillomavirus, or HPV, which can cause cervical cancer and affected 18 percent of girls studied; chlamydia, which affected 4 percent; trichomoniasis, 2.5 percent; and genital herpes, 2 percent.
Dr. John Douglas, director of the CDC’s division of STD prevention, said the results are the first to examine the combined national prevalence of common sexually transmitted diseases among adolescent girls. He said the data, now a few years old, likely reflect current prevalence rates.
Disease rates were significantly higher among black girls _ nearly half had at least one STD, versus 20 percent among both whites and Mexican-Americans.
10/23/2014 10:16:38 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |
Canon, GA
28, joined Aug. 2014
Most black women brush me off as a joke cause of how I talk I guess I ain't found one to marry me yet and as far as family goes it doesn't matter what they think it's me who's gonna be happy or not , you can't help who you fall for regardless of complexion , I wouldn't marry to please them it would be to please future wife and myself after all they don't life or face the consequences of my choices I do
10/23/2014 10:17:15 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Anderson, SC
22, joined Jun. 2014
Yeah. I'm really gonna trust a site with spelling mistakes and only numbers for oneportion of the populous.
I'm not gonna trust that. Get out of here. The least you could have done was listed more than one site.
10/23/2014 10:27:26 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Summerville, SC
20, joined Feb. 2014
Only a black man can f**k something this fat and ugly.
Lol I'm not even going to argue with you. I'm just going to let your comment.... And your age do the talking 
10/23/2014 2:55:24 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |
Saginaw, MI
58, joined Mar. 2014
Lol I'm not even going to argue with you. I'm just going to let your comment.... And your age do the talking 
No, youre so f**king ignorant you have nothing to say. You must eat fast food and sit on your a** all day to get that fat. Gross hog, youre completely disgusting along with being stupid.
10/23/2014 3:09:17 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Blue Diamond, NV
45, joined Jan. 2012
White men do marry black women. They just marry the ones they meet, fall in love with and can't live without, just like they would with any other race. 
10/23/2014 3:11:33 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Lincoln City, OR
65, joined Jun. 2014
I won't get married again.
The woman I get with can be any color but blue.
Blue women just lay there.
10/23/2014 3:22:51 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |
Gwynn Oak, MD
48, joined Jun. 2014
@ twining:
The world you described is a fantasy world, NICE but a fantasy none the less. The real world comes with good and bad. We don't get to pick and choose them eithet.
As humans we classify and associate our selves in groups, races, cultures, geographical areas, status, etc. This is how we identify with each other.
Whatever the majority of any group does is how THAT group is labled. Of course it doesn't seem fair to the minority but THATS LIFE!!!
Look at the reputation and associations blk men have with drugs. Bcuz I'm blk its expected of me, NOT BCUZ I DO IT (bcuz I don't) but bcuz I'm (not by choice) a part of the group, "Blk Men"
Do I like it? Hell No! Can I change it by b*tching about it? Hell No! So what do I do? I represent myself as an individual and don't make public associations with the group. I preach against drug usage and discourage the practice. Thats all I can do. That all you can do.
10/23/2014 4:54:59 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Anderson, SC
22, joined Jun. 2014
It doesn't matter what any body's representing themselves as. There are crusty old picless mofos in this thread talking bullshit about stds and single mothers. Smearing the name of every last black woman on this planet. And what do any of you do? You run in here to put in your 2cent insults about black women surfing outside of the heritage circle or trying to stroke your egos by agreeing. DAMN! Show some f**king dignity and restraint. If not for "your people", for your own damn self.
10/23/2014 5:01:32 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Lincoln City, OR
65, joined Jun. 2014
It doesn't matter what any body's representing themselves as. There are crusty old picless mofos in this thread talking bullshit about stds and single mothers. Smearing the name of every last black woman on this planet. And what do any of you do? You run in here to put in your 2cent insults about black women surfing outside of the heritage circle or trying to stroke your egos by agreeing. DAMN! Show some f**king dignity and restraint. If not for "your people", for your own damn self.
Ima 60 year old white dude.
I sure wish you was closer to my age and here on the Mexican border with me.
10/23/2014 6:31:34 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |
Gwynn Oak, MD
48, joined Jun. 2014
It doesn't matter what any body's representing themselves as. There are crusty old picless mofos in this thread talking bullshit about stds and single mothers. Smearing the name of every last black woman on this planet. And what do any of you do? You run in here to put in your 2cent insults about black women surfing outside of the heritage circle or trying to stroke your egos by agreeing. DAMN! Show some f**king dignity and restraint. If not for "your people", for your own damn self.
Honestly your asking them to do the very thing you're saying is f**ked up. You want ppl to have some dignity based on their skin color. Is that it? No other reason to have dignity?
You have a hard time taking the good with the bad baby. Every circle is known for positive and negative things. Some more positive and some more negative. Its only when the negative that woman loose their minds and get unrealistic.
10/23/2014 6:36:07 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Anderson, SC
22, joined Jun. 2014
It has nothing to do with skin color. It has to do with self worth and respect. It's almost like choosing sides. Siding with the baseless shit talkers or siding with the people being victimized. If this were a thread dissing white girls or white men or Mexicans or any other race I'd be just as pissed about this incredibly annoying bullshit.
10/23/2014 6:43:43 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |
New Berlin, NY
44, joined Aug. 2014
Who wants to marry a black woman with 3 or 4 kids by the time she is 22?
10/23/2014 7:22:15 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Anderson, SC
22, joined Jun. 2014
The real question is who wants to marry a 44 year old short man with a tiny d*ck complex and incapability to make an accurate assumption about anybody else.
But that's okay d*ckwhacker, you can have a cookie crumb since you got my age right. 
10/23/2014 7:24:28 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Summerville, SC
20, joined Feb. 2014
It doesn't matter what any body's representing themselves as. There are crusty old picless mofos in this thread talking bullshit about stds and single mothers. Smearing the name of every last black woman on this planet. And what do any of you do? You run in here to put in your 2cent insults about black women surfing outside of the heritage circle or trying to stroke your egos by agreeing. DAMN! Show some f**king dignity and restraint. If not for "your people", for your own damn self.
It's not dissing black women who rather be with a white man. If you find a white man who treats you right & wants to spend his life with you then power to you ! But it's going to be hard for black women who specifically only want a white man. Because as you can see...... Most white men still think black women either got a kid, AIDS, or on welfare. And unless these stereotypes finally go into a closed drawer then the face of interracial dating WILL be the black man & white woman. If they aren't telling US these ignorant stereotypes then they are talking about it with their buddies.
10/23/2014 7:25:48 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Kent, OH
43, joined Sep. 2012
Roxie Roker, baby.
10/23/2014 8:30:26 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Lincoln City, OR
65, joined Jun. 2014
I don't want to get married.
I do want me a woman who is so black, she shines blue.
BEEEEEautiful color.
10/23/2014 8:42:20 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Albany, IN
43, joined Jun. 2014
Stop yruing to make this a black anf white thing. Damn im so tired of this shit. Black or white if u fall in love with a person who gives a "F" what race or coler they are. Really people get over the black and white thing. Its getting on my nerves.
10/23/2014 10:30:23 PM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Churubusco, IN
42, joined Jul. 2012
online now!
I would if she the right one for me I could careless what race she is or what people think. They not the ones with her I am if I"m happy then that's that. Its not just black women either, I've date Latino women, filipino women, bi racial women, chinese and white women. If I think she's attractive and she makes me happy skin color dont matter.
10/24/2014 12:04:31 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Washington, DC
32, joined Aug. 2014
online now!
I love the truth spoken in this topic.

10/24/2014 12:35:47 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |


Milwaukee, WI
19, joined Jul. 2012
Lol this is stupid not only do 90% of black women not want white men and vise versa ppl are still up in arms about them dating which rarely happens talk about shook anywho another negro obsessed with white men whats new. Black men arent marrying black women either op dumb asz but being black makes it okay for them to do that huh? Theres a clear explanation for why they date the least n why black women generally are married less so this was a stupd fckn thread as usual but whats dh without a dumb negro obsessing over whites.
[Edited 10/24/2014 12:37:57 AM ]
10/24/2014 12:53:22 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |

Los Angeles, CA
60, joined Nov. 2012
That's a lie- I was engaged to a white man and my children are by white men. I think the way society is now- racism hasn't died and the white men I'm meeting are telling me that they want to date outside their race and marry. What's stopping them? -Themselves. IRDC what race you are- just treat me right and we have no problem. I'm not some ghetto hood eat; actually an educated sister. 
MMMMMM Your children are by White men? Well just how many children do you have and by how many White men, my not ghetto hood-rat educated sista? Inquiring minds want to know.
10/24/2014 12:58:59 AM |
Why Don't White Men Marry Black Women? |
Sumter, SC
27, joined Mar. 2014
I married a black woman.look at my profile picture im white as snow. I can't speak for white men around the world or any other man were all different. I don't know the demographics or much at all. I know only my personal experience. I'd like to know the answer to your question too thougj