3/15/2015 12:10:23 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

3/15/2015 12:21:46 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Raleigh, NC
50, joined Jun. 2014
I tend to date the analog way
and finding a good balance is still difficult. Most surprising has been the occurrence of busy career women who jusf want a fwb.
3/15/2015 12:26:18 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
Helm...I have a woman at wrk..a bit older than I. Her schedule is horrendous...
She is all about the FWB...she only misses sex out of a relationship...and is very clear about it.

3/15/2015 12:30:19 PM |
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San Diego, CA
58, joined Jan. 2008
I live at a very nice Marina in San Diego. The single men love the life style
There are only four single women among a few thousand boats. My point is
women love security, are more domesticated than men. Women find their
happiness in social situations, a home, family. I don't know if this a basic need
or conditioned. Society is changing and so are our choices.
3/15/2015 12:31:17 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Syracuse, NY
44, joined Jun. 2013
When I'm not dating /in a relationship I'm fine on my own. I have a job working 10-14 hour days,friends, and two eleven year old twins...lol.
I'm currently in a relationship with a man that treats me well, and helps versus causing me more work. He, so far, has been very good about my time constraints.
3/15/2015 12:32:03 PM |
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Raleigh, NC
50, joined Jun. 2014
Im more than just a hunk of meat, dammit! 

To each their own, but booty call status just isnt going to work for me.
3/15/2015 12:33:52 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Tehachapi, CA
58, joined Jan. 2013
GREAT Questions Valuable info Maybe a poll would have been better for this data(?) I got confused because of all the questions, so I would have to say: yes, I had a date last night and we planned to go before the restaurant closed at 8 pm. Yes we were too late. Needless to say, it was Plan B; always keep your options open in last minute dates. Have fun on your next date OP.
3/15/2015 12:37:24 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
Brown...I am not social...most of the time. That is my biggest issue. That is why I retreat when I am off.
Helm..it may be location. Most here are seem to not be looking for anything lasting.
And I wasn't feeling that ....not looking for sex. So.I understand..
3/15/2015 12:38:44 PM |
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San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
Artist...I quit dating some time ago ...but I am glad you had a great time girl
3/15/2015 12:43:13 PM |
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Suwanee, GA
57, joined Mar. 2007
I am definitely not just a booty call girl. I would find that distasteful and frankly, depressing. It also feel like there is continual decline in morality and that sex means nothing. Very sad. Finding the right person and the balance of together time is key.
I think the biggest hurdle is getting through the beginning stages of dating and into the relationship stage. Once there, you develop a cadence. You can be under the same roof but still curl up and read a book if I'm outside with the horses. Then maybe we'll go do something together.
[Edited 3/15/2015 12:44:59 PM ]
3/15/2015 12:46:50 PM |
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Syracuse, NY
44, joined Jun. 2013
3/15/2015 12:46:58 PM |
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Kansas City, MO
55, joined Apr. 2009
When I'm not dating /in a relationship I'm fine on my own. I have a job working 10-14 hour days,friends, and two eleven year old twins...lol.
I'm currently in a relationship with a man that treats me well, and helps versus causing me more work. He, so far, has been very good about my time constraints. 
I am so happy for you friend
3/15/2015 12:47:37 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Syracuse, NY
44, joined Jun. 2013
3/15/2015 12:48:56 PM |
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Suwanee, GA
57, joined Mar. 2007
@eyes- like you my work requires me to talk to a lot of people. I enjoy what I do but tend to retreat on my downtime and work with my horses AND do all the chores I can't do during the week.
3/15/2015 12:51:29 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Baltimore, MD
52, joined Dec. 2007
I think most people don't quite face the truth nor are willing to share it honestly.
-Those that claim they don't FWB- do (they just convince themselves its not that)
- Those that say they have a bunch of dates and full in boxes--tend not to
- Those who claim to have a steady-a permanent- but don't live near them, no one has moved....not so sure that qualifies
- Those who claim they want no one- have simply convinced themselves of that (the old I wouldn't want a Porsche (Supermodel) if you gave it to me troupe).
They are not evil, they are not liars, they are just human and likely could use some healing...
"Beware Vehemence"...I always say.
3/15/2015 12:52:18 PM |
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Dayton, OH
30, joined Dec. 2012
Women r turning towards Women...I FOR ONE LOVE IT  
Dating has drowned...blame it on...this device ...
Folks date devices now...
Be back my device needs me elsewhere...
3/15/2015 12:53:16 PM |
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San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
It is all about the sex. And I don't know how many times I hv heard or seen the words...sex is very important..it is a huge part of a relationship...I am dating to.find someone sexually compatible.
Which led me to think..many are sexually driven...and I see that as a flag. Many are sleeping with dates...flag. And many are giving importance to.something I won't hv the time for on the level they demand it..
Yeah..not worth the effort to meet much less date..for either party.
3/15/2015 12:54:42 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
@eyes- like you my work requires me to talk to a lot of people. I enjoy what I do but tend to retreat on my downtime and work with my horses AND do all the chores I can't do during the week.
Girl..I live in the city..take a bus..work with.the public...
3/15/2015 1:11:32 PM |
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Longmont, CO
47, joined Oct. 2013
online now!
to be alone without someone to love is a waste of the body, but to be with someone without love is a waste of the soul.
3/15/2015 1:24:02 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Baltimore, MD
52, joined Dec. 2007
That's a nice sentiment greelybro...
3/15/2015 1:29:04 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Scottsboro, AL
44, joined Nov. 2008
That is nice Greeley!
3/15/2015 1:29:21 PM |
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Topeka, KS
56, joined Feb. 2014
That's a nice sentiment greelybro...  I agree Barry. I was thinking what happened to our GREELY .. most of his posts crack me up. I had to read it twice. Then check again to see it was him! Beautifully said Greely.
3/15/2015 1:32:28 PM |
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Scottsboro, AL
44, joined Nov. 2008
Greeley is evolving!So nice to see this! Wonder if being around us older folks is rubbing off on him!
3/15/2015 1:34:54 PM |
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Topeka, KS
56, joined Feb. 2014
Greeley is evolving!So nice to see this! Wonder if being around us older folks is rubbing off on him!    we can only hope. 
3/15/2015 1:40:21 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Topeka, KS
56, joined Feb. 2014
Barry I was thinking about your post. Reminded me of the story of the fox and the grapes. "Probably sour anyway". I still say that "sour grapes". Maybe people do say things or avoid things as a self protection. I know I'm guilty of it. Makes it easier to cope.
3/15/2015 1:44:03 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Sykesville, MD
42, joined Sep. 2010
Things I have learned on DateHookup:
* If you start dating before or immediately after breaking up with someone, you are a "serial dater", and that's BAD.
* If you take a little time off between dates, you're "FAKING it", and that's BAD.
3/15/2015 1:49:35 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Fairfield, CA
94, joined Dec. 2011
Things I have learned on DateHookup:
* If you start dating before or immediately after breaking up with someone, you are a "serial dater", and that's BAD.
* If you take a little time off between dates, you're "FAKING it", and that's BAD.
And...if you are dating, and not dating the way someone tells you you should, then you are to blame for everything.
3/15/2015 1:54:28 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Sykesville, MD
42, joined Sep. 2010
I think the only thing that 9 out of 10 DateHookup People agree on is that the Right Way to do it is to say "People suck so I don't date!", accidentally bump into your "Soul Mate" in the line at the grocery store, marry him/her before the cashier rings up the total, and Live Happily Ever After.
3/15/2015 1:57:25 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Pittsburgh, PA
52, joined Nov. 2013
to be alone without someone to love is a waste of the body, but to be with someone without love is a waste of the soul.
Nicely put...very romantic 
3/15/2015 1:57:53 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Topeka, KS
56, joined Feb. 2014
I think the only thing that 9 out of 10 DateHookup People agree on is that the Right Way to do it is to say "People suck so I don't date!", accidentally bump into your "Soul Mate" in the line at the grocery store, marry him/her before the cashier rings up the total, and Live Happily Ever After.
3/15/2015 2:02:01 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
May I ask this ppl ?
Are we saying that if you are not pursuing love........wanting a romantic kind of love, one is wasting their life ?
And Hellooooooooooooooooo everyone  
3/15/2015 2:04:42 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Sykesville, MD
42, joined Sep. 2010
Depends on who you mean by "ppl" and "we".
3/15/2015 2:05:04 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Hemet, CA
47, joined Apr. 2013
hi eyes
It depends on what you seek from life I suppose
There are many mysteries in life
3/15/2015 2:06:36 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
Does anyone believe that if a person who may be capable of doing so....is not pursuing romantic love......that person is wasting their lives.........
Hi T  
[Edited 3/15/2015 2:07:14 PM ]
3/15/2015 2:07:13 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Litchfield, OH
63, joined Jul. 2010
May I ask this ppl ?
Are we saying that if you are not pursuing love........wanting a romantic kind of love, one is wasting their life ?
And Hellooooooooooooooooo everyone  
Yep! Columbus came to the new world looking for chicks that hadn't heard his old tired pickup lines! 
3/15/2015 2:07:54 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
Pd...I always figured it was a chick hunt........   
3/15/2015 2:08:46 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Sykesville, MD
42, joined Sep. 2010
Does anyone believe that if a person who may be capable of doing so....is not pursuing romantic love......that person is wasting their lives.........
Hi T  
I'm sure you can find people who would say they believe that, given a large enough sample size.
3/15/2015 2:09:22 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Hemet, CA
47, joined Apr. 2013
What's a nice gal like you doing in a place like . . why spoil the suspense?
3/15/2015 2:10:23 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Litchfield, OH
63, joined Jul. 2010
Lewis and Clark were searching for Indian lady! 
3/15/2015 2:10:47 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Pittsburgh, PA
52, joined Nov. 2013
I want romantic love. I want to feel that connection with another. It's been hard for me, because it seems as if the man I meet haven't been able to let go of the past.
We all have been hurt. I refuse to let my past control my present. And, I refuse to allow another's past control my future. Get past the pain and learn to love again.
3/15/2015 2:15:46 PM |
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Longmont, CO
47, joined Oct. 2013
online now!
Thanks guys. I'm actually quite deep when I wanna be.
I a good guy in real life.
This place is strictly for entertainment. Most of the time.
[Edited 3/15/2015 2:17:16 PM ]
3/15/2015 2:19:33 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
Chris, I was asking because a lil bit ago...some serious arrogant , self righteous bs stepped onto my thread.....and it wasn't Gree's post btw.
I find it amazing when others tell me how I think....what I want.....how I live....what drives me.......and I tell myself bs.......when they don't know a damn thing about me 
Pd....another chick hunt   
Mich....I hope you find what you seek girl......you are a wonderful person 
[Edited 3/15/2015 2:20:12 PM ]
3/15/2015 2:22:06 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Pittsburgh, PA
52, joined Nov. 2013
Thank you,Eyes. I feel the same about you. 
3/15/2015 2:24:46 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
I still want to call you Anatasia................  
3/15/2015 2:26:44 PM |
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Longmont, CO
47, joined Oct. 2013
online now!
While we are on the subject
One of the biggest problems I have found since I started dating again is that women near my age with grown kids who c*ck block. They have grown so used to having their mom around and mom has been such a big part of their lives even as adults that she can't date.
By that I mean these women are so involved and have been that their kids lives are their lives. Between babysitting their grandchildren or running their kids everywhere they don't realize how deep they r in til they try to date.
3/15/2015 2:29:18 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |

Wind Gap, PA
69, joined Jan. 2008
And how many are not self aware they are faking it ? About 1/2 I'mguessing.
3/15/2015 2:32:49 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Pittsburgh, PA
52, joined Nov. 2013
My co-workers call me Natasha 
I guess it's time to change my pic. Not as disgustingly cold as it has been.
3/15/2015 2:33:15 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Longmont, CO
47, joined Oct. 2013
online now!
I want romantic love. I want to feel that connection with another. It's been hard for me, because it seems as if the man I meet haven't been able to let go of the past.
We all have been hurt. I refuse to let my past control my present. And, I refuse to allow another's past control my future. Get past the pain and learn to love again.
Well said...
3/15/2015 2:34:20 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
Gree that is a big thing here also...............they have grown "kids" living at home...with THEIR kids.............and wonder why men are a lil gun shy about getting into all of that............
I just look at them and say......."Are you serious ? Your house is full of mayhem and drama, kids everywhere......your phone blows up on the minute with some bs or another. Hell, it drives me nuts. "
"Instead of becoming your own human .........you are hanging onto the identity of "MOM"...."
But I don't have kids so I just don't understand any of it...........
3/15/2015 2:35:18 PM |
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San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
And ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Natasha............ I luv the new pic girl 
3/15/2015 2:36:07 PM |
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Delaware City, DE
34, joined Nov. 2013
No reason to fake it, I am married, the dates stopped. Even though I try to still.
3/15/2015 2:41:12 PM |
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San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
Hi Rocky  
3/15/2015 2:41:36 PM |
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Pittsburgh, PA
52, joined Nov. 2013
My kids are grown and gone. I have a standing date with my granddaughter every Tuesday. This I don't break for anyone or anything. But, I rarely get asked to help other than that unless it's an emergency. My kids are very independent and responsible.
Sometimes, I wonder if I did it wrong!!! I miss being needed. (Sometimes 
Usually on Wednesdays I'm so tired, I wonder how I ever kept up with four kids!!!
3/15/2015 2:43:39 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
I don't know how any of you did it.............I watch it and get worn out  
3/15/2015 2:47:41 PM |
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Pittsburgh, PA
52, joined Nov. 2013
That's why I still take a nap every day!!!!
3/15/2015 2:50:54 PM |
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Longmont, CO
47, joined Oct. 2013
online now!
my ex wife had 3 kids and I took them on willingly.
I don't have any Of my own so I wanted to be a father to them.
it's not a matter of a woman having kids, it's them being able to get out of there kids lives to be able to date.

[Edited 3/15/2015 2:52:33 PM ]
3/15/2015 2:51:36 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
I sit in the Plaza out front of the Hotel before I go into work.........and just watch.
And think............OMG OMG OMG.........I see quite a few Moms...solo, with the kids and she has that..........look ..on her face   
3/15/2015 2:53:33 PM |
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San Antonio, TX
50, joined Jun. 2012
Gree...I know with the ones in my life ?
It isn't going to happen. These women are in their late 40's or early 50's and they are entrenched in that stuff.
Just amazes me.
But they won't see that they are making these "kids" ...30 yr olds.........worthless.

3/15/2015 2:57:05 PM |
How Many Are FAKING it ? |


Roanoke, VA
28, joined Jun. 2013
I think some men spend way too much time on the forums trolling instead of getting a life esp when they brag about said relationship, pffft. Many are pretending to be married or in a relationship but yet still they spend so much time here? Not a happy relationship imo
3/15/2015 3:04:42 PM |
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Longmont, CO
47, joined Oct. 2013
online now!
I think some men spend way too much time on the forums trolling instead of getting a life esp when they brag about said relationship, pffft. Many are pretending to be married or in a relationship but yet still they spend so much time here? Not a happy relationship imo 
Like who???