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2/6/2008 1:29:39 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Sherman, TX
age: 43
Welcome to the circle, gunner.
2/6/2008 1:43:57 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 52
Welcome doesn't matter what you scored on ANY long as you have something constructive to contribute to the thread...
This was started for those who are tired of discussing the weather and other boring tidbits in their usual forums.
[Edited 2/6/2008 1:44:44 PM]
2/6/2008 9:16:28 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Huntersville, NC
age: 47
I like the idea of this group - wish I had looked at "groups" sooner.
I want to jump in on the gun thing. Guns do not kill people, people do. If someone wants to cause physical harm to someone else there are many choices besides a gun, many require less interaction than a gun does (such as cutting break lines, gas leak, etc.).
As a woman I enjoy much greater freedom of movement (where and when I feel safe) because I am licensed to carry and know I would not hesitate to protect myself if necessary although I hope it is never necessary. I believe the ability to carry makes me more of an equal citizen with men in that I don't have to live in fear.
There are a number of places that have proven that when citizens are armed crime lessens. If only someone had been packing at VT last year - perhaps a lot of youngsters would still be alive. . . . In areas where it is not legal to carry the criminals know honest citizens are not carrying - truly only criminals have guns in places where it is illegal to carry. A few years back in FL the volume of rapes was rapidly esculating. Women were buying guns but it was not helping . . . until . . . the sheriff announced on the radio the willingness of his department to teach any woman who bought a firearm how to use it ... suddenly rapes dropped dramatically.
The only caveat is that every individual who choose to carry should reflect on and make a decision in advance as to whether they are comfortable using the weapon if the situation arises - otherwise it may do more harm than good. Do you know that in Switzerland citizens are required to be armed? [I may be confused with Sweden but it is one of those two countries that are considered so peace-loving.] There are actually a few towns in America that require citizens to own guns. Also, if a temper is uncontrollable the individual should refrain from having a gun.
2/6/2008 10:26:08 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 52
Welcome Sunny, enjoyed your input!
2/6/2008 11:59:44 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Sherman, TX
age: 43
Thank you, sunny. I enjoyed whatyou had to say....and welcome....
2/7/2008 2:32:33 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 52
Mitt has left the if only the Glove would leave!
2/7/2008 4:25:15 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 53
Hey, they just said on TV if you got blue eyes(like I do)we all come from the same gang,
about the Black Sea area.Imagine that "Ole Blue Eyes " and me are related..........
New York,New York,your playin my tune............
2/7/2008 4:54:04 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Sherman, TX
age: 43
Well howdy, cousin Professer....everyone knows blue eyes go along with blonde hair....
2/7/2008 4:59:30 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 52
I am blonde......and I have green eyes! What "gang" do I belong in?
2/7/2008 5:14:16 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 53
Green eyes, blonde, close.....
but oh so far..........away
2/7/2008 7:58:12 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Potomac, MD
age: 51
I am intellectually exhausted reading this thread. That means after reading this thread I feel stupid for reading it. You might want to try a different tac. Good idea that will eventually find a home if you persist. 
2/8/2008 10:53:32 AM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Colorado Springs, CO
age: 55
You have some interesting topics here. I have always had a passion for science and history. PBS shows such as The Ascent of Man, Connections, Nova, and Americian Experiance have served me well in my quest to know more of the world and the people who inhabit it. So here's my contribution to the conversation.
On Novas' program about the quest for absolute zero. They discovered a fourth state of matter. One in which there is a shift in form of matter as we know it to a eneruy wave. Could this be partial evidence of the mechanism of the big bang?
2/8/2008 3:03:55 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 52
Welcome Hiker...
I can't answer your question since I am still trying to figure out how to work the remote. I do believe in the "Big Bang" theory and watched a program about it on National Geographic the other evening. One of the better TV programs I have seen about "the" theory.
2/8/2008 4:34:54 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
some info on the universe.
Is the Universe Infinite?
The shape of the universe is determined by a struggle between the momentum of expansion and the pull of gravity. The rate of expansion is expressed by the Hubble Constant, Ho, while the strength of gravity depends on the density and pressure of the matter in the universe. If the pressure of the matter is low, as is the case with most forms of matter we know of, then the fate of the universe is governed by the density. If the density of the universe is less than the "critical density" which is proportional to the square of the Hubble constant, then the universe will expand forever. If the density of the universe is greater than the "critical density", then gravity will eventually win and the universe will collapse back on itself, the so called "Big Crunch". However, the results of the WMAP mission and observations of distant supernova have suggested that the expansion of the universe is actually accelerating which implies the existence of a form of matter with a strong negative pressure, such as the cosmological constant. This strange form of matter is also sometimes referred to as the "dark energy". If dark energy in fact plays a significant role in the evolution of the universe, then in all likelihood the universe will continue to expand forever.
Geometry of the Universe
The density of the universe also determines its geometry. If the density of the universe exceeds the critical density, then the geometry of space is closed and positively curved like the surface of a sphere. This implies that initially parallel photon paths converge slowly, eventually cross, and return back to their starting point (if the universe lasts long enough). If the density of the universe is less than the critical density, then the geometry of space is open, negatively curved like the surface of a saddle. If the density of the universe exactly equals the critical density, then the geometry of the universe is flat like a sheet of paper. Thus, there is a direct link between the geometry of the universe and its fate.
The simplest version of the inflationary theory, an extension of the Big Bang theory, predicts that the density of the universe is very close to the critical density, and that the geometry of the universe is flat, like a sheet of paper. That is the result confirmed by the WMAP science.
Measurements from WMAP
The WMAP spacecraft can measure the basic parameters of the Big Bang theory including the geometry of the universe. If the universe were open, the brightest microwave background fluctuations (or "spots") would be about half a degree across. If the universe were flat, the spots would be about 1 degree across. While if the universe were closed, the brightest spots would be about 1.5 degrees across.
Recent measurements (c. 2001) by a number of ground-based and balloon-based experiments, including MAT/TOCO, Boomerang, Maxima, and DASI, have shown that the brightest spots are about 1 degree across. Thus the universe was known to be flat to within about 15% accuracy prior to the WMAP results. WMAP has confirmed this result with very high accuracy and precision. We now know that the universe is flat with only a 2% margin of error.
2/8/2008 5:15:46 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Colorado Springs, CO
age: 55
Hey Lawlady at least you have a remote. Can't find mine. Perhaps it disappeared ... down a black hole!
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