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2/13/2008 7:24:23 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Huntersville, NC
age: 47
I've been growing it for 23 years this August. Weight depends on wet, dry, humidity, etc. -- not sure. When wet heavy enough to cause whiplash.
2/14/2008 7:08:34 AM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Odessa, FL
age: 64
Wow, you're closing in on half your life. You could weigh it if you have scale at home by putting the scale close to a a head-high bookcase, dresser or shelf and first weighing yourself with hair hanging and then again with your hair laying on top of the nearby shelf/furniture. I'll guess it weighs 15 lbs dry.
When your replies say edited, it's DHU doing the editting, isn't it? What kind of things do they edit?
2/14/2008 1:04:33 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 52
I am sooooooooo disappointed in you brainiacs..I leave for one day and you let this thread "slip" to the middle of the page! Now get with it!
No Ted, DHU does NOT do the editing, the poster does that....I usually edit to add something.
[Edited 2/14/2008 1:06:00 PM]
2/14/2008 1:52:01 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 53
I love to argue with you Law,it really makes my day.I know its not BUSH gardens.Its Busch I was there when it opened in 1959.
[Edited 2/14/2008 2:04:16 PM]
2/14/2008 2:00:38 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 52
Professer, if you knew it is Busch Gardens why spell it Bush to begin with then? Very odd.
Of course, Professor is spelled with an "o" and not an "e".
2/14/2008 2:03:25 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 53
Because you said you fell out of bed
BUSH gardens
get it?
Anyway,we agree, I think.
August A Busch Sr. took his own life on February 10, 1934 with a self-inflicted bullet to the abdomen
Kind of funny to shoot yourself in the stomach for suicide???
2/14/2008 2:11:29 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 53

2/15/2008 12:38:42 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 53
I saw an interesting article on one of the "Skylab" type manned spy satelites that the "Commies" had.I consider myself pretty up to date on these things.(however).After a little research, I saw that not only them but our govt had programs going on.It just so happened that we waited(which means we could have been first)when the time around Sputnik was going on.The biggest concern was if we launched a satelite over Russia,although hunfreds of miles up, it could have been considered trespassing.Eisenerhower was pretty smart old bird.He let the Russians launch the Sputnik(beep-beep-beep)to ellieaviate any global speculation of that.It resulted in the fact that "space" was a soveirgn territtory where anyone could come and go as they please.Then the race was on,spy satelite after spy satelite was launched, and finally, we got so good at it,we could suspend the U2 and later SR71 spy flights.Their was no need for them.The spy sats were much better.Anyway, the commies launched a series of manned space satelites, refereed to as ALMEZ.They would lauch these "space stations" and then send up commienauts to crawl inside and operated them.Yep, their version of the eye in the sky.Hence, the first WEAPON for space battle was invented.They actually mounted a 20 or 30 mm cannon on one of these babies to knock out anyone or anything(satelite killing satelite)that would pose a threat to them.Its just fascinating to me to hear about all these things that are just now being de-classified.So, if you ever wonder if we got some sort of secret weapon up there today,all I got to say is,we will be the last to know.
[Edited 2/15/2008 12:40:05 PM]
2/16/2008 5:30:27 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 53
2/17/2008 5:40:55 AM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 53
Well, an interesting thought in my quest for knowledge.As we know,the Moon Orbits the Earth,and to go on, the Earth Orbits the Sun and the Sun Orbits the Galactic center of the Universe.It takes the Earth a year to orbit the Sun.It takes 230 million years for the Sun to orbit the Galactic center.No matter how fast the Earth is moving through space, the Sun moves through space at 220 km a seconds.Now , take a minute and digest that.We are haulin ass through space, and for all intents and purpose, if you stretch the orbit out and put it on a plane, we are going in a straight line in time,never repeating our place in space.The only possible scenario that we could go full circle in the time continumium(being at the same place that we would have been before) would take a minimum of 230 million years.But, if you go further and realize the Galaxy itself,the Milky Way is also moving, then it falls into the infinite range of the Universe expanding therefore, once we have been to a point in space, we will never be in that exact point again.Kind of like ones lifespan itself.When debating time travel this comes into perspective.Even if we could go back in time, we would have to go back in space at the same time if we had any hope of meeting our own grandfather.
Food for thought.
2/17/2008 5:56:42 AM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Panama City, FL
age: 48
O.K. Professor, I'll bite. This food for thought, anyway. (Cheesy, I know)
Isn't this why it's better known as the space/time continuum, rather than the space/time circuit?
2/17/2008 6:00:39 AM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Boca Raton, FL
age: 61
its a time space continuum the real question is how did we get here and for the spiritual why
I enjoyed movie What The Bleep Do We Know!? Did you see it?
when I posted I was not aware of previous post so found it to be interesting coincidense
[Edited 2/17/2008 6:14:54 AM]
2/17/2008 6:02:21 AM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Boca Raton, FL
age: 61
True or False ... The percentage of narrow minds is just as high in Mensa as in those of average IQ. ... three of my best friends of the past could easily have been Mensa members there mental brilliance was more than obvious ... Kioshi Kuromiya for one finished Buckminster Fullers last book after his death put his name in search engine and see he died of AIDS in in May 2000 went to Penn U. on Frankln Grant only 6 a year are given full tuition
and everything else pretty much paid through to PhD ... CanSat. (Marajauna) has 20 times the toxic effect compared to Tobacco and lower immune response dramatically so why do these fools promote it ... Check out one of the secret hash(berries of same plant) dens in Egypt and you will find the few who can afford it doing themselves in within months so why legalize it! To me it was the I don't give a damn drug. and now that i did I was done with it. I recommended a holistic path but he choose to let the Pharmaceutical Giants finish him off and smoked weed till dead and I know he could have beat it. So be it.
Kioshi Kuromiya
Lead plaintiff in 1999's MMJ Class Action Suit launched
Lead plaintiff in 1999's MMJ Class Action Suit launched in Philadelphia.
Kiyoshi Kuromiya, one of the world's leading AIDS activists, died on the night of May 10, 2000, due to complications from AIDS. To the last, Kiyoshi remained an activist, insisting on and receiving the most aggressive treatment for cancer and the HIV that complicated its treatment. He participated fully in every treatment decision, making sure that he, his friends and fellow activists were involved with his treatment every step of the way. He never gave up.
Kiyoshi devoted his life to the struggle for social justice.
He was a committed civil rights and anti-war activist. He was also one of the founders of Gay Liberation Front - Philadelphia and served as an openly gay delegate to the Black Panther Convention that endorsed the gay liberation struggle.
I am anti Marajuana and have been since 1972 when I parted company with Kioshi because I was no longer willing to be in a Cannibus Sativa fill Environment. for the sake of my mind and stoped Alcohol for same reason.
[Edited 2/17/2008 7:45:29 AM]
2/17/2008 7:02:22 AM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Panama City, FL
age: 48
The question rephrased: Is audible sound created upon the occurance of a tree falling on a man in a forest?
An elemental, unqualified, irrefutable - Yes
Quite naturally (literally read: nature), both man and tree exist. The components of each, molecularly assembled and present simultaneously, logistically. The tree, as it grows, as it falls, as it lands, even as it rests -the same as applies to the man in our example - expend stored kinetic energy. The audible nature of this naturally occuring event within the specified location gives way to that range of frequencies humans can hear. Although dolphins, whales and perhaps even tuna experience this quality, it is not germane to the given example.
Said another way, the bears hear it, the birds hear it, even turtles and squirrels hear it; right along side we humans.
This being also a natural consequence of the force of nature while sequeying nicely with our professor's ponderous musings; all such energy expended shears forever onward through the time/space contiuum toward the event horizon.
At least according to the Hawkins Paradox.
Next question.
2/17/2008 8:02:26 AM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Boca Raton, FL
age: 61
Continuum started the same as life in womb starts and as i see it ... an explosion is much less likely to produce this kind of Galaxy ... and since the theory you mentioned Hawkins can only hold up in a time space or similar continuum the only other explanation is a creative force which would be the source of all self awareness ... logical conclusion and we therefore are ultimately unaffected by time and space as our essence lives on and will pass through the gateway to another continuum if needed
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