11/13/2016 7:44:03 PM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013
Excerpt from PoliticusUSA. ::
Some haters got conned by Trump...   
We can now add “lock her up” to the list of promises that he has broken before he ever takes office. The wall has now become a fence. Obamacare is not going to be fully repealed. Trump’s plan to put tax and tariffs on foreign goods has not been mentioned since election day. Trump’s plan to deport 11 million immigrants, became a plan to deport 2-3 million immigrants, to now no mass deportations, according to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. Instead of draining the swamp of the special interests, Trump is staffing his administration with special interests.
It is both funny and sad because Trump supporters were warned that their candidate was a con man who would tell them exactly what they wanted to hear to win the election. Outside of the massive tax cuts for the wealthy that Trump promised, there is little remaining of Trump’s campaign agenda.
Trump played Republican voters, and now every supporter who chanted lock her up looks like a complete idiot.
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11/13/2016 8:20:13 PM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013
Excerpt from PoliticusUSA. ::
Some haters got conned by Trump...  
We can now add “lock her up” to the list of promises that he has broken before he ever takes office. The wall has now become a fence. Obamacare is not going to be fully repealed. Trump’s plan to put tax and tariffs on foreign goods has not been mentioned since election day. Trump’s plan to deport 11 million immigrants, became a plan to deport 2-3 million immigrants, to now no mass deportations, according to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. Instead of draining the swamp of the special interests, Trump is staffing his administration with special interests.
It is both funny and sad because Trump supporters were warned that their candidate was a con man who would tell them exactly what they wanted to hear to win the election. Outside of the massive tax cuts for the wealthy that Trump promised, there is little remaining of Trump’s campaign agenda.
Trump played Republican voters, and now every supporter who chanted lock her up looks like a complete idiot.
Another possible disappointment for the Haters... 
Donald Trump is "fine" with same-sex marriage and doesn't think the Supreme Court needs to revisit the matter, the president-elect said Sunday, diverting from the Republican Party's official position on the matter.
In an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes" aired Sunday, Trump said the issue has "been settled," adding that he personally feels about gay marriage is irrelevant.
11/14/2016 12:07:22 PM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
I keep seeing people post on how they are terrified, or scared? Well.. what are you scared of exactly? War? Because that's happening. School shootings? Because that's happening. Pipeline? That's been happening. Terrorism? Definitely alive and well. Going broke due to health insurance? Mm yes. Corruption throughout the system? Already there. Police officers being murdered? Yep, that's happening. Bullying? Check. Loss of jobs? We've got that on lock. A tanking economy. Yep. Being discriminated against for your religion, political views, sexual orientation, race? That's been going on. Rape, murder, violence, riots.. all going on and has been.and this is barry insane obummers legacy.
So tell me, what are you scared of that is not already happening basically everywhere? This isn't a Trump problem, this is a people problem. Y'all need to reevaluate your own selves..
Maybe America is a little too scared and a little too easily offended.
Quit being scared, crying around, offended by everything.. step up and do your part as an American, no, as a human being. Treat others with respect, help and encourage one another, raise your kids right, be a contributing member of society. Make sure your hands are clean, that's your job. Burning the American flag? Get out of here with that crap, how about you do your job to make it a better place.
But right now, all I see is hate. It's disturbing, and the ones with the most hate are being exactly what they claim to be against.
....this is just common sense to me!
11/14/2016 12:30:17 PM |
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Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
Agree. And it is mainly the young. I remember when Kennedy went nuts and did the Bay of Pigs bit. And mom said dont worry, they will sort it out. Thanks to Khrushchev realizing that Kennedy was out of control and backing off..she was right. And when Kennedy was shot I was a panicked child and mom said dont worry, they have a system and nothing will happen. And she was right. I am now old and have watched DC change leaders and yet the country muddles on as it has. Nothing different now. Our systems of checks and balances have checked us into immobility. POTUS is a figurehead and not much more.
So I will plod on in my life and let DC sort it out. And idiots marching will change nada. Just give the criminals an excuse to do what they love best..riot. The majority of the country spoke. So deal with it and get on with your life. You have more control over it than anyone else. So if life stinks, blame yourself.
11/14/2016 2:27:28 PM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013
Muldoon has an interesting thread going on in the Political Group (CE&P) Looks like it just started.
Quote from Muldoon:
So, when Obama was working on Obamacare, there were all these
fools with misspelled signs protesting about "keeping your hands off my Medicare".
Something Obama never said shit about but you were convinced he was going to do anyway.
Now, we got the Republicans in charge where Paul Ryan is actually talking about
getting rid of Medicare and there's total silence among the baggers.
So, WTF?
11/14/2016 1:40:39 PM Where's all the "keep your hands off my Medicare" protests?
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (37,631)
New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
NOT ONLY MEDICARE but Social Security as well.Couple that with many states employee pension funds investments not meeting the goals of the plans and we ae painting a VERY DISMAL FUTURE for Americas seniors.The shrinking pension funds are also occurring in all of the worlds major financial leaders in Europe ,Japan and even Chinas economy all suffering right now.
11/14/2016 1:44:32 PM Where's all the "keep your hands off my Medicare" protests? flag post | hide posts from this user quote reply
Over 10,000 Posts!!! (20,617)
Vallejo, CA
57, joined Feb. 2008
online now!
Obama: "I want to get healthcare coverage for everyone"
T-Party "patriots": "Keep your filthy hands off my Medicare"
Paul Ryan: "I'm going to eliminate your Medicare. Your Social Security too"
T-Party "patriots": "Yaaaaaaay!!!!
11/14/2016 3:01:02 PM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |


Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008

11/14/2016 10:51:50 PM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013
Best post ever from a friend...this is a man, but so heartfelt. I love men like this...
8 years ago I was as proud to be an American as I ever was. I thought the country had finally grown up and gotten over the abject racism that defined most of its existence. Little did I realize that the giant step forward those of us who are civilized took by electing the first black president would be negated by the giant step backwards the uncivilized racists and hate mongers, most of them closeted, would take in destroying our advancement. As if the 8 years of unmitigated hate these "people" spewed continually wasn't bad enough, they had to go completely in the opposite direction and support a pathetic con man simply because he legitimized their hate and racism. Anyone who tells you they voted for Trump because they wanted a change or they couldn't trust Hillary is a liar. The change they wanted was a denial that that the last 8 years happened. They wanted to erase the fact that a black man occupied their White House so badly that they elected the antithesis of every bit of progress this country ever made. Anyone who tells you race had nothing to do with their vote for Trump is a liar, and a pretty damn pathetic one at that, no matter how hard they try to convince themselves otherwise.
11/15/2016 11:31:42 AM |
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Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013

11/18/2016 7:12:42 AM |
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Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013

11/20/2016 7:17:15 AM |
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Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013

11/20/2016 12:31:45 PM |
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Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
So? Italy elected a porn star and she had brains. Since Melania can speak several languages, made her way in life and became a citizen..plus married a wealthy man...I guess she is a bit more than just another bimbo.
11/20/2016 2:20:39 PM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013
Why all of the fuss, then, when Michelle wore a classy sleeveless sheath and revealed well toned arms? Do you remember what all of the haters such as yourself said? This is why we will never let anyone forget Melania's history. She was, also, an "escort"...more will come out...more about Donnie,too. How do you know she speaks more than 2 languages? Did Trump tell you? If she is so bright, why did she plagiarize Michelle's speech?
11/20/2016 2:35:18 PM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010

Don has left the building.
11/20/2016 2:56:27 PM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010

11/21/2016 8:19:01 AM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013

11/21/2016 1:09:49 PM |
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Onaway, MI
71, joined Dec. 2007
 still beating a dead horse 
11/21/2016 3:53:04 PM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013
^^^ More like Trump beating the dead horse on Twitter...do you ever read?
11/21/2016 4:30:26 PM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |


Onaway, MI
71, joined Dec. 2007
who cares its over for 4 more years , not worth high blood pressure
11/21/2016 4:33:31 PM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |


Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
If trump makes the right Supream Court apontments it may be over for 40 years 
11/21/2016 7:50:36 PM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013
If Trump continues on his path of stupidity, it will be over for 40 more years and not in your favor.
11/21/2016 8:26:18 PM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |


Saint Paul, MN
64, joined Oct. 2009
Good! Let's appoint an ultra conservative constitutionalist who is pro life.
Wouldn't the communists shit their pants? 
11/21/2016 9:34:48 PM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |


Minneapolis, MN
69, joined Aug. 2014
Good! Let's appoint an ultra conservative constitutionalist who is pro life.
Wouldn't the communists shit their pants? 
Oh yea!!! The far left would be tripping over itself to get to the Kool Aid.....
11/22/2016 7:17:24 AM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |


Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
If Trump continues on his path of stupidity, it will be over for 40 more years and not in your favor.
As long as Trump fights communisum & you & ISIS the rest of us will be ok maggie 
11/22/2016 8:01:19 AM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013
Remember your predictions about Obama and how he was going to ruin America? Well, scholars everywhere says he saved America from the Great Bush Recession. Your predictions aren't very good.
11/22/2016 8:14:48 AM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013

11/22/2016 11:02:48 AM |
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Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
Basically Obama didnt achieve much except to show the world that a red line means nothing. And a health care program that took cash from Medicare to pay for people who maybe weren't hard working, to get health care. It also was set up to cater to the medical/insurance industry.
I never cared if his wife wore sleeveless, sleeved or a bikini. If she looks good, flaunt it. That speech was written FOR Mrs. T and all she did was rely on a lazy writer who got to the wire and took the easy way out.
Melanie took what the gods gave her and made her way in life as we all do. And as opposed to many, she had beauty and was not afraid to exploit it. So unless one is a bitter ugly hag, or a suppressed Muslim woman or old bat who's husband got ticked if another man looked at her...what she did in her life is none of our business.
Bottom line..she speaks several languages, escaped to America, became famous and wealthy and is now the First Lady of the nations POTUS and wife of a billionaire. and if flaunting her stuff got her there, more power to her.
I dont hate people I dont know. Dont give a damn. And to keep ragging on a done deal is a waste of time. Trump is POTUS, his wife is First Lady and that is the way it will be for 4 years. Get over it!
11/22/2016 7:53:40 PM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |


Saint Paul, MN
64, joined Oct. 2009
Oh yea!!! The far left would be tripping over itself to get to the Kool Aid.....
GOOD! The fewer Commies there are in this Country the better. Of course I'd go to Cousin Mary Ann's funeral in Oregon unless they decided on a mass grave or cremation. But how could they cremate with using fuel and communists are so opposed to that! Maybe they can make a solar fire.
11/22/2016 8:36:43 PM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013
Basically, you're an uneducated fruitcake with bad teeth who knows zero about the administration of Barack Obama.
11/22/2016 11:07:34 PM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
My what a snobby b*tch, that maggie Should give her a "cup" award 
[Edited 11/22/2016 11:10:21 PM ]
11/23/2016 6:49:25 AM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013
^^^^ And you always sound like a big dummy in the political forum calling everyone a Communist if they are not a hater like you. (That's all you do in that forum...call folks names and RUN!) Turn off Fox and read for a change. I know your idol Trump doesn't read, but he at least surrounds himself with a few folks who do.
11/23/2016 7:10:34 AM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |

Whiteville, NC
64, joined Jun. 2013

11/23/2016 10:07:50 AM |
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Wayne, NJ
63, joined Oct. 2009
Quote from maggievalleymtn:
If Trump continues on his path of stupidity, it will be over for 40 more years and not in your favor.
40 yrs...what a moron...if it's not in our favor move to Canada and freeze your butt..libs won't move to mexico because they're racist..
11/25/2016 11:40:59 PM |
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Saint Paul, MN
64, joined Oct. 2009
11/26/2016 1:50:15 AM |
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Minneapolis, MN
69, joined Aug. 2014
11/26/2016 6:03:05 AM |
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Columbia, SC
62, joined Jul. 2013

11/26/2016 11:31:30 AM |
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Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
It seems weird to hear Castro is dead. Cuba under him is something we all grew up with. It will be interesting what happens now. I wonder how Cuba would have evolved if the US hadnt pushed him into the arms of the Soviet Union.
11/26/2016 12:29:16 PM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
Time to let the politic threads die, as we are now getting our country back  
And I am not worried about any re-count
11/26/2016 3:32:50 PM |
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San Antonio, TX
72, joined Nov. 2007
Just curious here Star who won the Election ..... .... 
11/26/2016 7:29:26 PM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
Well Well Well ... Hello there. 
You do realize the OP of this thread is no longer here. 
11/27/2016 6:13:01 AM |
Hitting The Funny None | Page 63 |

Columbia, SC
62, joined Jul. 2013

11/27/2016 8:17:34 AM |
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Columbia, SC
62, joined Jul. 2013
I don't care who you are, that's funny. 

11/27/2016 10:59:45 AM |
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Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
That is a good one. Welcome back to the fold Bull!
11/27/2016 12:40:34 PM |
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Creighton, NE
68, joined Feb. 2007
We the people won the Election bull  
11/27/2016 9:22:29 PM |
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San Antonio, TX
72, joined Nov. 2007
Well Well Well ... Hello there.
You do realize the OP of this thread is no longer here. 
Does this mean Don Terminated... or maybe only terminated on from Datehookup..???