4/16/2016 12:16:07 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
Unfortunately women see negative men AS EXGITING bcuz drama and controversy stimulates them emotionally. And as you know women are emotional creates. They don't can't control their emotions so they're always a victim of them. Which distorts their concept of reality.
Now "nice guys" comes with NO DRAMA or CONTROVERSY! So he's boring to an as Mexican woman. This is why the more you dog them the better they act. That's why THEY LOOJ for fu€ked up men to try and CHANGE THEM bcuz of the resist they'll get, which equals drama and controversy.  And it lets the women ay their "Victim Cards", when he dumps her a** or cheats on her. Don't forget, Doc, how much women love to blame MEN for all WOMEN'S problems.
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4/16/2016 12:18:09 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Bristol, CT
49, joined Mar. 2014
online now!
And it lets the women ay their "Victim Cards", when he dumps her a** or cheats on her. Don't forget, Doc, how much women love to blame MEN for all WOMEN'S problems.
Just stopping by to say hello.... looks like your having fun in here. 
4/16/2016 12:23:09 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
Just stopping by to say hello.... looks like your having fun in here.  Now, we both know I am having fun pissing off the Feminist hens.
4/16/2016 12:26:50 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Bristol, CT
49, joined Mar. 2014
online now!
Now, we both know I am having fun pissing off the Feminist hens. 
That's why I said it. You are a master at debating, sometimes too good for your own good.
I've been having fun with my small group of female coworkers. Whenever they get to complaining about something I call them a bunch of cackling hens now. 
4/16/2016 12:34:19 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
When did you start working with Eyes, Celyn, and Soulflight?
4/16/2016 12:42:09 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Bristol, CT
49, joined Mar. 2014
online now!
Soulflight isn't a cackling hen, she's WAY beyond that. She's a BEAST.
4/16/2016 1:02:26 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Conyers, GA
50, joined Jul. 2014
h is a master bater right...... 
4/16/2016 3:08:33 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Fort Payne, AL
61, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.
4/16/2016 3:59:36 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
Pretty sure I would rather talk to a beast, or hangout with one and go places together. May not want to insult the beast, by making THAT comparison
4/16/2016 8:05:06 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |

Boone, NC
47, joined Jan. 2012
Now I know that it's not every woman on planet earth. But I am have seen and have been a victim of women just up and leaving because I was to good of a person. What's the point in drama and wanting to be treated badly? I'm not a saint I'm just laid back like to smoke weed eat good food travel the world and follow my dreams. So why wouldn't a woman want a man they could prosper with? not one that just f**ks you and cusses you out every other day.
Have you thought about what you may be doing to cause the women to leave you? Maybe they leave for other reasons.
Despite what men think - MOST women do not go out intentionally looking for bad men or drama in relationships. I was married to that for many years and once I got away from it I only wanted a good man. Finally found one and can say it's nice to be in a relationship with someone who has no drama and is accepting and happy just being home and building a family together.
4/19/2016 11:53:50 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


San Pedro, CA
39, joined Jan. 2013
I don't know any women who don't love a respectful man
4/19/2016 1:31:35 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Gainesville, FL
54, joined May. 2011
Soulflight isn't a cackling hen, she's WAY beyond that. She's a BEAST.
At least she's not an airhead.
4/19/2016 1:53:30 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
I guess I can't fool you guys...I truly am a beast

[Edited 4/19/2016 1:54:07 PM ]
4/19/2016 2:00:16 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Gainesville, FL
54, joined May. 2011
AHA! I found your baby picture:

4/19/2016 2:01:00 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |

Goleta, CA
47, joined Oct. 2007

4/19/2016 2:12:23 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Baltimore, MD
54, joined Apr. 2014
What a smart frog you are!

4/19/2016 6:32:50 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Conyers, GA
50, joined Jul. 2014
they want a kinda ruff demanding man..to tell them decisions to make and bossy,nice will not work at all...... 
4/19/2016 9:03:21 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
4/20/2016 5:41:47 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


San Antonio, TX
49, joined Jan. 2016
Rough, demanding & bossy? No! Maybe some women. But a man like that isn't pleasant.
5/14/2016 5:29:43 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |

Johnston, IA
47, joined Feb. 2016
I've met thousands of women in my life and except for a couple, none of them have been conniving backstabbing b*tches. Of course, I'm not going to hand out my money to any woman. Women are people, bet you didn't know that, and people are pretty much the same the world all over.
My foreign high buck cars are great rides, and I always hold up my nose whenever I go by some low life in a pile of junk!
The power of the p*ssy is something you dreamed up in your demented mind. Unfortunately, you sound like an awful lot of loser men on this forum. You are permanently f**ked, and you'll never get better over time. 
5/14/2016 6:28:28 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Pittsburgh, PA
53, joined Nov. 2013
I never said I believe it. I just don't assume that anyone "self-employed" and smoking a little grass is automatically involved in illegal activities.
You're a close-minded, hypocritical, and materialistic woman. So, you assume. I know a few self-employed people that make an honest living and smoke weed. Two of my best friends are potheads and self-employed.
Does that mean they are dealing drugs, too? No.
Does it mean I smoke weed? No. I don't touch the stuff. I have to pass a piss test, to make all the tax dollars that single mother collect from the government for their free college, food, and housing. Too many woman depend on my paycheck, for me to take a chance on weed.
If they are smoking weed, they are engaged in illegal activities. I think you forgot that buying and ingesting Marijuana is against the law.
5/14/2016 10:05:47 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |

27, joined Aug. 2013
You smoke weed. I don't.
I have no problem with it but I think I'm better than someone who does that (romantically)
Do you at least save a portion of your income before you indulge in weed?
Do you have an education?
The weed smokers I know are ALL smarter than me: engineers, pre-med, etc.
But if I see someone who has nothing to their name, nothing going on, and they indulge in that, it tells me they never will.
I swear I'm the only one my age who doesn't smoke weed.
That's like the rarest male to find: In his 20's, never smoked weed, never got a tattoo.
5/15/2016 11:09:34 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |

Richmond, TX
56, joined Sep. 2012
Most women do want a respectful man,however when hearing such disgusting rhetoric by men like cub,makes all men look bad.
only if she is so ignorant to generalize about one person to all others....
5/15/2016 11:20:15 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
online now!
have been a victim of women just up and leaving because I was to good of a person.
IS this a joke??
5/15/2016 12:37:02 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Conyers, GA
50, joined Jul. 2014
i sure could use a hit right now,dam crazy a** women will drive a man to drinkin,smokin,stick those nedles in your arm,holly is a good woman,but if you cant an receive a simple phone call,an are full of fear your way in complete,thank god locals do,an then some an then more..a respectful man,they will boss around,and o no dont do thid..your rushin me...movin too fast,or hury up,your too slow,other guys want me right now etc tc..thank god for a few decent ones like lana,an holly an starr,and a few others. yes ill txt you an meet you at joes bar b q in san antoio,never heard your voice though...no dam way,,that aint human,its pure total fear,faith in reverse.pick that f**kin phone up an have some scruples..whew lordy, a respectful man will grab her pony tail an se lets do this b*tch..or....not........?? bad boys,,what you gonna do when they come for you.....respect find out what it means to me,sock it to me,,sock it to me..wheres my coffee an sugar cookies im goin all the way.......             
5/15/2016 4:25:49 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Pewaukee, WI
49, joined Jun. 2013
I think there has to be a balance.
Most women like and get along better with a respectful man rather than a man who is abusive.
My EX is abusive. I won't even talk to him.
People (both men and women) have to have some self-respect.
You can't let people treat you like a doormat.
Others sometimes get turned off by this even though they recognize that the person (you) might be very nice.
5/16/2016 2:52:33 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |

Enid, OK
56, joined Feb. 2010
Nice guys are momma's boys, too predictable. BAD BOYZ might pound the snot out of them but they are unpredictable. They're more interesting.
Nice guys are gainfully employed, too predictable. BAD BOYZ might have dough and no job. Where do they get it from? The mystery is fascinating.
Nice guys are safe, too predictable. BAD BOYZ live life on the edge. They may even have been a few times of be wanted by the cops and so more interesting.
Nice guys are liked by her momma. BAD BOYZ are hated by momma which is probably why she's dating him in the first place.
Nice guys don't cheat, too predictable. BAD BOYZ have lots of babies and lots of mommas all over town. Not supporting any of their kids either.
It could be the woman is completely independent of all men and will do whatever she wants even if it means she'll go to hell and wind up miserable and abused and penniless in the meantime.
It could mean she figures a BAD BOY is the best she can do and she's probably correct on that score.
On the other hand she might just be a bleeping idiot who will only date the singer or movie star that she'll never meet and could never have. It's her fault. Why would you want to date an idiot like that?
Here is a post that says it all. MOST (not all) women see it this way.
Being nice and respectful get you places in the boring category.
5/16/2016 7:09:21 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Saint Paul, MN
64, joined Oct. 2009
It's NOT considered MACHO.
It IS considered effeminate and women hate everything feminine.
5/16/2016 7:38:11 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Barrow, AK
45, joined Sep. 2011
OP, how do you know they left you due to you being respectful? Is it just that you think that's why they left? Could be another reason why.
exactly. OP you are probably just picking the wrong type of women. Really figure out what you want and go after that. The rest aren't worth your time.
5/18/2016 10:45:15 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
Because they aren't respectful.
[Edited 5/18/2016 10:45:46 PM ]
5/18/2016 10:51:34 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Rio de JaneiroRio de Janeiro
34, joined Apr. 2016
Many women treat men any kinda way these days.
5/19/2016 12:09:00 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Pulaski, NY
49, joined Apr. 2013
Now I know that it's not every woman on planet earth. But I am have seen and have been a victim of women just up and leaving because I was to good of a person. What's the point in drama and wanting to be treated badly? I'm not a saint I'm just laid back like to smoke weed eat good food travel the world and follow my dreams. So why wouldn't a woman want a man they could prosper with? not one that just f**ks you and cusses you out every other day.
Yup...you're going places Alice!  
5/19/2016 1:37:33 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


United Kingdom
42, joined Mar. 2016
OP, how do you know they left you due to you being respectful? Is it just that you think that's why they left? Could be another reason why.
This and the OP has not responded since.
5/19/2016 1:48:25 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Conyers, GA
50, joined Jul. 2014
they like to be dominated,an things done for them, to not have to worry about whatever,let the man do it all,he,s the man........
[Edited 5/19/2016 1:48:43 AM ]
5/22/2016 11:34:02 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


La Follette, TN
32, joined Dec. 2009
One of the dates I went on, I was called a f*got and had a door slammed in my face because I bought flowers for her. She said "Only a queer buys flowers".
And women wonder why men don't do nice things for them anymore.
[Edited 5/22/2016 11:34:30 PM ]
5/23/2016 1:27:59 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
Women are too damn dumb and arrogant to realize why men don't do jack shit for them anymore, and you know what, they DESERVE to be treated like garbage, anymore.
5/23/2016 1:36:45 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


AñatuyaNew South Wales
23, joined Jan. 2016
online now!
One of the dates I went on, I was called a f*got and had a door slammed in my face because I bought flowers for her. She said "Only a queer buys flowers".
And women wonder why men don't do nice things for them anymore.One of the dates I went on, I was called a f*got and had a door slammed in my face because I bought flowers for her. She said "Only a queer buys flowers".
And women wonder why men don't do nice things for them anymore.
This is why you get to know them before that date.......
5/23/2016 8:01:27 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |

27, joined Aug. 2013
I'm with Sienna.
I feel it in my bones he chose a b*tch and expected her to turn into a lady simply because "reasons".
5/23/2016 8:03:27 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


La Follette, TN
32, joined Dec. 2009
I'm with Sienna.
I feel it in my bones he chose a b*tch and expected her to turn into a lady simply because "reasons".
So when women complain, is it because they chose and a**hole and expected them to change for "Reasons" also?
5/23/2016 8:09:23 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |

27, joined Aug. 2013
So when women complain, is it because they chose and a**hole and expected them to change for "Reasons" also?
Pretty much.
Unless they're like me, and are complaining about all the a**holes complaining about laying in the beds they made.

5/23/2016 8:25:13 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


La Follette, TN
32, joined Dec. 2009
Pretty much.
Unless they're like me, and are complaining about all the a**holes complaining about laying in the beds they made.

That's the thing though, you claim every man is an a**hole, even if they are not, and you treat them as such, even if they are completely innocent.
Not every man is an a**hole. Not every woman is a b*tch.
5/23/2016 8:39:21 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |

27, joined Aug. 2013
No, I befriend the innocent ones and use my wrath to protect them from b*tches.
I burn the a**holes to the ground and dance around the cinders.

5/23/2016 9:51:10 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |

Atlanta, GA
40, joined Jun. 2014
One of the dates I went on, I was called a f*got and had a door slammed in my face because I bought flowers for her. She said "Only a queer buys flowers".
Wow feminine!
Did she fart and spit on the floor also?
..where did you find her on craigslist? 
5/25/2016 1:43:21 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


San Antonio, TX
49, joined Jan. 2016
One of the dates I went on, I was called a f*got and had a door slammed in my face because I bought flowers for her. She said "Only a queer buys flowers".
And women wonder why men don't do nice things for them anymore.
Most women wouldn't do & say as that woman did. Giving a woman flowers isn't queer. If a woman acts the way she did over the man giving her flowers, SHE is the one with the problem, not the man.
5/25/2016 2:15:04 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |

Enid, OK
56, joined Feb. 2010
Nice guys are momma's boys, too predictable. BAD BOYZ might pound the snot out of them but they are unpredictable. They're more interesting.
Nice guys are gainfully employed, too predictable. BAD BOYZ might have dough and no job. Where do they get it from? The mystery is fascinating.
Nice guys are safe, too predictable. BAD BOYZ live life on the edge. They may even have been a few times of be wanted by the cops and so more interesting.
Nice guys are liked by her momma. BAD BOYZ are hated by momma which is probably why she's dating him in the first place.
Nice guys don't cheat, too predictable. BAD BOYZ have lots of babies and lots of mommas all over town. Not supporting any of their kids either.
It could be the woman is completely independent of all men and will do whatever she wants even if it means she'll go to hell and wind up miserable and abused and penniless in the meantime.
It could mean she figures a BAD BOY is the best she can do and she's probably correct on that score.
On the other hand she might just be a bleeping idiot who will only date the singer or movie star that she'll never meet and could never have. It's her fault. Why would you want to date an idiot like that?
I have to agree with this.
5/26/2016 5:08:29 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


San Antonio, TX
49, joined Jan. 2016
What driver describes with the bad boys does not sound appealing at all. That would be no fun to me putting up with the nonsense.
5/27/2016 6:00:58 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


La Follette, TN
32, joined Dec. 2009
I honestly can't count how many times I've started dating a woman only to have her go back to her X. Who by the way, she left because he beat her or abused her kids.
Her reasoning? She loved him. Maybe he will change, (Oh yea after you've given him 4 chances already over the course of 3 years... Yea no.
I can hear some of you (I would never do that!) you say. Would you like to know how many times I have heard that from women I have dated, or women my friends have dated, only to have them turn around and do, exactly that or something equally stupid?
Almost every single time.
Yes it's true not all women are that way. But a vast majority are. A study was done on 500 random couples from across the US, who were having issues and were in counseling, 476 of them ended badly due to decisions made by the woman. The others had mixed results, whether being successful or ending due to some other reason. In every single one of them the man was sincerely trying to resolve the issues.
Men are seen as commodities these days by many women. Replaceable, and why wouldn't they? A woman stands in Walmart for 5 minuets by herself, she'll be approached by a man if he thinks she is single.
A man can stand in Walmart all day and never have a woman give him a second glance.
Women tend to not understand a mans perspective on relationships, because for them finding a man is not difficult in fact, they generally have plenty of options to choose from, so they automatically assume because it's easy for them it is easy for a man, when in fact the exact opposite is true.
Men on the other hand are lucky if a woman even bothers to reply back with as much as a "hey sorry, your not really my type".
The average woman is single for 1 week unless she chooses to "remain single" by choice.
The average man is single for 6 months to a year or more. and are not given a choice in the matter.
My point is simply that before you make an assumption about a man, take a walk in his shoes. Understanding breeds empathy. Assumptions do nothing but cause harm, especially in a relationship. If the relationship is all about you, then it's not a relationship. And before you say, it isn't all about me as the woman, Maybe you should ask the man his opinion, You may find in fact it most definitely is, because... well... it is.
5/27/2016 6:05:16 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


La Follette, TN
32, joined Dec. 2009
Case in point, how many views do you think my profile has had in the last... 6 months?
It's 4.
I'm a decently attractive male (hell I used to model), and I'm intelligent, deeply feeling, and have great blogs (or so I'm told).
How many views do you women get daily?
Just some food for thought.
Would you like to know how many women have messaged me? It's 0.
And yes for men, that is the norm.
[Edited 5/27/2016 6:08:08 AM ]
5/27/2016 8:57:38 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


San Antonio, TX
49, joined Jan. 2016
Do you mean you don't get messages on this site? Maybe try POF. I know a man who is on there & he gets lots of messages from women. Now one has to weed through messages because not all will be from ones you would be interested in.
I know women go back to or stay with men who treat them poorly. Those who do may feel that he will change...as you said...or the woman may feel that she deserves no better. I don't know. I myself am not going to try to change a man. That's not fun. Plus...man OR woman...how someone is from the beginning is usually the way they are. No one should have the thinking that they can change the other person.
But if you want a relationship, you keep trying or you give up. There are the heartless, uncaring, users, liars etc. with both genders. I don't give up on what I'd like. And I've met plenty of men who were not honest or played games or whatever. But I know there are also good men & I don't lump all men as the same.
5/27/2016 10:28:53 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


El Paso, TX
41, joined Feb. 2014
Do you mean you don't get messages on this site? Maybe try POF. I know a man who is on there & he gets lots of messages from women. Now one has to weed through messages because not all will be from ones you would be interested in.
I know women go back to or stay with men who treat them poorly. Those who do may feel that he will change...as you said...or the woman may feel that she deserves no better. I don't know. I myself am not going to try to change a man. That's not fun. Plus...man OR woman...how someone is from the beginning is usually the way they are. No one should have the thinking that they can change the other person.
But if you want a relationship, you keep trying or you give up. There are the heartless, uncaring, users, liars etc. with both genders. I don't give up on what I'd like. And I've met plenty of men who were not honest or played games or whatever. But I know there are also good men & I don't lump all men as the same.
Shit, POF from El Paso is a f**king dead end. Most of those women don't want to chat and the ones that do it's like talking to a rock, no intelligence at all.
5/27/2016 11:21:35 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


San Antonio, TX
49, joined Jan. 2016
I guess different people have different experiences on there. Some have it work well for them, others it doesn't.
[Edited 5/27/2016 11:21:56 AM ]
5/27/2016 11:58:50 AM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Leavittsburg, OH
35, joined Mar. 2013
online now!
Shit, POF from El Paso is a f**king dead end. Most of those women don't want to chat and the ones that do it's like talking to a rock, no intelligence at all.
Trust me, it isn't just an issue in El Paso, TX
5/27/2016 12:21:55 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Sacramento, CA
35, joined Sep. 2014
Height: 5 ft. 5 in.
Any more questions OP?
5/27/2016 6:03:19 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |

Atlanta, GA
40, joined Jun. 2014
I honestly can't count how many times I've started dating a woman only to have her go back to her X. Who by the way, she left because he beat her or abused her kids.
Her reasoning? She loved him. Maybe he will change, (Oh yea after you've given him 4 chances already over the course of 3 years... Yea no.
I can hear some of you (I would never do that!) you say. Would you like to know how many times I have heard that from women I have dated, or women my friends have dated, only to have them turn around and do, exactly that or something equally stupid?
Almost every single time.
Yes it's true not all women are that way. But a vast majority are. A study was done on 500 random couples from across the US, who were having issues and were in counseling, 476 of them ended badly due to decisions made by the woman. The others had mixed results, whether being successful or ending due to some other reason. In every single one of them the man was sincerely trying to resolve the issues.
Men are seen as commodities these days by many women. Replaceable, and why wouldn't they? A woman stands in Walmart for 5 minuets by herself, she'll be approached by a man if he thinks she is single.
A man can stand in Walmart all day and never have a woman give him a second glance.
Women tend to not understand a mans perspective on relationships, because for them finding a man is not difficult in fact, they generally have plenty of options to choose from, so they automatically assume because it's easy for them it is easy for a man, when in fact the exact opposite is true.
Men on the other hand are lucky if a woman even bothers to reply back with as much as a "hey sorry, your not really my type".
The average woman is single for 1 week unless she chooses to "remain single" by choice.
The average man is single for 6 months to a year or more. and are not given a choice in the matter.
My point is simply that before you make an assumption about a man, take a walk in his shoes. Understanding breeds empathy. Assumptions do nothing but cause harm, especially in a relationship. If the relationship is all about you, then it's not a relationship. And before you say, it isn't all about me as the woman, Maybe you should ask the man his opinion, You may find in fact it most definitely is, because... well... it is.
I read all your post and I have to agree with you: I know a lot of women who just fall for a man and they got so into him that is almost insane.
No matter how the guy treats them, they keep stayng with him no matter what.
No all women are like that, but many are. Correct.
So here my question:
You also said in your thread that women have much more opportunities than men (that is true)...so if they have all those opportunities why they get so fixated on a guy?
When they could easily find a better replacement??
[Edited 5/27/2016 6:06:18 PM ]
5/28/2016 5:05:36 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


La Follette, TN
32, joined Dec. 2009
I read all your post and I have to agree with you: I know a lot of women who just fall for a man and they got so into him that is almost insane.
No matter how the guy treats them, they keep stayng with him no matter what.
No all women are like that, but many are. Correct.
So here my question:
You also said in your thread that women have much more opportunities than men (that is true)...so if they have all those opportunities why they get so fixated on a guy?
When they could easily find a better replacement??
That is more of an emotional thing. Women are a lot more emotional outwardly and inwardly then men, in Modern society that is simply environmental as they grow up, but there is also a biological factor to it, men throughout history have by nature been the protectors, the warriors, etc.
Some acts which a man may be required to do defending his family, are simply horrible, and to most would damage them mentally and cause serious harm if nothing else psychologically. So nature has made men "Blunted" I guess is the word where emotions are concerned, more prone to make logical decisions, rather then emotional ones.
Women throughout history have been caregivers essentially, This requires an emotional openness and ability to feel deeply and care about things (Or hate them), this causes issues when women are given independence, as they are Emotional creatures and their decisions are based on how they "Feel" for the most part and what they believe is "Right" (as an Idea). Rather then what is "Logical".
So while a man would say to a woman, Why do you go back to a man that beats you, I love you I'll take care of you, I make you happy, what did I do to deserve you leaving? A woman's Answer is simply, Because I love him (Driving Emotion), and I want to be with him (Emotional Need), and he will change (Hope that she as the woman can change him, this last part is given by a society that encourages this line of thought, Modern day feminism for example).
A man who abuses you will always abuse you, the methods may change but it will never stop. A woman who abuses you, will always Abuse you, the methods may change, but it will never stop.
* A Man (generally), see's this and eventually after exhausting all options will leave and find someone else. Even if a man is treated like shit his entire life by women, he can still rise above his emotional desires and wants.
* A woman (generally), Does not, and believes that she is strong enough, and powerful enough to make him change, or that she simply doesn't deserve better and is comfortable, in her misery. Many women are afraid of success and happiness, because it scares them, feels uncomfortable, and unusual, since most of their lives due to their choices in men, they have been treated like shit.
Now before people flame me saying I have forgotten stuff, etc. This example was very simplistic, the issue is FAR more complicated and in depth, this was simply meant to showcase the "why" in response to that specific question.
5/28/2016 5:13:13 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


Saint Paul, MN
64, joined Oct. 2009
Women see it as being a sissy, wimp, a mama's boy and NOT macho.
Lots of guys are so full of BS that the guy comes off as insincere, like Eddie Haskell.
MACHO men don't do this kind of stuff and so off to bed they go.
Men respecting women is so 50s and women probably never did respect men. No way Ward Cleaver gets a date in today's society! NO WAY.
5/28/2016 5:14:31 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


La Follette, TN
32, joined Dec. 2009
There is also the whole Alpha point, and why most genuinely caring and nice guys end up on what we call "the friends list". most of these men would die for the woman they love, but that woman will never see them as anything more then friend worthy.
To attract most women you have to have some sort of.. Alpha Quality. Whether it be Money, attitude, a big d*ck, whatever. Without one of these, your going to be single a very long time as women do not find you "Mate worthy".
Some women will read this and go, I'm not like that, I like personality and attitude.
Then I will ask, what's your boyfriend do? And they'll name a decent job with a decent income. Or they'll name a shitty job and in one of the further questions they will name the answer to the Alpha trait they are attracted to in the Man.
Maybe he's poor, But Handsome and has an Alpha Attitude(personality). Maybe he's an Average Joe, but has a Big C*ck and makes her orgasm like no other. Maybe he simply has a good job and provides security etc.
Women at their core will not date men who do not have some type of Alpha trait. Some will, as you have Matriarchs which are Alphas themselves. but these relationships tend to be very one sided as the man is generally seen as a toy or plaything.
You know the term Boytoy, used by Alpha women? Yea.
[Edited 5/28/2016 5:15:50 PM ]
5/28/2016 5:20:20 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


La Follette, TN
32, joined Dec. 2009
People usually take offense when I point this out, I am not sure why as it is Biological, Not psychological. You are how you are.
5/28/2016 6:07:50 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |


San Antonio, TX
49, joined Jan. 2016
Women see it as being a sissy, wimp, a mama's boy and NOT macho.
Lots of guys are so full of BS that the guy comes off as insincere, like Eddie Haskell.
MACHO men don't do this kind of stuff and so off to bed they go.
Men respecting women is so 50s and women probably never did respect men. No way Ward Cleaver gets a date in today's society! NO WAY.
I don't think a man showing respect to a woman is "50s". If a man is disrespectful to me, I won't be seeing him anymore. And the respectful man would get respect from me also.
5/28/2016 9:04:06 PM |
Why Dont Women Like a respectful man? |

Grand Rapids, MI
44, joined Nov. 2012
I don't think a man showing respect to a woman is "50s". If a man is disrespectful to me, I won't be seeing him anymore. And the respectful man would get respect from me also.
Driver is not lying about No way Ward Cleaver gets a date in today's society! NO WAY.
Just look at how so many women of today society gets bored or dissatisfied so easily on a date and in relationship. Ward Clever would've been told by a lot ladies telling him they don't feel no chemistry.