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9/18/2012 10:44:44 PM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
I have some info on the 1700 bc thread in CE%P if you are interested.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

9/18/2012 10:55:57 PM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |


Tucson, AZ
59, joined Jun. 2009
Shite...is where it comes from and it is thirsty:
9/19/2012 5:53:06 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |


Sanbornton, NH
61, joined Jul. 2012
Please indulge me as a post some of my beliefs:
The difference between the Sufis and the other Muslim sects is that the Sufis believe in finding paradise during this lifetime, not after death.
The same is true for the mystical sects of every religion.
The problem with the "when I die my reward will be......" scenario is that it becomes a hook that can and is used by leadership to manipulate the faithful.
For the Muslims, It's jihad
For the christians, It's politics and the separation of ones money from one's pocket.
Resposible spiritual leaders have historically denied this concept, telling followers that they make themselves a heaven or hell by the habits, attachments and focus that they create; As death is just the shedding of the body, nothing changes, you are where your attachments have put you. If one wants a foothold in some higher realm, one had best be finding that palace while alive.
Karma is not merciful.
Believing in Jesus or Mohammed won't help either, unless your practices have manifested an inner connection with them. Salvation is not guaranteed.
There is a story of a great spiritual leader who was asked about false prophets: He pointed to a group of ants eating a caterpillar alive. " The caterpillar was a false prophet, and the ants who are eating him are his followers".
I wonder what happens to those who goad others to violence. Or steal thier money by twisting the truth.
9/19/2012 6:00:31 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |


Sanbornton, NH
61, joined Jul. 2012
@ unique
I checked out the link last night and set it as a bookmark THX.
9/19/2012 7:06:52 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
@ OP, you seem like you have a genuine interest in learning about Islaam from authentic sources.
So I'm going to recommend a book to you (biography about the Prophet).
It's called The Sealed Nectar and it's by Saifur Rahman al-Mubarakpuri (who passed away relatively recently). This book is basically a chronological order of his life events because though there are many authentic hadeeth (recorded sayings/actions of/regarding the Prophet), they are not all listed in order.
It's available online for free:
If you're not a huge dates/tribal details buff, you might find the first part to be a little boring (though I loved reading it) - but the rest of the book should be a much easier
My God anasb
Don't you pay attention to anything.
Look at wtf he is giving you, and saying it is an authentic source.
This book was just writtin, it is not an authentic source.
Why do you think he is not giving you the only authentic source on the f**kin planet.
Because he does not want you to read the authentic one.
Islam is flooded with these types of books.
Everyone wants to re-write the original, and change it so the Dumb a** americans, don't read the only actual authentic source.
And the authentic source was writtin 1200 years ago.
Think man, use your f**kin head.
There is a reason for that.
Or maybe you just are a pedophile, and want this type of religion.
I just cannot understand your reasoning, but hey.
9/19/2012 7:18:34 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |


48, joined Dec. 2011
Terribly sorry, were we supposed to be somberly contemplating a religous war of magnificent proprtions?
Is anyone keeping score?
I must have gotten off on the wrong floor, I was heading for "Don't take yourself so F---- seriously", and then somewhere else pythonesque. Is there a room for arguments?
That was hilarious but why was it funny? Comedy is funny when its social commentary is based on things we know is true? Even the boring "Did you ever notice" type Seinfeld stand up is funny because we all notice those things. We notice the irrationality and banal certainties of religious beliefs that have no basis in reality so when you try to have a rational discussion with these people it goes in circles. That's right circular because religious reasoning is circular like the motion of a dog chasing its tail. The only difference is the dog has the sense to stop after a few loops but the Christian and Muslim are only getting warmed up.
Fanatic religious people are incoherent and can not be reasoned with because facts and reality have little meaning to insane people. The current mentality of fanatic Muslims and Christians is comparable to mental patients, alcoholics and drug addicts. More like the mental patient if a drug isn't involved. Ever try to reason with a drunk? From their point of view its you who has the problem. They even think they drive better when drunk and the Christian believes voices in their head guides them to make better decisions. So what's the difference? In essence nothing other than religion having the status as a socially acceptable form of mental illness.
9/19/2012 7:25:49 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Chicago, IL
39, joined Feb. 2012
Its not my job it but I wouldn't mind getting paid to have fun. I post because "it is there". So you can't ignore me because my questions are valid and no one has a reasonable cause for the fall of Islam. And when it comes to name calling Islam and Christianity do a very good job at it with a follow up of torturing you to death and the other is beheading you.
The cut and paste job you did offered no solid explanation of why Islam fell and never recovered and never will recover. The excuse that people fell from the teachings of Islam being partly true assumes that it had good teachings to begin with. The same excuse is made about Christians but when you examine scripture you find that Christians are not veering away from its teachings but actually following it more closely. So they are really good Christians. The Westboro Baptist Church can't be blamed, its the scripture itself that's garbage. The Koran has that problem too and mainly because it plagiarized both the Torah and the Gospels.
In any event its astounding Islam had a golden period of scientific inquiry at all which in itself is a mystery. The answer lies in who the theocratic leaders were as it always is in a totalitarian dictatorship. Hegemony is being blamed when oligarchy is the real culprit. Get out your dictionary to look up those words.
Religion is a dictatorship at the human level and at the delusional supernatural level. Its doomed to failure as a healthy continuing system because there is no safety against insane leaders as in the case of Al-Hakim. Mental illness is literally a major component of these religions. I mean literally and I can not over emphasize that because the abundance of voices in the head revelations are key aspects of revealed teachings with no basis in reality. The characters have grandiose delusions and hallucinations.
Some examples:
Moses has a conversation with a burning shrubbery who then turns into a naked man that carves from stone 10 commandments.
Balaam and his a** have a conversation.
Abraham gets a buzz to kill his son and gets another buzz to kill a sheep. Nothing good can come from a psychopathy that considers that as an ideal for faith.
Jesus is born from a virgin mother who is married to Joseph but commits adultery with God.
Jesus kills a bunch of pigs because some guy was ill. That is very mentally sick behavior from someone considered to be a son of God.
The entire book of Revelations written by a frazzled stoned recluse on magic mushrooms.
I'll leave it to Jim to fill in the blanks for Mohammed conversing with angels and flying off to heaven.
So the search continues to find the pivotal points of what caused Islam to take a dive. One thing about Islam is that it has a much better start than Christianity.
MY dictionary said :response to this post is going to be ignored,the reason is the lacke of respect and skill of communication and intention of fight
9/19/2012 7:37:06 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
Television historian Tom Holland is receiving a multitude of criticisms and threats following his in-depth investigation into Islam. After examining the faith and its early texts, he came to some fascinating — and apparently enraging — conclusions in a documentary he produced for British television.
In a program called, “Islam: The Untold Story,” Holland claimed that there is little evidence written surrounding the life of the Prophet Muhammad — the central figure in the Islamic faith. Additionally, he noted that the Koran makes only one reference to Mecca, the religion’s holiest city. These sentiments, of course, cast doubts upon Islam and are, thus, controversial to say the least.
This is actually true, I havn't watched the show yet, but when Cambridge converged on Islam in the 70s and 80s, that was their conclusion also, and Islam has not come up with one single thing to refute it, in over 30 years now.
I am in the middle of a facinating book right now,
Did Muhammed exist, by Robert Spencer.
Islam is 9th century, and everything befor is pure fabrication, of course telling the people, believe this or we will kill, you tends to curb the questioning.
9/19/2012 7:51:49 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
@ unique
I checked out the link last night and set it as a bookmark THX.
I justlooked at that dumb a** book that uniquecover is sending you to.
same bullshit, I just paged throuth the chapter on muhammeds lineage, something that can easily be proven wrong, and the first thing I noticed was the same as all the others.
NO REFFERENCES TO THE ORIGINAL writings, It is another f**kin storybook.
and then when Muhammed was born they praised Allah, total bullshit.
When muhammed was born the main god was Hubal, not Allah.
The Qusayy family he was adopted into, ran the Kab'ba, and they were still in the rock God era.
It was Muhammed himself, when he was over 40, who eliminated Hubal, for ArRamon.
allah does not show up for another 150 or so years.
One thing I have always said.
I can prove anything I say about Islam. from original Islamic text
uniquecover never offers proof, and whan he does, it comes out of books writtin last year, not the original ones.
And i can prove he is a phoney,
He will not talk to me or answer questions, but i can give you a list of legitimate questions, he will,refuse to answer.
And block you if you persist.
9/19/2012 7:56:59 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |


48, joined Dec. 2011
What I think we should do is make videos since they're so easy. Everyone should start making videos of Islam and air their opinion as best they could. We should saturate the mideast with so many videos they'll think of nothing else which they're doing anyway.
No one has a right not to be offended. The rest of the world gets offended but its citizens don't go around blowing up buildings, murdering random people but that is a way of life for the Muslim. They consider it a party and very enjoyable to stone someone to death in public, blow up buildings, do suicide bombings, etc. They love killing themselves as long as they can take others down with them. Its how they celebrate and have a good time in the same way we go to a baseball game, they go to field where they can hang people from cranes and throw rocks at a woman's head. The law allows it because the law is Sharia.
[Edited 9/19/2012 7:58:36 AM ]
9/19/2012 8:05:37 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
The internet can also kill Islam.
and the source of their power.
They need to keep these people under tight controll.
Keep them stupid.
I was amazed at how many muslims actually knew virtually nothing, of their own religion, but they know how to rape and kill.
9/19/2012 8:19:01 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |


48, joined Dec. 2011
The internet can also kill Islam.
and the source of their power.
They need to keep these people under tight controll.
Keep them stupid.
I was amazed at how many muslims actually knew virtually nothing, of their own religion, but they know how to rape and kill.
Sounds like Christianity. Christians don't know anything by Dionysus, Osirus, Horus, Mithras that Jesus is a copy of Apollonius of Tyana who did exactly what Jesus did. Christians don't even know what a manuscript is let alone that Jesus had no eyewitnesses. Many Christians are so ignorant of scientific fact they believe dead people rose from their graves and Jesus levitated to a cloud just by floating away.
[Edited 9/19/2012 8:19:33 AM ]
9/19/2012 8:55:09 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
Sounds like Christianity. Christians don't know anything by Dionysus, Osirus, Horus, Mithras that Jesus is a copy of Apollonius of Tyana who did exactly what Jesus did. Christians don't even know what a manuscript is let alone that Jesus had no eyewitnesses. Many Christians are so ignorant of scientific fact they believe dead people rose from their graves and Jesus levitated to a cloud just by floating away.
This also is true, there is so much in these religions that are not taught in the religion itself, just takein at face value and brainwashed from birth.
I do however recomend, for people who are dependant on a sky daddy, christianity is a far better choice,
Actually buddhism is better. it deals with karma ans cause and effect, so people are more concious of their actions here and now.
9/19/2012 9:00:44 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Chicago, IL
39, joined Feb. 2012
@@Quote from jim_a49:
The internet can also kill Islam.
and the source of their power.
They need to keep these people under tight controll.
Keep them stupid.
I was amazed at how many muslims actually knew virtually nothing, of their own religion, but they know how to rape and kill.@@@
thanks a lot to the Internet which helped so many to became believers of God,people instinctively they feel they need a religion,they need to fill up their spirits with some incredible love,and the faith strenght them and give them hope,while all medications fail to cure their depressions,keep your ideology in your house,teach your kids,you have to learn people were born free multi choices,you cannot make them be under one belief or one ideology ,they have different needs,they are attached to their cultures,to their own history,to their memory,if you have none,dont try to make it general like you,you will fail and the you get nothing but tired,so unblock me so i can read your posts,i know you wont see mine either Mr Zionist
[Edited 9/19/2012 9:01:09 AM ]
9/19/2012 9:19:33 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Mountain View, AB
55, joined Aug. 2009
I do however recomend, for people who are dependant on a sky daddy, christianity is a far better choice,
A not very surprising opinion coming from someone living in a predominantly Christian culture.
Actually buddhism is better. it deals with karma ans cause and effect, so people are more concious of their actions here and now.
Not to mention no sky daddy.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think singling Islam out from Judaism and Christianity is folly. They're all just variations on a theme. They're all dangerous. They're all destructive. They've all damaged us irreparably.
And, in my view, they've all gone way past their best before date and have no place in the 21st century pantry.
9/19/2012 9:34:32 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
Not to mention no sky daddy.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think singling Islam out from Judaism and Christianity is folly. They're all just variations on a theme. They're all dangerous. They're all destructive. They've all damaged us irreparably.
And, in my view, they've all gone way past their best before date and have no place in the 21st century pantry.
That is absolutly false.
Islam is 180 degrees different than christianity.
christianity, the way it is writtin, not followed, can be helpful to a lot of people.
yes, it is dangerous to others who become brainwashed into it, but if everyone followed the purported teachings of jesus, the world would be a better place.
If everyone followed the purported teachimgs of Muhammed, we would be dodging bullets in our own back yard.
9/19/2012 10:28:41 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Aurora, IL
29, joined Jul. 2012
No one has a right not to be offended. The rest of the world gets offended but its citizens don't go around blowing up buildings, murdering random people but that is a way of life for the Muslim. They consider it a party and very enjoyable to stone someone to death in public, blow up buildings, do suicide bombings, etc. They love killing themselves as long as they can take others down with them. Its how they celebrate and have a good time in the same way we go to a baseball game, they go to field where they can hang people from cranes and throw rocks at a woman's head. The law allows it because the law is Sharia.
No, the rest of the world just kills for no reason or false reasons just because they have the power and resources to.
You think you're so open-minded, but you're really not. You're an arrogant piece of crap who can't discuss anything without being insulting. You make all of these bold claims without backing them up. I mean, Islaam is an open book, go ahead and show me where it says that women can be raped (for any reason) and that people (though you exclusively mentioned women - I have no idea why) can be executed for no reason. You can't, because that evidence doesn't exist. You just pulled it out of your butt because you're so used to hearing anti-Islaam things that you're now just parroting them without verifying the information.
9/19/2012 11:04:36 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Chicago, IL
39, joined Feb. 2012
No, the rest of the world just kills for no reason or false reasons just because they have the power and resources to.
You think you're so open-minded, but you're really not. You're an arrogant piece of crap who can't discuss anything without being insulting. You make all of these bold claims without backing them up. I mean, Islaam is an open book, go ahead and show me where it says that women can be raped (for any reason) and that people (though you exclusively mentioned women - I have no idea why) can be executed for no reason. You can't, because that evidence doesn't exist. You just pulled it out of your butt because you're so used to hearing anti-Islaam things that you're now just parroting them without verifying the information.
they kill with clean technology,they kill with UN sentences,economic punishments,diplomatic,they destroy other civilization,they target all the scientists
i read in other resouce over 4000 scientists were assasinated during the war,thy were a top target
Mossad murdered 530 Iraqi scientists. The Plight of Iraqi Academics. ( 13) Print This ShareThisBy Special Report
Tuesday, May 9, 2006
Assassinations of Iraq academics in Iraq never existed prior to April 2003.
Numerous reports for many months have stated that with collaboration from American occupation forces, Israel?s espionage apparatus, Mossad, slaughtered at least 530 Iraqi scientists and academic professors.
Assassinations of Iraq academics in Iraq never existed prior to April 2003. Persistent Israeli hit squads against Iraqi scientists had been active in Iraq since April 2003, but the latest chapter was uncovered on Tuesday, 14 June 2005 by the Palestine Information Center which, citing a report compiled by the United States Department of State and intended for the American President, stated that Israeli and foreign agents sent by Mossad, in cooperation with United States, to Iraq, killed at least 350 Iraqi scientists and more than 200 university professors and academic personalities .
the economic sanction against Iraq during Clinton time
[Edited 9/19/2012 11:05:46 AM ]
9/19/2012 5:29:16 PM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Mountain View, AB
55, joined Aug. 2009
That is absolutely false.
9/19/2012 7:28:13 PM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
No arguement I see, and I am not going to repost something that has been beatento death.
9/19/2012 8:06:14 PM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Mountain View, AB
55, joined Aug. 2009
christianity, the way it is writtin, not followed, can be helpful to a lot of people.
yes, it is dangerous to others who become brainwashed into it, but if everyone followed the purported teachings of jesus, the world would be a better place.
If everyone followed the purported teachimgs of Muhammed, we would be dodging bullets in our own back yard.
I guess you hadn't noticed that we are dodging bullets in our back yard.
And it can't all be blamed on heathens, Islamic or otherwise. The Jesus bunch, in my view, ought not get the free pass that you so often grant them.
A long life of fear, indebtedness, subservience, mental bondage, wishful thinking and missed opportunity is arguably a lot worse than a life prematurely abbreviated by bullets. At least in the case of the latter, the now dead person's suffering would appear to end.
But just as one must and does acknowledge that most Christians are not all twisted and evil, I'm inclined to think that neither are most Muslims the nasty bastards you make them out to be.
I appreciate your anti Team Religion posture as much as the next guy Jim, I'd just like to see you get past your fear and widen your field of fire to include the whole fuggin league.
For your sake - and for the sake of the children...
9/19/2012 8:09:36 PM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Wilmette, IL
42, joined May. 2011
Its all the same bad joke to me.
One uses a Fighter Jet,
The other straps a bomb to their ass.
They'll both blow us all up if they go unchecked.
9/19/2012 8:17:07 PM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |


Sanbornton, NH
61, joined Jul. 2012
"To those who believe in God and His messengers and make no distinction between any of the messengers, We shall soon give their (due) rewards, for God is oft-forgiving, most merciful."
—Koran 4:152
"To every people have We appointed (different) rites and ceremonies which they must follow, so let them not then dispute with thee on the matter; but do thou invite (them) to they Lord, for thou art assuredly on the right way. And if they wrangle with thee, say, "God is best aware of what ye do. God will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection concerning that wherein ye used to differ."
—Koran 22:67-69
9/19/2012 8:38:10 PM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
I guess you hadn't noticed that we are dodging bullets in our back yard.
And it can't all be blamed on heathens, Islamic or otherwise. The Jesus bunch, in my view, ought not get the free pass that you so often grant them.
A long life of fear, indebtedness, subservience, mental bondage, wishful thinking and missed opportunity is arguably a lot worse than a life prematurely abbreviated by bullets. At least in the case of the latter, the now dead person's suffering would appear to end.
But just as one must and does acknowledge that most Christians are not all twisted and evil, I'm inclined to think that neither are most Muslims the nasty bastards you make them out to be.
I appreciate your anti Team Religion posture as much as the next guy Jim, I'd just like to see you get past your fear and widen your field of fire to include the whole fuggin league.
For your sake - and for the sake of the children...
I don't grant the jesus bunch a free pass, but I don'tcondemm them.
I feel sorry for them and I wish they wouldn't put that crap intheheads of children,
But it isn't the teachings of the christian religion, that is at blame here anywhere near as much as the teachings of Islam.
9/19/2012 8:50:41 PM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |


Sanbornton, NH
61, joined Jul. 2012
I would like to post - just a suggestion now- that there are plenty of threads about current events, modern Islam, the validity of christianity, terrorism, Etc. This one started out as an invitation to share and gain insight on just what the hell Islam is really all about, because I don't think that many people have any more incling than what they see on TV, and that is about as deep as a wad o' spit.
If Islam is our arch enemy, as some here insist, then meerly dismissing them as "evil" will not aid to our defense against the onslaught. The key to fighting any war successfully is first of all, to avoid it through intellegent aplication of diplomacy and well placed pressure. In order facilitate defensive diplomacy , a wise military leader first seeks to understand his enemy in depth, and also seeks a true picture, not a propaganda truth.
If you think Islam is all about killing americans, then you better REALLY learn about them, Not twist the story so you have a story for your face to be angry with. question your sources and thier motives.
Walk in their shoes. Find out thier motivations. Be smarter than the book.
Insults, threats and misrepresentation just pisses people off. knowledge is power and it leads to an ability to act that is more likely to create success.
9/19/2012 9:16:28 PM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
I would like to post - just a suggestion now- that there are plenty of threads about current events, modern Islam, the validity of christianity, terrorism, Etc. This one started out as an invitation to share and gain insight on just what the hell Islam is really all about, because I don't think that many people have any more incling than what they see on TV, and that is about as deep as a wad o' spit.
If Islam is our arch enemy, as some here insist, then meerly dismissing them as "evil" will not aid to our defense against the onslaught. The key to fighting any war successfully is first of all, to avoid it through intellegent aplication of diplomacy and well placed pressure. In order facilitate defensive diplomacy , a wise military leader first seeks to understand his enemy in depth, and also seeks a true picture, not a propaganda truth.
If you think Islam is all about killing americans, then you better REALLY learn about them, Not twist the story so you have a story for your face to be angry with. question your sources and thier motives.
Walk in their shoes. Find out thier motivations. Be smarter than the book.
Insults, threats and misrepresentation just pisses people off. knowledge is power and it leads to an ability to act that is more likely to create success.
There are some very important things you need to learn about islam,
I have tried to tell you, and I do not expect you to just believe me, that is why I have constantally sent you to the source material.
Islam is for all time and cannot change,( Qur'an)
Islam is about killing everyone, not just Americans.
Do you really think diplomacy will get them to re-write their religion,i think not.
You are being willfilly blind, and even listening to the predator muslim here, even after I pointed out ways you can test his owm credibiblty yourself.
If you have failed to notice, i do not deal with oppinions here on this subject, I deal with facts, and facts only.
I demand resources, and I supply them.
If you do not see it, I really do not know what to tell you.
9/19/2012 11:59:04 PM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Wilmette, IL
42, joined May. 2011
@ OP, you seem like you have a genuine interest in learning about Islaam from authentic sources.
So I'm going to recommend a book to you (biography about the Prophet).
It's called The Sealed Nectar and it's by Saifur Rahman al-Mubarakpuri (who passed away relatively recently). This book is basically a chronological order of his life events because though there are many authentic hadeeth (recorded sayings/actions of/regarding the Prophet), they are not all listed in order.
It's available online for free:
If you're not a huge dates/tribal details buff, you might find the first part to be a little boring (though I loved reading it) - but the rest of the book should be a much easier
My God anasb
Don't you pay attention to anything.
Look at wtf he is giving you, and saying it is an authentic source.
This book was just writtin, it is not an authentic source.
Why do you think he is not giving you the only authentic source on the f**kin planet.
Because he does not want you to read the authentic one.
Islam is flooded with these types of books.
Everyone wants to re-write the original, and change it so the Dumb a** americans, don't read the only actual authentic source.
And the authentic source was writtin 1200 years ago.
Think man, use your f**kin head.
There is a reason for that.
Or maybe you just are a pedophile, and want this type of religion.
I just cannot understand your reasoning, but hey.
Jim your just a f**king enormous loser to post something so stupid.
There really is no other way to say it.
I gotta say you've grown more tiresome than even the BB, Doc, type entities. I should've blocked your stupidity ages ago.
I'll correct that foolish procrastination tonight.
9/20/2012 7:06:59 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Chicago, IL
39, joined Feb. 2012
Its all the same bad joke to me.
One uses a Fighter Jet,
The other straps a bomb to their ass.
They'll both blow us all up if they go unchecked. 
why you exceptionlised the Judaism?
nobody can deny that nuts dont exist in any religion,but nuts exist in all faiths and beliefs,regardless what these beliefs are preaching for
[Edited 9/20/2012 7:09:10 AM ]
9/20/2012 7:15:17 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Chicago, IL
39, joined Feb. 2012
"To those who believe in God and His messengers and make no distinction between any of the messengers, We shall soon give their (due) rewards, for God is oft-forgiving, most merciful."
—Koran 4:152
"To every people have We appointed (different) rites and ceremonies which they must follow, so let them not then dispute with thee on the matter; but do thou invite (them) to they Lord, for thou art assuredly on the right way. And if they wrangle with thee, say, "God is best aware of what ye do. God will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection concerning that wherein ye used to differ."
—Koran 22:67-69
from Waldo poems:
Leave all for love;—
Yet, hear me, yet,
One word more thy heart behoved,
One pulse more of firm endeavor,
Keep thee to-day,
To-morrow, for ever,
Free as an Arab
Of thy beloved.
Cling with life to the maid;
But when the surprise,
Vague shadow of surmise,
Flits across her bosom young
Of a joy apart from thee,
Free be she, fancy-free,
Do not thou detain a hem,
Nor the palest rose she flung
From her summer diadem.
From the Persian of Hafiz I
(Note in original:
[The Poems of Hafiz are held by the Persians to be mystical and allegorical. The following ode, notwithstanding its anacreontic style, is regarded by his German editor, Von Hammer, as one of those which earned for Hafiz among his countrymen the title of "Tongue of the Secret." ]
Butler, fetch the ruby wine,
Which with sudden greatness fills us;
Pour for me who in my spirit
Fail in courage and performance;
Bring the philosophic stone,
Karun's treasure, Noah's life;
Haste, that by thy means I open
All the doors of luck and life.
Bring me, boy, the fire-water
Zoroaster sought in dust.
To Hafiz revelling 'tis allowed
To pray to Matter and to Fire.
Bring the wine of Jamschid's glass
That shone, ere time was, in the Néant.
Give it me, that through its virtue
I, as Jamschid, see through worlds.
Wisely said the Kaiser Jamschid,
This world's not worth a barleycorn.
Bring me, boy, the nectar cup,
Since it leads to Paradise.
Flute and lyre lordly speak,
Lees of wine outvalue crowns.
Hither bring the veiled beauty
Who in ill-famed houses sits:
Lead her forth: my honest name
Freely barter I for wine.
Bring me, boy, the fire-water,
Drinks the lion—the woods burn.
Give it me, that I storm heaven,
Tear the net from the arch-wolf.
Wine, wherewith the Houris teach
Angels the ways of Paradise.
On the glowing coals I'll set it,
And therewith my brain perfume.
Bring me wine, through whose effulgence
Jam and Chosroes yielded light:
Wine, that to the flute I sing
Where is Jam, and where is Kauss.
Bring the blessing of old times;
Bless the old departed Shahs;
Bring it me, the Shah of hearts.
Bring me wine to wash me clean,
Of the weather-stains of care,
See the countenance of luck.
While I dwell in spirit-gardens,
Wherefore sit I shackled here?
Lo, this mirror shows me all.
Drunk, I speak of purity,
Beggar, I of lordship speak.
When Hafiz in his revel sings,
Shouteth Sohra in her sphere.
Fear the changes of a day:
Bring wine which increases life,
Since the world is all untrue,
Let the trumpets thee remind
How the crown of Kobad vanished.
Be not certain of the world;
'Twill not spare to shed thy blood.
Desperate of the world's affair,
Came I running to the wine-house.
Give me wine which maketh glad,
That I may my steed bestride,
Through the course career with Rustem,
Gallop to my heart's content.
Give me, boy, the ruby cup
Which unlocks the heart with wine,
That I reason quite renounce,
And plant banners on the worlds.
Let us make our glasses kiss,
Let us quench the sorrow-cinders:
To-day let us drink together.
Whoso has a banquet dressed,
Is with glad mind satisfied,
'Scaping from the snares of Dews.
9/20/2012 7:15:36 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Chicago, IL
39, joined Feb. 2012
Alas for youth! 'tis gone in wind,—
Happy he who spent it well.
Give me wine, that I o'erleap
Both worlds at a single spring,
Stole at dawn from glowing spheres
Call of Houris to mine ear;
"O happy bird! delicious soul!
Spread thy pinion, break the cage;
Sit on the roof of the seven domes,
Where the spirit takes repose."
In the time of Bisurdschimihr,
Menutscheher's beauty shined,
On the beaker of Nushirvan,
Wrote they once in eider times,
"Hear the Counsel, learn from us
Sample of the course of things;
Earth, it is a place of sorrow,
Scanty joys are here below,
Who has nothing, has no sorrow."
Where is Jam, and where his cup?
Solomon, and his mirror where?
Which of the wise masters knows
What time Kauss and Jam existed?
When those heroes left this world,
Left they nothing but their names.
Bind thy heart not to the earth,
When thou goest, come not back.
Fools squander on the world their hearts.
League with it, is feud with heaven;
Never gives it what thou wishest.
A cup of wine imparts the sight
Of the five heaven-domes with nine steps:
Whoso can himself renounce,
Without support shall walk thereon.
Who discreet is, is not wise.
Give me, boy, the Kaiser cup,
Which rejoices heart and soul;
Under type of wine and cup
Signify we purest love.
Youth like lightning disappears,
Life goes by us as the wind:
Leave the dwelling with six doors,
And the serpent with nine heads;
Life and silver spend thou freely,
If thou honorest the soul.
Haste into the other life;
All is nought save God alone.
Give me, boy, this toy of dæmons.
When the cup of Jam was lost,
Him availed the world no more.
Fetch the wine-glass made of ice,
Wake the torpid heart with wine.
Every clod of loam below us
Is a skull of Alexander;
Oceans are the blood of princes;
Desert sands the dust of beauties.
More than one Darius was there
Who the whole world overcame;
But since these gave up the ghost,
Thinkest thou they never were?
Boy, go from me to the Shah,
Say to him: Shah crowned as Jam,
Win thou first the poor man's heart,
Then the glass; so know the world.
Empty sorrows from the earth
Canst thou drive away with wine.
Now in thy throne's recent beauty,
In the flowing tide of power,
Moon of fortune, mighty king,
Whose tiara sheddeth lustre,
Peace secure to fish and fowl,
Heart and eye-sparkle to saints;
Shoreless is the sea of praise,—
I content me with a prayer.
From Nisami's poet-works,
Highest ornament of speech,
Here a verse will I recite,
Verse as beautiful as pearls.
"More kingdoms wait thy diadem,
Than are known to thee by name;
May the sovran destiny
Grant a victory every morn!"
9/20/2012 7:15:55 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |


Sanbornton, NH
61, joined Jul. 2012
@ jim
You seem to be posting the same message repeatedly.
There is also an assumption in your posts, almost a paranoid edge that I might be somehow lead into folley if I don't believe you and entertain information from other sources. You apperently believe that I'm not discerning or have no ethics or common sense.
It ought to be evident already that I am not and have never been a sheep.
There are some ideas/music/artwork that I come across that are resonant, they strike a cord in me that I find harmonic with what I know of the world, and they also enrich and exite me with their beauty.
There are other ideas that I find dissonant. The idea that I should hate anyone just because of the religious label that they wear is an idea that I find repellant.
the reasons for doing so are illogical, and they stink of untruth and negativity.
People can choose to fill their heads and focus thier lives on negativity. When they do they cut themselves off from gaining knowledge and they also corrupt themselves internally.
The world that they live in becomes an ugly place and the universe becomes small.
"As you think so you become".
I think I would rather live in a bigger world.
If you have nothing new to post, please refrain.
9/20/2012 7:22:14 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
If you look at the messages i have been posting, the only time anything is repeated is when you deny something and I have to offer another angle for you to understand the same thing.
If you would at least investagate into what i am saying, instead of blindly denying it, all of this repetition would not be needed, and we could move on.
There is a lot to cover in "ACTUAL" Islam, and what i was planing on next was to show you the phoney book uniuecover is trying to pass off a credable source.
But you need to verify these things as they are happening, not just, after a multi-page dialogue say i don't believe it, when it is plastered on front of your face.
9/20/2012 7:49:58 AM |
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Chicago, IL
39, joined Feb. 2012
can Jim honestly declare his belief? he even choose to be an anonymous for he has no credibility just to hide behind the screen and talk like a ghost
9/20/2012 7:50:49 AM |
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Union, NH
45, joined May. 2009
You also have no photo.
9/20/2012 7:51:53 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Hicksville, NY
56, joined Dec. 2010
Yeah but he did post that great Noam Chomski video.
9/20/2012 7:52:59 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |


Union, NH
45, joined May. 2009
Still though, people with no photos complaining about other people with no photos is a bit silly.
[Edited 9/20/2012 7:53:25 AM ]
9/20/2012 7:53:26 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
You also have no photo.
What does a photo prove,
You can put any photo in there.
9/20/2012 7:54:22 AM |
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Union, NH
45, joined May. 2009
Not if you have a digital or webcam.
9/20/2012 8:01:16 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Chicago, IL
39, joined Feb. 2012
You also have no photo.
did you like it,hey you want my wife to beat me up
9/20/2012 8:02:59 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |


Union, NH
45, joined May. 2009
???? Jim wont approve of that photo cause you are Middle Eastern looking. 
[Edited 9/20/2012 8:04:34 AM ]
9/20/2012 8:06:29 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
???? Jim wont approve of that photo cause you are Middle Eastern looking. 
Must be someone who has me blocked.
I am missing part of the conversation.
9/20/2012 8:08:55 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Hicksville, NY
56, joined Dec. 2010
Still though, people with no photos complaining about other people with no photos is a bit silly.
Agreed. But did you watch that video? Noam Chomsky is an american treasure. I love that guy. Have you read any of his stuff Asha?
9/20/2012 8:11:11 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Hicksville, NY
56, joined Dec. 2010
did you like it,hey you want my wife to beat me up 
Oh Jeez Laweez, it's this character. Oh boyo.
[Edited 9/20/2012 8:11:52 AM ]
9/20/2012 8:22:05 AM |
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Chicago, IL
39, joined Feb. 2012
???? Jim wont approve of that photo cause you are Middle Eastern looking. 
i am a Russian ,are you spokwoman on behalf of JIM?
[Edited 9/20/2012 8:24:17 AM ]
9/20/2012 8:44:38 AM |
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Union, NH
45, joined May. 2009
You me I was right this entire time? I called you being Russian like three years ago. 
9/20/2012 8:58:59 AM |
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Union, NH
45, joined May. 2009
Sorry I meant to say "You mean".
Yes I could never really determine anything from that photo and thought initially it might be one of those novelty hats you can buy at the fair with the dreadlocks tied to it. Its really difficult to tell. Of course appearance tells you nothing about nationality either.
9/20/2012 9:02:52 AM |
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Chicago, IL
39, joined Feb. 2012
whenever i quoted you ,my post became invesible,can you tell him to unblock me,yesterday, i was trying to post ,i found him is still blocking me in reason i oppose nude art
[Edited 9/20/2012 9:04:16 AM ]
9/20/2012 9:04:15 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Hicksville, NY
56, joined Dec. 2010
I just think he's a nutinwig.
9/20/2012 9:06:36 AM |
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Union, NH
45, joined May. 2009
whenever i quoted you ,my post became invesible,can you tell him to unblock me,yesterday, i was trying to post ,i found him is still blocking me in reason i oppose nude art
You post a lot of semi clad women for now suddenly being opposed to nudity.
9/20/2012 9:10:25 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Hicksville, NY
56, joined Dec. 2010
whenever i quoted you ,my post became invesible,can you tell him to unblock me,yesterday, i was trying to post ,i found him is still blocking me in reason i oppose nude art
I oppose nude art. Mastrovia.
9/20/2012 9:14:08 AM |
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Chicago, IL
39, joined Feb. 2012
Vatican thanks Muslims for bringing God back into the public eye in Europe
By Daily Mail Reporter
UPDATED: 12:33 EST, 28 November 2008
Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran says Muslims have brought debate about religion into the public sphere
The Vatican has thanked Muslims for bringing God back into the public sphere in Europe.
Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, head of the Catholic Church's department for interfaith contacts, said religion was now talked and written about more than ever before in today's Europe.
'It's thanks to the Muslims,' he said in a speech printed in Friday's L'Osservatore Romano, the official daily of the Vatican.
'Muslims, having become a significant minority in Europe, were the ones who demanded space for God in society.'
Vatican officials have long bemoaned the secularisation of Europe, where church attendance has dwindled dramatically in recent decades, and urged a return to its historically Christian roots.
But Tauran said no society had only one faith.
'We live in multicultural and multi-religious societies, that's obvious,' he told a meeting of Catholic theologians in Naples.
'There is no civilisation that is religiously pure.'
Tauran's positive speech on interfaith dialogue came after a remark by Pope Benedict prompted media speculation that the Vatican was losing interest in it.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1090301/Vatican-thanks-Muslims-bringing-God-public-eye-Europe.html#ixzz271HC4qsL
[Edited 9/20/2012 9:14:53 AM ]
9/20/2012 10:26:30 AM |
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Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
I was wondering who that was.
That is areyousure, and one of the few people I have blocked, and for several reasons.
The obvious, he is batshit crazy.
and I don't just mean nudies, which would have got him blocked anyway, i mean porn.
9/20/2012 10:27:47 AM |
Islamic Education: Origins of the faith | Page 3 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
Lost a sentence in my haste.
but he posted porn on my posts.
9/20/2012 12:04:13 PM |
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Aurora, IL
29, joined Jul. 2012
People who have no knowledge about the Sciences of Hadeeth should refrain from talking about it as if they're experts in the field.
(^there are more links on this link)
Some people are very keen on quoting Ibn Ishaq or Imaam at-Tabari, but lets take a look at what Imaam at-Tabari said,
Let him who examines this book of mine know that I have relied, as regards everything I mention therein which I stipulate to be described by me, solely upon what has been transmitted to me by way of reports which I cite therein and traditions which I ascribe to their narrators, to the exclusion of what may be apprehended by rational argument or deduced by the human mind, except in very few cases. This is because knowledge of the reports of men of the past and of contemporaneous views of men of the present do not reach the one who has not witnessed them nor lived in their times except through the accounts of reporters and the transmission of transmitters, to the exclusion of rational deduction and mental inference. Hence, if I mention in this book a report about some men of the past, which the reader of listener finds objectionable or worthy of censure because he can see no aspect of truth nor any factual substance therein , let him know that this is not to be attributed to us but to those who transmitted it to us and we have merely passed this on as it has been passed on to us. (Abu Ja`far Muhammad bin Jarir al-Tabari, Tarikh al-Tabari: Tarikh al-Umam wal-Muluk, 1997, Volume I, Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyyah, Beirut (Lebanon), p. 13.)
As for Ibn Ishaq, he also quoted anything and everything, so not everything he said is to be taken as the truth (which, for some reason, some people often do around these parts).
How Ibn Ishaq's narration should be treated is summarized in this statement from Imam Ibn Numair, If he narrates a Hadith from teachers he directly heard from and who are known to be truthful, then his Hadith is from the grade Hasan because he is truthful. Yet, Imam Ahmad stated that if Ibn Ishaq is the only narrator of that Hadith, then his narration is discounted. And the key words to look for here, for Ibn Ishaq's narration not to be dismissed outright, are, If Ibn Ishaq says, So and so narrated to me', then he did hear that narration.' Otherwise, if he says, So and so said', then the narration is rejected.' Meaning, Ibn Ishaq would not lie; if he states that he heard the Hadith from his teacher, then his assertion is accepted. (Shaykh Jalal Abu Al Rub, The Prophet of Mercy, Chapter 2, page 10)
9/20/2012 12:55:29 PM |
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Wilmette, IL
42, joined May. 2011
Agreed. But did you watch that video? Noam Chomsky is an american treasure. I love that guy. Have you read any of his stuff Asha?
American Treasure- absolutely.
9/20/2012 1:12:05 PM |
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Wilmette, IL
42, joined May. 2011
why you exceptionlised the Judaism?
nobody can deny that nuts dont exist in any religion,but nuts exist in all faiths and beliefs,regardless what these beliefs are preaching for
For the simple reason that the quote was in response to someone specifically comparing Islam with Christianity.
I make absolutely no distinction between Islam,Christianity or Judaism in degree of good or evil.
They seem very equally troublesome in my eyes. I can only view them as the same entity .
To single one out over the other , is an exercise in futility in my opinion.
9/20/2012 1:44:17 PM |
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Chicago, IL
39, joined Feb. 2012
why you exceptionlised the Judaism?
nobody can deny that nuts dont exist in any religion,but nuts exist in all faiths and beliefs,regardless what these beliefs are preaching for
For the simple reason that the quote was in response to someone specifically comparing Islam with Christianity.
I make absolutely no distinction between Islam,Christianity or Judaism in degree of good or evil.
They seem very equally troublesome in my eyes. I can only view them as the same entity .
To single one out over the other , is an exercise in futility in my opinion.
can you name some religious war that happened in our time?
9/20/2012 1:52:59 PM |
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Mansfield, AR
66, joined Dec. 2011
Ask and you shall receive.
9/20/2012 1:59:09 PM |
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Babbitt, MN
64, joined Feb. 2009
did you like it,hey you want my wife to beat me up 
Momie, knew it was you!!!!
I want to see a pic of you in your nut suit???  
9/20/2012 2:37:24 PM |
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Wilmette, IL
42, joined May. 2011
@Schloski re: relig. war.
Kosovo immediately came to mind.
Did you not also watch your own Chomsky video from yesterday?
[Edited 9/20/2012 2:39:07 PM ]