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7/26/2017 2:28:38 PM |
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Aurora, CO
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7/26/2017 2:38:23 PM |
Against all odds Conservatism wins again | Page 68 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
"That anyone should be talking to preschoolers in such explicit terms about sex in the first place ought to be cause for skepticism. Groups like Planned Parenthood apparently place little value on the innocence of childhood."
Planned Parenthood Tells Preschoolers: 'Your genitals don’t make you a boy or a girl'
If the birds and bees followed Planned Parenthood's new guidelines concerning them, they would eventually have to be put on the endangered species list.
The nation's largest provider of abortions has new guidelines out on how to talk about sex to preschoolers.
Having made it out of the womb (some against Planned Parenthood's better advice), toddlers are now to be indoctrinated in the ideology of the Gender Deniers that holds that biology has nothing to do with gender.
While its earlier guidelines advised telling preschoolers, "Women have breasts, men don't," it's new guidelines suggest saying, "Those are nipples. Everybody has nipples."
The earlier guidelines advise saying, "I’m a woman—a girl who is all grown up—so I have a vulva instead of a penis. And you’re a boy, so you have a penis instead of a vulva." The new guidelines suggest, "Boy, girl, man, and woman are words that describe gender identity, and some people with the gender identities 'boy' or 'man' have vulvas, and some with the gender identity 'girl' or 'woman' have penises/testicles."
"Your genitals don’t make you a boy or a girl," say the new guidelines, "It doesn’t matter too much what parts someone has."
Did the science change in the intervening period between the two documents? Of course not. The ideology just got more extreme and surrealistic. Science, in fact, has little to do with it. Gender ideology aborted science long ago.
Of course, that anyone should be talking to preschoolers in such explicit terms about sex in the first place ought to be cause for skepticism. Groups like Planned Parenthood apparently place little value on the innocence of childhood.
There is, in fact, little scientific evidence that assaulting preschool children with explicit gender terminology is any more effective than telling them about the stork.
To a preschooler—or for that matter, any reasonable adult—the stork would make a whole lot more sense than what Planned Parenthood now wants to tell the nation's children.
Read more at: http://www.intellectualtakeout.org/article/planned-parenthood-tells-preschoolers-your-genitals-dont-make-you-boy-or-girl © IntellectualTakeout.org
7/26/2017 2:44:49 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Tancredo: You Think Russia Tries to Influence American Politics? Think Mexico First

by Tom Tancredo25 Jul 2017350
In 2002, I had an illuminating conversation in Mexico City with Juan Hernandez, a Texas-born dual citizen who served as head of the “Office of Mexicans Abroad” in the administration of Mexican President Vincente Fox. Hernandez bragged about Mexico’s policy for financing and distributing 200,000 “survival kits” for Mexican migrants seeking to enter the United States illegally. Years later the Texas Observer highlighted the episode as a key part of the Juan Hernandez legacy, along with his important role in John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign.
Hernandez explained that the policy of supporting illegal entry was only part of his efforts to greatly increase the number of Mexican nationals residing in the U.S. He was amazingly candid about the reasons. He said that first of all, the movement of millions of young, unemployed Mexicans across the southern border reduced the pressure they would otherwise be placing on the Mexican economy. Secondly, these folks would send home remittances and those dollars accounted for the second largest source of foreign income for the country. In 2016 Mexico received a record $26.8 billion in cash remittances.
These remittances were so important to Mexico that Hernandez spent most of his time in the U.S. “working with the community” to maintain the migrants’ cultural ties to Mexico. The Mexican government recognized that if these migrants assimilated into the U.S. culture, the remittances would go down commensurately. And finally, he told me that the other advantage Mexico gained by massive export of their population into the U.S. was the positive impact such a large population of Mexicans living here would have on our foreign policy towards Mexico. He could have added that that same population would put pressure on American politicians to relax efforts to secure the southern border or increase internal enforcement of immigration laws like the banning of sanctuary cities.
Following that statement by Hernandez, I asked him, “Aren’t you embarrassed to admit such a thing, that your government is openly violating U.S. Sovereignty?” His reply opened my eyes to the scope of Mexican ambitions and their total disregard for U.S. law and international borders. Hernandez replied, “Really, congressman, we are talking here about a region, not two countries.”
Mexico has an embassy and 50 consulates located in 26 states, and over 35 million people residing in this country are of Mexican origin.
Mexico uses those 50 consulates to assist millions of illegal Mexicans in adapting to “life in the shadows.” Beginning around 2001, Mexico’s consulates started offering Matricula Consular identification cards to the millions of illegal Mexicans in the United States, ID cards that helped them get bank accounts, driver’s licenses and gain access to other public services. A legal immigrant from Mexico has no need for that card, so it is a brazen program to facilitate illegal immigrants’ access to services and benefits normally reserved for legal residents. Needless to add, it also helps fortify the migrant’s ties to Mexico. In congressional testimony in 2003, the FBI called the cards a national security threat.
Mexico is the second largest economy in Latin America, yet its economy has an unemployment rate more than triple that of the United States, has experienced average GDP growth of only 1% annually over the past 20 years and has half its population living below the poverty line.
So, those remittance dollars flowing from its citizens in the U.S. are a pillar of stability and a prop for a failed socialist economy. It is in Mexico’s national interest to keep that Mexican population in the U.S. growing and those remittance dollars flowing. Maximizing those goals requires our neighbor to pursue policies in direct opposition to U.S. immigration laws—and to praise American politicians who put illegal immigration ahead of the rule of law. And yet, miraculously, there has never been a congressional investigation of American politicians and government officials who routinely play ball (dare we call it “collusion”?) with that foreign government.
The point is, Mexico has values and interests separate and different from ours, so the perennial and continued interference in American politics through the encouragement of illegal immigration and other activities is rightfully a matter of serious concern. Moreover, we should remember that Mexico was annoyingly neutral in the Second World War — and for fifty years has been stridently pro-Castro in hemispheric politics.
I am not suggesting that Mexico poses an existential threat to American national security on the same level as the Soviet Union or the Russian Federation under the leadership of former KGB agent Vladimir Putin. Nonetheless, the fact remains that Mexico’s interests and American interests are far from identical and in fact frequently diverge. Colluding with the Mexican government or with organizations closely allied with Mexican goals and interests ought to be a subject of concern to the guardians of political probity.
So, let me ask: what is the difference between “collusion” and “collaboration,” or between “co-conspirator” and “partner.” Does it depend on whether you are plotting “demographic enhancement” or a Miss Universe Pageant?
7/26/2017 3:01:58 PM |
Against all odds Conservatism wins again | Page 68 |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
Maxine Waters Calls Tucker Carlson ‘Racist’ for Asking How She Got Rich; He Responds [VIDEO]
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In a recent episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight on FOX News, Carlson asked the question that all inquiring minds want to know: How does Maxine Waters afford to live in a $4.3 million mansion? And why does the race-hustling, Marxist class warfare-spewing Congresswoman live outside of the district she’s supposed to represent — one of the poorest — in one of the whitest and richest areas of Los Angeles?
In a July 19, interview in The New York Times Magazine, Maxine Waters, unable to effectively answer Tucker Carlson’s question, pulled the race card (shocker, right?), calling the Fox host “racist” for even asking the question:
NYT Magazine: “Tucker Carlson went after you recently: He used some very loaded language about your home, which he implied you could not afford on a government salary.”
Maxine Waters: “I own several properties. The way he talked about it is: What right does an African-American woman have to do well? He doesn’t know anything about my investments, about the house that I’ve lived in for 25, 30 years. This idea of ‘‘how could she afford that?’’ is racist, and I just dismiss it.”
Carlson is continuing to ask the question until a proper and logical answer is given and said that one of the “investments” Waters may be referring to was her husband’s investment in One United Bank, which received $12 million in taxpayer bailout money that Maxine Waters voted for in 2008. Or, perhaps it was Maxine Waters paying her daughter $600,000 out of campaign contributions.
Carlson said he is not passing judgment on the matter but will continue to ask the questions until a real answer is given, other than just shouting “racist!”
7/26/2017 6:27:15 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

7/26/2017 6:46:13 PM |
Against all odds Conservatism wins again | Page 68 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
April 19, 2017, 12:04 am
This is the open scandal that Congress should investigate.

An article in the Guardian last week provides more confirmation that John Brennan was the American progenitor of political espionage aimed at defeating Donald Trump. One side did collude with foreign powers to tip the election — Hillary’s.
Seeking to retain his position as CIA director under Hillary, Brennan teamed up with British spies and Estonian spies to cripple Trump’s candidacy. He used their phony intelligence as a pretext for a multi-agency investigation into Trump, which led the FBI to probe a computer server connected to Trump Tower and gave cover to Susan Rice, among other Hillary supporters, to spy on Trump and his people.
John Brennan’s CIA operated like a branch office of the Hillary campaign, leaking out mentions of this bogus investigation to the press in the hopes of inflicting maximum political damage on Trump. An official in the intelligence community tells TAS that Brennan’s retinue of political radicals didn’t even bother to hide their activism, decorating offices with “Hillary for president cups” and other campaign paraphernalia.
A supporter of the American Communist Party at the height of the Cold War, Brennan brought into the CIA a raft of subversives and gave them plum positions from which to gather and leak political espionage on Trump. He bastardized standards so that these left-wing activists could burrow in and take career positions. Under the patina of that phony professionalism, they could then present their politicized judgments as “non-partisan.”
The Guardian story is written in a style designed to flatter its sources (they are cast as high-minded whistleblowers), but the upshot of it is devastating for them, nonetheless, and explains why all the criminal leaks against Trump first originated in the British press. According to the story, Brennan got his anti-Trump tips primarily from British spies but also Estonian spies and others. The story confirms that the seed of the espionage into Trump was planted by Estonia. The BBC’s Paul Wood reported last year that the intelligence agency of an unnamed Baltic State had tipped Brennan off in April 2016 to a conversation purporting to show that the Kremlin was funneling cash into the Trump campaign.
Any other CIA director would have disregarded such a flaky tip, recognizing that Estonia was eager to see Trump lose (its officials had bought into Hillary’s propaganda that Trump was going to pull out of NATO and leave Baltic countries exposed to Putin). But Brennan opportunistically seized on it, as he later that summer seized on the half-baked intelligence of British spy agencies (also full of officials who wanted to see Trump lose).
The Guardian says that British spy head Robert Hannigan “passed material in summer 2016 to the CIA chief, John Brennan.” To ensure that these flaky tips leaked out, Brennan disseminated them on Capitol Hill. In August and September of 2016, he gave briefings to the “Gang of Eight” about them, which then turned up on the front page of the New York Times.
All of this took place at the very moment Brennan was auditioning for Hillary. He desperately wanted to keep his job and despised Trump for his alleged “Muslim ban,” a matter near and dear to Brennan’s heart. Not only was he an apologist for the Muslim Brotherhood, but Brennan’s Islamophilia dated to his days in college, when he spent a year in Cairo learning Arabic and taking courses in Middle Eastern studies. He later got a graduate degree with an emphasis in Middle Eastern studies. In 1996, his ties to the Islamic world tightened after he became the CIA’s station chief in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He once recalled that “during a 25-year career in government, I was privileged to serve in positions across the Middle East — as a political officer with the State Department and as a CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, I saw how our Saudi partners fulfilled their duty as custodians of the two holy mosques of Mecca and Medina. I marveled at the majesty of the Hajj and the devotion of those who fulfilled their duty as Muslims by making that privilege — that pilgrimage.”
Out of this Islamophilia came a special dislike of Michael Flynn, who had planned to rip up the Obama-era “reset” with Muslim countries. Furious with Flynn for his apostasy from political correctness, Brennan and other Obama aides couldn’t resist the temptation to take him out after rifling through transcripts of his calls with the Russian ambassador. They caught him in a lie to Mike Pence and made sure the press knew about it.
Were the media not so completely in the tank for Obama and Hillary, all of this political mischief would make for a compelling 2016 version of All the President’s Men. Instead, the public gets a steady stream of Orwellian propaganda about the sudden propriety of political espionage. The headline writers at Pravda couldn’t improve on this week’s official lie, tweeted out by the Maggie Habermans: “Susan Rice Did Nothing Wrong, Say Both Dem and Republican House Aides.”
Liberals pompously quote the saying — “the bigger the lie, the more it will be believed” — even as their media enshrine it. Historians will look back on 2016 and marvel at the audacity of its big lie: whispers of an imaginary Trump-Russia collusion that wafted up from the fever swamps of a real collusion between John Brennan and foreign powers seeking Trump’s defeat.
7/26/2017 7:24:03 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Shocking Moment Man Cuts Off His Own Penis, Charges Police Officers In Chicago
July 26, 2017

A man who was reportedly high on drugs sliced off his own penis before violently attacking his neighbors in Chicago.
The incident happened on Monday near Grace Street and Drake avenue.
When police arrived, the crazed man charged at an officer, who deployed a taser.
The video ends before the suspect is taken into custody—-his condition is unknown.
7/26/2017 8:29:13 PM |
Against all odds Conservatism wins again | Page 68 |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010

7/27/2017 8:48:39 AM |
Against all odds Conservatism wins again | Page 68 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
just another tale of dimdumdemonicRAT play4pay...where is the outrage?
A 'For Sale' Sign at City Hall': FBI Indicts 2 PA Dem Mayors in Pay-to-Play Probe
Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski | Matt Smith/Easton Express-Times

'Clinton Evidence Being Pushed Under Rug': Gingrich Talks Meeting With Trump
'I Bet His Mommy Voted for Us': Trump Fires Back at Protester Waving Soviet Flag
Two Democratic Pennsylvania mayors were indicted Wednesday as part of a wide-ranging FBI corruption probe.
The mayors of Reading and Allentown - the state's third-largest city - were named among the defendants in the five-person indictment.
Acting U.S. Attorney for Eastern Pennsylvania Louis Lappen said Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski (D) was charged with 14 counts relating to running a pay-to-play scheme, and other offenses.
Lappen said Pawlowski and former Reading Mayor Vaughn Spencer (D) "essentially put up a 'for sale' sign in front of their city halls to sell city work to the highest bidder," Lappen said, according to WFMZ-69 News.
One of the incidents Pawlowski is accused of orchestrating involved the sale of city contracts.
When a contract for the collection of delinquent city taxes was up for bid, Pawlowski and others allegedly engineered the system to direct the bids to his chosen firm
Officials allegedly had bidding scores changed, to the benefit of a particular bidder, according to Lappen and the indictment.
Lappen said Pawlowski wanted to direct that 2013 contract to a company that provided "a steady stream of benefits" to him, which included campaign contributions and Philadelphia Eagles tickets.
7/27/2017 9:09:27 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

it is very interesting, if anyone cares to research this 2 year old tale, how different
all the msm report this story.
7/27/2017 10:44:41 AM |
Against all odds Conservatism wins again | Page 68 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
further evidence of lieingliberallunacy and mental disorder! 
Fox News Host Assaulted
July 26, 2017
BREAKING: Fox News Host Assaulted Gil C / Shutterstock.com

Resorting to personal — and sometimes physical — attacks rather than engaging in civil debate has been a favored strategy of leftists ever since President Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.
In yet another incident, Kat Timpf, co-host on “Fox News Specialists,” was doused in water Monday night prior to giving a speech at a campaign event in Brooklyn, New York. An unknown assailant dumped water on her head and then splashed it in her face when she turned around.
Random assault
The assault against Timpf occurred in Williamsburg, at the event hosted by Ben Kissel, a libertarian podcaster, political commentator, and comedian, who is running for Brooklyn Borough president.
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Speaking to the New York Post on Tuesday, Timpf was still shaken by the situation.
This was a pre-planned thing. Just to see someone look you in the eye with that kind of anger and hatred and whip water in your face … is a terrifying thought.
Timpf said she turned around when a man tapped her on the shoulder, where he dumped the water on her head and then splashed it into her eyes.
Unable to speak that night following the incident, Timpf sent out a series of messages on Twitter detailing her frustration with the political climate today.
The way things have gotten, it’s just so sick. I don’t even have a right to exist in public is how it feels.
Summarizing her tweets, Timpf wrote:
The guy walks in, clearly here because he knows I’m here, dumps an entire 1.5 liter bottle of water on me, first on my head and then I turn … to look and he splashes it directly on my face and runs out. I’m shocked, I’m stunned. I’m obviously upset. I end up not being able … to speak because of it.
I’ve never seen a more disgusting insane cruel climate than the one we’re in now. Why? What does that … accomplish? I guess I wasn’t able to speak so that’s great and I guess he wins, but we’re just randomly assaulting people in public now?
Should this be expected?
Rather than promote peaceful and non-violent methods of activism, leftists are still so angry over the election of President Trump that they will oppose him by whatever means are necessary; including assaulting conservative citizens.
Given that attacks against conservatives have skyrocketed nationwide since Trump took office in January, we have no reason to believe Democrats will disavow violence and call for civil methods of political discourse.
Timpf said it was terrifying to have someone look her in the eye with that kind of anger and hatred; is this kind of behavior conservatives should expect as long as Trump remains in office?
7/27/2017 10:50:11 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
it is interesting.....
July 25, 2017
Lara Trump Stuns Fox Host With 1 Fact About Jared Kushner

The world will never know the contents of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email server. The details of the White House reaction to Benghazi, questionable donations to the Clinton Foundation, or the sale of uranium to Russia will forever remain Clinton’s dirty little secrets.
That is because the would-be-president used complex computer software to wipe the records from her email server while using hammers to physically destroy any other digital fingerprints that may have alerted investigators to the nature of her wrongdoings. Lara Trump, daughter-in-law to President Donald Trump, pointed out the hypocrisy of a media that vilifies an excessively transparent Jared Kushner but is indifferent to Clinton’s scandalous secrecy.....
read more about it......
7/27/2017 11:02:58 AM |
Against all odds Conservatism wins again | Page 68 |


Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
online now!
Yesterday all 3 major financial indexes all closed at all time highs!!!
7/27/2017 11:10:46 AM |
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Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
online now!
Yesterday all 3 major financial indexes all closed at all time highs!!!
A major maker of Apple smartphones has announced that they are building a factory in Wisconsin that will employ some 3,000 people!!
7/27/2017 11:19:40 AM |
Against all odds Conservatism wins again | Page 68 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

A major maker of Apple smartphones has announced that they are building a factory in Wisconsin that will employ some 3,000 people!!
7/27/2017 11:19:50 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

7/27/2017 12:27:39 PM |
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Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
online now!
How about that large democrat who was invited to speak on stage with President Trump ?
What he said was in a nutshell the real reasons why the Democrats have been losing
elections nationally!
Was Melania absoulty stunning in that dress??????  
What a beautiful and classy woman.
Sorry Moochelle but go back to the San Diego zoo that you escaped from!
7/27/2017 12:54:58 PM |
Against all odds Conservatism wins again | Page 68 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

As a Combat Veteran - Let me educate you It's a logistics nightmare of allowing TRANSGENDERS IN U.S.Army. Let me explain: currently you can't JOIN in the military if you have any medical conditions that require constant treatment or excessive accommodation. That's why people with asthma, diabetes, permanent STD's/STI's (like HIV), people with cancer or a recurring history of cancer and individuals with physical disabilities can't serve (except in very rare cases where a specific waiver is granted). Transgender individuals require hormone replacement therapy, they require psychiatric care during transition, and if they elect to get surgery it can take 2-4 years for them to recover to the point of being eligible to deploy. On top of that, after the surgery they are at a higher risk of infection for the rest of their life, which complicates any attempt at sending them to the field to train where hygiene isn't always able to be pristinely maintained or overseas. An overseas deployment also puts the individual at risk because they may not have steady access to their hormone replacement drugs, which leads to withdrawal and hormone imbalances as well as health problems. So, just like diabetics and cancer patients and individuals with physical or mental disabilities, it just isn't feasible to accommodate these people so that they can serve. - Vlad Lemets
A military friend of mine wrote this and I am sharing. To note, a family member of mine was discharged from the USMC for having asthma (his recruiter told him to lie about his condition when signing up, then he had an asthma attack during basic). Another friend of mine was just declined to join the Army due to depression he had suffered from 5 years ago in High School....AD
Here is the post:
Guess what? The military discriminates every day.
Contrary to popular belief, the military is not an equal opportunity employer. If you have diabetes, you can't join. If you are overweight, you can't join. If you're on anti-depressants, you can't join. If you have asthma, you can't join. If you're too short, you can't join. If you're disabled in any way, you can't join.It is the military... no one, gay or straight, is allowed to join with an upcoming, or ongoing medical condition requiring a lot of medications, surgeries, or the possibility of not being able to perform their duties due to a medical condition.
Why should trans be any different? A healthy male/female may be told "no.. you cannot join.. you may need back surgery, you are medically unfit"... but a Trans-gender person should be allowed to walk in, and demand surgery or treatment? (Get real).
It's not about gay or straight... it's about the ability of the soldier or sailor to perform without ongoing medical needs. The military is not the place to seek social justice.
They wanted to be treated the same as everyone else and then complain when they are!!
"Let's not forget after 6 months they would become veterans... so if something goes wrong in their lives, they can claim disability cause they didn't get out of life what they wanted, and they'll end up getting 100% disability through the VA for service connected blah blah blah. It's a mockery of our system! It's premeditated, and it's fraud!"...AE
" Allowing it in the first place was the purpose of the liberals to weaken the American army. Everything Obama did was to destroy America"....BL
7/27/2017 2:51:40 PM |
Against all odds Conservatism wins again | Page 68 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Witness to Major Hillary Crime Just Agreed to Testify
The web of lies Hillary Clinton wove so carefully is finally unraveling. Thanks to the focus President Trump has put on the Clintons’ wrongdoings, the Senate is investigating the criminal relationship between Clinton and the anti-American firm, Fusion GPS.
This is the company that put out the fake Trump dossier. They also have ties to the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Jr. Now, the head of Fusion GPS has agreed to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Their crimes will be exposed!
This absurd Russia investigation has gone on long enough. The American people are sick of the side show because we know that Trump has not colluded with the Russian government on anything. However, the investigation into Trump has served to highlight the real criminal acts of the Clintons!
It all comes back to Fusion GPS. The Washington, DC-based “opposition research” firm has been on the Democrat payroll for years. Remember the debunked dossier? It alleged that Trump was surrounded by prostitutes as he urinated on a bed Obama had slept in at a Russian hotel.
7/27/2017 2:59:57 PM |
Against all odds Conservatism wins again | Page 68 |

Herndon, VA
37, joined Mar. 2017
If... A big IF...
The fusion person opts to
tell the truth.
Most libs, are incapable of honesty.
7/27/2017 3:11:05 PM |
Against all odds Conservatism wins again | Page 68 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
It is curious and a bit unnerving that the House Minority Leader’s son is there working and speaking on local television, especially when it’s just come to light that Democrats colluded with the Ukraine to take down Donald J. Trump in the 2016 election…
Why is Nancy Pelosi's Son on Ukrainian Television???

By Amy Moreno July 27, 2017
Uh, why the heck is Nancy Pelosi’s son appearing on Ukrainian television?
No, we’re not joking.
Paul Pelosi Jr. showed up on Ukranian TV to promote a soccer team.
Pelosi is a San Francisco-based investor, and he appeared on local Ukranian television to discuss his business in the country.
Paul Pelosi Jr. is the executive director of the Corporate Governance Initiative, so why was he in Kiev to “talk about soccer” on television?
According to Pelosi Jr., “We recently got an endorsement from the world sports alliance and we’ve spoken with the Ukraine government about collaboration for soccer for young people.”
It is curious and a bit unnerving that the House Minority Leader’s son is there working and speaking on local television, especially when it’s just come to light that Democrats colluded with the Ukraine to take down Donald J. Trump in the 2016 election…

Paul Pelosi Jr., Corporate Governance Initiative Visits Ukraine
Published on Jul 24, 2017
Paul Pelosi Jr. Executive Director of the Corporate Governance Initiative and the son of Nancy Pelosi, the Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, discusses entrepreneurship, tech investing, nationalism, politics, and why he loves Ukraine. http://corpgovinit.com
7/27/2017 3:15:15 PM |
Against all odds Conservatism wins again | Page 68 |


Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
Witness to Major Hillary Crime Just Agreed to Testify
The web of lies Hillary Clinton wove so carefully is finally unraveling. Thanks to the focus President Trump has put on the Clintons’ wrongdoings, the Senate is investigating the criminal relationship between Clinton and the anti-American firm, Fusion GPS.
This is the company that put out the fake Trump dossier. They also have ties to the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Jr. Now, the head of Fusion GPS has agreed to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Their crimes will be exposed!
This absurd Russia investigation has gone on long enough. The American people are sick of the side show because we know that Trump has not colluded with the Russian government on anything. However, the investigation into Trump has served to highlight the real criminal acts of the Clintons!
It all comes back to Fusion GPS. The Washington, DC-based “opposition research” firm has been on the Democrat payroll for years. Remember the debunked dossier? It alleged that Trump was surrounded by prostitutes as he urinated on a bed Obama had slept in at a Russian hotel.
He will be suicided as the rest were. Libs, "oh people die every day, why do you think he was murdered?"
7/27/2017 5:42:39 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Tomi Lahren........
President Trump reinstates ban on transgenders in the military because he understands the U.S. military is NOT a social experiment!
7/27/2017 7:49:21 PM |
Against all odds Conservatism wins again | Page 68 |

Herndon, VA
37, joined Mar. 2017
If trannies, who frequently protest
in favor of sharia law, a law that would
have their freak of nature asses put
to death, are so desperate to serve in
the military... They should see if
Saudi Arabia will let them join the
royal guard.
If push comes to shove, i'm sure Macron
of France, will gladly let the trannies
join the french foreign legion.
F**kin' fruitloop sissies. 
7/28/2017 8:36:09 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

7/28/2017 9:44:50 AM |
Against all odds Conservatism wins again | Page 68 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
July 28, 2017
The Constitution

Democrats Terrified as Kid Rock begins Registering Voters at His Concerts!
By Onan Coca July 27, 2017
One thing is for sure though…The democrats are ‘shattin’ in their pantaloons’ right now…and rightfully so! — Kid Rock
Earlier this week we brought you news of a recent poll conducted in Michigan pitting incumbent Democrat Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) against possible opponent Kid Rock (AKA Robert Ritchie).
The news was not good for Senator Stabenow because of those voters who knew how they would vote, Kid Rock led the way:
Of respondents who stated a preference between Debbie Stabenow and Robert Ritchie, 54% stated they would vote for Ritchie while 46% said they would vote for Debbie Stabenow.
However, on Wednesday, Rock gave Democrats even more reason to be worried.
The Rock Star took to his Facebook page to announce that he would begin using his concerts (and the rest of his media) to registering young people to vote.
Here’s what he wrote on Facebook:
When my name was thrown out there for US Senate I decided to launch kidrockforsenate.com.
I was beyond overwhelmed with the response I received from community leaders, D.C. pundits, and blue-collar folks that are just simply tired of the extreme left and right bullshit.
As part of the excitement surrounding this possible campaign, I decided to take a hard look to see if there was real support for me as a candidate and my message or if it was just because it was a fresh new news story.
The one thing I’ve seen over and over is that although people are unhappy with the government, too few are even registered to vote or do anything about it.
We have over a year left until an actual election, so my first order of business is to get people engaged and registered to vote while continuing to put out my ideas on ways to help working class people in Michigan and America all while still calling out these jackass lawyers who call themselves politicians.
During this time while exploring my candidacy for US Senate, I am creating a 501(c)(4) – a non-profit organization for the promotion of voter registration.
Not only can I raise money for this critical cause, but I can help get people registered to vote at my shows. Since the announcement, the media has speculated this was a ploy to sell shirts or promote something.
I can tell you, I have no problem selling Kid Rock shirts and yes, I absolutely will use this media circus to sell/promote whatever I damn well please (many other politicians are doing the same thing, they just feed you a bunch of bullshit about it).
But either way, money raised at this time through the sale of merchandise associated with this very possible campaign will go towards our ‘register to vote’ efforts.
One thing is for sure though…The democrats are ‘shattin’ in their pantaloons’ right now…and rightfully so!
We will be scheduling a press conference in the next 6 weeks or so to address this issue amongst others, and if I decide to throw my hat in the ring for US Senate, believe me… it’s game on mthrfkers. — Kid Rock
While I might not use Kid Rock’s “colorful” language to describe the state of affairs in the Democrat Party right now, I have to agree with his sentiment. The Democrats are very worried.
7/28/2017 10:03:47 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
a little more evidence that the looneyleftyliberadimdumdemonicRATS are just not very
Lady Gaga Accidentally Proves Why Barring Transgenders From Military Service Is A Good Idea

Miss CJ
July 27, 2017 12:24pm
I said it yesterday, I’ll repeat myself here: NOBODY is entitled to serve in the military. Even people who want to serve, but have some kind of medical condition – which could anything from allergies to anxiety – could be prevented from serving on that basis alone.
I don’t know why this is such a difficult concept to grasp. Then again, I’m not drunk on progressive social justice Kool-Aid.
But every transgender activist has had an all-out fit about this perfectly reasonable announcement since yesterday. Brelsea Manning barfed emojis on Twitter in his/her outrage – though he/she isn’t exactly the best example of a successful transgender individual serving in the military.
Ads by Revcontent
And then you have Lady Gaga pleading with POTUS on behalf of all transgenders who have taken drastic measures since Trump made the decision public (at least, she says this has happened. I don’t know what kind of proof she has) –
. @POTUS Sincerely, did you know of the group you singled out today, 45% of them ages (18 to 24) have attempted suicide already?
— xoxo, Gaga (@ladygaga) July 26, 2017
So, most transgender people become suicidal if something in the world doesn’t go EXACTLY how they want it to go? And HOW, pray tell, is this evidence that they should be serving in a high-stress environment like the military? If anything, this is an argument in favor of keeping transgender people out of the military. If only for their own health and safety.
Good grief, we are just not that bright today, are we?
So give them a weapon and put them in life or death situations?
This is an argument you’d use to support a ban, sweetheart. https://t.co/y4Q9QqIrks
— Modern Day Roadbeer (@TheRoadbeer) July 27, 2017
So it’s better if they do it in a foxhole?
— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) July 27, 2017
So…they already can’t deal with daily life but will do fine in nice relaxing COMBAT.
Put down the pipe.
— Sifty Sutton (@siftyboones) July 27, 2017
Suicide attempts are a disqualification to enter the military for anybody. Trans or not. You’re not very bright are you?
— Denise (@neeceetx) July 27, 2017
Nope, she is not. We have established that fact quite well.
7/28/2017 11:01:31 AM |
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Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
Debbie Wasserman Schultz “Absolute Wreck – Barely Able to Function” Since Imran Awan Arrest
(Gateway Pundit) – Debbie Wasserman Schultz employed Pakistani IT staffers and brothers who were paid over $4 million dollars over the course of their employment even though they were accused of a cyber-security breach.
Imran Awan was arrested as he attempted to flee the U.S. after wiring approximately $300,000 to Pakistan. Fox News is the only cable network covering this huge scandal. When Imran Awan was arrested he was carrying $12,000 in cash on him. His wife was carrying $12,000 of cash when she fled the country too.
Imran and his Muslim brothers, Abid and Jamal accessed unauthorized computers while acting as IT specialists. The three brothers were making $161,000, $165,000, and $160,000 and one of the brothers has a criminal background.
Word has it that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is an absolute wreck since Imran Awan was arrested. Calls for her to testify to Congress are increasingly growing as well.
Wasserman Schultz knows she’s in hot water over this IT scandal. The Gateway Pundit previously reported the FBI seized smashed hard drives belonging to Imran Awan. We also reported that Debbie Wasserman Schultz, threatened the chief of the U.S. Capitol Police with ‘consequences’ for holding equipment that she says belonged to her in order to build a criminal case against a Pakistani IT staffer suspected of massive cybersecurity breaches.
The fake news media cable networks have completely shut down coverage on one of the biggest scandals from the Democrat Party since former DNC worker Seth Rich was murdered. The media blackout is only fanning the flames as the alternative media continues to prove Wasserman Schultz has something to hide!
‘Florida politicos who have known Wasserman Schultz for years are telling me she’s a nervous wreck, barely able to function since Imran Awan’s arrest.’ reports John Cardillo.
John Cardillo ? @johncardillo
FL politicos who have known @DWStweets for years are telling me she's a nervous wreck, barely able to function, since #ImranAwan's arrest.
H/T to The Daily Caller who broke this story and has been providing continual updates with their investigative team.
The Daily Caller ? @DailyCaller
Establishment Media Refuse To Cover House IT Scandal Rocking Democrats http://trib.al/0aoArTv
7/28/2017 11:51:55 AM |
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Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010

7/28/2017 11:58:38 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
I Was Once Transgender. Why I Think Trump Made the Right Decision for the Military.
July 26, 2017 /
President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that transgender individuals would not be permitted to serve in the military. (Photo: Carlo Allegri/Reuters/Newscom)
Commentary By Walt Heyer
Walt Heyer is an author and public speaker. Through his website, SexChangeRegret.com, and his blog, WaltHeyer.com, Heyer raises public awareness about those who regret gender change and the tragic consequences suffered as a result.
On Wednesday, President Donald Trump tweeted that he wouldn’t allow transgender individuals to serve in the military:
After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow……
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2017
….Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2017
….victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2017
I think he made the right decision—and as someone who lived as trans-female for several years, I should know.
When I discovered Congress voted earlier this month to not block funding for transgender-related hormone therapies and sex change surgeries, I wondered if it considered how devastating this will be to the fitness, readiness, and morale of our combat-ready troops.
In July, the House of Representatives voted down Missouri Republican Rep. Vicky Hartzler’s amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, which would have banned the military from funding such treatments.
Paying for transition-related surgeries for military service members and their families is beyond comprehensible.
Perhaps they have forgotten that our military was forged to be the world’s strongest fighting force, not a government-funded, politically correct, medical sex change clinic for people with gender dysphoria.
Gender dysphoria, the common diagnosis for one who feels at odds with his or her birth gender, develops from prolonged anxiety and depression. People are not born that way.
The “proof” for a diagnosis of gender dysphoria is having strongly held feelings—but feelings can and often do change over time.
The military is expected to prepare its members in warfare: to kill, destroy, and break our enemies. The most important factors in preparing a strong military are not hormone therapy, surgical sex changes, or politically correct education.
We need psychologically fit, emotionally sound, highly trained troops to protect our nation from its enemies.
While countless homeless vets are currently sleeping under cardboard boxes, or waiting for life-saving care from the Department of Veterans Affairs, we learn that transgender military recruits now qualify for preferential coverage for sex change procedures that are scientifically unproven and extremely costly.
I myself was fully sex-reassigned from male to female, and eventually came to accept my birth gender.
I have over 70 years of firsthand life experience, eight years of living as a woman, 20 years of researching the topic, and 12 years of helping others who, like me, found that transitioning and reassignment surgery failed to be proper treatment and want to restore their lives to their birth gender.
Costly, but Not Effective
Transitioning can be expensive—up to $130,000 per person for numerous body-mutilating and cosmetic procedures over many months (or years) to fashion the body to appear as the opposite sex.
Yet, no matter how skilled the surgeon, or how much money is spent, it is biologically impossible to change a man into a woman or a woman into a man. The change is only cosmetic.
The medical community continues to recommend this radical “treatment” in the absence of scientific evidence that people are better off in the long run. This population attempts suicide at a rate of 40 percent.
Even after the full surgical change, they attempt to end their lives, or tragically succeed.
Over 60 percent of this diverse population suffer from co-existing mental disorders. Consider Bradley Manning (now Chelsea Manning), a former Army soldier who was so psychologically and emotionally unbalanced that he stole confidential documents from the military and forwarded them to WikiLeaks.
The Military Is a Fighting Force, Not a Gender Clinic
The military should not provide sex change surgery.
Through my website, sexchangeregret.com, I hear from people who experienced firsthand how damaging and unnecessary reassignment surgeries were. For them, the sex change failed to resolve the emotional and psychological disorders that drove the desire to change gender.
Many write after living the transgender life for years. They write to ask for advice on how to reverse the original surgical change and restore their lives to the original birth gender like I did, a process called detransition.
Some service members will come to regret having undergone the surgery and will want to detransition. Where will the military be then? Will the military pay for the sex change reversal procedure, too?
Failed “sex change surgeries” are not uncommon and will drive up the cost to care for the military transgender population above the projected $3-4 billion 10-year cost.
Beyond the financial cost, there’s the question of the service member’s military readiness during their transition or detransition, as the process often comes with a great deal of anxiety and emotional instability.
I know of many who have struggled to adapt to the new gender role for years after reassignment surgery.
In my view, as a former trans-female who works every day with regretters, allowing the military to pay for sex change surgeries will make a mockery of the U.S. military.
Advocates are relentless in their pursuit of making others, via the government and insurance companies, cover the cost of sex change procedures.
If the military had been forced to pay, the advocates would have used this as leverage to press every other entity—both government and commercial—to pay for sex change surgeries as well.
As a person who lived the transgender life for eight years, I can attest that assisting, affirming, or paying for hormone therapies and genital mutilation surgeries would not have strengthened our military. They would only have brought adverse long-term consequences, both for individuals and for our armed forces as a whole.
7/28/2017 12:33:21 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Nancy Pelosi Exposed in New Leak
July 27, 2017
Nancy Pelosi Exposed in New Leak House Committee on Education and the Workforce Democrats

The curious story of Imran Awan, an IT staffer for Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), continues to develop despite receiving very little media attention. It turns out that the man has worked with dozens of Democratic representatives, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and likely had access to confidential information and sensitive state secrets.
Imran Awan was arrested at Dulles International Airport on Monday as he was attempting to escape to Pakistan. He was charged with bank fraud, but authorities suspect Awan of committing multiple crimes, even potentially procurement theft.
Awan had access to Nancy Pelosi’s iPad
WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange revealed on Twitter on Tuesday that Aman had access to the Democratic Congresswoman’s iPad, which likely contained a plethora of state information. Assange discovered this fact in the treasure trove of DNC emails.
According to a May 12, 2016 email from Wasserman Schultz:
Pelosi is doing s(sic) closed door meeting. No staff or anyone allowed. Kaitlyn come to Rayburn room and get her iPad for Imran. Thanks.
Note: https://t.co/hUyxhBGLUC pic.twitter.com/bO7B673ald
— Julian Assange (@JulianAssange) July 25, 2017
Because Awan had performed IT work for plenty of Democratic representatives for years, it is possible that Pelosi knew about Awan. The Washington Free Beacon reported in May that Pelosi denied ever being aware of Awan, adding that she is unfamiliar of the charges against him.
She told the press:
Well, the people who are under investigation are the Attorney General of the United States. I mean, what are we talking about here?
I’m not familiar — you have a very specific charge there. I haven’t followed that so closely. We’ve been busy with a lot of other things.
But, there are plenty of people who are under investigation who still have their jobs.
Who is Imran Awan anyway and why does it matter?
Awan is now accused of being at the center of double-charging the House of Representatives for IT equipment. But there is another issue that many fear: he may have published House information online.
The IT professional was fired by several House Democrats over the allegations and the pending criminal investigation. Former DNC head Wasserman-Schultz finally fired Awan on Tuesday; a spokesman from her office, David Damron, said in a statement:
Awan previously served as an employee in our office, but his services have been terminated.yeah, his 'services were terminated' the day AFTER his arrest or there abouts...
Awan filed for bankruptcy in 2012, despite earning millions of dollars over the last decade.
As Washington concentrates on Russiagate, some are wondering how long Awan had access to multiple devices utilized by the Democratic Party. They are also mulling over what exactly he did with the information inside the devices.
Roger Simon of PJ Media thinks the Awan case needs a special counsel “100x more than Russiagate”:
Further, unlike Russiagate, this is an investigation that already has a crime (Awan will be arraigned August 21). It isn’t in search of one. It’s just trying to find out its extent wherever it leads. That’s what special counsels do. And in this case, Sessions should make sure that, unlike Mueller, the new special counsel picks associates on both sides of the aisle. Unlike the biased Russia investigation, this should be even-handed. We want to believe its conclusions in the end.
File this report for future reference. There is a lot more to this story than the media would have you believe.
7/28/2017 1:12:08 PM |
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Falkville, AL
75, joined Nov. 2011
Sessions, unfortunately, has established a pattern of not going after any highly placed government criminals. He will go after Marijuana users in States where it has been legalized, and he will defend and advance government confiscation of private property without due process of law, but he will not go after highly placed government criminals.
And if the situation arises of having to go after government criminals, he may accuse himself. Sad but true. But maybe he will see the light and change his ways. The Justice Department, by the way, is full of Never Trumpers, the swamp badly needs to be drained there, but Sessions is not inclined to do that either.
Concerning the money that Awan racked in, it is reported that he wired that to the Middle East. And, if true, it is now out of reach.
7/28/2017 1:13:55 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

7/28/2017 1:37:04 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Hillary Is In Trouble, Look Who Agreed to Testify
July 27, 2017

BREAKING: Hillary Is In Trouble, Look Who Agreed to Testify Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.com
Fusion GPS, the shady Washington firm that compiled and released the discredited anti-Trump dossier earlier this year, also advised Russia-linked Venezuelan officials accused of running a money laundering scheme, an international human rights group told lawmakers this week.
Human rights advocate Thor Halvorssen told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday that Fusion GPS launched a coordinated campaign against journalists who threatened to expose the multibillion-dollar fraud involving South American electric power plants, the laundering of its proceeds to U.S. banks, and kickbacks to pay off Venezuelan officials.
Fusion GPS’s Venezuelan connection
Halvorssen, head of the New York-based Human Rights Foundation, submitted written testimony explaining Fusion GPS’ involvement in the scheme.
He testified:
Corrupt government officials in dictatorships would be powerless if they didn’t have cronies in the business world, and these cronies, in turn, would be useless allies without enablers like Fusion GPS, who are eager to whitewash and profit from their crimes.
Halvorssen claims that Derwick Associates, a Barbados company with no background in construction, founded by young adults with no capital, was awarded 12 power plant contracts by the Venezuela government. Derwick somehow earned more than $2 billion in the process.
Fusion GPS’s involvement with Russia
Bill Browder was slated to testify Wednesday against Fusion GPS and detail why he filed a complaint against the company in 2016 for the group’s failure to register as a foreign agent despite working on behalf of Russian interests to repeal the 2012 Magnitsky Act.
Browder is the founder and CEO of Hermitage, which was previously had more than $4 billion invested in Russian stocks. When Browder suspected that Russian oligarchs were trying to steal from shareholders, his firm began sharing research with media outlets to keep attention on the issue.
It worked until Putin co-opted the oligarchs a few years later and began receiving funds from them in exchange for offering protection, Browder said in his prepared testimony.
Eighteen months later, Russian government officials seized Browder’s documents, which led to Browder hiring lawyer and whistleblower Sergei Magnitsky to investigate. Magnitsky discovered high levels of corruption in the Interior Ministry, Browder said.
Magnitsky was arrested and subsequently died in prison after he was allegedly beaten by Russian officials, Browder said.
The Russia-Hillary link
The Magnitsky Act, strongly opposed by Putin and Hillary Clinton, sought to place harsh sanctions on Russian officials for their roles in allegedly torturing Magnitsky in 2009. It passed both houses and was signed into law by President Obama despite major push-back from Hillary Clinton.
Clinton’s connection to the Magnitsky Act and several Russian investment banks associated with the Uranium One sale — (as Secretary of State, Clinton reportedly approved the sale of 20 percent of U.S. uranium to a company in Russia linked to Putin in exchange for board members donating $145 million to the Clinton Foundation) — continue to raise many questions.
During the 2016 presidential primaries, Bloomberg was slated publish a story detailing the controversy but was forced to kill the article after Clinton campaign stepped in and stopped it, according to WikiLeaks emails reportedly from the Clinton campaign.
More questions, fewer answers
Democrats desperately want people to believe that Donald Trump Jr.’s June 2016 meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya is evidence that proves the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election.
All told, despite the recent brouhaha over Trump, Jr.’s meeting, a disturbing number of the Trump-Russia stories lead back to the Clinton campaign.
The Russian lawyer at the center of the controversy has deep ties to Fusion GPS, the British intelligence firm that created the fake Trump Dossier that was handed over to Sen. John McCain and Clinton surrogates by former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele.
And as noted above, Fusion GPS is among the shadiest of international corporate actors.
As more information is released, it appears the corruption may go deeper than many believed. Will it raise questions that Hillary and the Democrats don’t want to answer?
7/28/2017 1:52:49 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

A suicide note recovered by police Seth Gottfried
Couple caught in ‘financial spiral’ jump to their deaths
By Shawn Cohen, Tamar Lapin and Natalie Musumeci
July 28, 2017 | 6:55am | Updated
Couple caught in ‘financial spiral’ jump to their deaths
A pair of Manhattan parents claiming financial woes jumped to their deaths early Friday — leaving double suicide notes pleading that their two kids be cared for, law enforcement sources told The Post.
The bodies of 53-year-old chiropractor Glenn Scarpelli and his wife, 50-year-old, Patricia Colant, were found in the middle of the street on 33rd Street between Park and Madison avenues in Murray Hill after the pair jumped from the ninth-floor window of a 17-story corner office building on Madison Avenue at about 5:45 a.m., police said.
Glenn, whose office was on the same floor of the building where the couple jumped, titled the suicide note found in his pocket, “WE HAD A WONDERFUL LIFE.” It was typed on a piece of white paper.
His wife also had a suicide note in her pocket that read, “in sum and substance,” according to a source, “‘Our kids are upstairs, please take care of them.’”
“Patricia and I had everything in life,” the man’s note read. But it also touched on the couple’s “financial spiral” and how “we can not live with” the “financial reality,” sources said.
A law enforcement source at the scene told The Post that authorities at first believed that the couple struggled with health care costs. But an NYPD spokesman said later that there was no mention of medical-cost struggles in the notes.
The couple was in debt, another source said.
Area workers who witnessed the aftermath of the tragic incident were stunned.
“When I got here at 6:05 a.m., I walked by dead bodies on the ground,” said a woman who would only identify herself as Kazi, and who works at the nearby 7-Eleven store.
“I was scared. I’ve never seen dead bodies before,” she said.
Another man who works at the building next door said that when he heard police sirens, he looked out the window and saw the two bodies.
“Insane,” said the man, who identified himself as Harry.
The couple’s tragic deaths come at a time of national debate on health care reform.

7/28/2017 2:33:25 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

Democrat Leadership is Involved in a Massive Criminal Cover-Up – Mainstream Media Silent
By Onan Coca July 27, 2017
Editorial credit: Gregory Reed / Shutterstock.com
Former Democrat National Committee chief Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) may be in a world of trouble.
Her former IT team has long been under suspicion for a series of very serious crimes. However, Schultz ran interference for her IT team for months and even fought to keep investigators from gathering evidence of their crimes.
When confronted on her behavior Schultz dissembled and continued to make it harder for everyone to do their jobs.
Thankfully, Imran Awan, the man who Schultz worked so hard to protect made one too many mistakes and was caught attempting to flee the country and return home to Pakistan.
Now, Geraldo Rivera wonders if we may have finally caught the real leaker of the DNC and Clinton campaign emails.
“Well, now you have a possible suspect. Here’s the corrupt IT guy standing on the shoulders of Debbie Wasserman Schultz arrested at the airport trying to flee, charged with stealing hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of dollars.”

Published on Jul 25, 2017
Sadly, even though Awan was captured several days ago and the crimes against him are deadly serious, the liberal media has had nothing to say about the story.
The news is just getting noticed by some of the network giants, but BizPac Review has been chronicling this unbelievable story for months, thanks to the exceptional investigative reporting of the Daily Caller News Foundation.
As of this writing — more than 3 days after the latest news broke — liberal media outlets CNN, the Washington Post, and the New York Times — STILL have not covered the stunning developments. Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh is disgusted that the mainstream media are apparently ignoring this story simply because it makes Democrats look bad.
Here’s what’s happening: Imran Awan, the former IT employee of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was arrested at Washington Dulles Airport on Monday trying to flee the country on a flight to Pakistan after wiring $283,000 to the country. On July 23, the FBI had seized several smashed hard drives from Imran’s home.
Awan’s wife had already fled the country in March 2017 after authorities found $12,000 in cash hidden in her suitcase at the airport.
In 2005 Awan got himself a job with Debbie Wasserman Schultz. In the months following, several of Awan’s family members got jobs with other Democrat legislators even though it seems they didn’t actually do any work for them.
In fact, Awan made some $ 2 Million during his 13 years working for Debbie Wassreman Schultz. The other four members of the Awan family earned some $4 million dollars from the Democrat Party (paid by the American taxpayers) between 2009 and 2016. Think about that number. Four “IT personnel” earned $4 Million over the course of 7 years. That’s a nice salary for the “IT guys.”
During the same period Awan found his way onto the FBI’s radar after making some shady mortgage deals.
Everything you need to know about the Imran Awan Arrest and Debbie Wassermann Shultz

While there is much evidence that the Awan’s financial deals were indeed criminal, there was a much more worrisome problem.
As WND reports Imran Awan, “is suspected of much more, including the possible theft of sensitive information from the office computers of numerous Democratic Party lawmakers and sending that data to a secret server. It is a major scandal almost completely ignored by the establishment media.”
If the government’s suspicions are warranted the data breach could be incredibly massive. Awan led a team of at least 4 or 5 IT staffers who worked for dozens of House Democrats and the government believes that they may have stolen crucial intelligence from all of those Democrats over the course of more than a decade.
Meanwhile, Debbie Wasserman Schultz kept Awan on her payroll throughout the investigation and even ran interference for him with investigators. She was seen threatening Washington, D.C. police investigators, refused to cooperate with federal investigators, and even harassed the investigators who were trying to protect our nation.
So why is Schultz still working in Congress?
7/28/2017 3:03:28 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Charlie Gard, the critically ill British baby whose parents fought a highly publicized court battle to treat him with an experimental approach in the U.S., died on Friday in a hospice, The Daily Mail reported.
More on this: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2017/07/28/charlie-gard-dead-british-baby-dies-in-hospice-after-court-fight-daily-mail-reports.html
7/28/2017 3:43:00 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

i also heard thru the grapevine that mccain and obummer had dinner in the last
day or two.....
7/28/2017 3:49:55 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Study from the Tax Policy Center finds nearly a third of those households could see tax increases averaging from $3,000 to $4,000 a year
The issue of tax reform’s winners and losers has resurfaced after top congressional Republicans and the Trump administration released a set of broad principals for tax policy on Thursday containing few details.

7/28/2017 4:02:29 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Reince Priebus Pushed Out After Rocky Tenure as Trump Chief of Staff

Reince Priebus, ousted as the White House chief of staff, in June. Credit Al Drago/The New York Times
WASHINGTON — Reince Priebus, the establishment Republican-turned-loyalist to President Trump who served as his White House chief of staff for the last six months, was pushed out on Friday in the latest convulsion in a chaos-wracked West Wing to which he had repeatedly failed to bring some semblance of order.
Convinced that Mr. Priebus was not strong enough, Mr. Trump has been talking about bringing in “a general” as chief of staff and chose John F. Kelly, the retired Marine four-star general serving as secretary of homeland security. But some of his advisers oppose that idea, arguing that Mr. Trump needs someone more in tune with the nationalist political movement that helped propel him to the White House.
I am pleased to inform you that I have just named General/Secretary John F Kelly as White House Chief of Staff. He is a Great American....
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 28, 2017
...and a Great Leader. John has also done a spectacular job at Homeland Security. He has been a true star of my Administration
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 28, 2017
Mr. Priebus, a former chairman of the Republican National Committee, lost his job just hours after the president’s signature drive to repeal his predecessor’s health care program collapsed on the Senate floor and a day after an ugly feud with the new communications director erupted in a public airing of the deep animosities plaguing the White House.
The announcement capped a fraught 24 hours in which the president’s advisers waited for a change they had long anticipated. Mr. Priebus accompanied Mr. Trump on Air Force One for a day trip to Long Island as his fate was being decided. Making for a tense flight, his rival, Anthony Scaramucci, the communications director who had publicly vowed to force Mr. Priebus’s resignation, was also on the plane and in the motorcade.
In barely half a year on the job, Mr. Priebus never won the full confidence of the president nor was granted the authority to impose a working organizational structure on the West Wing. Always seeming to be on the edge of ouster, Mr. Priebus saw his fate finally sealed a week ago when Mr. Trump hired Mr. Scaramucci, an edgy Wall Street financier, over the chief of staff’s objections. Mr. Priebus’s ally, Sean Spicer, the press secretary, resigned in protest.
7/28/2017 4:16:53 PM |
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Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
BREAKING: Scaramucci's Wife Does It!
Anthony Scaramucci's wife has filed for divorce from him.
From Page Six:
Anthony Scaramucci, the White House’s potty-mouthed new communications director, has been dumped by his beautiful blond wife because of his “naked political ambition,” multiple sources exclusively tell Page Six.
Deidre Ball, who worked as a vice president in investor relations for SkyBridge Capital, the firm he founded in 2005 and sold to ascend to the White House, has filed for divorce from “The Mooch” after three years of marriage after getting fed up with his ruthless quest to get close to President Trump, whom she despises.
One source told Page Six, “Deidre has left him and has filed for divorce. She liked the nice Wall Street life and their home on Long Island, not the insane world of D.C. She is tired of his naked ambition, which is so enormous that it left her at her wits’ end. She has left him even though they have two children together.”
Scaramucci and Ball, 38, began dating in 2011 and are believed to have married in 2014.
The source said that the Wall Street financier, 52, had been “hell-bent” on reclaiming his position at the White House after he was originally pegged for a senior role and sold SkyBridge Capital in preparation in January.
But he was blocked by Reince Priebus, Trump’s chief of staff. But, after an aggressive campaign, Scaramucci was made communications director on June 21 by Trump, prompting Sean Spicer to quit.
A second source close to Scaramucci — who has alternately not been wearing his wedding ring, or has been sporting it on his right hand — said the former couple had fought over his loyalty to Trump. This was his second marriage and Ball was noticeably not present at his recent SALT conference in mid-May.
The source said, “Deidre is not a fan of Trump, and she hasn’t exactly been on board and supportive of Anthony and his push to get back into the White House.”
The friend added, “Anthony is focusing on his children, his work for the president and the American people. There is nothing more important to him.
“I don’t know who Deidre thought she was marrying but anyone who knows Anthony knows he’s an ambitious man.”
7/28/2017 4:22:32 PM |
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Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
BREAKING: Reporter Who Leaked Scaramucci Rant Exposed, And This Is Bad Folks
Reporter Ryan Lizza has been exposed as a routine backstabber of his sources and someone who publishes off-the-record information.
From Gotnews:
Backstabbing, fake news reporter Ryan Lizza routinely betrays sources by publishing off-record information. White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci is only his latest victim: Lizza double-crossed New York Republican Rep. Pete King and threatened to publish off-record information about Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders as well.
Lizza amused himself by publishing a phone conversation between him and Scaramucci Wednesday night, when Scaramucci was furious about yet another administration leak: “I ask these [White House subordinates] not to leak anything and they can’t help themselves. You’re an American citizen, this is a major catastrophe for the American country. So I’m asking you as an American patriot to give me a sense of who leaked it.”
Scaramucci also warned Lizza he will find and fire the person who leaked President Donald Trump’s plans to dine with Fox News host Sean Hannity and a former Fox news executive to him:
“[White House leakers] They’ll all be fired by me,” [Scaramucci] said. “I fired one guy the other day. I have three to four people I’ll fire tomorrow. I’ll get to the person who leaked that to you. Reince Priebus—if you want to leak something—he’ll be asked to resign very shortly.”
And of course, none of this was supposed to be on record—not that it made any difference to Lizza. “[Scaramucci] has become obsessed with leaks,” Lizza opined as he leaked their conversation.
“Scaramucci, who initiated the call, did not ask for the conversation to be off the record or on background,” Lizza also sneers in the article.
7/28/2017 4:34:38 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
House Judiciary Committee Approves Investigation of Comey, Lynch, Hillary, Bill, and Obama!
By Baron Von Kowenhoven on July 28, 2017 Politics

The House Judiciary Committee has officially approved an effort to launch an investigation into former FBI Director James Comey’s leaking activities and apparent mishandling of a federal investigation by former Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
According to the Washington Post, Democrats on the committee were infuriated Republicans pressed forward with the probe.
Imagine that! They don’t want an investigation looking at Bill and Hillary, Obama, Lynch and Comey! I wonder why?
The new investigation, authorized by the passage of the amendment in the Judiciary Committee, digs very deep. It will be requesting documents and information related to Comey’s leaks of conversations he had with President Donald Trump before Trump fired him.
“There is little question that members of Obama’s administration repeatedly broke protocol throughout their investigations into Hillary Clinton,” Rep Mike Johnson told Breitbart News.
“What is unclear, however, is why we have received few answers over the past twelve months to our questions about their actions, especially concerning the former attorney general and FBI director. The House Judiciary Committee has continued to seek answers on various issues of interest stemming from their hearings and oversight responsibilities. This is simply an effort to finally get some of those important questions answered.”
The probe is wide-ranging. It also includes a mandate for the House Judiciary Committee to dig deep into Obama AG Loretta Lynch’s order to Comey that he should refer to the criminal investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s illicit email server as a “matter,” not an “investigation.”
The investigation will also dig into Comey’s decision to “usurp the authority” of Lynch by making his “unusual announcement” that Hillary Clinton would not face criminal charges over the email scandal.
It will also inspect Comey’s knowledge of the firm Fusion GPS, the firm that made the fake news anti-Trump dossier that Comey brought to Trump’s attention when he was president-elect.
The investigation will also look at any “collusion” between Comey and Mueller.
It will look into Comey’s potential knowledge of “unmasking” of intelligence and surveillance collected on Donald Trump’s campaign or transition teams. Specifically looking into any role that former National Security Adviser Susan Rice played in that.
But in the immortal words of Billy Mayes: “But that’s not all!”
The probe will dig into potential immunity deals given to “co-conspirators” in Hillary Clinton’s email server scandal.
It will also look into matters related to the Clinton Foundation’s influence from foreign governments and specifically the Uranium One deal exposed by Clinton Cash. (You do know that Russians obtained ownership in U.S. uranium assets via Hillary Clinton!)
And it will investigate the infamous tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch in Phoenix at Sky Harbor International Airport. Now THAT is what I want to know about!
The amendment was offered by Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Jim Jordan (R-OH), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), and Mike Johnson (R-LA).
“For the past several years, Democrats have obstructed justice and blocked every Congressional investigation imaginable,” Jordan said.
“Now they want to investigate? Ok, let’s investigate! Both parties have criticized James Comey over the past year for his performance as FBI director. Even Sen. Feinstein says there should be an investigation into Loretta Lynch and James Comey’s handling of the Clinton investigation. Let’s have a special counsel for that and see how serious Congressional Democrats are about getting to the truth.”
“It’s time for Republicans in Congress to start playing offense,” Gaetz said.
Amen! Here we go!
7/28/2017 5:01:22 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Senate Testimony: Fusion GPS Helped Corrupt Russians And Venezuelans
At a hearing today, witnesses will testify that Fusion GPS, an organization behind an infamous dossier pumping the Russia-Trump collusion story, is a highly paid smear-for-hire operation in violation of international laws.
Mollie Hemingway
By Mollie Hemingway
July 26, 2017
At a hearing this morning, Senate Judiciary members will receive testimony that Fusion GPS helped advocate the interests of corrupt Russian and Venezuelan officials while hiding its foreign work from federal authorities.
Many in the media have focused on whether Donald Trump Jr. and former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort would testify publicly at the hearing. Less well covered has been anything to do with Fusion GPS, the “commercial research and strategic intelligence firm” behind the discredited “Russian dossier” that made outrageous and salacious allegations against President Donald Trump. The title of the hearing gives a clue that this lack of media interest in Fusion GPS is misguided: “Oversight of the Foreign Agents Registration Act and Attempts to Influence U.S. Elections.”

Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson told the committee through a lawyer he would refuse to cooperate with their inquiry, after he was subpoenaed to testify. A source told Politico he reached an agreement to speak with the committee privately. Manafort and Trump Jr. will also speak privately with the committee, according to the latest updates.
Two sets of public testimony will allege wrongdoing by Fusion GPS.
Fusion GPS’s Work For Venezuelans
Thor Halvorssen is the head of Human Rights Foundation, which focuses on defense of political rights in authoritarian countries. Halvorssen’s testimony alleges that Fusion GPS operated a smear campaign against journalists who threatened to expose the laundering of proceeds from faulty Venezuelan electric power plants through American banks in a kickback scheme to pay off Venezuelan officials. It should have been big news, he said.
“Fusion GPS, however, was hired to spike these stories. Even though it was clearly acting as a public relations counsel on behalf of a foreign principal, Fusion GPS never registered under [the Foreign Agents Registration Act] and was able to engage in nefarious activities without public scrutiny.”
The backstory, according to Halvorssen, is that Derwick Associates was a Barbados company with no experience in procurement or construction, founded by young adults with no capital, and no relevant work experience. Venezuela awarded the firm 12 power plant contracts. The company got parts from around the world, he said, and overcharged the government for the used equipment to the tune of more than $2 billion.
The company’s principals all have homes in the United States and laundered most of the money through J.P. Morgan, Halvorssen said. An Andorran bank used by the firm was designated a “primary money laundering concern” by the U.S. Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, he said. Derwick has since been granted oil and gas concessions by the government, Halvorssen said. They are reportedly under investigation by the Department of Homeland Security, Treasury Department, and other government agencies.
“Derwick has stolen more than ten times the amount involved in the infamous 2015 FIFA corruption case and multiple times more than the tax theft in Russia that led to the murder of Sergey Magnitsky. However, there has been almost no media coverage about the Derwick case, and law enforcement activity probing Derwick has ground to a halt. One of the key reasons for this is the paid effort of Fusion GPS,” Halvorssen said.
Founded by Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, both of whom worked at the Wall Street Journal for years, “Fusion GPS understands how the media operates, how to kill a story, how to manufacture enough doubt to throw off a journalistic investigation, and what it takes for an editor to disqualify a journalist from pursuing a story,” he said.
Interestingly, given Fusion GPS’ admitted role in compiling a dossier against Donald Trump, Halvorssen said that Fusion GPS’ methods of going after whistleblowers and journalists included “smear campaigns,” “dossiers containing false information,” and “carefully placed slanderous news items.”
Halvorssen said that Fusion GPS was able to kill a Wall Street Journal story on the Venezuelan scandal by having reporter Jose´ de Co´rdoba meet with Fritsch, his former boss at the Journal. “Mr. De Co´rdoba described this blatant intimidation tactic as something that made him feel uncomfortable. Mr. Fritsch sent Mr. De Cordoba a dossier containing false and derogatory information about me and about the other whistleblowers who have drawn attention to Derwick,” Halvorssen said. You can read more about that from another source here.
When he returned to the United States, De Co´rdoba’s supervisors received threatening letters from the law firm Derwick hired to pay Fusion GPS’s fees. The law firm is key because Fusion GPS says being paid by a law firm means all paperwork about their work for Derwick is covered by attorney-client privilege.
Stories at Bloomberg News and The Economist were also killed prior to publication, Halvorssen said.
“Corrupt government officials in dictatorships would be powerless if they didn’t have cronies in the business world, and these cronies, in turn, would be useless allies without enablers like Fusion GPS, who are eager to whitewash and profit from their crimes,” Halvorssen said. “Fusion GPS isn’t an ‘opposition research’ or a crisis communications company. Fusion GPS is a group of highly paid smear experts who function as an accessory to the crimes committed by Derwick Associates.”
Fusion GPS’s Work For Russians
Bill Browder will also testify publicly against Fusion GPS. He filed a complaint against Fusion GPS last year for the group’s failure to register as a foreign agent despite working on behalf of Russian interests to repeal the 2012 Magnitsky Act.
Browder is the founder and CEO of Hermitage, which used to be one of the largest investment advisers in Russia with more than $4 billion invested in Russian stocks. In an attempt to keep Russian oligarchs from stealing from shareholders, his firm investigated them and shared their research with domestic and international media. That worked for several years until Putin co-opted the oligarchs and received funds from them in exchange for protecting them, Browder said in his prepared testimony. He was deported and declared a threat to national security.
7/28/2017 5:02:40 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
‘Veselnitskaya hired Glenn Simpson of the firm Fusion GPS to conduct a smear campaign against me and Sergei Magnitsky in advance of congressional hearings on the Global Magnitsky Act.’
Eighteen months later, Russian officials seized his corporate documents, so Browder hired Sergei Magnitsky to investigate. To make a long story short, he found high levels of corruption in the Interior Ministry, Browder said. Magnitsky filed criminal complaints with law enforcement agencies but found himself arrested and threatened in an attempt to get him to pull his testimony, Browder said. His prison conditions were very bad. His health deteriorated but he wasn’t given treatment. After being beaten, he was found dead in his prison cell at the age of 37, Browder said.
“Sergei Magnitsky was murdered as my proxy. If Sergei had not been my lawyer, he would still be alive today,” Browder said, explaining how he came to seek justice via international pressure. Magnitsky wrote more than 400 complaints detailing his abuse. “As a result, we have the most well-documented case of human rights abuse coming out of Russia in the last 35 years.” Still, the Russian government did not bring any officials up on charges.
Browder met with senators Ben Cardin and John McCain, who introduced legislation to freeze assets and ban visas for those who killed Magnitsky or committed other serious human rights abuses. It passed both houses and was signed into law, even though Secretary of State Hillary Clinton opposed it. Her campaign worked to kill stories tying her opposition to her husband receiving half a million dollars to speak in Russia at the same time.
Putin retaliated by banning the adoption of Russian orphans by American families. Russia also tried to repeal the legislation. “One of the most shocking attempts took place in the spring and summer of last year when a group of Russians went on a lobbying campaign in Washington to try to repeal the Magnitsky Act by changing the narrative of what had happened to Sergei. According to them, Sergei wasn’t murdered and he wasn’t a whistle-blower, and the Magnitsky Act was based on a false set of facts,” Browder said. He named people who were behind this effort, including Natalia Veselnitskya — the lawyer who met with Trump campaign officials at Trump Tower — and lobbyists, public relations executives and investigators.
Here’s where Fusion GPS comes in. “Veselnitskaya, through Baker Hostetler, hired Glenn Simpson of the firm Fusion GPS to conduct a smear campaign against me and Sergei Magnitsky in advance of congressional hearings on the Global Magnitsky Act. He contacted a number of major newspapers and other publications to spread false information that Sergei Magnitsky was not murdered, was not a whistle-blower, and was instead a criminal. They also spread false information that my presentations to lawmakers around the world were untrue,” Browder said.
At no time did Fusion GPS or other operatives indicate that they were acting on behalf of Russian government interests or report it to the government by filing disclosures under the Foreign Agent Registration Act, Browder said. “United States law is very explicit that those acting on behalf of foreign governments and their interests must register under FARA so that there is transparency about their interests and their motives,” he said.
The Media and Fusion GPS
Ken Dilanian was one of the first reporters yesterday to note that Glenn Simpson had made an agreement to speak with the Senate Judiciary Committee. He also had a big story noting the back story of the Trump Tower meeting with Russian interests. It’s tremendously interesting and detailed, including the lengthy section devoted to debunking Browder.
Dilanian writes that the Russian interests’ American legal team “alleged that Browder’s story was full of holes — and that the U.S. and other governments had relied on Browder’s version without checking it.” He writes that an American official “said the government had been unable to independently investigate some of Browder’s claims.” He says people claimed that Magnitsky was jailed “because he was helping Browder’s companies in tax evasion.”
‘Those challenging Browder say Magnitsky died of medical neglect under circumstances sadly typical of a Russian jail.’
He writes that parties claim Browder “‘lied,’ and ‘manipulated’ evidence to cover up his own tax fraud.” He quotes lawyers for Russian interests saying, “The story was ‘contrived and skillfully sold by William F. Browder to politicians here and abroad to thwart his arrest for a tax fraud conviction in Russia.” Dilanian writes that a documentary filmaker working with Veselnitskaya “made a similar set of arguments” against Browder. The “film accuses Browder of misstating the contents of Russian court documents.”
Dilanian writes that a judge said that the Council of Europe’s 2013 report on Magnitsky was “unreliable” and “didn’t fairly examine both sides,” specifically citing Browder’s “interference with the assembly’s work.” He quotes someone saying there is “little evidence” to support Browder’s claim that riot guards beat Magnitsky with rubber batons until his death. “It’s an important point,” Dilanian writes, “because Browder’s contention is that Magnitsky was murdered to silence him. Those challenging Browder say Magnitsky died of medical neglect under circumstances sadly typical of a Russian jail.”
Dilanian’s story casts doubt on Magnitsky’s death certificate. He notes that a Russian organization that monitors human rights conditions made no mention of beatings and “says Magnitsky died after a lack of medical attention exacerbated by harsh jail conditions.” He notes that another report says “there is reasonable suspicion to believe that the death was triggered by beating” but the head of the council that produced that report later said in a court affidavit that he no longer stands by its conclusions.
Dilanian writes that the Russian interest’s lawyers filed a document saying the head of the council said some of the report’s conclusions were “copied verbatim” from Browder and his associates. He notes that last year the head of the council told NBC News “The results of official forensic expertise that used original biological materials showed no evidence of beatings.” He writes that another group said there was medical neglect and inhumane prison conditions “but it does not mention beating.” The doctor who led that review said he didn’t see evidence of beating.
It almost reads as if it were opposition research. Journalist Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller wondered if the critiques came from Fusion GPS:

Dilanian responded by referring to court records.
7/28/2017 6:08:31 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
McCain Laughed With Dem Chuck Schumer, Gave DiFi a Hug and Then Shocked GOP With Health Care Vote
By Victoria Taft
John McCain held his hand out as if to say “hi,” and when he had the attention of all, put his thumb down. His vote killed the so called “skinny” Obamacare repeal.

The Washington Post reports that McCain called Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) to tell him about his no vote before he went to the floor. As he was heading to the Senate chambers reporters asked him about his vote. McCain told them to “wait for the show.”
WATCH: Pelosi's Head-Turning Reaction to Reporter's Question Makes You Think She's a Few Fries Short of a Happy Meal
The Post reported that before the vote McCain was received by ebullient Democrats, including Schumer, with whom he shared laughs, as well Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) and others.
WATCH: Trey Gowdy Explode on Fox News After GOP's Obamacare 'Skinny Repeal' Defeat
McCain gave Feinstein a hug:

The hug didn’t go unnoticed by The New York Times:
McCain is hugging Democrats. McConnell just walked off the floor.
— Binyamin Appelbaum (@BCAppelbaum) July 28, 2017
Obamacare supporters camped outside the Capitol loved the show of affection:
After @benwikler announces McCain hugged Feinstein, protesters start chanting "Hug John McCain!" pic.twitter.com/7bYg0jdmMA
— Emma Roller (@emmaroller) July 28, 2017
And this USA Today reporter thought it was weird:
Cornyn hugs McCain then Schumer and McCain hug, everything is weird
— Eliza Collins (@elizacollins1) July 28, 2017
And Bill O’Reilly said McCain let his country down:
I've known Sen. McCain for decades & respect him. But on a bill that would've diminished the failure of Obamacare, he let his country down.
— Bill O'Reilly (@billoreilly) July 28, 2017
Chuck Woolery didn’t like it:
Democrats cheering as Obamacare is not repealed. Thanking Murkowski, McCain and Collins.
— Chuck Woolery (@chuckwoolery) July 28, 2017
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Susan Collins (R-ME) also voted no, but McCain’s vote was the last and deciding one. The final vote was 51-49. The Washington Post reported that there was an audible gasp in the chambers as McCain cast his vote.
WATCH: Stone Cold Mccain Stunna Brings The House Down
McCain later issued a statement about his vote:
While the amendment would have repealed some of Obamacare’s most burdensome regulations, it offered no replacement to actually reform our health care system and deliver affordable, quality health care to our citizens.
I’ve stated time and time again that one of the major failures of Obamacare was that it was rammed through Congress by Democrats on a strict party-line basis without a single Republican vote. We should not make the mistakes of the past.
The so-called “skinny repeal” would have removed the individual mandate — forcing people to buy health insurance — and the medical device tax.
7/28/2017 6:16:01 PM |
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Richmond, VA
39, joined May. 2014
McCain is a RINO.
7/28/2017 6:18:31 PM |
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Edmonton, KY
62, joined Apr. 2010
Jack Posobiec ???? ? @JackPosobiec
Multiple Hill staffers confirm last night McCain was heard laughing w Dems and remarked, "Lets see Donald make america great again now"
3:33 PM - Jul 28, 2017
705 705 Replies 3,003 3,003 Retweets 2,702 2,702 likes
7/28/2017 6:29:09 PM |
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Herndon, VA
37, joined Mar. 2017
John 'Hanoi Rose' McCain,
has always been an enemy
unto his own country.
From the spewing of anti American
propaganda, on behalf of the North
Vietnamese government.
To every thing he has said or done.
7/28/2017 6:43:52 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

7/28/2017 6:45:03 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Jack Posobiec ???? ? @JackPosobiec
Multiple Hill staffers confirm last night McCain was heard laughing w Dems and remarked, "Lets see Donald make america great again now"
3:33 PM - Jul 28, 2017
705 705 Replies 3,003 3,003 Retweets 2,702 2,702 likes

7/28/2017 6:47:52 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Transgender kids end up being nuts in the head as a result of mixed up parents who don't know how to properly bring up children into the world! Boys are BOYS and girls are GIRLS, PERIOD!!

7/28/2017 7:08:02 PM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
According to a new report, the nonprofit Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS) holds the Detroit area’s largest Obamacare enrollment grant. It has signed up more than 29,000 people for the coverage expansion, and 90 percent of those enrollments have been within Detroit’s Arab-American community.
Arab community group loaded with refugees holds area’s largest Obamacare enrollment grant.
by DML DAILY/ July 27, 2017/ HEALTH

Written by DML
Refugees and immigrants from the Middle East are benefiting from Obamacare, big time.
For example, the outskirts of Detroit are heavily populated with immigrants from the Middle East, some of them refugees. Mosques are found throughout the area, including the biggest Mosque in America which is located in Dearborn.
The metro-Detroit area has a huge Obamacare enrollment. Data shows members of the refugee and Arab immigrant community have signed up for Obamacare in huge numbers.
7/29/2017 8:53:38 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

7/29/2017 9:01:10 AM |
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Murrysville, PA
55, joined Aug. 2011
online now!
why do people in his state keep voting for this democrat???
7/29/2017 9:06:19 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
i really dont know silly. its happening here in colorado too...we have
several rinos and never trumpers who lean to the left in so many ways.
often i think they only use the 'republican' label to get on the ticket. they are very
deceptive. its part of the plan to take down our constitutional republic.
7/29/2017 9:09:40 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
seriously....dont tell me 'transgenderism' and other 'transwhatevers' is not a choice
Woman ‘Identifies’ as Blind, Uses Chemicals to Blind Herself Forever
Written by Keely Sharp

Did you hear that? It was the dying wail of common sense! After seeing this video, I think I am done with the internet for today.
A woman with perfect sight claims she identified as a blind person, and felt like that was just who she was supposed to be. She labeled herself as transblind, and began living her life as if she was without sight.
We can’t make this stuff up!
At what point can we call this “Trans” issue a mental disorder? Is “TransBlind” crazy enough? This North Carolina woman blinded herself on purpose with the help of a Psychologist! Instead of calling her insane, some call her a Hero.
The North Carolina woman says, “When there’s nobody around you that feels the same way, you start to feel like you’re very crazy.” She continued, “I don’t think I’m crazy. I think I have a disorder.”
Uh, no. Sorry, but this is beyond crazy! She needs real help because she is mentally unstable.
She literally claims that she felt the need to go blind, so with the help of a psychologist, she did! She used drain cleaner, dropping it in each eye because it “does a lot of damage.”
The psychologist should not have helped her take her own sight!! If he didn’t think he could help this obviously deranged woman, then he should have helped her find someone who could!
Upon waking up and realizing she still had her sight after dropping the chemicals in, she claims that she was extremely upset. However, she slowly lost her vision over the course of the next six months.
7/29/2017 9:21:16 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
This Is What Happens When Government Feels That They Can Do Whatever They Want Without Having To Worry About There Being Any Consequences. Keep Voting Democrat, California!
California Lawmakers Passes 400% Gas Tax Increase then Give Themselves FREE Gasoline and Cars!
Jerry Brown has signed a gas tax increase from $.10 a gallon to $.50 a gallon, but lawmakers do not pay one cent for gasoline and they get free cars!

By Scott Osborn on July 29, 2017 Politics
Jerry Brown has signed a tax increase taking the price-based excise gas tax from $.10 a gallon to $.50 a gallon, but Brown and his ultra liberal legislature does not pay one cent for the gasoline that they use! They actually get free gas!
They gave it to themselves in 2008, so the crazy gas tax they just passed does not effect them.
California Lawmakers Passes 500% Gas Tax Increase then Give Themselves FREE Gasoline and Cars!
Here are the details on the gas tax increase:
Existing: The base excise tax is 18 cents a gallon. A price-based excise tax is currently set at 9.8 cents a gallon, for a total rate of 27.8 cents a gallon.
Nov. 1, 2017: The base excise tax will increase to 30 cents a gallon.
July 1, 2019: The price-based excise tax will reset to 17.3 cents a gallon, about half-a-cent more than the rate the Brown administration projects will be in effect by then anyway.
The 47.3-cent combined excise tax in effect July 1, 2019 will be adjusted for inflation beginning July 1, 2020.
California is unique in giving legislators free rein on transportation spending, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. In most other states, lawmakers must submit the same kind of mileage-expense forms used by companies to reimburse employees for their business travel.
“You have to prove what you’re using it for,” said Morgan Cullin, a Denver-based researcher for the bipartisan national organization.
On top of free gas, California lawmakers also get state-issued vehicles, another perk that most states avoid.
California is in debt $1.3 Trillion. That means every citizen in California is in debt almost $33,000. That is, unless you just move out!!! This represents a significant debt burden even by international standards.
Not included are billions of dollars in deferred maintenance and upgrades to California’s infrastructure. To the extent California’s government has not maintained investment in infrastructure maintenance, it has passed this cost on to future generations who will have to issue additional debt to pay for this expense.
So Sacramento is working hard to find every way it can to find more money to spend!
Gov. Jerry Brown has signed into law billions of dollars in higher fuel taxes and vehicle fees. The state will have an estimated $52 billion more money to help cover the state’s transportation needs for the next decade. But we know it will not be spent well. There is always a TON of waste fraud and abuse in Sacramento spending. Like free gas and cars for the lawmakers!
The gas tax increase sets ambitious goals. By the end of 2027, it says at least 98 percent of state highway pavement should be in good or fair condition. EXCUSE ME? I have lived with California roads most of my life and that is just an outright lie!
California voters will get to weigh in on another part of the package: a constitutional amendment supporters say will keep lawmakers from diverting the money to other purposes. I GUARANTEE that will never pass!
California lawmakers are famous for passing laws that they exempt themselves from.
They voted 28-8 to exempt themselves from the gun-control laws that apply to the rest of the California.
You think maybe this will cause Californians to rise up? NOPE! It happened 6 years ago and since California has passed a plethora of other gun laws…that only apply to citizens.
In fact, Sacramento has put out so many new gun laws in recent years that liberal Governor ‘Moonbeam’ has vetoed half of them.
Red Skelton said so eloquently in his commentary on the Pledge of Allegiance:
And to the Republic — A Republic: a sovereign state in which power is invested into the representatives chosen by the people to govern; and the government is the people; and it’s from the people to the leaders, not from the leaders to the people.
California has it backwards, they are running with the method of “from the leaders to the people”
That is why I joined the 5 Million people who have fled California within the last decade.
You can take me out of Texas in a pine box, and even then I will be kicking and screaming!
7/29/2017 10:23:53 AM |
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Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

John McCain has shown once again that he is a sellout.... I believe the truth is, Obamacare was designed to fail, so that the government can institute a single payer, government run system. It's all about control folks, and we are the suckers....BM
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), long ago made himself an enemy of the American people. Now he’s officially joined the Democrats and Progressives. Traitor John McCain just stabbed millions of American voters in the back. He gave the decisive “no” vote that keeps Obamacare in place, reported The Daily Caller. Afterward, the smiling McCain went and celebrated with the Democrats on the Senate floor–all caught on camera!
This guy not only has Brain Cancer he is Brain Dead.... What a Jerk...LD
7/29/2017 10:40:40 AM |
Against all odds Conservatism wins again | Page 68 |


Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
BREAKING: Trump Wins Critical Victory for America
July 28, 2017

One of President Donald Trump’s biggest campaign promises of the 2016 election is one step closer to reality. The House voted 235 to 192 on Thursday in favor of approving a spending bill that includes $1.6 billion for the border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
The legislation earmarks taxpayer funds to begin building a wall at the southern border. The spending measure was inserted inside a so-called minibus $827 billion spending bill that included money for the Pentagon, Veterans Affairs, the Energy Department and the legislative branch.
A look at the border wall funding
Despite the increases to military pay (2.4 percent), veterans programs (five percent) and Capitol Police ($29 million), the border wall is garnering all of the media attention.
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The House spending package, which was debated for just two days, allocates $1.6 billion over various aspects of the physical barrier on the southern U.S. border.
This includes walls in the Rio Grande Valley, Texas as well as San Diego, California. The Rio Grande would receive 32 miles of new fencing and 28 miles of new levee wall, while San Diego would see 14 miles of secondary fencing.
California Republican Congressman and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said the president is going to get the funding necessary to establish a border wall and help veterans. He said:
Every single dime the President requested to start building a wall on our southern border he’s going to get. Most importantly, we’re sending more to the VA to fix veterans’ health care and reform outdated VA systems.
It should be noted that this is just a portion of the annual appropriations bills. In fact, the bill that was voted on Thursday consisted of only four of the twelve bills. And another eight spending measures will be voted on when the House returns from its summer recess.
Five Republicans break party lines to vote “no”
The bill garnered the support of nearly every Republican member of Congress, except for a handful. The GOP members voting “no” consisted of Michigan Congressman Justin Amash, South Carolina Congressman Mark Sanford, North Carolina Congressman Walter Jones, Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie and Tennessee Congressman John Duncan Jr.
Meanwhile, there were five Democrats who voted in favor of the wall funding. They included Florida Congressman Charlie Crist, Arizona Congressman Tom O’Halleran, Arizona Congressman Kyrsten Sinema, Georgia Congressman Sanford Bishop and New Jersey Congressman Josh Gottheimer.
The Senate will debate the budget in September, and many experts say the biggest hurdle to overcome is getting Democrats to pass the bill. Government funding is scheduled to expire on October 1, and some are already anticipating a potential government shutdown.