9/16/2015 5:25:57 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Columbia, SC
62, joined Jul. 2013
~~ Ladies .......... and anyone else that might wander in.
~ ~ Sharsea ~ your sister sounds a lot like mine, that's a good way to look at it and I'm glad the bug is clearing up. 
~ ~ They do put cast on dogs I've just not seen one in a cast in a long time so maybe the brace is better and more advanced. Sounds good to me.
~ ~ Orz be careful 'up on da rooooof' ....... did anyone else have a song pop in their heard or just me??????? Anyway, when you get back at it again today and you get to humming that song you will have me to thank. 
Connie, Gayle & Sankie 
Management say this OT might be all of this week and next. Oh well ... I'm sharing the wealth .... my son will graduate from TI (Training Instructor-Air Force) School next week and since I can't make it to the ceremony I ask my daughter if she could make it? I offered x$$ amount if they (she and my daughter-in-law) can find a good ticket price so she can surprise her brother and create a memory with him. I hope they can find a good ticket price and she go. *keeping my fingers crossed* Nothing does my heart so good as to see and know my kids are close and staying connected. They had always been so close but up in the marriage years and living in different places has had them out of pocket for awhile.
Sorry rambling this morning .... did NOT sleep well and was up late the past two nights, long hours and I'm just kind of mumbling along. I need more coffee and go finish getting ready. 
Coffee is on and have a great day !!! 
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

9/16/2015 7:16:25 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Irvine, KY
68, joined Dec. 2011
Gosh, just reading Sheza's post and it occured to me that I probably could not roll out of bed so early to get ready to go to work. Now that I've retired I have mastered the art of getting up and dressed in a total of 5 minutes. No makeup, rake my fingers through my hair to comb, grab a cup of coffee and ready to start the day. Been so long since I put on makeup I would have to remember how it's done. Doesn't matter now because it is not made to be used as a patching cream and it would just fall in the wrinkles. I just have to remember when I look in the mirror that it's ME looking back and not scare myself to death. Heck, I've earned every gray hair and wrinkle so I'll wear them with pride.
9/16/2015 7:44:55 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Gulfport, MS
71, joined Dec. 2008
Sankie....I always say "Good morning Mother".
Sheza....sincerely hope your daughter gets the tickets to represent the family support team.
Everyone has work, family, distance between us that it is difficult to gather.
It has taken eight years for us to get a four generation picture together this past Sunday.
Have a great day everyone! 
9/16/2015 1:16:33 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
When I do bodywork with bondo..I eye it. Hm...BODY filler? Nah..would crack.
9/16/2015 8:59:08 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |


Nampa, ID
68, joined Jun. 2008
does anyone else ever wear those earrings they call threaders?? I have a couple pair I got from Avon several years ago and have been looking for some ever since.. well, the last 2 years I have looked everywhere, even online.. no luck, so finally got a pair at the craft store to decorate my own.. guess what I found at Walmart today? for $3 a pair!! and I can redo the dangle the way I want..
9/17/2015 7:06:10 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Lake Alfred, FL
62, joined Aug. 2008
just found out the ex is getting married, means he CANT tap into my Soc Sec when I turn 62 but I can still tap into his when I do... suckerrrrr 
9/17/2015 9:15:08 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |


Nampa, ID
68, joined Jun. 2008
wow, was just in the 50's doing a cheer, remember her filling every thread with her name?? used to be almost 3 pages we could go back and play on.. not now!! page and a half tops.. how sad!
and in here, you guys all go to bed too early!! hey, not my fault for the time difference
9/18/2015 9:29:28 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Lake Alfred, FL
62, joined Aug. 2008
aint seen the old bird around since April but shes probably using another name an we dont know it.
shes one of "those" 
9/18/2015 9:34:04 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |


Nampa, ID
68, joined Jun. 2008
she popped in there for a couple minutes a couple months ago but then was gone again.. not many left there
9/18/2015 10:03:00 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Lake Alfred, FL
62, joined Aug. 2008
Nope just not like it use to be and like you said everyone here goes to bed early but Im kind of guilty of that on work nights. 
9/19/2015 8:43:17 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Irvine, KY
68, joined Dec. 2011
 just found out the ex is getting married, means he CANT tap into my Soc Sec when I turn 62 but I can still tap into his when I do... suckerrrrr 
I thought that Social Security benefits from spouse (Ex or not) was due everyone, regardless of marital status. That is if you had been married to that person for 10 years. When I went to apply for mine they tracked the record of earnings for my EX. I did not qualify to draw from his earnings because I would get more from my own account, thus would qualify him to draw from me should he choose the higher payout. If he did choose my account it would not affect my payout at all. Doesn't draw down my payment because someone else is drawing from my records.
I have a friend who was married twice by the time she applied. Married to first husband 12 years and was due to draw from him because of his salary even though she was remarried. Tracked her second husband's records as well as her own and she qualified to get her SS based on first husband. Marriage had nothing to do with it because of the 10 year rule.
9/19/2015 9:29:31 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Lake Alfred, FL
62, joined Aug. 2008
I thought that Social Security benefits from spouse (Ex or not) was due everyone, regardless of marital status. That is if you had been married to that person for 10 years. When I went to apply for mine they tracked the record of earnings for my EX. I did not qualify to draw from his earnings because I would get more from my own account, thus would qualify him to draw from me should he choose the higher payout. If he did choose my account it would not affect my payout at all. Doesn't draw down my payment because someone else is drawing from my records.
I have a friend who was married twice by the time she applied. Married to first husband 12 years and was due to draw from him because of his salary even though she was remarried. Tracked her second husband's records as well as her own and she qualified to get her SS based on first husband. Marriage had nothing to do with it because of the 10 year rule.
According to what Ive read and people Ive talked to what you posted is correct. However, if one spouse gets remarried they are no longer entitled to the others Soc Sec. An since Ive had the more stable income I know mine is higher than his. If by chance his is higher (which I doubt) I can tap into his since I have not remarried.
9/19/2015 2:19:09 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
that is why oldsters live in sin. If they marry, she will lose her SS and get half of his. Mom was bummed I got divorced at 9 years. Yeah right..I lose deadbeats SS. Half of nada is nada. Second husband worked hard and provides for me still. Tons better than the pathetic draw I would have had working part time. I think he would have to draw his or new wife, not go back onto yours. ?
9/19/2015 2:27:36 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Lake Alfred, FL
62, joined Aug. 2008
he cant get any of mine once hes married.
aint that shame? NOT!!  
9/19/2015 2:43:02 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |


Lima, OH
67, joined Mar. 2009
online now!
OK , my ex draws a disability check now because of cancer. The chemo port left
him with a blood clot near his heart weird pains in his feet when he walks, and numbness
in his hands. Also he can only see out of one eye and has cateracts on the other.
He uses a huge magnifying glass just to read the computer .
He is ten years younger than me. He's going nuts because he wants to work.
He draws $200. less than I do on social security. We were married 17 yrs.
He says he doesn't want my s.s.. He is on datehookup too.
He is the one who told me about it.
9/19/2015 3:17:31 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Lake Alfred, FL
62, joined Aug. 2008
he could get it if he applied but he probably feels since you are and have been his caretaker that it wouldnt be fair to you.. actually have to admire him for that.
9/19/2015 5:58:40 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Irvine, KY
68, joined Dec. 2011
According to what Ive read and people Ive talked to what you posted is correct. However, if one spouse gets remarried they are no longer entitled to the others Soc Sec. An since Ive had the more stable income I know mine is higher than his. If by chance his is higher (which I doubt) I can tap into his since I have not remarried.
NO, I was remarried when I turned the age to draw SS and they ran my first husband's acct, my acct, and my second husbands earnings record. I could draw the higher amount of income by using my own account because I had paid in the higher amount than 1st husband and was equal to earnings with the 2nd. Remarriage had nothing to do with it or at least that's what the SS office told me.
9/19/2015 6:04:50 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Lake Alfred, FL
62, joined Aug. 2008
Makes me wonder if it's different in each state. 
9/19/2015 6:21:37 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |


Marshfield, MO
77, joined Jun. 2010
No, it's Federal Law....states have nothing to do about how it goes. Think I'll google and see how it really goes.
9/19/2015 6:25:16 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Lake Alfred, FL
62, joined Aug. 2008
Thats what I thought too.. not worried about it as Im sure I would get more than him any way.
9/19/2015 6:29:33 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |


Marshfield, MO
77, joined Jun. 2010
I found this
A ten-year marriage is also considered to be a long-term marriage by the Social Security Administration.
If you were married for ten years of longer, you will be eligible to collect derivative Social Security benefits based on your ex-spouse’s earnings record when you reach retirement age (if you aren’t married to someone else at the time).
Those derivative benefits are equal to one-half the amount your former spouse is eligible to collect, based on his earnings over his entire career, including the year after your marriage was dissolved.
If you are divorcing a person with great future earnings potential, consider sticking it out a little longer or delay finalizing the divorce until after the ten-year mark
So apparently you CAN'T remarry.
Have a Commitment Ceremony instead 
9/19/2015 6:36:26 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Lake Alfred, FL
62, joined Aug. 2008
(if you aren’t married to someone else at the time).
and thats what Ive been saying. so he CANT get to mine if hes remarried and I doubt he has more Soc Sec than me, it may be a wash but you bet I will check it out 
9/20/2015 6:48:57 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Columbia, SC
62, joined Jul. 2013
 Sankie....I always say "Good morning Mother".
Sheza....sincerely hope your daughter gets the tickets to represent the family support team.
Everyone has work, family, distance between us that it is difficult to gather.
It has taken eight years for us to get a four generation picture together this past Sunday.
Have a great day everyone!  
~ I guess that's better than saying "Good morning GRANDmother" *lol*.
~ Yes, my daughter did get her ticket 88$ but she will have to fly into Austin. I honestly don't know how much farther that will be, I think it adds an hour one way. Anyway they will handle it and have a good time. 
~ Woke way too early for a weekend and so I see a nap in the earlier part of the day. 
~ Hope everyone is having a good weekend! Now I think I'm going to read and catch up on some of the threads.  
9/20/2015 7:02:34 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Columbia, SC
62, joined Jul. 2013
~ As far as all the talk on the SS ....... honestly I'm clueless ... I think mainly because I don't want anything from my ex ... yet, out of necessity so as not to be a burden on my children I might consider it. We were married 29 years so I'm sure that plays a big part of it. Anyway, not something I care to think about right now. It's good, I don't do without and all my needs are met. (ok maybe not all, but that's a different story. )
~ annnnnyway ~~~~~~ 
9/20/2015 8:39:42 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Irvine, KY
68, joined Dec. 2011
HUMM....wonder when that law of remarriage went into effect on SS. I've drawn now for 5 years. Can't say I blame them for cleaning up the rules and regulations because I always thought the being able to draw from a first husband or wife was a big loop hole if you'd gone on in life for the second marriage.
9/20/2015 8:45:21 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Lake Alfred, FL
62, joined Aug. 2008
Howdy folks
bummer of a night last night but whateverrrrrrrr.. this too shall pass. but need to find a new place to hang.. the clientele is NOT what I want to surround myself with. 
when I first read the SS stuff online I was like COOL.. I can draw from his, then got worried that I may have more and he can draw from mine but then read that its all null and void if one marries. So I have NO plans of EVER marrying again so I will check into it.
think too I read about VA benefits, if I can get medical off that I may do that too.
Its NOT being mean or vindictive, its a legal right to do so.
Just wanted to clarify that before someone tries to start saying Im being a gold digger or something. 
9/20/2015 12:16:39 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
If you arent married, can draw on any exs. SS. Like I said..my ex.s SS would have been half of zip! lol. So is mine..think around $500 a month. So grateful to my second husband for providing for my old age since age 60. But, wish he hadnt had to die to draw early.
9/21/2015 9:04:40 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Irvine, KY
68, joined Dec. 2011
Fishy, by all means check into the VA benefits. The sooner you do the more time you will have to get all the info you need. In KY there is a district rep who holds meetings on VA benefits and if you can find one of those, any questions you have can be answered directly.
9/21/2015 9:28:40 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |


Marshfield, MO
77, joined Jun. 2010
I too draw on my first dead husband's SS and have been doing so since 60.
What's nice is when both husband and wife are still together and can draw double incomes.
9/21/2015 12:12:56 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
I checked VA and am above income limits. So have to be pretty poor to receive it. I worked on roof of kitchen next to porch. Those old timers knew things. The roof has a big overhang. The rotted first board was meaningless, as well as the two above. They are on the outside of the wall and never near the attic or house ceiling. So I need to pull one 10 foot 10x and replace, a spliced section and the rest of the roof is fine for decking. I will use treated lumber. Take that ice dams! I was tearing off from an aluminum ladder. Why is it that when you extend, the place you need to stand on will always end up single and not double. Came home and collapsed on the sofa. What the hell is wrong with this picture..I am a 65 year old WOMAN. Why am I not laying on sofa eating bon bons listening to a young MAN complain how he aches. Oh I know..young men dont WORK! And old ones CANT.
9/21/2015 12:25:42 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Bent Mountain, VA
65, joined Jul. 2012
Miss Orz....whilst you are up.....would you fetch me a beer? 
9/22/2015 4:30:02 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |


Marshfield, MO
77, joined Jun. 2010
Sheza and Fishy........do you guys still play over in the 50's Group? I just went there (boredom) and it looks like nothing much but men play there.
9/22/2015 5:11:24 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Lake Alfred, FL
62, joined Aug. 2008
Nope, I hardly play here either... nobodys ever around 
9/24/2015 5:34:56 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Columbia, SC
62, joined Jul. 2013
Gayle, I don't post to the 50's group. I might lurk once in awhile.
........ and lately few are here, myself included. Just going through a phase I guess, plus with the cooler weather I find myself wanting to get out from behind this computer more. I might not be getting out of the house much but I find myself busying myself with little projects and they aren't really exciting but it's just something different. More OT than usual and watching some football on Sunday and re-connecting with a few friends here or there. Doing a little more cooking and sharing it with neighbors. Just piddling around. 
9/24/2015 5:37:42 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Columbia, SC
62, joined Jul. 2013
OH ....... my daughter is in SA to watch her brother graduate from TI School/Training. On FB I saw post of her cousins wanting to hook up with her as well so I see maybe a night out with all the cousins coming up .... I soooo hope they do!! 
God Life is Good !!!!!! 
9/24/2015 6:15:40 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |


Marshfield, MO
77, joined Jun. 2010
Oh! Let's hope they do get together. I remember fondly the good times I had with my cousins
Wishing everyone a Good Morning and a Fabulous day 
9/24/2015 8:00:03 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Irvine, KY
68, joined Dec. 2011
The crowd will be circling the wagons as soon as it gets too cold to be outside so the group should be hopping again.
9/25/2015 12:48:53 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Lake Alfred, FL
62, joined Aug. 2008
Got the call from the Vet, he said shes seems to be doing better and to just keep an eye on her for now, that meant...
NO SURGERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   
all it cost me was the price of pain pills since she has insurance.. WHAT a relief!!!!!
thanks to all who spread the well wishes, it worked!!!

9/25/2015 1:06:45 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |


Marshfield, MO
77, joined Jun. 2010
That's good news to hear 
9/25/2015 1:10:58 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Lake Alfred, FL
62, joined Aug. 2008
I cried when I hung up I was THAT happy 
9/25/2015 1:12:34 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |


Marshfield, MO
77, joined Jun. 2010
Happy tear are always the best!
9/25/2015 1:40:03 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Bent Mountain, VA
65, joined Jul. 2012
shoot the dog....
9/25/2015 1:42:44 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Lake Alfred, FL
62, joined Aug. 2008
Laff Run sucker!!!! 
9/26/2015 7:07:03 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Irvine, KY
68, joined Dec. 2011
Shoot the man, keep the dog.
9/26/2015 8:12:45 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Columbia, SC
62, joined Jul. 2013
YEAH For Shelsea !!!! I'm really glad to read of the good new about your little girl and also I hear your dishwasher isn't broke either. 
~ Been pulling OT the past month so I've been out of pocket. Even so life is good, daughter is having a good time with her brother and family along with other family members, she will return home today. I am falling in love with her boyfriend because he is so good to her and makes her happy and he seems so happy doing so. I know he is anxiously waiting for her return home. It is nice to know someone wants to see you the last and first of any situation. He wanted to make sure he saw her off and will pick her up.
~ Full-moon will be Monday and this past Thursday I got a dose of the "tide" that pulls inside of me. (I normally feel it 5 days out.) I lost my composure and I HATE when that happens, makes me mad at myself. - Lose my composure isn't yelling or anything like that, I'm more like an iceberg in the sense there is a lot more anger deep down than what is showing on the surface. I guess the long hours didn't help.
Friday was much better because the weekend was on the horizon and I'm ready for it!!
Not sure what I'm doing this weekend, this cooler weather has me getting the erg to cook and bake.
What are ya'll up to???  
9/26/2015 11:09:16 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Lake Alfred, FL
62, joined Aug. 2008
Thanks Sheza yes it was great news of no surgery, saved me a ton of $$$ !!
dishwasher was a big DUH on my part but glad its working.
nice to hear the kids are having a great time together, hope it makes for lots of memories.
the full moon has me hibernating and staying away from people... too many jerks around and with my mouth.... well, its safer for all concerned for me to stay home 
hope your over time pays well.. Christmas is coming!! 
[Edited 9/26/2015 11:09:47 AM ]
9/26/2015 1:44:03 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
Good news on your baby! I am on the roof of the farmhouse all day every day. And if I get the roof done, will start on re-tucking the bricks that are falling out. the onto the cottage floor, dogtrot, winter enclosures..etc..etc..etc. See you in winter! It is fun to wake up in the morning and find all my body parts and get them working again. Damn I am old!!
9/26/2015 2:17:21 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Lake Alfred, FL
62, joined Aug. 2008
Thanks Orz an you be careful up there, but I know you know your stuff.
9/26/2015 3:55:17 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Irvine, KY
68, joined Dec. 2011
My day has been spent looking for something that I have no clue where I put. At this point I'm thinking it sprouted legs and may have taken a hike to Alabama with a couple other pieces of my jewelry. The jewelry was from my mothers stash and not worth a lot except to know it was hers. Long time aquaintance which I thought was a friend spent the night a couple years ago and then when she got home she called to ask if I was missing a couple cross pendants. Said she found them in her purse and had no clue where they came from. Yeah right. Anyway, they turned out not to be mine but some yard sale junk she sent to replace. Has not been back and won't be back. Never a step in my house again. Now I'm wondering where the devil the sterling chain link purse that belonged to my great grandmother is. ??? Turned the bedroom upside down today and it's not in here. Oh well, two more bedrooms, the attic, and anywhere else I can think I may have hidden it.
In the rampage I've tossed a ton of other stuff and that's all it is, just stuff. Shredded a bunch of old letters, greeting cards, gathered a shoe box full of stray pictures and all that. At least one room in the house is cleaned.
9/27/2015 4:11:19 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Gulfport, MS
71, joined Dec. 2008
I love going back the days missed reading post to see what is going on with your life. We truly are family in spirit. So many similar traits in us that I can relate to your thoughts and feelings. Sad times, joyful times, suppression of anger, letting anger go, frustration of being wronged in your home, pain of loss and the emotions of goodness that comes your way that brings you to happy tears.
Isn't it comforting to know and share our feelings with unity of a likeness of one another?
Happy Sunday to everyone. May it be a peaceful relaxing day.
9/27/2015 7:01:40 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Irvine, KY
68, joined Dec. 2011
What a nice note from Shar. Thinking she's on top of it all this morning to be so cheerful. GOOD MORNING SHAR.
9/27/2015 7:25:33 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Columbia, SC
62, joined Jul. 2013
~ Fishy …. Yesterday was my hibernating day with the exceptions of talking with family over the phone. 
~ Orz …. Sounds like you have your work cut out for ya, just be careful and take care of yourself. Like Fishy says "you know what you are doing". 
~ Sankie … I am so sorry to hear you have been betrayed by a friend in that manner of something so dear to your heart. If you are still in the mood to be tossing useless stuff you can come help at my home anytime! 
~ Sharsea … It sooo gladdens my heart to hear you are doing well and are in good spirits. You dear Woman are such a blessing. Such kind words and I do agree regarding the likeness of us here in DH. I too am feeling top of the world this morning. 
~ Mid-day today I’m going to a going-away-party for some friends so I guess after church I’ll run some errands and grab lunch out. No sense in coming back home for a little while.
~ 67* this morning and we’ve had quite a bit of rain since Thursday so everything is still very wet around here. Feelings of fall …… I love fall, I’m ready for a bomb-fire and hot chocolate with some Bailey’s in it.
~ Have a great day folks ~
9/27/2015 8:43:59 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Irvine, KY
68, joined Dec. 2011
I'm still not ready to admit that something like that could happen by one that you trusted so will keep looking until I've turned over everything, shook all the towels and sheets, raised the mattress' and all that. Just went through the third bedroom closet and Shucks, the bi-fold door came off the track. Guess you know what I'll be doing today. That's not a job for one person.
9/27/2015 8:56:24 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Lake Alfred, FL
62, joined Aug. 2008
Wish we had cooler fall temps here so I can open my sliders and windows.. I know it gives me energy to get things done.. this heat just makes me blah 
just a stale feeling if that makes sense. cool weather, rocking music on and Im in heaven.
another reason Id like to move to the coast... fresh salt air 
I too have been missing things. Ask kids if I gave it to them they say no.. lost so much in various moves or threw it out and not remembering? But 2 things Im missing are cooking related. I never get rid of cooking stuff,like my pizzelle/waffle maker or my steamer I had. Just ticks me off that I cant find them anywhere. 
Nice to see shar here, hope youre doing better my friend!! 
edited because my letter D dont want to work half the time! 
[Edited 9/27/2015 8:57:16 AM ]
9/27/2015 1:14:50 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
I say it is in the other dimension. How else can you look in the same place 6 times and the 7th it is there! I wore a belt around the house. It was not a great fit. I remember pulling out of the jeans. Now found a purse that I could use it for as a strap. So..where??? Did I toss it? 4 days. This am get up and face nightstand and there it is behind the books. Argh! Ok...it was in the other dimension.!!!
Ran out of shingles so switch to tuck pointing bricks today on the house. At least I dont have to work off ladders!
9/27/2015 3:17:52 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |
Winchester, OR
70, joined Feb. 2014
I'm constantly finding things after I've given up hunting for them for four days.....and have bought a replacement. Then suddenly....it's there...right where I've looked five or six times before. Other dimension is right !
9/28/2015 10:18:34 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Irvine, KY
68, joined Dec. 2011
Thinking I'm hiding things so well I can hunt my own Easter Eggs. Also during the plundering I went through the cedar chest, shook the quilts and old linens I have collected from grandmothers, etc. I decided to label them so next generation will have a clue where they came from and/or who made them. Feel really good about doing that. One question popped in my mind. Am I getting ready to kick off? Oh well, getting closer than it has been.
9/28/2015 12:56:10 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
Mom did that with the photo album. She said I would never know who her relatives were. Handy. I am doing that..labels on bottoms of stuff. All the stories parents told me..ok,ok..heard them a hundred times. And now...cant remember half of them. sigh.... guess typical kid..in one ear and out the other.
I tuck pointed the farm house bricks yesterday. Old guy had told me what mortar was...14 parts river sand with 1 part portland. And dont use it..go 7 to 1 max. This stuff just dusts right back into sand after a hundred years. Geeze! Was portland than dang pricey? Several bricks were totally loose. Plank under window held on each end allowed me to just pull them out and re-brick from bottom up. Got to see inside wall. ????Cardboad type lining? The inside is wainscotting boards. I see lath and strips and then this yellow heavy carboard type stuff. So that must have been put in under wainscot to block winds? Back at it today. I see many spots around the house that can be tucked. I gave up and just bought construction grade grey mortar. Better to have a standing house than a PC one.
9/29/2015 5:45:00 AM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |

Columbia, SC
62, joined Jul. 2013
~ mannnn, I was out of sorts yesterday. Must have been the full-moon. I did my best to keep my fowl mood to myself. I just kept my nose to the grindstone which wasn't hard, it was a very busy day yesterday so there wasn't much time to chat anyway.
I think we have had overcast and rain each day since Thursday. A tornado hit in the lowcountry last night (John's Island).
Strange weather it was feeling so much like fall and then yesterday was I was leaving work and it was misting rain it was muggy and hot. I guess that should have given me a clue as to the makings of a tornado.
Well I better get going. Stay safe out there !!
Coffee is on ......   
9/29/2015 12:52:52 PM |
~ ~ShezasBoomerang #2 ~ ~ |


Portage, WI
66, joined Jul. 2010
Rain all night but worked til dark chinking bricks and got the second hole re-built. And then tried to stand up. OWWWWW. Humbled up to house, back down to lock up barn and house to DIE! Getting too old to crouch for hours tuck pointing bricks. But, now those are done and the mortar dusting out here and there can patch anytime. Call that shingles are in so into town to get. Then back on roof. About time to start to put up the winter plastics and shelters. Now I know why farms had a dozen kids. Of course todays kids wont work so what would be the use.