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1/8/2008 4:22:05 PM Is there such thing as a Decent & Honest man anymore?  

Canyon, TX
age: 46

Does anyone have a broom that I can use to beat this Dead Horse?

It's been done and said....Seek and you will find.

1/8/2008 5:30:53 PM Is there such thing as a Decent & Honest man anymore?  

Rensselaer, NY
age: 44

We're out here looking for the decent ladies ... scanned all the responses and she's not near by. In the meantime, just have to keep going through the one's you don't want until you find the right one. It will happen for you.

1/8/2008 6:34:33 PM Is there such thing as a Decent & Honest man anymore?  

Greenbrier, AR
age: 44

Well I don't think it's a dead
I think it's very important. I just
wish someone lived near Arkansas that
is decent and honest!!! hehe

1/9/2008 7:21:25 AM Is there such thing as a Decent & Honest man anymore?  

Virginia Beach, VA
age: 47

I used to ask myself the same question and then I found my own answer...My then, new husband was perfect, or so I thought. He made me feel special, we were like best friends and we had the greatest sex. Little did I know that there was a little boy inside just waiting for me to hurt him so to avoid that, he was never mine completely. Now that he's been destructive to our relationship and we know the reason why, we have been able to, through counseling and dedication, build an even better relationship than before; he now knows he can trust me too. Sometimes we just have to work with what we have and we end up with better than we ever hoped for. Of course, no one should stay with a person who is abusive in any manner, or anyone with whom you can not communicate. Mr. Right is out there somewhere, even if you have to take the time and find the tools to help him change.

1/9/2008 2:21:26 PM Is there such thing as a Decent & Honest man anymore?  

Port Dover, ON
age: 46

we are for sure far and few. but when we do come across someone they seem to think we`re to nice and don`t like that nither what`s up with that ladies ?

1/10/2008 3:29:28 AM Is there such thing as a Decent & Honest man anymore?  

Mount Clemens, MI
age: 46

Im an honest and decent man but i feel that being that way is a disadvantage when it comes to finding a woman.All the women i know seem to go for the bad boys and then put up with their crap for a long time.Its like they dont want peace and calm in their life its like they thrive on drama.

1/10/2008 5:45:12 AM Is there such thing as a Decent & Honest man anymore?  

Balsam Lake, WI
age: 41

I have to agree with easytouch, Seems like being decent and honest has worked against me more than for me!

1/10/2008 7:16:04 AM Is there such thing as a Decent & Honest man anymore?  

Longmont, CO
age: 41

Like I always say "is there any such thing as a decent honest women anymore?" these days it seems to go both ways. Im a decent honest woman and I know out there somewhere is a decent honest man just for me...

1/10/2008 10:56:00 AM Is there such thing as a Decent & Honest man anymore?  

Valley Stream, NY
age: 43 online now!

Can't agree with you there have been lucky there are decent guys out there just like decent women (dont forget some of the women are no saints either) It's just getting lucky and finding that guy who's sincere, honest, and can be your best friend/soul mate........that I have not found. Dont' let it get you down its not easy but better alone then with Mr. Wrong. Mr. Right now is worthless lol

1/10/2008 4:57:41 PM Is there such thing as a Decent & Honest man anymore?  

Corapeake, NC
age: 43

hi room

1/11/2008 12:29:56 AM Is there such thing as a Decent & Honest man anymore?  

Howe, TX
age: 43

*raises hand* There are a very few of us left.

1/13/2008 1:10:24 PM Is there such thing as a Decent & Honest man anymore?  

Marlborough, MA
age: 47

one here in mass thats not fat bald and ugly looking to build a long term relationship, any women in mass looking for a decent, honest, loving guy, thats not that bad looking either

1/13/2008 1:22:57 PM Is there such thing as a Decent & Honest man anymore?  

Highland Park, IL
age: 41

Of course men want sex. Most of us men at 40 are ready for it almost all the time. However, it doesn't mean that some of us also don't practice restraint. There is a place and time for everything. You will know when a man is decent when he tries nothing on the first date or even the second date. Feel flattered if a man wants you sexually.

1/14/2008 7:39:12 PM Is there such thing as a Decent & Honest man anymore?  

Titusville, FL
age: 44

Hey Mindy65,
I've only been on here three weeks and I'm starting to see the same thing as I saw in the BARS.....It's ASS Backwards!!!


1/15/2008 7:33:53 PM Is there such thing as a Decent & Honest man anymore?  

Indianapolis, IN
age: 40

not all,of us are gone i should know im one of them,

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