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3/26/2008 8:35:26 AM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Reno, NV
age: 88
uuuuh....whats mensa? just joking 
3/26/2008 2:47:44 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54 online now!
I have Wyoming....I think wind power would be too expensive from what I read unless it is a co-op type of use with numerous households taking advantage of it.
[Edited 3/26/2008 6:06:39 PM]
3/27/2008 9:58:57 AM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 53
I dont buy it.
Wind and Solar are just means to turn a generator,
hence to produce power.
We just need to define the "work dynamics".
It has already been proven to be viable,
anyone who has a sailboat with a wind generator knows that
and also anyone who has nightlites or hot water systems knows that solar energy is practical.
Whats wrong with people in general that is the fact that MONEY limits are
resources to exploit technology.
Goes back to who can make a better mousetrap theory.
3/28/2008 2:04:32 AM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
another energy saveing idea is to go underground,warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
3/28/2008 11:09:51 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Livingston, MT
age: 38
Quick question, what is the difference between the Weschler scale and others, I am wondering because the WAIS-R pretty much bottoms out at 150, so is there a proportional relationship between this scale and the newer, more refined scales?
3/29/2008 3:18:37 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54 online now!
Does this have anything to do with my Walmart bathroom scale? 
3/29/2008 7:52:55 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Homosassa, FL
age: 64
mseven, The Weschler scale doesn't really bottom out at 150, that end of the spectrum only represents .1% of the population. To refine it beyond that doesn't really serve any purpose. the 100 score is the median and below 55 is the .1% on the other end of the spectrum.
Law, I scored much higher on the Walmart scale tipping in at 210
I only scored 135 on the Weschler scale but I rushed the test and blew through the last three multiple choice questions. I'll revisit it again when I have the time. Right now it's more fun chasin DH blonds with an atitude. (spoken for or not)!
3/30/2008 10:44:27 AM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 53
So,now they say according to Darwin that the "Apendix" was actually a digestive tract for our ancesters, it was so we could eat grass and other leafy products in more of a way like a cow has two stomachs.
3/30/2008 12:29:24 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
prof,it also used to get rid of poisons.
3/30/2008 5:16:52 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54 online now!
I don't have anything profound to say.......I just wanted to be number 700! 
3/31/2008 9:30:25 AM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
that in itself says alot about you.
4/1/2008 11:58:35 AM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 53
Brief information about the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
David Wechsler designed intelligence tests made up of items that are appropriate for a wide range of ages.
There are three main types of Wechsler intelligence tests:
Wechsler Pre-school and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) - 3-7 years
Wechsler Intelligence scale for Children (WISC) - 7-16 years
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) - 16 years and over
The first was the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale (Wechsler, 1939).
Replaced 1955 by the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS).
1981 revision is referred to as the WAIS-R.
A subsequent revision was conducted in the US in 1997 and the present scale is the 3rd edition, known as the WAIS-III. The revised version has almost 80 per cent of the original form. A number of improvements have been made including an attempt to make it more culturally fair.
The WAIS(R) was standardised on a sample of 1,800 U.S. subjects, ranging from 16 to 74 years of age. It was a highly stratified sample, broken down into 9 different age groups. Equal numbers of men and women were used, as were white and nonÂwhite subjects, in line with census figures. It was further broken down into four geographic U.S. regions and six occupational categories. There was also an attempt to balance urban and rural subjects. The mean I.Q. for each age group on this test is 100, with a standard deviation of 15. The WAIS scales have impressive reliability and validity.
There are different adaptations of the scale by country. For example, in Australia we have the Australian adaptation of the WAIS-R (1989).
11 separate subtests, which are broken into the Verbal scale (6 subtests) and the Performance scale (5 subtests).
A person taking the test receives a full-scale IQ score, a verbal IQ score, a performance IQ score, as well as scaled scores on each of the subtests.
WAIS Scales
* Verbal WAIS scales
1. Information: 29 questions - a measure of general knowledge.
2. Digit Span: Subjects are given sets of digits to repeat initially forwards then backwards. This is a test of immediate auditory recall and freedom from distraction.
3. Vocabulary: Define 35 words. A measure of expressive word knowledge. It correlates very highly with Full Scale IQ
4. Arithmetic: 14 mental arithmetic brief story type problems. tests distractibility as well as numerical reasoning.
5. Comprehension: 16 questions which focus on issues of social awareness.
6. Similarities: A measure of concept formation. Subjects are asked to say how two seemingly dissimilar items might in fact be similar.
* Performance WAIS scales
7. Picture Completion: 20 small pictures that all have one vital detail missing. A test of attention to fine detail.
8. Picture Arrangement: 10 sets of small pictures, where the subject is required to arrange them into a logical sequence.
9. Block Design: Involves putting sets of blocks together to match patterns
on cards.
10. Digit Symbol: Involves copying a coding pattern.
11. Object Assembly: Four small jig-saw type puzzles.
Interpretation of the WAIS (R)
Three IQ scores are obtained from the WAIS(R):
1. Verbal IQ
2. Performance IQ
3. Full Scale IQ
Interpretation is fairly systematic and can be broken down into a number of discrete steps:
1. Obtain the 3 IQ scores. What standardized categories do they fall into?
2. Is there a Verbal-Performance discrepancy? Is it significant?
3. Break WAIS scores down into the factorial sub-structure:
(a) Verbal Comprehension
(b) Spatial Perceptual
(c) Freedom from Distraction
Are individual sub-tests very low or very high? why?
What is the degree of intra-subtest scatter? 
4/1/2008 2:24:56 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54 online now!
My intra subtest-scatter is 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon................
4/1/2008 3:52:01 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Festus, MO
age: 67
Its just a number I could have made a lot more money being a dumb football player.
4/4/2008 6:32:01 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Saint Petersburg, FL
age: 53
It aint about MONEY,
KNOWLEDGE is power.
Awful hard to put a number on it,
big difference between
being Intelligent
being SMART.
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